Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 159: See also the "§" symbol

According to the original plot, "pollution" only occurs at midnight, and the entire 1911 restaurant will become weird.

And the hunters came in to get the materials just to start after midnight, because ordinary people were deformed into weird, and then cursed materials.

But Su Lun couldn't wait for that time.

The magician was really going to be distorted, and Su Lun felt unsure of killing him.

Moreover, now that the four "taboo rooms" on the first floor have been opened, he thinks there may be other changes in the pollution incident tonight.

To solve the problem, you have to be as early as possible.


Su Lun walked towards the stage, then walked into the backstage through the side door through the staff passage.

He planned to stop the magician when he stepped down.

Because he heard from the intelligence that after the magician got off the stage, no one had seen him again.

Su Lun felt that he might use his spatial ability to teleport away, so he could only guard him in the background.

After the stage, there is the dressing room, which is slightly narrow.

The dancers of the "Swan Song and Dance Ensemble" are changing clothes here.

There was a staff member guarding the door. Su Lun took off his hat, revealed his face, and brightened his police badge again. He walked in without any further obstacles.

The dancers are probably used to changing their outfits temporarily during the show, and they don't mind not having a separate changing room. When Su Lun walked in, she was watching young girls in cool and graceful appearances changing their costumes in the cramped dressing room.

Seeing a strange man come in, the girls first covered their naked bodies like frightened deer. But when he saw Su Lun's handsome face clearly, the dancers were calm again. Not only was no one exclaimed and screamed, they laughed and whispered. Someone who is bold, will openly smile at him coquettishly.

"Handsome guy, who are you looking for~"

"I'm looking for Mr. Edward."

"Oh~ What a shame, I thought you were here to invite our head Barbara to dinner..."


Along the way, Su Lun also responded to these beautiful girls with a gentleman's smile.

He wanted to go to the lower stage of the stage and wait for the magician, lest he disappear from his sight.

After walking over, I saw a small dressing room separated by curtains next to the dressing room. The lead singer, Miss Barbara, was changing clothes and removing makeup inside.

The light was very bright, and in a large makeup mirror, that charming face was illuminated.

Su Lun saw the woman with red lips in the mirror, and the woman saw him too.

"Why, is the handsome guy lost?"

The voice was so soft and soft, it sounded like bones were crisp.

Su Lun watched the woman turn her head, her eyes were attracted by her big rosy red lips unconsciously.

It seems that the red lips have endless magic power, making people unable to move their eyes.

This is a hint in the heart with a little mental power, which will make people put down their guard.

Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, and guessed what probabilities this woman is really a [succubus] talented professional.

I was afraid that this woman would also use hypnotism, and he directly showed the police badge, "I want to wait for Mr. Edward. I want to consult him about something."

Barbara looked at the police badge, her eyebrows curled, her tone was more sticky, "Oh? It's a police officer... Could you please ask Mr. Edward for anything?"

Su Lun didn't feel malicious or careless, and said indifferently, "Some official duties."

Although Su Lun felt that this woman and the magician should know each other, he still wanted to wait to communicate with that Edward.

Hearing this, Barbara smiled charmingly, pointed to the chair next to her, and said: "Handsome police officer, come and sit down? Mr. Edward will probably have a while to finish the performance..."

Su Lun glanced at her, not wanting to get too close to this kind of spiritual professional, and refused this glamorous invitation, "I'm on official business. I won't sit down."

Barbara is also dressed very cool because she is changing her outfit. While speaking, his peripheral light unconsciously swept across the deep career line in front of her chest.

In other words, are the women with the succubus talent so rich in figure?

Barbara covered her mouth and chuckled, but she also caught the look in her eyes. But instead of not minding, she smiled and showed her proud figure without hesitation. She boldly teased, "Handsome police officer, what are you looking at?"


Su Lun's expression remained unchanged.

He felt that this was probably an occupational disease of the succubus.

And with these few words, the stairs in the background suddenly rang.

A man in a tuxedo walked down, and he was the magician Edward.

The ambiguity of someone was instantly diminished, and Barbara said to Edward: "Mr. Edward, this police officer said I'm looking for you for something."

Edward heard the "police officer" as if triggering some key words, and then he looked at Su Lun, who he was about to ignore.

Su Lun directly displayed the police badge and said: "I am Joey, the Patrolman in the Bell Tower block, and I have been ordered to investigate some things. Please cooperate with Mr. Edward."

Edward seemed to have thought of something, "The Bell Tower Block?"

When the other party responded, Su Lun knew that he had guessed right: The two alchemists who were hiding in the crowd came for the old nun.

Edward looked at Su Lun for a moment, and continued to ask: "Excuse me, police officer, what are you here to investigate. And do I need to cooperate with you?"

Su Lun felt no malice. In other words, the corpses in the four rooms should have nothing to do with the two in front of them.

Now, he is more sure how to use the plot.

He said directly: "Have you heard of [White Monastery]?"

Hearing this, Edward's expression was stagnant, and he frowned, "Oh, of course, I remember it was a monastery on Bell Tower Street in the East City. But... Sergeant Jonny said in more detail, you are looking for me, it has something to do with this monastery. Huh?"

These people seem to be living, but in fact they are still high-level NPCs who only respond to certain scenarios.

Su Lun needed to trigger the plot and said straightforwardly: "An old nun took away a very dangerous thing from the monastery, which may pollute others. Based on clues, I found out that she came to this restaurant. But in the process , I found some other things, so I need Mr. Edward to cooperate..."

The words were said to be worth it, Edward did not continue to pretend to be ignorant, he smiled: "Inspector Jonny, your investigative ability is so amazing to me."

With that, he took out his credentials.

This move surprised Su Lun a bit.

He wanted to ask Edward to assist in the investigation, and lead him to look at the corpses, and then find a chance to see if he can conflict with the evil speller, and find another chance...

But without thinking, this guy took out a badge directly from his pocket. The logo on it was a golden ouroboros and a "§" symbol.

Paying for a badge means to show your identity.

But, is this symbol again?

The other party thought he was the Dawn City Patrol, so he should know this badge.

But he didn't know it.

Su Lun did not show any doubts, but waited silently for the other party to take the initiative to introduce him.

Sure enough, Edward explained politely: "This incident is beyond the scope of the police station. Therefore, it is our Special Operations Department that is handling it now. Just leave the matter here to us."

After a pause, he added: "Praise your dedication, Officer Jonny."

Is that so?

Hearing this remark, Su Lun immediately understood.

This Edward and this Barbara are the officials who dealt with the distortion events in Dawn City!


After speaking, Edward looked like he was leaving.


The reason why this hotel has become a cursed space means that they failed to prevent this incident a thousand years ago.

The pollution incident at midnight is a recurrence of the tragedy that year.

If Su Lun left here, things would definitely return to the original trajectory.

Although Su Lun had the alchemy obtained from the four corpses in his hands, there was a high probability that he would be able to save his life at midnight.

But he also needs space materials!

So I would definitely not let Edward leave like this.

Moreover, when Room 1021 was opened, it was destined that the hunting group might be destroyed.

Now that there are official Liming professionals, maybe the problem on the first floor can be solved in advance?

At this moment, Su Lun's thoughts flew, and he quickly weighed the pros and cons of the credential matters.

Will the plot change too severely, triggering some butterfly effects?

He doesn't know what will happen in the end after changing the plot like this, but...

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the most likely choice to achieve the goal.

Moreover, recalling the tone of Mr. Black's words last night, they knew enough about this cursed space.

This means that a certain boss who is still hidden in the team is capable of handling various emergencies.

Thinking of this, Su Lun didn't hesitate anymore, and said directly: "That...Mr. Edward, since you are dealing with this matter, I am relieved. However, I have a piece of information here, I don't know if you know it. .."

Listen, Edward glanced back at him, "Oh?"

Suren said: "I checked the check-in record before and found that there was also a guy named'Tiger Garson' who was staying with Sister Elizabeth at the same time. He opened four rooms and put four strange corpses. They were [Faceless Man], [Hanged Corpse], [Self-Drowned Corpse], [Big Head Resent Infant]... It seems that some kind of evil ritual is performed again."

Upon hearing this, Edward and Barbara's expressions changed drastically. Obviously they knew what these four corpses meant!

Edward: "[Four Wraiths Fallen Sacrifice Array]! Damn, she wants to open that ‘seal thing’ in this restaurant!"

When Su Lun heard it, they didn't know the existence of the corpse.

Edward's expression suddenly became solemn, and then he said to himself: "I hope there is time to stop..."

Su Lun looked at the words "contaminated" on their heads, felt the need to remind him, and said: "Have you ever considered that you might have been contaminated?"

Upon hearing this, the two looked at each other, their eyes full of dignity.

The charm on Barbara's face was all over, and suddenly she pinched the seal of the warlock, as if she had performed some spiritual technique.

After a few breaths, she glanced at Edward with an ugly expression, and said gravely: "Someone's law of high position has blinded our perception. If not surprising... Officer Jonny is right, we, and even the entire restaurant. It has been contaminated."


Edward fell silent.

However, there was more determination on his face.

He looked at Su Lun and said, "Sergeant Jonny, this is a big matter. You may need to do us a favor."

Su Lun cast a puzzled look, knowing that he might have changed the main storyline.

Edward resolutely said: "If we are really contaminated, please kill us before you discover our distortion!"

As he said, he looked at the invisible living corpse not far behind Su Lun.

Sure enough, those with spatial ability had long discovered the existence of invisible living corpses.

When Su Lun heard this request, his face was embarrassed, he hesitated for a moment, and then he answered, "Okay!"

He didn't think about it. He racked his brains and didn't expect to change how to get the materials, but the other party actually mentioned it on their own initiative.

The situation tonight, they are 100% to be distorted.

With their cooperation, I don't need to attack at all, and the difficulty of killing is instantly a hundred times lower.


This also means that I have to be with them at any time?

At this time, Edward said again: "This information is very important, but I need to summon my companions. The four corpses must be destroyed first."


Su Lun followed Edward out of the dressing They were going to contact his colleague in the hotel.

In order not to get rid of the grass and startle the snake, after an appointment for five minutes, he started to clean up the corpses in the four rooms.

Suren knew that touching those corpses would immediately alarm the caster who arranged the evil ritual.

The war may break out early.

But it looks good now, at least the ones in the restaurant are not distorted yet.

Edward and the others will investigate this matter, so naturally they also have a certain degree of strength.

Su Lun didn't think the ending would be one-sided.

Out of the banquet hall, Su Lun originally planned to find a place to prepare for the battle.

But I didn't think it was blocked by someone.

Gallup, the leader of the "Sand Scorpion Group", led more than a dozen people in his group, and was already waiting in the corridor.

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