Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 130: search

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Su Lun put away the half-carved wooden doll and put on the gas mask again.

As soon as he walked out of the tent, he heard the Mr. Abagon rubbing his legs and cursing and coming out of his luxurious marching tent: "Damn, this cave is really not where people come from, I My old cold legs have relapsed for me..."

Su Lun heard this, and the corner of his mouth under the mask raised slightly.


This time the "Thorn Bird Chamber of Commerce" employed a total of five small hunting groups and some scattered hunters. These fifty or sixty fully armed wilderness hunters are also the main force of transportation security.

Su Lun found a corner and listened quietly.

An emergency meeting also shows what went wrong.

Not long after, when the people arrived, Mr. Abagon was straight to the point.

"I just got the latest news. In the D24 area, which is the area we will enter in about three days, several transport teams were attacked by aberrant monsters and almost the entire army was destroyed. But our batch of supplies must be escorted to dawn on time. In the camp of the ruins of the city, I hope you take precautions and send more manpower when you set up camp and watch the night, and you must ensure the safety of the transport team..."

It can be seen that the steward who has passed through the crypt outside the city in the future is a bit nervous, and he also spread his fear to the entire transportation team.

There are more wilderness hunters going to the ruins of Dawn City. Instead of making the journey safe, it is like fishing "hit". The human breath attracts more and more deformed monsters.

The crypt is not the territory of human beings, it will always be a paradise for monsters.

Humans are just one kind of delicious food in the eyes of monsters.

The deeper the ground, the stronger the monster, and the more.

This said, the hunters have also started to discuss.

"I also heard about it when I came before. There seems to be a large group of'three-eyed monsters' near D24 that is very active. Several wilderness hunting teams have encountered small-scale monster harassment before, and the loss is not small... ."

"That kind of aberration is a bit tricky, it's fast, it's in groups, and a bite can still infect people with toxins that can infect rotting flesh and blood...Do you have enough antidote?"

"Not too much. I hope we won't encounter a large-scale monster group, otherwise we will be in trouble."

"Everyone, prepare in advance. When setting up camp, try to keep the guard as far away as possible..."

"Well, that's the only way."


The leaders of the five wilderness hunting groups got together to discuss.

After all, they all ate this bite of rice, and no one was scared off because of danger.


In the inconspicuous corner, Su Lun also silently listened to the battle plan and arrangements discussed by several regiment leaders.

The passage in the crypt is complicated and tortuous, and there are many roads to the city of dawn.

The transport team is now following this line, which is the closest that the hunters have found to be the closest.

But it wasn't the artificial secret road that Su Lun knew before.

A lot of detours, and some dangerous areas marked on the map.

However, Su Lun, who was with the group, was indifferent.

He didn't feel much urgency.

"Three-eyed monster", he knew, was a big threat to non-professionals. But to him, those monsters that can be killed with ordinary muskets are not a threat.

What's more, with the "invisible living corpse" this big killer in hand, even if it is a high-level distortion monster, he has the means to fight back.

Even if he really wants to run away, most of the aberration monsters will not be able to run past him with the eight-armed spider spear.

After a short while, the meeting was over.

Su Lun wanted to go back to rest.

Benson, the leader of the "drunkard hunting group", found him.

"Brother Jonny!"

"So, Captain Benson?"

"Hey, that kid Tommy has caused you trouble these past two days."

Benson is a big beard with rosacea and a bold personality.

Although the contact time was not long, Su Lun had a good impression of him. Because of saving Tommy before, this bearded man is always very kind to him.

Su Lun smiled, "It's not a problem."

Benson looked at his old father's helplessness, "Hey... this **** is heartbreaking. I think he likes to play with those mechanical things. I wanted to send him to a car repair shop as an apprentice, not to mention being rich. At least this life can be mixed with food and clothing. But the kid is not willing, he must be an adventurer, a real mechanic. No, but he is clamoring to be out hunting all day, so he wants to take him. When I came out to meet the world, I almost had a problem on the road without thinking about it. If it wasn't for you, my brother, that kid would suffer a big loss."

"Tommy is actually very mechanically gifted..."

Su Lun smiled, he felt that this bearded man should find him and other things.

Sure enough, Benson had been polite for a long time before he finally said his intentions: "Yes, that... brother Jonny. The route ahead may be dangerous, and by that time I will encounter a large-scale aberration attack. You stay closer to our group, so we can take care of each other."

To put it very politely, it also took care of Su Lun's face.

Said that they are taking care of each other, but in fact they want to take care of him, the lone ranger.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the gunner is a profession that needs the protection of teammates, especially the sniper. Once the monster gets close, it is a melee weak chicken.

Su Lun understands, this is to repay the kindness that saved Tommy before.

He didn't say much, and nodded with a smile, "Well, yes, thank you."


In this way, the transport team continued to walk towards the depths of the crypt.

In the middle of the journey, we encountered several small-scale aberrant monster attacks, but because of the large number of firepower in the transport team, they were all repelled without any risk.

Suren is a sniper, so he doesn't need to fight melee, but occasionally puts a cold gun.

No one cared about such a lonely guy in the team.

Surun's daily life is also very regular.

Research [Voodoo Doll], play around with some machinery, meditate to increase dark spiritual power, and record detailed changes in body data after injection of "X Serum"...

Then I studied and interpreted the [Isaac's Alchemy Manuscript].

When the "Baifan Warehouse" was intercepted and killed by the umbrella organization before, Su Lun was still wondering why those guys could quietly take things away, but chose to kill them.

Later, in the first battle on Green Street, Sulun killed three Tier 2 professionals of the Umbrella Organization. After stripping away the memory fragments of the ice warlock who intercepted them in the warehouse, he realized that the reason why the umbrella organization wanted to kill was because they actually regarded the manuscript as a "pollutant", thinking that the curse characteristics of the manuscript would be Polluting people who come into contact with notes, causing great harm?

The order they were given was to clean up all those who had touched the notes, and the manuscripts must be retracted.

Moreover, this is a direct order from the Black Tower Duke's Mansion!

But this made Su Lun feel very puzzled.

He identified the detailed information of the manuscript, and there was no "contaminating characteristics" at all.

The only cursing feature is that contact with the manuscript will involve some "cause and effect" of the manuscript. It is a blessing or a curse. I don't know whether this is pollution?

Su Lun feels that this might be a move by the Black Tower executives who want to monopolize the super alchemy knowledge?

After all, he also knew from the memory of another second-order, the Umbrella Organization had known that this manuscript existed before. Moreover, they also speculated that this was one of the five manuscripts that recorded "the alchemy of the gods" left by Sir Isaac in the legend.

After thinking hard to no avail, Su Lun wanted to find the answer in his notes.

I have been deciphering this manuscript these days.

He didn't want to use his not too clever deciphering methods, but he also stumbled and translated the content of the manuscript.

The result is...

He found that this note was a normal alchemy note, at least the content he had seen so far.

The content recorded above is also a special alchemy cloak.

The Sir Isaac wanted to use a kind of "heart colonization" to withstand extra dark spiritual power, and at the same time add a "blue BUFF" for continuous recovery to the human body. Let the alchemist never lack dark spiritual power in the battle, and can release more powerful spells without worrying about the consumption of blue...

Moreover, the content of this manuscript is also very humane. It seems that the alchemy demigod was afraid that future generations would not understand his brilliant ideas. He also explained step by step from the basics, how to successfully create that kind of "heart implant" step by step. Pack".

The first few pages that Sulun understood were the manufacturing drawings of [Isaac Alchemy Heart (Level I)]. The main material used is the heart of the first-order distortion monster. Although the runes and refining formulas are complicated, they are all introductory knowledge that low-level professionals can learn slowly and can master.

Moreover, the magic is that he has to understand the previous content before the latter content will automatically appear.

In the past two days, he read the first few pages, and then he interprets the next few pages, which are [Isaac's Alchemy Heart (Level II)].

Thinking about it, the content at the back of this notebook still has levels Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ...

It's just a normal note.

This book is a complete record of alchemy, except for alchemy knowledge, it is a higher level of alchemy knowledge.

There is nothing that can be considered "pollution" at all.

The only thing Su Lun felt special was the sentence that was suspected of being "blasphemous".

The Sir Isaac wrote this sentence on the title page in a world-famous tone: "The so-called god-level creatures are nothing more than high-level materials in the face of great alchemy."

Su Lun guessed that at the end of this note, maybe it was to use the so-called heart of God to refine a [Heart of Isaac]?


The transport team walked toward the depths of the crypt for several days, and finally entered the high-risk area, and the atmosphere in the team gradually became tense.

On this day, as usual, they chose a relatively safe place to camp, and sent additional staff to watch the night.

Suren also pitched the tent and began his daily research.

I never thought that in the middle of the night, a group of uninvited guests broke into the camp.

"Someone attacked the camp!"

"Everyone, get ready to fight!"


The sentry sent an early warning, and suddenly there was noisy outside.

Su Lun didn't dare to be careless, picked up the invisible living corpse, and walked out of the tent.

I didn't think about it. Although there was a lot of noise, I couldn't fight.

Because the intruder is not an aberrant monster, but a famous bounty hunter group in Old Lingdun.

And although the members of the several wilderness hunting groups guarding the camp were angry, they didn't dare to do anything.

Because among these arrogant intruders, there is a Tier 2 professional, the sub-commander of the "Iron Knight Bounty Hunter Group" "Foil" Hall, a veteran swordsman who specializes in court rapiers.

After all, they signed a guardianship contract, and the hunters of the transport team also had clothing to guard the transport. They stood facing each other with weapons, and did not let these uninvited guests break into the core of the camp.

Although the opponent has Tier 2 professionals, after all, the transportation team also has one or two hundred people. If the real fire joins together, it must be the outcome of both sides.

The other party did not dare to move rashly.

Then Na Hall negotiated with Abakon, and it seemed that they had said something. The steward of the Chamber of Commerce easily agreed to their search in the camp!

"We are hunting down a very dangerous wanted criminal. Please cooperate with us. This is also for your safety."

"Everyone got out of the tent, opened the tent and the large luggage, we want to check!"

"Take off the mask, please show your faces..."


A total of ten people from the Iron Knights came, and it seemed that besides the second-tier Hall, there were at least a few formal professionals.

This is already a very strong team configuration.

Su Lun watched this team rush into the camp aggressively, as if looking for some "wanted criminal".

He frowned when he heard this.

Because he himself is a wanted criminal.

Could it be that the people of the umbrella organization chased themselves here?

That was his first reaction.


This group of guys drove everyone out of the tent, and then checked them one by one.

Su Lun is now wearing blue skin, so he can't see it at all. Once the mask is taken off, it will definitely attract people's attention.

But he also has some doubts...this "Iron Knights" handling method is also a bit arrogant, right?

After all, everyone in this transport team has legal status as hunters, and bounty hunters are not law enforcement agencies and have no right to search at all. This is also the most important reason for Qianjo to arrange this legal status for him, which can avoid some unnecessary troubles.

And this arrogant move naturally caused dissatisfaction with the heads of several wilderness hunting groups.

Head Benson said directly: "Hey, hey, don't go too far in the'Iron Cavalry Group'. We are a hunting group, not a wanted criminal. We are not obligated to cooperate with you in the search!"

With this said, the heads of the other four regiments also responded: "Yes! Why are you searching us?"

The hunters are not afraid, seeing it will turn into an armed conflict.

The search was blocked, Hall's face was blue.

Ordinary bounty hunters dare not really kill legal hunters.

But he seemed to be carrying some urgent order, and he didn’t have time to spend any more words. He took out a wanted order and a gold emblem, directly identified his identity, and said coldly: "This is the highest level wanted order issued by the Black Tower. I am 'Umbrella' special law enforcement officers in the outer city. Just half an hour ago, this vicious wanted criminal assassinated Lord House, Chief Intelligence Officer of the Old Lingdon Intelligence Service. Anyone who prevented the pursuit of the murderer would be treated as an accomplice of the wanted criminal. , Let's kill it!"

Looking at the golden emblem that Hall showed up, the expressions of the heads of the hunting hunters suddenly changed, and they dared not speak any more in an instant.

It's good to mess with anyone, no one dares to mess with the umbrella organization.


On the other hand, Su Lun's expression also became a little weird.

Is it really the dark line of the umbrella organization?

It turns out that a senior official was assassinated just now?

He looked at the wanted warrant and at the same time understood that these people were not here to arrest him.

Far away, he also saw clearly the portrait on the wanted order.

Isn't this the woman who bombed the experiment?

The woman had made more noise than he had made before, and she would definitely not be able to stay in Old Lingdun, and it was expected that she would escape outside the city.

But it's not low-key that this escaped, and made a big noise again?

Su Lun's brows The legendary "super mechanical warrior" who exists only for fighting, can this mess up?

The Hall that could force her to identify and search the camp in a hurry meant that they were sure that the woman should be nearby at this moment.

However, Suren was not concerned about the woman's situation, but about himself.

Because at this time, a guy from the "Iron Cavalry Regiment" had already walked to his tent, then took a gun and shouted: "Hey, you... take off your mask!"

When Su Lun heard this, the eyes hidden under the gas mask also chilled.

A thought flashed in his mind: Do you want to kill them all...

PS. These two transition chapters are written strangely... I don't know what went wrong.

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