Material Empire

Chapter 180: Wait for you anxious

After leaving Pujiang, Qin Hai returned to Beixi first.

As Yang Xinyu said, the Beixi Special Steel Plant separated from the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant is under the management of Song Hongxuan, and the production is booming. It turned out that the brand of the No. 2 open-hearth workshop has long been removed, and the brand of Beixi Special Steel Plant looks particularly eye-catching. A plant in a plant has begun to take shape.

I heard that in addition to getting ore in Europe, Qin Hai also got an extra set of electric furnace steelmaking equipment. Song Hongxuan was overjoyed and immediately began to ponder related issues such as the installation of electric furnaces, the deployment of workers, the source of scrap steel, and so on The truth is that Qin Hai feels that he is a bit redundant. He simply told Song Hongxuan of Jiang Huanwen's contact methods, and asked Song Hongxuan to directly contact Jiang Huanwen about the transportation and transfer of the electric furnace.

"Um, I remember, why, director Qin, do you have to go on a business trip?" After Song Hongxuan recorded everything Qin Hai said, he asked sensitively, and he clearly heard Qin Hai's words. "the taste of.

Qin Haidao: "Lao Song, if I leave for a period of time, can you stand up to things on Beixi?"

"Of course I can't do it alone," Song Hongxuan replied without hesitation.

"What to do?" Qin Hai was worried.

Song Hongxuan said: "Fortunately, I am not alone. In the past few months, I have carefully observed and selected a few capable comrades to come out and help me. I am waiting for you to come back and give them a formal appointment."

"Uh ..." Qin Hai was speechless, and Song Hongxuan was not alone ...

"You're ready to make an appointment, what are you waiting for?" Qin Hai said.

Song Hongxuan laughed. Qin Hai had authorized him long ago, but for important things. He is still used to let Qin Hai make decisions. He said, "Director Qin, when it comes to the appointment of personnel, of course, it is still up to the director to make decisions. How can I take the initiative without authorization?"

Qin Hai patted Song Hongxuan on the shoulder, and said, "Well, then I will announce a personnel appointment, appoint Comrade Song Hongxuan as the director of Beixi Special Steel Plant, responsible for the whole plant affairs. To the chairman Qin Hai."

"Director?" Song Hongxuan was both surprised and relieved. His original position was the director of the open hearth workshop of Beixi Special Steel Plant, but there was only one workshop in the special steel plant, so he actually performed the role of director of the plant. During these times, Qin Hai ran outside all day, and he was in charge of all the affairs in the factory. Now he is officially appointed as the factory manager. It is also a matter of course.

Qin Hai got a new electric furnace, which means that the special steel plant will build a new electric furnace workshop. In the future, with coal and iron ore from Australia, whether it is a new blast furnace built by itself or a blast furnace leased by Beigang, special steel plants will have their own blast furnace workshop. By that time, Beixi Special Steel Plant will be a truly large factory. Being able to be the director of such a factory does not hesitate about Song Hongxuan's wealthy economy.

"Director Qin, you mean, you no longer care about Beite?" Song Hongxuan asked tentatively.

Qin Haidao: "I thought about it. The biggest problem we had before was the procurement of raw materials. Within a month, Australian ore that Leonardo helped us to get will be able to arrive. This problem will not be temporary at that time. Exist. You have to seize this time and train your own supply and marketing staff. You ca n’t always rely on me to make raw materials for you, right? ”

Song Hongxuan laughed: "Director Qin, you are confused. You are the boss of Beite. How could you get the raw materials for us? You just need to get the raw materials for yourself."

Qin Hai also laughed. He knew that Song Hongxuan was joking because Song Hongxuan certainly understood what Qin Hai meant. He said: "Recently, there will be some changes in my job. The Pusang Localization Office wants me to help them do something."

"Director Yang?" Song Hongxuan asked. As Qin Hai's capable subordinate, of course, he will know about Qin Hai's important social relations, so he knows Yang Xinyu and his affairs.

Qin Hai nodded and told Yang Xinyu about what he had asked for help. Song Hongxuan listened and said with joy: "Director Qin, this is a good opportunity. With this opportunity, you can build relationships between the government, universities and research institutions, enterprises and other aspects. This is for our future in Beite Development is very useful. "

"My thoughts are exactly the same as you." Qin Hai praised, and then said, "However, you have something wrong with Lao Song. This is not only a matter involving Bei Te, but a larger scope. "

"I always know that the vision of the factory director Qin is not limited to a special one." Song Hongxuan said with emotion.

"Ha ha, old Song knows me, too." Qin Hai laughed. "Lao Song, you have to manage Bei Te first. There will be another material empire in the future that you need to manage."

"The Empire of Materials ... is domineering, but I like it," Song Hongxuan said. From his contacts over the past few months, he felt that Qin Hai's assertion was not arrogant.

After discussing with Song Hongxuan about some specific management issues, Qin Hai went to visit Xu Yang, the director of Beigang. I heard that Qin Hai got a new electric furnace and iron ore from abroad. Xu Yang was quite jealous, but he was very happy to congratulate him. Xu Yang's pursuit is different from Qin Hai's. Although he is the interim factory director of Beigang, his final development is still on the career path. In his opinion, it is more valuable to have a Qin Hai who can get an electric furnace than to get an electric furnace himself.

Things in Beixi were settled. Qin Hai finally returned to Pingyuan. This is his base camp. Back at home, the family was very happy. There was no convenient communication tool in that era. After Qin Hai went abroad, he had no news. His family was very jealous. Now he sees Qin Hai coming back safely. The variety of exotic goods they bought back didn't bother them too much.

The two younger sisters are different. The children's family doesn't have so many concerns. They don't have any worry about their brother going abroad to Spain. They are more envious. Looking at the colorful and exquisite clothes that the brother bought for them, the eyes of both sisters smiled into crescents.

The members of the Hongyuan delegation were buying wildly in Spain, using the foreign exchange earned by Qin Hai. After Qin Hai did her own thing, naturally she had to go to the street to buy something to bring to her family. Qin Hai was able to determine the clothes and daily necessities he bought for his parents, but he didn't know anything about the two sisters.

However, this problem was solved by Xiao Mengqin for him. Xiao Mengqin herself is a young girl in her 20s, and she knows everything about girls 16 and 7 years old. Knowing that Qin Hai is not bad money, Xiao Mengqin directed Qin Hai to buy a variety of fashion clothing, cosmetics, small bags, small jewelry and a whole lot of things, a total of one or two thousand dollars. Watching Qin Hai pay the bill without distress, Xiao Mengqin sighed. Why is such a high-rich handsome not his boyfriend?

"Mom, look, do I look good in this?" The younger sister Qin Ling put on a collarless and sleeveless casual summer dress, and swayed proudly in front of the mirror, wishing that the whole family would come to appreciate her pretty dress .

"Xiao Hai, isn't this dress too serious?" Father Qin Minghua criticized.

"No, isn't it? Xiaoling is of this age, it's very appropriate to wear this." Qin Hai said with a smile. This kind of teenage summer clothes are very common in Spain, but in later generations China are considered more conservative styles, but even in the present Exposed, it is normal for Qin Minghua to see it.

Qin Shan also has the same dress. Compared with Qin Ling, who is not yet fully developed, Qin Shan puts on this dress more youthful and vigorous, and her beautiful lines are clearly visible. After changing her clothes, she uneasily pulled here and there, hoping to cover up her glory, but to no avail.

"Brother, this dress ... I can't get out." Qin Shan shouted with a blush.

"It looks great! My sister is really a clothes rack. This dress is worn on you and is more beautiful than the Spanish model." Qin Hai turned to look at the older sister, sincerely praised. As a cross-benefit, he has two sisters who are both of good looks and looks. The younger sister Qin Ling has not yet grown up, but she has shown the potential of some little beauties. The older sister Qin Shan has already been out and out, with a fashionable dress, it is absolutely glorious to go out.

"Is that so?" Qin Shan was shy and rejoicing, and said shyly, "It's a joke to wear to school like this."

"Who will laugh at you? They are envious, jealous and hateful." Qin Hai laughed.

"I don't dare to wear it unless ..." Qin Shan stopped talking.

"Unless what?" Qin Hai asked strangely.

Qin Shan whispered, "Unless someone wears the same clothes as me."

"Isn't Qin Ling?" Qin Hai pointed her finger at Qin Ling and said.

Qin Shan shook her head: "She doesn't count ~ ~ She is a junior high school student ..."

"Haha, I see." Qin Hai suddenly understood what his sister was referring to. He patted a baggage in his hand and said, "Relax, I have prepared a set for your girlfriend."

"Really?" Qin Shan said joyfully. "Brother, do you know what I mean? Quietly told me two days ago, if you didn't bring her a gift when you returned abroad, she would never ignore you." "Now, why don't we go to Tranquil House now? She's waiting for you, too."

"Sister, can we not speak so sparingly? She waited anxiously for the gift I brought her, rather than waiting for me anxiously. With a few words, it can be easily misunderstood." Qin Hai corrected quickly.

Qin Shan laughed badly, and she couldn't say anything and pulled Qin Hai out of the door. When she was outside the door, she stuck her mouth to Qin Hai's ear and whispered, "Brother, are you really stupid , She just waited for you! "

"Then I won't go ..." Qin Hai only felt that his legs and stomach were a little weak. How could this be so evil? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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