Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 156: Twisted light gate

She didn't even think about the battle on the 19th, and when the five big families and the large troops of the city guard came chasing her, she had long since disappeared.

The movement in the dawn camp was noisy all night.

Those guys probably wanted to find the accomplices of the wanted criminals, but they found nothing in the end.

As an accessory, Su Lun was even more leisurely.

He found a lonely cliff to rest for a night.

There is nothing wrong with camping on the rock wall, but occasionally some strange-looking bugs will climb up to say hello.

No one slept peacefully. Early in the morning, Su Lun squatted on the only way to the ruins not far from the dawn camp.

He guarded with a group of scattered hunters who had no money to live in the city, waiting for the large team to pick them up and walk with them.

Not long after, large troops went out of the city one after another.

Hearing that there was a hunting group heading to the east city, Su Lun randomly mixed up with a team close to the destination and set off.

Follow the group and inquire about some news from last night.

Go hunting wasteland, or make up the "origin".


There is a huge black lake in Dongcheng District near the central ring.

There is a ruined building by the lake, where the [1911 Hotel] was found.

Before coming, Su Lun thought that there would not be too many people here.

As a result, there were a total of one to two thousand people.

These guys have surrounded a small camp here with rocks and mechanical equipment.

Looking at the flags on the tents in the camp, there were dozens of large and small hunting groups.

Responsible, naturally, are several large hunting groups directly under the five major families.

Su Lun didn't worry about going into the camp like other wilderness hunters to inquire about the cursed space, but looked at the camp's defense situation.

What he thinks in his mind is not how to get in first, but instinctively thinking about how to run after coming out of the cursed space.

He still had the card given by Mr. Black last night in his pocket, although this made Su Lun feel that the copy was much less dangerous.

But... I always feel like something is going to happen again.

I looked around, but I didn't find the guy who was suspected of seeing the card cloak man before.

Su Lun didn't look much, and entered the camp.

In addition to the hunters with live ammunition in the camp, there are also businessmen who look like "scalpers" peddling intelligence.

These guys have made the business directly on the front line of hunting wasteland. They don't need to enter the ruins by themselves. They can only buy the latest information from the hunters who come out, and then collect and sell them, and they can make an objective profit.

Those who will come here to hunt wasteland are mostly talented wasteland hunters.

Can buy some intelligence to increase the chance of survival, no one will be stingy.

Intelligence merchants have good business.

And while Su Lun was wandering in the camp, a middle-aged man with a mustache approached him: "Hey, brother, do you want to buy information? The latest information, guaranteed value for money..."

"how much?"

"fifty thousand."

"forget about it."

"Ten thousand?"

"No money."

"Cut, poor ghost..."

Su Lun didn't worry about spending money either, but pricked his ears and listened around.

It is better to listen to what the family says.

After inquiring, it was similar to what I had bought from "Red Nose" Fox, and there was some new information.

That is to say, the "ownership" of this cursed space belongs to the five big families, but they can't eat it themselves, so it is open to all hunting groups. After entering, they must complete a certain exploratory task designated by them. If it is completed, the harvest will belong to the individual, and there will be additional rewards; if it is not completed, it will be necessary to pay a lot of "tickets" when it comes out.

Most of the ninety-nine rooms on the first floor of the hotel space were explored like this one by one.

These conditions don't sound like a problem.

Risk for return.

As for the pictures of the five great families, in their words, they only need the high-level items on the second floor of this space and the final "source of curse".


The twisted light gate of the cursed space will appear twice a day, and it can enter about a hundred people at a time.

The casualty rate fluctuates up and down.

Sometimes the group will be destroyed inexplicably,

Sometimes most people will survive,

In general, the mortality rate is at 60%.

This is still acceptable.

Also because of the exploratory missions arranged in advance, the people in the camp also used the casualty rate to roughly guess that there are several rooms on the first floor that are "high-risk rooms" that cannot be explored.

As for the information on the second floor that Su Lun wanted to know, there was still very little.

In summary, the first floor is mostly first-order weird (black iron and silver);

On the second floor, it is said that the weirdness all started with silver, and there are also an unknown number of second-order weirdness.

Su Lun also understood that the higher the floor, the higher the combat effectiveness of the guests deformed into monsters, and the better the materials produced.


The death rate of this copy is not low. Although there are one or two thousand people in the camp, there are not many who really dare to go.

Exactly two calls a day, almost enough to make up a hundred people at a time.

Su Lun signed up for the next round of exploration into the cursed space, and led a mission to explore Room 1088.

Then just sit in the candidate area and listen to the temporary captain explain some precautions.

"After entering, no one is allowed to hunt the guests in the hotel in advance! Otherwise, after midnight, these dead will surely become ‘ghost species’, and you will harm yourself and others as well!”

"1021, 1055, 1071...remember, these three rooms are not allowed to be opened, and you are not allowed to harass the residents of these three rooms!"

"You can look for clues, but don't offend the guests and do some strange things. Otherwise, you will be caught by the hotel security, and you will die if you are locked up! Last time, a guy with a worm's brain harassed a noble lady, but he himself It's cool, but the lady who was originally a guest on the second floor didn't go up until midnight, and she turned into a second-order weird one on the first floor, almost destroying the team..."

"Before the ghost fog appears, we have plenty of time to look for clues. But remember, don't trigger some difficult plots casually. Only the fewer changes, the greater the chance that we will survive in the end."


Su Lun listened in silence, but it was almost as expected.

Although the plot unfolding in the cursed space every time you enter is the same, because of human intervention, the ending is different.

For example, when the ghost fog falls at midnight, there is a big difference between the guest being in the room and not being in the room.

Although they will all become weird, the fighting power may be the weird gap between black iron and silver.

There is also a big difference between dead and alive. The dead will become a "ghost species", and the alive will become a "zombie species"...


And just when Su Lun and the others listened to the temporary captain explaining the precautions.

The camp suddenly became noisy.

"Look at it! The exit of the cursed space has appeared!"

"It's a member of the "Falcons"..."

"Hey... a lot of people have survived this time, and they seem to have had a good harvest."


Not far from the camp, an oval-shaped twisted light gate a few meters high suddenly appeared.

Like a black hole, it **** in the surrounding light.

This is how the conventional curse space appears.

At this moment of noisy, some wilderness hunters with more or less wounds came out of the dark light gate one after another.

However, although these people who survived were slightly embarrassed, they all had a relieved smile on their faces.

To live out means that the harvest has now become "real money".

The first time these people came out, there were professional businessmen who stood by the door of the space, vying to bid to buy the treasures they brought out.

"Thirteen pieces of black iron, five pieces of silver curse material..."

"Oh, it's actually a rare ancient employment material..."

"Oh my God, Belloc, where did you find so many alchemy classics? This batch of goods can sell for at least seven million!"

"Wow~ High-purity gems, this is a good material for enchanting. One is worth 300,000 yuan, brother, you are rich, this bag is worth..."


The merchants are counting the harvests of the hunters.

The quotes again and again stimulated the excitement of the hunters outside.

Not to mention that those wild hunters may have hidden good treasures that have not been brought out, but the gains in front of them alone have benefited more than one million per capita.

For the vast majority of ordinary hunters, this is already a wealth worth gambling on their lives.

Su Lun also squeezed in with the crowd of onlookers, but his gaze fell on the twisted light door.

The pupil of the omniscient took a look and identified the result.

【1911 Hotel】

Detailed explanation: The large compound curse space has sealed a section of the limbs of the super-order creature ‘***’. The guests have been contaminated with corpse gas, and by midnight, they will be completely deformed into weird. Survive in the space for twenty-four hours, the space exit will reappear; death in the space, blood will impact and destroy the seal, the current progress of breaking 1157/3000;

Seeing the intelligence of this cursed space, Su Lun didn't feel any waves in his heart.

Even seeing that the "pollution source" was a fragment of an unrecognized super-order biological limb, he didn't feel any surprise.

Without this kind of super-level existence, it is impossible for a whole restaurant to be deformed into a BOSS-level monster.

Looking at the last sentence again, he muttered in his heart: "Sure enough, it's urinary again..."

Such a well-produced cursed space was shared, and the five big families really didn't feel at ease.

Before Su Lun was only skeptical, now looking at this intelligence, it is hard evidence.

It seems that they have also learned of another way to destroy this space in a certain way.

That is, there is no need to explore, just fill in the lives of people.

Probably because the scope of land reclamation has become larger and larger recently, and the slave groups are not enough, these guys want to attract scattered groups in this way.

"I said how the death rate remains high, it turned out to be like this..."

The same dungeon, it is reasonable to say that the more brushes are second, the lower the chance of battle damage will be, but the mortality rate here always maintains about 60%, which is very strange.

But it's not all groups die. Keep some alive people out, spread the news, and attract more people.

No matter how you look at it, I feel a bit tricky.

Seeing here, Su Lun didn't have much interest in the treasures produced by those ruins. He focused his eyes on everyone who came out, paying particular attention to the kind of guy who was not hurt or who was not so excited.

Soon, he discovered something.


After the twisted light gate appeared, it disappeared.

Until the evening, the entrance reappeared.

The camp also happened to have enough for more than a hundred people, waiting in line to enter.

Su Lun was going anyway, and he led the living corpses in the middle of the line.

He glanced again at the team that entered this time, but still didn't find the person who might be the "Card Cloak Man".

"Is it because I thought wrong?"

Su Lun didn't think much, and followed the team filed into the space.

And after he entered, he didn't know that a little episode had happened outside.

The number of people entering the space is not constant, it is about a hundred.

But in fact, the stronger the people who enter, the smaller the number.

There were more than a hundred people originally prepared, but as they entered, the light gate suddenly disappeared.

This unusual scene also made everyone trapped.

"Huh...Why did such a small number of people go in this time and the light door disappeared?"

"It seems it's only more than sixty, right?"

"That's not right... Even if Tier 2 professionals led the team that time, more than 90 went in. How could there be so much less this time?"

"Is there something wrong with the space?"


The news soon reached the ears of the managers of this small camp.

However, this did not arouse their attention.

All kinds of weird things can happen in the ruins, and this fluctuation in the number of people is probably normal when they think about it.

And the heads of these five families of wild hunting groups, the headache is another matter.

In the tent, several leaders gathered together sadly to discuss something.

"The above has already given a deadly order. We must break this banned space as soon as possible. But now it seems that at least one or two thousand people will be filled before this space can be cracked."

"I heard that there was a turmoil in the base camp last night, and the mysterious item that was obtained by the'Blood Axe Group' last time was stolen. It caused the black tower to be furious..."

"Hey, it's useless to say that those are useless. Spread the news and find a way to attract more hunters..."

"However, no matter how it is spread, only two hundred people can be admitted a day. We can't kill people every time, right? The mortality rate is too high, just once or twice. If there are more, it will not attract scattered people at all. Come here..."



On the other hand, people like Su Lun have entered the cursed This is the streetscape of Dawn City a thousand years ago.

A crowd of hunters appeared on the street, and in front of them was a luxurious building with the sign of "1911 Hotel".

The lead temporary captain also noticed the anomaly in the number of people, slightly confused, but didn't think much about it.

"This time the number of people is a bit small, so please be careful. Remember the precautions that I told you before. Okay, let's go away..."


The crowd dispersed.

Seeing that the number of people coming in dropped a lot, Su Lun guessed something and said in his heart: "Is that one really coming in..."

He didn't worry about entering the hotel to hunt for treasure like others, but found the source of Ruoyoruo's "malicious" and followed.

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