Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 160: Hand rub black hole

The guys in the sand scorpion group watched Edward and Barbara come out, and they also learned that Su Lun wanted to go up and get in touch with the information.

"Hey, Mr. Edward..."

"Oh, beautiful Miss Barbara..."


No matter what the opening remarks, as long as the keywords are not triggered, the two key NPCs simply ignored these "outside cognition" hunters and left.

A crowd of wild hunters slumped, and they could only look at Su Lun who came out later.

"Hey you!"

Gallup looked gloomy and drank Suren.

He didn't mean anything, and asked very rudely: "What did you say to those two guys just now?"


Su Lun had already noticed that the sand scorpion group was staring at his every move, from entering the banquet hall to entering the backstage... until now.

He frowned as he looked at these obviously unkind guys in front of him.

To explain one more sentence, I feel like a waste of time.

Su Lun didn't want to pay attention to this group of people, and turned a deaf ear to what Gallup said. But he wanted to leave, but was blocked by the members of the Sand Scorpion Group who were touching their guns and showing their knives.

He then asked coldly: "What do you mean?"

Gallup asked again: "What did you say to the two ancient people just now?"

Su Lun frowned at this aggressive momentum, and asked, "I have an obligation to explain to you?"

After all, he is the leader of the dignified wilderness hunting group, and he needs some shame, so Gallup is naturally hard to say that he has to ask for information.

He said righteously: "I told you before when I came in, don't trigger any special plots casually. Do you take my words as deaf ears?"

At this time, one of you also stood up, pretending to be a middle-aged guest, and said: "The Gallup leader is right! Those two ancient people are guests on the second floor. If they don’t go up at midnight, we will all. Death. So, you must give us an explanation!"

The confession is false, and the request for information is true.

Since this cursed space was discovered, one or two thousand people have entered. A discerning person knows that the "magic" and the "singer" are not simple at a glance, but they have never heard of anyone who can put out any useful information in the mouths of those two people.

The hunters also knew that the first floor was just appetizers, and the precious treasures were all on the VIPs on the second or third floor.

Just discovering some alchemy knowledge or alchemy objects is definitely an opportunity to get rich overnight.

Now there is a guy who is lucky enough to find the "knack", how can they not be greedy?

Seeing Su Lun's attitude toward "swallowing", Gallup threatened again: "You'd better make it clear. Otherwise, whoever the **** triggers a dangerous plot, I don't mind who gets rid of first."


Su Lun didn't mind explaining a few words originally.

It wasn't that Su Lun wanted to kill them, but the five big family wilderness hunting groups outside.

From the moment room 1021 opened, it was doomed that the wilderness hunting group that entered the cursed space would be destroyed. If you don’t trigger the plot, you will definitely die, if you trigger it, you will have a little chance to survive...

However, the malice around him was like acupuncture.

This guy is really murderous.

There was no expression on Su Lun's face, and he asked calmly: "Are you going to kill me?"

Gallup snorted coldly, it goes without saying: You kid knows it.

However, others never expected that Su Lun seemed to be stunned, completely ignorant of the situation.

He just spit out a word, "Oh."


Seeing Su Lun showing no face at all, Gallup's face was pale.

The gang of "Sand Scorpion Group" were not happy anymore, like cats with their tails stomped on, exploded on the spot.

"Boy, our team leader talks to you well, you **** ignore it? I really thought there were guards now, so we wouldn't dare to move you?!"

"Captain Gallup, don't talk nonsense with such people. I said, if he doesn't give us a satisfactory explanation, he will just tie up the wine cellar and kill him."


The hunting group did not hide it, and the questioning became a life threat.

Without hotel guards, someone would have died long ago.

However, it was not Sulun, but them.

Being blocked again, Su Lun was also a little impatient with being entangled.

He was no longer polite, "Get out."

The scorpion of the sand scorpion group was not developed in a day or two, and it is arrogant. Where can I hear such arrogant words?

With that said, someone immediately jumped out, "Boy, who the **** are you? Talk to me like this?"

The words were all here, and Su Lun did not conceal his killing intent, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

He tilted his head and looked at the group of people, "My will die if you know it. Are you sure you want to know?"

Gallup trembled inexplicably when he heard this.

He realized that he might have encountered hard stubble.

Listening to what background is it so arrogant?

However, this is a curse space!

Haha...I really have a background, if I am offended, I can't let people leave alive!

Gallup's eyes grew colder.

Although the people in the Sand Scorpion Group were frightened by this aura, it was impossible for the people in the dozens to admit it like this.

The deputy head held his neck up and dismissed it: "Hahaha... I'm scared? Come, let's listen, what the **** is your name, I will die if you hear it!"

Su Lun didn't talk nonsense this time, and said lightly: "Oh... my name is Su Lun."

With that, he didn't look back, and left the crowd directly.

This time, no one dared to stop.


He said... his name is Su Lun?

This name seems to have a magical power.

A doubt arose in everyone's hearts.

The name seemed familiar, but I didn't think of it for a moment.

No, it should be said, no one dared to think over there.

A group of people looked at each other, seeing the doubt and inexplicable anxiety in each other's eyes.

After a long while, someone came up with the possibility that almost everyone thought of, and said with a trembling voice: "It seems...that S-class wanted criminal who made a lot of trouble recently is just...named...Su Lun ."

This said, as if the whole world was quiet.

They looked at the arrogant and departed back, and finally knew where his confidence came.

They suddenly realized that what the guy said before was not intimidation, but true.

According to the rules of the road, the robber missed his face and the wanted criminal reported his name, all of which are life and death taboos.

If it was really the "S-Class Wanted", would he let these people who knew his identity live?

At this moment, Qi Qi heard the sound of swallowing saliva.

Even the head of the "Sand Scorpion Group" Gallup paled.

Even if the person turned his back to them, he didn't even dare to show the courage to draw a gun in his heart.

Anyone who can be on the "S-Class Wanted List" has the power to hunt down Tier 2 professionals. Can these little hunting groups provoke them?

Although regretful in my heart, this is the end of the matter.

Gallup's face went dark.

"Boss, in case it's really that'Su Lun', we..."

"What about the wanted criminal? Is it possible that I should kneel and beg for mercy? Damn it! We will kill that guy until midnight. Then there are so many weird, I don't believe that he has three heads and six arms! Earn a bounty!"

"Yes, he didn't dare to do it, and he is also a jealous guard. We can even look for opportunities to cause a conflict and ask the guards to catch him. At that time, even if it is really the wanted criminal, we can use the rules of space to kill him!"


This statement, other people also echoed.


Those guys in the sand scorpion group didn't have the courage to shoot on the spot.

Su Lun didn't want to talk to them now.

He walked over and greeted Edward and Barbara who had just come downstairs.

They had just come down from the second floor, and they called a new partner, an old lady in a black robe with tattoos on her face.

Edward introduced their partner to Sulun, "This is Mrs. Aqiman. She is an [Exorcist] who is good at dealing with some sorceries. We also have a partner who will come down soon."


Su Lun didn't talk too much, and led the three of them to the door of room 1021.

He opened the room with the unlocking technique.

The three Edwards went in first, and then they saw the body on the bed.

The tattooed old lady also looked solemn and said: "This is indeed the corpse of the [faceless man]. Destroy the corpse and the surgeon will feel it immediately."

Edward also sighed: "The people in the hotel should be contaminated now, and there is no need to evacuate. Get ready to fight."

Barbara on the side did not speak, but at this moment she had completed the transformation of a succubus, her pupils turned red, and her tail grew out. A faint pink mist appeared all over his body.

Su Lun did not approach, but stood far away, hiding his body behind the invisible living corpse.

When a few people were about to destroy the body, a man with a flat head arrived late.

When the three Edwardians saw him, they clearly knew each other, and said hello, "Roko, you are here."

But when this person came in, Su Lun's pupils shrank suddenly.

He looked at this guy's big earlobes different from ordinary people, and immediately thought of the lady at the front desk's description.

After thinking about it with extreme fear, Su Lun exclaimed in his heart: "This guy is the one who came to open these four rooms...Tiger Garson!"

It was identified that the name on the top of this guy's head was also [Roko, the Demonized Beast Trainer].



These four corpses were arranged by this guy!

It turned out that it wasn't just the old nun, but Edward's teammates also had an inner ghost.

Su Lun can even guess that these people failed to deal with this incident a thousand years ago, and the eight achievements are directly related to this guy.

However, even after discovering this, Su Lun didn't have any different colors on his face.

People have already come, and needless to say, they will definitely fight.

Three hits one, the advantage is still there.

He didn't dare to speak out the truth, he was afraid that the "Magic Rothko" would be the primary target of attack. Instead, he quietly took out the puppet, then also pinched out the seal of the warlock, and quietly unlocked the cloak...

The three Edwardians looked at Sulun's spider spear planting, their eyes turned slightly, but they didn't say anything.

At this time, the old lady had already taken out some red crystals and alchemy powder, trying to destroy the corpse.

Suddenly, the flat-headed man got into trouble!

He stretched his hands forward without warning, and in the blink of an eye he turned into two piebald snakes, opened his mouth with fangs, and bit towards the magician's neck and the old lady in black robe in front of him.

Edward felt the danger, and his figure suddenly flashed, teleporting and appearing several meters away.

But the black robe old lady couldn't help but was bitten on the neck by a poisonous snake.

"Rothko, what are you doing!"

"Be careful, he has been contaminated!"


Screamed several times.

Rothko's face was numb, and his body was so dark that his alchemy array lit up under his feet. In the next second, thousands of densely packed piebald snakes swarmed into the door of 1021!

The poisonous snakes had **** mouths, and their fangs rushed towards several people in the house.

What's more weird is that under the corpse of the [faceless man] on the bed, a gray alchemy array suddenly lit up.

The corpse...stands upright!

Su Lun saw that his scalp was tingling, and silently took out the sack he had previously removed from the corpse, and then put it on his head.

Seeing everything in the room through the gap in the sack.

To fight, it is not his turn.


The straight-headed man suddenly turned back, and the three Edwardians were caught off guard.

But it does not mean that the three have no counterattack.

The black-clothed old lady was bitten on the neck by a poisonous snake, and the black air that represented death instantly appeared on her face.

However, at this time she also took out a black rag doll and sprayed it with a mouthful of black blood.

Looking at it again, the blood on her face instantly became rosy.

And watching the tide of poisonous snakes pouring in, Edward's hands quickly changed the magician seal, and a black six-pointed star formation also lit up from under his feet.

Immediately, a magical scene happened.

Su Lun looked at the space in the palms of his hands and suddenly twisted.

In the blink of an eye, it was like the "canvas" of space was forcibly torn apart and turned into two larger and larger black vortices. The tide of poisonous snakes poured in, before they had time to wreak havoc, they were suddenly swallowed by a powerful suction force into the two palms of Hei Xuan, not knowing where they were sent.

Su Lun watched the battle scene from the side, and was horrified: "Hand rubbing the black hole? This...this space ability is so outrageous?!"

He was also thankful that he hadn't planned to attack the magician directly before.

With this hand, I've never seen a person with space ability Su just for a while.


On the other hand, the battle in the room continued.

Barbara has turned into a succubus, her whole body burst into a pink mist, and when she reappears, she is already enveloped in front of the flat-headed man.

But in the next moment, there was a soft drink: "Rothko has been completely contaminated, and he can't be controlled!"

Before the words fell, the skin of the flat-headed man suddenly swelled up, and huge sarcomas puffed out from his body, and broke his clothes... He was about to become a deformed monster.

"kill him!"

Edward made a decisive decision and shouted sharply.

He put away the black hole in his palm, folded his hands together and made a space squeezing motion. The space around the flat-headed man seemed to freeze, and his body suddenly stiffened there.

A cold light flashed in the pink mist, and before the flat-headed distortion monster had time to go wild, a huge human head fell to the ground.

The black-clothed old lady came over in a breath, looked at the corpse in the room, and said: "The four grieving corpses have risen up, kill one separately, and they will resurrect indefinitely. You must kill four at the same time, or kill Shi Only the surgeon can get rid of it!"

Edward also yelled: "Hurry up to the third floor! The old nun must have been heavily polluted! Fortunately, he knew the plan in advance. Before she was completely demonized, kill her first!"

The change happened too quickly, and there was no time for any hesitation for a few people.

Without saying a word, the three Edwardians rushed out.

The battle came suddenly and ended suddenly.

From the appearance of the flat-headed man to the present, in just a few moments, there are no snakes and no people in Room 1021...

What was left was a corpse with a decapitated head on the ground, and a corpse of the faceless man standing upright on the bed.

Oh, and Suren with a sack on his head in the corner.


Outside, gunshots have sounded, and the NPCs in the restaurant seem to have begun to distort.

Su Lun looked at the two corpses in the room and muttered in his heart: "The plot seems a bit crooked..."

The person who opened the room was Edward's teammate, which he did not expect. doesn't seem to make a big difference.

I have to fight anyway.

The only difference is that the "ghost fog" that originally erupted at midnight was two hours earlier.

I don't know if it is good or bad.

Su Lun wanted to leave the room, but at this moment, he watched that [The Corpse of the Faceless Man] suddenly blossomed. Then, stamens grew from the petals, and several meters of flesh-colored tentacles covered with sarcoma suckers swayed out...

Those seven or eight tentacles are like snakes, tempting around in the air, seeming to find a living body with scent.

Su Lun did not change, and the information identified was exactly the same as the old black lady said.

[Demonized Corpse of the Faceless Man]

Detailed explanation: Tier 2 silver zombies are weird; materials for special evil rituals. If you interrupt the ritual without killing the caster, or kill four grieving corpses at the same time, the weirdness will be infinitely resurrected in the formation.

Although it is a zombie species, it cannot be killed.

Su Lun looked at the formation that lit up in the room, and guessed that this room was the weird "resurrection point".

At this time, the tentacles seemed to notice the aura of a living person in the room, and the tentacles dripping with mucus fumbled towards where Su Lun was standing, getting closer and closer...

But fortunately, the "sack" worked.

Just one foot away, those tentacles seemed to feel the aura that disgusted it, and then retracted.

This [Faceless Corpse] ignored Su Lun and walked out of the room.



Su Lun breathed a sigh of The decapitated corpse in the room had light.

He walked over and picked up the golden inaugural material [Beastmaster’s Whip].

It's a pity that it's not a magician's material...

Su Lun frowned slightly.

Like the previous intelligence, the weirdness here easily produces high-level materials.

But this also meant that if he wanted to guard Edward's body, he had to go upstairs.

Su Lun thought about it, took out the [hanging noose] and put it on his arm, then hung the cloth bag with the [wet hair] around his waist, and took [the baby’s swaddling suit] as a cloak ...

After doing all this, he controlled the living corpse to walk out of the room.

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