Material Empire

Chapter 237: No wonder there is such confidence

Qin Hai's prediction was still a bit wrong. When Yang Xinyu warned the cities of the consequences of refusing cooperation in a euphemistic way, Wang Songan and others did not hesitate to refuse, but went on for a long time and went on After the consultations under the conference hall, a refusal was made. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark advertising test honestly, they did not take Yang Xinyu's warnings seriously, but after weighing the strength of the two sides, they thought that Yang Xinyu's warnings were likely to be false.

"I won't cooperate with us in the future, is it possible?" Wang Songan muttered to several other leaders in private.

"Frighten people, right?" Zhang Ye's judgment was like this, "If he doesn't cooperate with us, who else can he cooperate with?"

Lu Kangding was a person who had dealt with Yang Xinyu, and he groaned and analyzed: "As Yang, it is not easy to do this. But from his character, speaking is often calculated and rarely Can the gun be empty? Does he really have any reliance? "

"Unless he imports these materials from abroad." Zhang Huan said confidently, "I can't think of anyone else in the country who can take over these businesses."

"Maybe we missed it ..." Xiong Da frowned and thought.

"Anyway, we have already reached this point, we have to bite the bullet and head down." Wang Songan said, "I can't be scared back by a word, right?"

"Yeah, just bite your head." Zhang Huan echoed.

In this way, several cities have stated their attitudes: we understand the intention of the Localization Office, but we also have practical difficulties, so what ... it is really difficult to follow. As for saying that if we refuse to cooperate this time, there will be no opportunity for cooperation in the future. We are very scared, but hahaha, we still hope that Director Yang will one day recover his life. Otherwise, who else can you count on?

"Is this a common opinion of everyone?" Yang Xinyu asked coldly, facing the crowd.

"We discussed for a while and there are indeed some common difficulties." Wang Songan replied on behalf of everyone.

"Your subordinate companies. Is this the same opinion?" Yang Xinyu asked again.

"What we reflect is the opinions of enterprises. In fact, our government has always been doing persuasion of enterprises." Lu Kangding responded.

Yang Xinyu was silent for a few minutes and said, "Since this is the case. Then we can't make a strong home. Cooperation, we can't rely on forced orders, or we need to feel comfortable and cooperate more happily. But I have a few words to follow Let's talk about it. "

"Please ask Director Yang." Everyone said together.

Yang Xinyu waved his hand, but his face was still serious. He said, "Everyone does local work. I work in ministries and commissions. Whether at the central or local level, everyone's working methods are the same, and they should all have some vision. It is not confined to the eyes. A person without distant thoughts must have near sorrow.

At present, the supply of domestic chemical materials is very tight, and the prices of materials are constantly rising. Everyone has a good time. But this situation is not used to give everyone peace of mind, but to give everyone a chance, a chance to upgrade the industry. Everyone should take this opportunity to actively carry out scientific and technological innovation, update equipment, and improve the technical level of products, so that they can be invincible in the future unfavorable environment.

The current situation of oversupply of chemical materials will not last forever. According to the predictions of some experts, the supply and demand situation may reverse as early as around 1992. If everyone can't complete the product update before then, when there is oversupply in the domestic market, the company will be very passive. "

Something similar to this, in the past few days, Wang Songan and others have heard it several times, but this time, Yang Xinyu's attitude was particularly serious, and even made people feel a little deterrent. Everyone is doing economic work, knowing what Yang Xinyu said is true. In which year the supply and demand situation will be reversed, everyone sees different opinions, but one thing is clear, that is, the situation of oversupply will not continue forever.

"Director Yang, do you mean that if our company encounters sales difficulties in the future and wants to enter the field of automotive materials, the localization office will shut us out?" Xiong Da asked.

Yang Xinyu smiled coldly and replied with official words: "Of course not, all are national companies. How can we keep out of this company? However, we are more concerned about cooperation when choosing suppliers. This is to ensure the stability of the supply. Director Xiong should be able to understand this? "

How could everyone not understand Yang Xinyu's meaning? Of course, the Localization Office would not explicitly say that certain enterprises or regions would be blocked, saying such words would cause disputes. However, the procurement right is in the hands of the localization office, and they can have various excuses for substantial blockade. There are many domestic automobile manufacturers, but they are all under the control of the Ministry of Machinery. As long as the localization office draws out the road, they will definitely implement it according to regulations.

Should we compromise? Everyone was thinking about this issue repeatedly, but eventually they insisted on the original position. In their hearts, there was a faint thought: by 1992, who knows if he is still in this seat? Even if it ’s a mess, it ’s nothing to do with yourself?

Yang Xinyu saw the flow of people's eyes, he sighed in his heart, and then forcibly showed a smile, and said to everyone:

"Well, no matter what the final result is, I still want to thank everyone on behalf of the localization office for your support for our work. Everyone has come to Pujiang all the way, and I haven't had time to visit the shopping street these days. We discussed the issue and we were very touched. Tonight, the Localization Office will be the East. Please invite our comrades in the four cities to have a light meal and welcome everyone. "

"Director Yang, I dare not let the localization costs be exceeded. You will run the banquet, and the cost will be shared by several of us." Wang Songan offered loudly.

"Yes, let's share the costs. In fact, this time, the Localization Office also gave us a chance. We can't thank it." Several others also said one after another.

Yang Xinyu smiled and said, "This is not necessary, and we should thank everyone once. In addition, I can disclose in advance that we also found a unit to pay because I have no money."

Localization held a banquet. Finding a unit to pay for can't be easier. Wang Songan and others laughed at Yang Xinyu's last sentence, but they no longer contended to pay for it. However, the banquet was held that evening. When the unit that paid the money appeared in front of everyone. Wang Songan and others finally couldn't laugh.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Comrade Chai Peide, Deputy Mayor of Cenzhou City, Anhe Province. He is also the true host this evening, and everyone would like to thank you." Yang Xinyu pulled an official who was very unfamiliar to the main table. On the theme, he smiled and introduced the identity of this person to everyone.

The crowd slaps their hands subconsciously under the mistake of everyone. Chai Peide smiled and bowed slightly to everyone. Says:

"Dear leaders, you don't need to be polite. We are very glad to have such an opportunity to learn from you. I know that Jintang, Meicheng, Chenghua, and Renhai are all big brothers in the chemical industry. We in Cenzhou, just A little brother. Last year, our Cenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government put forward a strategic idea of ​​developing the chemical industry and constructing new chemical bases. We plan to use the time of the five-year plan of the Seventh and Eighth Five Years to build Cenzhou into a domestic ... , A chemical industry gathering area with a certain international reputation. In this regard, we will learn from you in the future. Please enlighten me. "

The sentence Chai Peide swallowed was written in Cenzhou's own file as "domestic leader", but facing his colleagues in several cities, Chai Peide certainly cannot say so. However, everyone is not a fool. How can we not hear the subtext in Chai Peide's words. Combined with Yang Xinyu's grand launch of the practice, Chai Peide Na Baisensen's cavities have been exposed.

Mother, it turned out that Lao Yang had prepared such a backhand. No wonder there was such confidence. Officials from several cities secretly scolded in their hearts at the same time.

Cenzhou is close to the Yangtze River. Relying on the advantages of water transportation, Cenzhou built an oil refinery as early as the 1950s, which has a certain chemical industry foundation. Compared with cities such as Jintang, Cenzhou's chemical industry level seems to be relatively backward, so Wang Songan and others have never included Cenzhou in their own consideration. However, if Cenzhou really intends to use the chemical industry as the focus of development during the 7th and 8th Five-Year Plan period as Chai Peide said, then their cooperation with the China Nationalization Office is very well understood.

As a rising star, Cenzhou urgently needs to have its own flagship product, and the car materials that have just started just fit their requirements. In order to obtain the support of the Localization Office, Cenzhou should be able to accept harsh sharing conditions, because even if 50% of the excess profits are handed over to the technology provider, the profit that Cenzhou can retain is still considerable.

These considerable profits may not pay much attention to Wang Songan and others, but to Chai Peide, it is to send charcoal in the snow. With the item of automotive materials, Cenzhou can find a place in the chemical industry, and the subsequent development is unlimited.

Yang Xinyu hid such a secret weapon until he finally took it out. It was indeed dark-skinned, but Wang Songan and others had nothing to say. After all, people have been persuading for a few days ~ ~ All the good things are said and done, they feel that they are irreplaceable, and they do n’t want to cooperate with one bite. Can they blame Cenzhou for inserting a knife in the back ?

"In front of my colleagues, I will not hide anything. After an urgent discussion, the Cenzhou Municipal Committee has made a resolution this morning. We plan to combine self-funding and application for national investment in the next three years. Invested 200 million yuan to develop a variety of chemical materials. First, Cenzhou has become the largest R & D and production center for automotive chemical materials in China. This has been approved by Pusang Automobile's localization office. Here, I First of all, I would like to show Director Yang Xinyu our sincere gratitude to the cadres and the people of Cenzhou. "

Chai Peide announced loudly, without any concealment in his tone.


Am I crossing? The imperial capital, within the fifth ring, had been out of power for four hours ...

Use the remaining battery power code to create a chapter, and use the hotspot on your mobile phone to upload the Internet ...

If you do n’t call again, you may really only have one more today. The imperial capital, using the blackout as an excuse, is it a sign of lack of imagination? The problem is, reality is more yy than fiction! !! !!

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