Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 157: 4 corpses, 4 alchemy objects

The cursed space is cut off from the outside world, so if you want to control the mortality rate, then the waste hunting group of the five major families must send people in.

Su Lun guessed that it was possible, so he had always watched for some unruly people in the team.

He didn't want to find a material by himself and be used as a "fertilizer".

I've always found that there is a "malicious" presence in the team before. After watching for a while, I naturally found this man wearing a deerstalker hat.

The reason why the malice is always absent is because his malice is directed at everyone in the team, not Su Lun alone.


More than sixty wild hunters filed into the restaurant, and Su Lun followed the guy and walked in.

There was no one on the street outside, but the restaurant was very lively.

This is an unusually luxurious ancient hotel decorated with exquisite candle table classic crystal chandeliers, artistic female body murals, and the lighting brightens up a warm color decoration, which makes people feel a heavy sense of luxury as soon as they enter.

In addition to the hunters, there are also some staff in the lobby, the well-behaved front desk lady, the doorman, and the guards with serious faces in black trench coats... But these people are enveloped in a faint black air, this It is a trace of contamination.

Su Lun followed the guy with the deerstalker hat straight through the path and walked in directly.

The guy seemed to be familiar with the layout of the hotel, and his purpose was obvious. As soon as he came in, he walked towards the guest room area and looked back from time to time to see if there were any people following him.

This kind of anti-tracking method is of little use to Su Lun now.

He quietly followed, and the super-high neural reaction speed allowed him to easily catch the opponent's head and turn, and then avoid it in advance.

After walking for a while, Su Lun watched the guy stop in front of "Room 1021", pretending to be a smoking tenant, and waited there for a while.

"Hey... isn't this room 1021 saying that it's one of the few rooms you can't touch, why is this guy here?"

Su Lun looked slightly curious.

I didn't expect this guy to come directly to this room.

The information obtained before said that this room must not be opened. Once opened, it is very likely to trigger a very terrifying group annihilation plot. It seems that there will be some terrifying "ghost species".

This is the key to controlling mortality?

Or is it simply misleading information that someone deliberately revealed?

Su Lun looked at him coldly, without stopping.

He knew that this guy definitely didn't come from looking for a dead end. Since doing this, even if it is as dangerous as rumors, 80% of him knows some way to survive.

Moreover, Suren had guessed before that the background plot of the [1911 Hotel] Cursed Space had something to do with 80% of the 1021 room.

Otherwise, it is also on the first floor, with the same pollution level, why would there be a few more special rooms inexplicably?

It is said to be a "survival mode", but in fact it is also a "story deciphering mode", and there has never been more than one curse space for customs clearance.

However, judging from the information currently obtained, this space is full of information on **** monsters, and the information on the relevant background plot is almost blank.

Wilderness hunters are also looking for money, and probably didn't want to "nosy" to trigger any high-risk plots, and no one would be nosy.

But Su Lun is different, what he needs is on the second floor.

The current intelligence there is almost blank, and he needs to collect more useful information.

Now that the guy who looked at this scornful eyebrows went to Room 1021 with "maliciousness", Su Lun felt that he must go and see it.

And at this moment, he watched the guy wearing the deerstalker hat while the waiter disappeared in the corner of the corridor, had already taken out the unlocking tool, and was taming the door lock.


The guy looked left and right, while fiddled with unlocking.


There was a slight metal touch in the lock cylinder, which was the movement of the tool testing the correct position of the marble.

Su Lun leaned on the corner of the corridor, took out the silencer, and screwed up the barrel without any haste.

He could clearly tell the progress of this guy's unlocking technique from the sound without even looking at it.

The technique is not bad, but because of some nervous hand shaking, I made several mistakes.

Then, after waiting for about a minute, he heard a "click".

Su Lun heard the slight "crunch" opening the door around the corner, and suddenly rushed out.

He was so fast that he appeared in front of the room with a few strides.

Before the man closed the door, he snapped the door.

Suddenly someone grabbed the door, and the guilty man shuddered in terror.

Before he could react, a gun was pressed against his head.

Su Lun pushed the guy into the house and closed the door.

"Let's talk about it, what are you doing in here."

"You...what do you mean..."

The gun was pointed at his head, and his words were a little trembling.

Su Lun lazily looked at the pale-faced guy with fright. He ignored it first, but looked around the room with his side.

The room is very neat and tidy, it doesn't look like someone lives.

However, he saw a pair of corpse-spotted feet on the white bed at a glance.


Su Lun was not surprised.

If, as the rumors say, there will be ghost species in this room after midnight, then it makes sense that the tenant here has died.

But looking at this corpse, it seems that the time to die is not short.

Because there was a screen blocking him, Su Lun didn't see the whole picture. He took two steps and wanted to move it over.

At this time, the guy opposite him seemed to feel that Su Lun's mind was not on the gun.


Su Lun dodged easily and hit the head with a gun butt.

Then he pulled the trigger without a word.



A special gun sound with a silencer sounded.

The two shots smashed the kneecap with precision, and the man in front of him knelt down as soon as his legs became weak.


A scream.

As soon as he wailed, Su Lun's muzzle turned to point at his head, and said coldly: "If you don't want to be blown up, just shut up."

The man ninja was in severe pain, his forehead was sweating like rain, and he was still recently: "Everyone is a waste hunter, you...what do you mean!"

Su Lun said indifferently: "Tell me, what are you doing in this room, and all the information you know."

The man wanted to quibble and hide his purpose, but listening to the indifferent voice, he had no doubt that as long as he said something that did not satisfy the other party, he would be killed immediately.

He endured the severe pain and threatened viciously: "You killed me, you are dead too!"

Su Lun ignored his threats because he had already seen the body on the bed at the moment.

This is the corpse of a male whose face is covered by a blood-stained sack.

The omniscient pupil saw a message immediately.

[Faceless man]

Detailed explanation: a special grievance corpse containing a powerful fire attribute energy; one of the sacrifice materials required for an evil ritual; if the corpse is damaged or moved out of the room, it will be immediately discovered by the surgeon;

Once again, it was identified that the corpse was covered with a sack on its face, and it turned out to be an alchemy item.

[Cursed Sack]

Detailed explanation: Who knows you with a sack covering your face? This is a sack tainted with a special corpse qi, which is covered on the head to protect it from the attack of certain wraith spirits; it is a murder weapon, and it is also a thing to restrain wraith spirits;

Evil ritual?

These words are particularly eye-catching.

Seeing this, Su Lun twisted his brows slightly, and suddenly realized that things were not that simple.

The thoughts in his mind immediately flew, and suddenly he guessed the usefulness of the few taboo rooms on the first floor.

Seeing Su Lun seemed a little stunned, the man whose legs had been interrupted thought his threat had worked. He sneered and said, "Now the door of the 1021 room has been opened, you are dead! If you know, just... "

But before he finished saying this, Su Lun interrupted him and said blankly: "You mean to say that at midnight, this corpse will become a'ghost species' and kill anyone who comes in this time. . Then you will put on the sack on the head of the corpse, and it won't attack you?"

As soon as he said this, the confidence on the man's face disappeared, his face turned from white to black, and he pointed at Su Lun inconceivably, as if he had seen something more terrifying than the monster.

"you you you..."

He roared wildly, why would others know this secret!

The man dragged a pair of broken legs back, and finally leaned against the wall, and then there was no way to go back.

Su Lun tilted his head and glanced at him, then pulled the trigger.



Two more shots broke the man's arms.

Su Lun has lost the patience to waste time on such people: "Now that the door is open, is there a way to prevent the corpse from turning into a ghost?"

The hands and feet were interrupted, and this person was already frightened by Su Lun's cruel methods.

Having broken through the biggest reliance, he knew that he didn't have the capital to negotiate at all, and he trembled: "No... I don't know."

Su Lun asked for the last time: "Tell the news that you think will keep you alive."

"I... I am the Clark family's exclusive waste hunting group..."

Before the man finished speaking, a bullet blasted his head.

It began to show that the identity is overwhelming, that is, there is no news worth listening to.

Su Lun was not interested in wasting time on this kind of person anymore.

He walked over, took off the sack on the head of the corpse on the bed, and put it away.

Now there are more than four hours before midnight, and there is not much time left for him.

The body cannot be removed or damaged, and Su Lun walked out without taking care of it.


In order to confirm what he thought, Su Lun went directly to another "Room 1055" that the intelligence said was strictly forbidden to open.

In this room, a "Do Not Disturb" sign was also hung at the door.

Su Lun's unlocking skills were much better than the guy before, and he opened the door in less than twenty seconds.

Then I walked in and saw the hanged corpse hanging from the ceiling with his feet in the air, showing a sense of awe.

【Hanged Corpse】

Detailed explanation: Sacrifice materials required for a certain evil ritual, wind-based grieving corpse; damaged or moved the corpse out of the room, it will be immediately discovered by the surgeon;

And the rope on which the corpse is hung is also an alchemy with cursing properties.

The effect is similar, it is to avoid the harm of specific evil spirits, and to restrain.

Then Su Lun went to "Room 1071" again, found a [self drowned body] in the bathtub, and picked up a strand of [wet hair].

Collected three corpses of water, wind, and fire.

The previous wilderness hunters discovered that these three rooms had problems, which also saved Sullen a lot of trouble.

In the end, there were ten rooms from 1090-1099 that had not been explored.

Thinking that there was not much time left, Su Lun decided to take a look before midnight.

There are three signs of "Do Not Disturb" on the door. Su Lun listened to the movement at the door. If there is any movement, it means that there is a living person inside, so naturally there is no need to open it.

No one's, just open the lock and have a look.

Then, on the bed in "Room 1099", he found a corpse of [Big-headed Resent Infant] with local attributes, and found a piece of alchemy [Resent Infant’s Swaddling].

Looking at four special corpse materials that were introduced almost the same.

Su Lun had a general understanding of the "hidden plot" on the first floor in his mind.

There was a guy who arranged an evil ritual, and then left four bodies in four rooms...maybe more?

But the hotel has a lot of rooms. There are only 99 on the first floor. Just looking for them one by one will definitely run out of time.

He felt that he should go to the front desk to see who actually checked in these rooms, and perhaps he could find more clues.

As for the "magic" he is looking for, he is not in a hurry for the time being.

According to the information, the magician will show up in an hour and will perform a performance in the hotel banquet hall, and it will not be too late to go there.


The previous hunters just took the fate test and found out that the previous three rooms were "taboo rooms."

Now Sulun has opened four rooms, which means that there will be four ghost species.

But he didn't feel much sense of crisis either.

Anyway, a "taboo room" was opened, and this wave of hunters was destined to be destroyed.

Su Lun felt that the investigation was clear and there might be a turning point.


"Ghost Species" is indeed powerful, but it is not really unsolvable.

It's just that their methods are usually mental attacks, and they are usually immune to physical damage, so for most wilderness hunters who use swords and guns to physically attack, they have no solution.

But actually...not so exaggerated.

The so-called "ghost species" also cannot be separated from the category of energy.

Using magic, or some legal methods, can also hurt.

For example, the cold flame of [No Servant].

As for the spirit attacks of the ghost species, they are also hierarchical.

Ordinary first-order ghost species, as long as healthy humans are not scared to the point where the san value drops to a very low level, they can't control it if they want to.

Want to scare Suren?

It seems unrealistic.

Want to force control?

Probably need a high-level ghost species.

Judging from the information currently detected in this space, that kind of existence will not appear on the first floor of the hotel.

Things are not too bad.

What's more, there is also the card tycoon who has also come in, and there are still people who have troubles when something goes wrong.


Without the room key, Su Lun was not qualified to go to the second floor where the guard was guarding the stairs.

He thought about it and came to the hotel's check-in desk.

Similar to the "Clock Tower Space" last time, there are a lot of ancient people restored in space in the hotel.

Guests, waiters, doormen, guards... there are thousands of "living people".

These NPCs don't have too much intelligence. They are like scheduled robots that only do certain fixed behaviors and respond to certain fixed conversations.

They would not think that these wild hunters who suddenly appeared were outsiders.

As long as you don't interfere with their normalcy, they will choose to "ignore".

More than sixty hunters came in this time.

Obviously, some people thought of extracting some useful information from the staff of these restaurants, such as... which room lived with a wealthy businessman or a jeweler.

Go straight to a wave of theft, and you will gain a lot of money.

But obviously, not everyone can check the registration records.

When Su Lun came, a few wild hunters had just eaten from the front desk and left cursingly.

"Don't waste time, those silly front desk ladies won't reveal a word at Yes, ask a few more times, they have to call the guards, if they get caught, it would be really bad Up..."

"But having said that, these girls at the front desk look really good. If they can't be forced, I really want to try the taste of these ancient people..."


After waiting for a few people to leave, Su Lun walked over.

He didn't talk about it, so he opened the door and asked, "Beautiful lady, can you do me a favor?"

Sure enough, even if it is an NPC, someone praises them for their beauty, they will react.

The blonde changed her previous indifference to the previous hunters, with a smile on her pretty face, "Sir, you said."

Su Lun knew that conventional methods were useless, so he took out a badge, and said mysteriously, "I'm Police Officer Jonny, this is my badge. I'm here to investigate an important fugitive in secret, so... I want to see it. Look at housing records."

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