Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 129: Voodoo doll

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Chijo has a lot of energy in the inner and outer cities.

Even though Su Lun had a trouble in Old Ling Dun to such a degree, she still found a good doctor within an hour to help Su Lun solve the problem of the Black Scythe curse backlash.

Because Su Lun precisely controlled the intensity of the slash, the curse of the black sickle didn't hurt much, and the blood serum and the "life transformation alchemy formation" that burned money to continue life were shocking in the end.

Then there is the plan to go out of town.

Originally, Su Lun planned to travel alone, and then find a chance to join a wild group to Dawn City, but Qian Tiao's arrangement is obviously more appropriate.

She arranged a legal status for Su Lun.

In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, Qianjo did not arrange to have a relationship with the Cross Society waste hunting group, but asked him to join a chamber of commerce transport team in the inner city. Su Lun became an idle sniper hired by the hunting guild. He has a registration medal and a series of certification certificates issued by the hunting guild, and his identity can withstand scrutiny. He replaced the wild hunter called "Jonny" who was originally going to come.


On this day, a huge transportation team was advancing unhurriedly in the gloomy tunnel.

This is already the seventh day that Su Lun has accompanied this "Thorn Bird Chamber of Commerce Transport Group".

The roar of steam machinery in the team is endless, it is dozens of steam-powered mechanical dogs. These simple mechanical animals have no combat function, but they can withstand heavy cargo, and their smaller physique can adapt to the rugged mines in the crypt. This is the mainstream means of transportation that hunters often use to consign heavy objects.

Now a large waste hunting camp is being built in Dawn City, which requires a lot of construction materials. This is a good opportunity for businessmen to make money, so during this time there are also a large number of transport teams going underground.

The hunters are going to hunt wasteland at the ruins anyway, and by the way, they also accepted the employment of the Chamber of Commerce, so they can earn some **** fees along the way.

This transportation team hired five small-scale hunting groups, as well as some solitary hunters with good reputation in the hunting guild. For example, Su Lun replaced the identity of "Jonny".

There are a total of one or two hundred people in the team, and Su Lun is not very noticeable among them.

In the past few days, there have been two small-scale attacks by aberrant monster groups, and several people have died, but fortunately, there is not much loss.

And because he was a scattered hunter who was hired, he didn't have any acquaintances, so he hung at the end of the team, looking very lonely.

Of course, this is a personal setting created by Su Lun deliberately to conceal the strangeness of his body.

Because of the "X drug" injection, the side effects made his skin all over his body turn blue now.

In order not to let people see the clues, he wore a gas mask all the time, and he also wore very expensive bionic skin gloves on his hands, without exposing any skin.

Fortunately, most waste hunters in the crypt are fully armed, and this outfit is not abrupt.


The transportation team moved toward the underground unhurriedly.

Su Lun carried a **** box on his back. This was a sniper rifle box used to conceal the existence of the sickle a few days ago because no new corpses were found to make living corpses.

While walking, a 13-year-old boy happily ran towards the tail of the team.

He enthusiastically waved the gas mask in his hand, shook Sulun, and said excitedly: "Mr. Jonny, can you help me find out what's wrong with my mask..."

This kid was called "Tommy", the youngest son of the leader of the "Drunkard Hunting Group". Because he likes to take risks, his big-hearted dad brought him with him.

The day before yesterday, the transport team encountered an aberrant monster attack. Su Lun killed a monster and saved the little guy who was almost bitten off by the monster's neck. He also won the friendship of the drunkard group.

In addition to thanking the boy who didn't recognize his birth, he occasionally came to ask questions about marksmanship and mechanics.

"Mr. Jonny, your parrot mask is so beautiful."

Tommy looked at the mask on Su Lun's face with envy, and his mouth squashed: "Compared with you, what I made is like an ‘ugly duckling mask’."

"Hehe, let me see..."

Su Lun took the mask of the ugly duckling without feeling bothersome, so he took a closer look.

Of course it can't be compared.

Su Lun's own face is not an ordinary gas mask, but his modified [Plague Doctor's Crow's Beak Mask].

When I killed Sergey, I thought it was useless, but after injecting X serum, Suren found that his cell activity became extremely strong, and some minor toxins had no effect on the body and could be automatically metabolized. .

Two days ago, he tested the curse properties of the mask again, and by carefully observing the attribute panel, he concluded that his current cell activity can almost withstand the side effects of the mask, and with the antidote, at least it is not easy to be poisoned.

Thinking of wearing a gas mask to cover his face anyway, he simply changed the appearance of the crow's mouth mask.

After all, whether it is the 99% probability of anti-virus, or the long-term wearing function that can enhance toxin resistance, there is no better gas mask than it.

But because it was a trophy, in order not to be recognized, Su Lun also transformed the original cold and mysterious crow's beak mask into a fancy "parrot mask".

Not only changed the main black color to the yellow-green of a parrot, but also added a chicken rib mechanism like a wiper to clear the view of the goggles, and by the way, a black cloth pretending to be mysterious was covered on the crow's beak. This is the mainstream punk style on the market. The simple mechanical transformation has greatly changed the appearance and style, and it looks like a "bad street" in an instant.

But it was the transformation of this chicken rib that attracted little Tommy's keen interest.

Watching Su Lun inspecting his work, Tommy muttered to the side: "Mr. Jonny, I want to make a mechanical goggles that can be opened automatically so that it can stay on the hat when I need a wide view. But it always squeaks and creaks, I get oiled, it will still be very stiff..."


Su Lun found that this little Tommy was very talented in mechanics, and he came up with such an interesting thing in one day.

He glanced briefly and found the source of the problem, and said, "In fact, you are already very good. You can move the gears here a little bit, and the force of the steel wire will be transmitted more smoothly. The reason why it will get stuck. Pause, because your design is too complicated. The more complicated the machine, the easier it is to go wrong..."

Little Tommy followed Su Lun and listened very carefully.

Not long after, Su Lun handed the mask back.

The little boy's savvy is very good. He seems to understand completely, and he smiles: "Oh, thank you, Mr. Jonny. I know how I probably need to change my ‘ugly duckling mask’!"

With that said, he ran away happily again.

Su Lun looked at and smiled.

The boring **** task is also a little fun.


After a few more hours of walking, the team stopped.

"Okay, you can stop, we will camp here today!"

The shouter was Abagon, a tall and thin old man. His face is the same as his character, which always makes people feel very mean. He is the most distinguished person in the transport team this time, and he is also an inner city manager of the "Thorn Birds Chamber of Commerce".

Under this order, excited cheers came from the team.

Finally, I can rest again.

The mechanical dog besieged the city outside, keeping the Chamber of Commerce people inside. The guys in the inner city always disdain to stay with the people in the outer city.

The hunters need to build their own camps.

Su Lun also took out the marching tent in his backpack, built a sleeping place for himself in an inconspicuous corner, and then got in.

It was finally time to rest, which was when Su Lun also felt that this was the most comfortable time of the day.

He dragged the "invisible zombie" into the tent, then opened the shroud to reveal the rune zombie and the large black sickle inside.

Su Lun took off the gas mask himself, and a strange blue-skinned face was exposed to the air.

If there are outsiders here and see the two blue monsters in the tent, they will definitely be scared.

Su Lun was used to it.

He took out the rune pen and began to remap the alchemical materials for those runes that had dimmed.

This was a wilderness hunter who was killed in an attack the day before yesterday. The body was intact, and Su Lun collected it and used it as material.

While painting runes on the living corpse, he checked the muscle changes of the corpse, and analyzed to himself: "The increase of serum X on the corpse is quite different. Professionals of the melee system should be more It is suitable for making living corpses. It is a pity that the corpses of the previous Tier 2 professionals had no chance to be brought out, otherwise the corpses of that kind of professionals should be able to withstand more slashes..."

Although the backlash is a clean break, the ability to recover is much worse.

Even if the living corpse had also been injected with three "Second Generation X Serum", Su Lun also found that this female corpse was much worse than the previous male corpse. Under the same circumstances, there will be a big gap in the number of times that can withstand backlash.

But the effect is not too big... Anyway, they are all consumables.


Speaking of "X Serum", Su Lun looked down at the bulging and knotted muscles under the blue skin of his arm, his eyes were rather complicated.

He has been on his way for the past few days, even if he does not have too high-intensity training, his muscles are always full of swelling pumps.

That is a manifestation of muscle growth.

His data panel is more intuitive. Except for mental power, all physical-related data has almost doubled.

And this growth process is still going on in a declining law, and it will probably be completely digested in the next few months.

After the serum was completely absorbed, Su Lun could predict that his physical fitness would be much stronger than that of the average melee professional!

In addition to the increase in physical data, there is another very obvious increase in ability.

That is, the efficiency of his meditation to absorb "dark spiritual power" is very different from before the serum injection.

Before Su Lun meditated for a whole night, he could probably increase the dark spiritual power of a unit.

But now, if he meditates for a night, he will improve three units!

Although the dark spiritual power in the crypt is indeed stronger than the old Lingdun, it has not reached the level of three times.

Moreover, it is not only concentration, but absorption efficiency and feel.

Su Lun felt that the previous meditation was like forcibly infusing the body with dark spiritual power. But now, even if he doesn't take the initiative to breathe, the dark spiritual power will automatically penetrate into the pores. Not only does the body show no signs of distortion, there is also a silky pleasure.

It's like... the feeling of "Elemental Affinity" as mentioned by the magician.

Su Lun also estimated that his current state should soon be able to meet the minimum attribute requirements for advanced second-tier professionals.

Even because of the strengthening of the body and the skyrocketing dark spiritual power, the containment value will become very high, and it is estimated that it can withstand at least the advanced materials and alchemy equipment of the second-order gold quality and above.

This also allowed Su Lun to report greater expectations for his subsequent trip to Dawn City.

If you can find a powerful space curse, you don't have to worry that your body will not be able to bear it, and you will miss the opportunity to integrate that kind of high-level professional materials.


Sulun almost painted the rune for the living corpse, and then wrapped it up again with the shroud.

At this moment, he thought of something, and took out a dark doll from the storage ring.

This is a test product, a puppet doll that has solidified [Curse Art·Grassman] Warlock.

Su Lun named it 【Voodoo Doll】.

But because this is a new work, there are too many features and data to be tested before it can be used in actual combat.

Su Lun thought that this boring **** was still half a month away, so he collected some blood samples for testing. It happened that the Abagon steward fell off the mechanical dog during the previous downhill journey, bleeding a little.

Su Lun didn’t know what he thought of, and a slightly apologetic smile overflowed on his face. “At a distance of more than a hundred meters, the effect should not be bad. Give it a try."

Muttered in his mouth, he took the blood sample collected by Xuexiong and smeared it on the alchemy formation behind the doll. The luster disappeared for a moment, and the doll seemed to have spirituality in an instant, and a layer of gray mist appeared on the face of the doll who had no facial features. Vaguely similar to that Mr. Abagon, he looked a little scary.

In Su Lun's memory, he was very familiar with the technique of "Grassman", and naturally there was no reason to fail.

He picked up a rune steel needle and stuck it on the doll's leg.

This technique was originally not an easy way to kill with a single blow. The distance was long, there were not enough blood samples, and the heart and head were not pierced, which could almost only torture people.

As the needle went down, Su Lun's keen hearing made him hear a scream in an instant.


I don't know what the steward of Abagon is doing, but it seems to hurt when he hears a call.

"Subtracting the time it takes for the sound to propagate in the air, the delay from piercing to the target screaming is about 1.3 seconds. I don't know whether it is his slow response or the reason for the delay of the operation..."

Su Lun murmured in his heart, and then recorded his experimental data with a pen: "September 1, test target #001, an ordinary middle-aged man... blood sample quality E, 130 meters, acupuncture on the calf , Screaming with a delay of 1.3 seconds..."

The data is recorded.

Su Lun thought for a while, picked up the rune steel needle again, pierced it toward the same leg of the doll, and then listened.

"Huh... this time the screaming reaction is obviously slower, maybe one leg is **** ready? Try another one?"

Su Lun thought for a while, then changed his leg and tied it up again.

After a short while, after hearing the screams and screams of Mr. Abagon, Su Lun finally determined what he said, and added in his notes: "It is basically certain that the casting distance is inversely proportional to the reaction ~Follow-up can focus on testing the precise values ​​of distance and delay...''

Then a few more needles were pierced, almost no screams were heard, and the blood sample became very pale.

Suren also recorded: "Spellcasting consumes the target biological sample, greatly reduces the curse effect, and the cast range is greatly reduced..."


Suren tested the attributes of the first version of [Voodoo Doll] and got some new inspirations.

He took out a new piece of wood and planned to carve a doll that had improved some warlocks.

It can be carved and there are footsteps approaching outside the tent.

Little Tommy came to inform him that Mr. Abagon asked all the mercenaries to gather for an emergency meeting.

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