Material Empire

Chapter 181: Dedication is no longer fashionable

Qin Hai said that he couldn't go, but in reality it was impossible not to go. He went to Ning's house, of course, not just to give a gift to tranquility, but to meet Ning Zhongying and talk to the old man about Yang Xinyu. In terms of life, Ning Zhongying is qualified to be Qin Hai's mentor. Qin Hai is also used to discussing things with his father when he encounters something.

As for the Qin Hai's iron buddies, Ning silent, Qin Hai had already met in the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant. He brought Ning Mo, Yu Haitao, and Miao Lei each with a cigarette, a Spanish-style plaid shirt, and a Swiss watch, which made some of the buddies happy. The operation of the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant was good last year. Several young brothers received a lot of dividends. They have already become a new noble family in Pingyuan County.

Qin Hai drove Qin Shan in a jeep to Qingfeng Factory and came downstairs to the Ning family. Qin Shan was wearing new clothes, afraid of people seeing, she flew upstairs as soon as she got out of the car, and couldn't even care to help her brother get things. When Qin Hai carried the bag up to the second floor, he saw Tranquility and Qin Shan standing by the door waiting for him.

"So grand, actually there is Miss Yingbin welcoming?" Qin Hai laughed and laughed.

"What Miss Yingbin! The gift for me, bring it quickly." Tranquil stretched out his face and stretched out his hand to Qin Hai, but his eyes clearly showed the joyful reunion.

I don't know why, I heard that Qin Hai drifted across the ocean to visit abroad, and there was an inexplicable concern about tranquility. When chatting with Qin Shan on weekdays, Qin Hai's return date was always mentioned, and various possibilities for going abroad Risks encountered. I heard Qin Shan who came upstairs just now said that Qin Hai is back. Now she is downstairs. Quietly, she couldn't help but want to run downstairs to see the Qin Hai returned. Fortunately, she still had a little girl's hold, so she just stood at the door and pressed the turbulent heart, waiting for Qin Hailou.

Qin Hai smiled when he saw the slim hand stretched out by tranquility. Passed a burden. Tranquility was startled by the size of the baggage. She quickly reached out her two hands to catch the baggage, and blushed and asked, "Is this all for me?"

"Yeah." Qin Hai laughed, "Xiao Shan. Xiao Ling, plus you, one for each, fair and reasonable."

"No, I recognize you as a brother!" Tranquilly hugged his baggage, then tilted his eyes toward the room, and said, "My dad is waiting for you in the living room. Don't say you didn't bring my dad a gift Yo."

"Haha, no. I dare to forget such things as the leader's flattering." Qin Haihaha responded with a smile.

Tranquility pulled Qin Shan. He ran back to his house with his bag. Qin Hai followed behind them into the Ning family and saw Ning Zhongying smiling at him in the living room.

"Director Ning, I'm back," Qin Hai said.

"Goed to Spain?" Ning Zhongying asked, this was a token greeting, because Qin Hai had reported to him before going abroad.

"Yes. I went to Spain." Qin Hai said, he took out a small bag, handed it to Ning Zhongying, and said, "I've brought you something, please smile."

"Why do you do this?" Ning Zhongying retorted falsely, with the same expression as Yang Xinyu Qin Hai had seen before. China is originally a society of human relationships, and it is not a big deal for acquaintances to give each other gifts. If Qin Hai returned from a trip to China without bringing a gift to Ning Zhongying. Everyone should say that he is not sensible. Qin Hai is nominally a subordinate of Ning Zhongying, but actually has a career of his own. Ning Zhongying need not worry about any bad intentions of Qin Hai's gifts.

"A little fun, and a box of cigars from the customer," Qin Hai explained. Leonardo gave him two boxes of cigars. He gave one box to Yang Xinyu, and the other box was used to honor Ning Zhongying.

"Cigar? Let me see." Ning Zhongying opened the bag Qin Hai handed him with interest. The box of cigars was taken out, and the expression of rejection just installed was long gone.

"I have seen this thing in the movie. I heard that it is more powerful than our domestic cigarettes. I have been trying to get a few to try it." Ning Zhongying took a large cigar and looked up and down. Saying happily.

"Just smoke, and I'll send you a few more boxes when the drawing is finished." Qin Hai Dala said.

"That's not necessary, I heard that this thing is quite expensive." Ning Zhongying said, shoved the cigar back into the box, then pointed his finger at the sofa, motioned Qin Hai to sit down, and asked, "What's the trip to Spain OK, well? "

"Very well," Qin Hai replied. "Not only did I complete the expected task, but also some unexpected gains."

"Really? Talk about it." Ning Zhongying took out a cigarette from his cigarette case and lit it, and made preparations to listen to Qin Hai's long talk.

Qin Hai briefed Ning Zhongying on his trip to Spain, and specifically introduced the introduction of electric furnaces at the Hongyuan Iron and Steel Plant. Ning Zhongying listened with great interest. After listening, he was silent, and said, "Xiao Qin, listen to what you mean. Many European companies intend to update their equipment?"

"Yeah." Qin Haidao, "Western technological progress is too fast, if they do not update equipment in a timely manner, they will inevitably face the fate of being eliminated."

"But we don't update the equipment, why won't we be eliminated?" Ning Zhongying asked.

"This ..." Qin Hai was suddenly asked by Ning Zhongying, thinking for a few seconds before answering, "The situation in our country is still different from that in Europe. Europe is now over-producing and we are under-producing. .European companies will not be able to provide customers with high-end products if they do not update their equipment, and will be eliminated by the market. In our case, as long as the company can produce the products and the quality is acceptable, it will not worry about sales, so the equipment is updated. The pressure is not great. "

"You're right." Ning Zhongying nodded. "The Europeans think that the outdated equipment is quite advanced, which is our shame."

Qin Haidao: "There is no way. We are developing countries. We have been weak and impoverished for so many years. It is impossible to compare with the old imperialism. What is needed now is to face the gap, not to deny it with blind self-esteem. gap."

Ning Zhongying nodded again, and then suddenly asked: "Since, Xiao Qin, have you ever thought about helping the Qingfeng factory to go to Europe to buy some used equipment? Our equipment is still purchased in the 1960s and 1970s. Moreover, when it was purchased, it was already a relatively backward equipment in the world. We need to update the equipment now. "

"Director Ning's thinking is really active." Qin Hai laughed. "Why didn't I think of this when I was in Europe. If I had thought of it earlier, you can take the time to inspect the European machinery manufacturing companies and see Do they have any equipment that is facing obsolescence? "

Ning Zhongying reprimanded: "Your Xiao Qin has hard wings and does not consider himself a person at Qingfeng Factory. I tell you, no matter how fierce you are when you jump outside. Your relationship is still in Qingfeng Factory. Then. "

Relationships are a very important thing for people in the system. The relationship Ning Zhongying refers to refers to Qin Hai's files, household registration, qualifications, etc., and is all the identity information of a staff member. In the era of the planned economy, if people in a system left these “relationships”, they would have nothing and become a so-called “black people”.

Qin Hai is certainly not afraid of Ning Zhongying's warning, and Ning Zhongying's remarks are just a reminder. When Ning Zhongying talked about the relationship, Qin Hai remembered the main purpose of his trip. He said to Ning Zhongying: "Yes. Director Ning, I am back this time, passing by Pujiang and seeing localization Director Yang. "

"Is Yang Xinyu?" Ning Zhongying said, "I remember it. He also let people know about you some time ago. Why, he wants to transfer you?"

Yang Xinyu wants to use a person, of course, he will not directly solicit the fancy. He needs to investigate all aspects of this person, including his political appearance, family status, performance in the unit, and so on. Such surveys are called "outside transfers" within the system. It is usually an important step before the superior unit calls the manpower from the subordinate unit. When Qin Hai was still in Spain, Yang Xinyu arranged for a person to go to the Qingfeng Factory to conduct an external transfer of Qin Hai. As a leader of an old company, how could Ning Zhongying not know what this meant.

"He wants to borrow me for a while," Qin Hai explained.

"What work to do?" Ning Zhongying asked.

"Coordinating the material research work of the domestic related enterprises in the localization of auto parts." Qin Hai said a sentence with a very complicated structure.

Ning Zhongying pondered for a moment and said, "This is a very important job. Director Yang would believe you like this?"

Qin Hai laughed: "Perhaps there are many people who are better than me. But they are more capable than me and are willing to listen to Director Yang's dispatch. I am afraid there are not many, so he can only look for me."

Ning Zhongying said: "What you said is not comprehensive. You are competent on the one hand and willing to listen to Director Yang. It is more important that you have a sense of the big picture and will not sacrifice the big picture for the benefit of a small group. , Should be the most important thing for Yang Xinyu. "

"It's true that heroes see similar things, and Director Yang did say such things." Qin Hai said in surprise.

Ning Zhongying laughed: "It's not surprising ~ ~ Although Director Yang and I are ten years apart, they are both considered to be the older generation. Our generation is the most dedicated and most talked about. The big picture. The word dedication is not very fashionable now, but people like me and Director Yang can still talk about the word dedication. When we were in Pujiang last year, I talked with Director Yang and I could feel it. , We are the same kind of people and understand each other. "

Qin Hai also said with a smile: "Director Ning, I don't like to hear you. What is your generation's dedication most, can't our generation be able to speak of dedication?"

"Yeah, Qin Hai has contributed so much to our Qingfeng factory. Dad, it's too enthusiastic for you to speak like this." I kept lying quietly behind the door of my house, listening to the two chatting and opened the door. He came out and protested to his father.

"What kind of clothes are you wearing?" Ning Zhongying looked up at her daughter and rebuked dissatisfied. Just now, Tranquility has replaced the summer dress that Qin Hai bought for her from Spain, showing her slender neck and fair arms, and she looks like a white lotus with water.

"This is the clothes Qin Hai gave me, the most popular casual summer dress in Spain! Look, Dad, Qin Shan also wore." Tranquilly pulled out Qin Shan hiding behind her, two bright brows Hao Yao's girls stood side by side, but it was a clever smile that made Ning Zhongying want to blame and couldn't say anything.

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