Chapter 374

Chapter 374 When winter goes, spring comes. =========================================================================

With eye contact, about five seconds passed.

“All right.”

And I changed my mind right away, and I allowed the request to go with me.


Then, with a weak exclamation, the raised eyebrows are bent roundly. After a while, Im Han-na’s lips, which had been tightly interlocked, were filled with a bright smile.

“Suhyun! I, really? Are you sure?”

Lim Han-na showed signs of relief with a brighter face. But I didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he looked up and stared into the air. In the space I looked at, a new message from the “Guardian of the Battlefield” just came to mind.

사용자 Update user Jung Ha-yeon’s information.』

Jung Ha-yeon’s information has been updated. I quickly measured the distance and direction. Then, it was found that information similar to that of Im Han-na was updated.

I didn’t think twice and decided to save Jung Ha-yeon as the next target.

After making up my mind like that, I looked at Im Han-na. Now that I’ve made my decision, it’s time to act.

“Yes. Instead, there is one condition.”

“What? Conditions?”

“I have to obey what I say while I’m with you. If you don’t have the confidence to keep this, you’ll never be allowed to accompany.”

“Sure. I’ll keep it.”

Hanna, who was at my threat, nodded with a face of course. I think I’ve already forgotten the rebellion I saw a while ago.

“I promise, if you’ll come with me….”


Frankly, the attitude without any hesitation was not very reliable. But now that Lim Han-na had something to do for her, I quickly walked closer to her. And I touched the body of the woman who looked up at me without moving, and held her in the arms of the princess.

Im Hanna let out a weak scream.

“Oh, my God!”

“It’s not even….”

“Mur, the Commercial Road…?”

“Even if you tell me to go back while I’m with you. You’ll have to follow.”

Im Han-na only blinked her eyes.

But then I slowly lowered my eyelids and slowly stretched out my arms and hugged my neck. Soon as I felt a smooth touch around my neck, I started running without delay.

“Well, I’m confident I can run well enough..”

The slow-paced grievances immediately subsided as soon as I got on track.

Im Hanna’s agility is 92 points. It’s six points apart from me. Of course, 92 could be very fast, but it was true that there was a big difference in my speed with the assistance of various equipment. Moreover, the best way was to carry her was not to deal with her enemies one by one, but to go as far as possible.

Chaeng, Chaeng, Chaeng!

Flap, flap!

The more it crossed the battlefield, the more disastrous it was. Arrows and magic poured down as if bombing were pouring, and thick smoke rising in places was rising tens of meters.

“Don’t run away, get together! Get together!”

“Now, wait a minute! Don’t go! Save me! Save me….Ooh, ooh!”

The sound of fighting and resisting the slaughter of enemies as much as possible. The sound of falling somewhere and asking for help.

“Mur, the Commercial Road….”


Various sounds from binge drinking flowed at the same time. But I walked past it without a moment’s hesitation. Avoid bombing, jump when you see an enemy.

Now my nerves were only focused on rescue. It was none of my business whatsoever or what other users were doing. It was too much for me to take care of people I know.

While I was running as hard as I could, I suddenly felt the warmth of sweeping my cheeks down. As I lowered my head suddenly, I could see Im Han-na’s eyes staring up at me with blank eyes. However, it was only for a while that the eyes met. At the same time I raised my head again, she looked away and lowered her hand.

“Blood on it… “.”


Soon I felt a little sorry for the faint voice that came from below. She offered to follow at best, but I was rather about to send it back. As Jeong Ha-yeon was chosen as the next target for rescue, she was going to ask for her company to arrive safely to the defense. Then we can move to the next target without having to go back and forth.

I’m sure you understand.’

But thinking that it was inevitable, I jumped into the ash-mixed smoke that rose before my eyes.

The distance away from Jung Ha-yeon is 110 meters from the point where she met Im Han-na. If you walk past here, you’ll find a secondary rescue point. I took a breath once at the target point.

Soon after, the view turned black with ash powder sticking to the face. But as soon as I got out of the smoke, I recovered again, and at that moment I stopped stomping.

Still, a scream is heard.

I put down Im Hanna quietly and looked around.

I don’t see any enemies who have already been swept away. As such, there were no users standing nearby. The only thing visible was the blood flowing through the earth and countless bodies decorating it.

And Jung Ha-yeon’s information was being confirmed in this very body pile.

I was rattled for a moment but quickly activated my third eye. Then, where Jeong Ha-yeon felt, he began to scour the piles of countless bodies.

“User Kim Joo-yeon (dead)”

『User Kaisa Matthew(사망)』

신User Shin Hyun-tae (dead) 『

『User Brian James(사망)』

“User Kim A-young (dead)”

“User Jeong Ha-yeon (Fatal Award)”


『User Kate Bellamy(사망)』

“User Kim Ji-hoon (Death)”

한User Han Hyo-jin (Fatal Award) 『


I found it.

As soon as I found Jung Ha-yeon and checked her condition, I breathed a sigh of relief. And it was just a moment to run out. With the sudden flow of mana from the side, he quickly picked Victoria’s glory and raised it to the sword.



“Don’t draw useless attention.”

Im Han-na was aiming for a “brilliant flash, Laura Phyllis” somewhere. Then, he hurriedly grabbed it and soon shook his head with a puzzled face.

After telling Im Hanna to be vigilant, I immediately rushed to the pile of corpses. I had already figured out where it was.

When all the annoying bodies were kicked over, Jeong Ha-yeon, lying on the ground, was found with a pale face.

The fine blue hair was soaked in blood and scattered. Then looking down, you see two arrows stuck in her abdomen. Perhaps some of her blood is mixed in the blood flowing like a stream now.

My heart began to pound when I thought so. But rather than holding onto Jung Ha-yeon and crying ugly, I didn’t forget what I had to do first. By insinuating her body, she broke her arrowhead and flagpole, and pulled out the remaining arrow.


It was a moment, but Jung Ha-yeon’s body trembled slightly. Then the closed eyes opened gently, and the blue eyes barely revealed stared at me. I’m not sure if you’re looking at me because of the light of very little confusion.

So, I opened my mouth first.

“Jeong Hayeon, thank you for your hard work. I’m safe now.”

Soon after, Jung Ha-yeon’s lips fell off.


However, Jeong Ha-yeon was speechless as soon as she was energized. The eyes are closed again and the head falls weakly.

Color…. Color….

However, he took a breath of comfort and removed the other. Then I immediately gave rise to mana and pressed down on some of the blood distributed in the ship. After a while, the blood flow began to diminish in an instant, and soon stopped.

Only after I checked it out, I hugged Jung Ha-yeon and turned around.

“Ha, Hayeon?”

Im Han-na, who was on guard, also looked very surprised to see Jeong Ha-yeon.

“Uh, sister… Oh, my God. Don’t tell me.?”

“He’s not dead yet.”

I shook my head when I saw Im Han-na raising her head. And slowly extended his arm toward her. Im Han-na tilted her head for a while, but she quickly cleared her bow and accepted Jeong Ha-yeon.

I continued immediately.

“Lim Han-na, it’s a little early, but I think we should stop here.”

“Yes, sir. Yes?”

I asked back with Im Han-na’s curious face, but I kept saying it was already a foregone conclusion.

“Do you remember the location of the defense I mentioned earlier?”

“That’s true, but….”

“For now, run to the point where you first met. If you see an enemy, avoid it no matter what, and be careful with arrows and magic. And never cross the battlefield in a hurry. As I said before, when you arrive at the branch, you can step right outside. Once you get out, you’ll see very little enemies.”


“Then I’d like to ask for Jung Ha-yeon.”

At the end of the remark, I turned away immediately. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to check the safety of Jung Ha-yeon. But to do so, there are still too many people to save. That’s why I had no choice but to run again, suppressing the unexpected emotions that were rising.

I couldn’t afford to waste a single step now, just like I decided to before I went into the battlefield.

“Now, wait a minute!”

It was then. Im Han-na’s urgent voice caught me as I was about to run away.

The act exasperated me, but I turned again. Im Han-na’s attitude was a spectacle. He looked at me with a puzzled face, but soon he was shifting his eyes to Jung Ha-yeon.

Im Hanna seemed to still want to follow me. Still, Jung Ha-yeon, who seemed to be out of breath at any moment, seemed to be anxious to be forced to do so without any countermeasures.

Im Han-na opened her mouth in a cautious voice, as if she had made up her mind.

“Mercury Road.”


“Can’t you just come with me to Bang-eun?”?”

And as soon as I heard that, I felt the emotions that I had endured so far rising greatly. I tried to swallow it somehow, but I opened my mouth quietly with anger that had leaked out.

“User Im Hanna.”

Fire! Fire!

“Now… don’t you think I’m right?”

At that moment, Im Han-na faltered back with a hazy face. There was an indisputable glow of fear on her face. And only then, I realized the mistake of venting anger beyond my knowledge.

I gazed gently at Im Hanna, with the energy that had leaked right away.

A little later.

Im Han-na looked at me with a sad look and then turned away with her eyes down. Before long, she began to run away holding Jeong Ha-yeon dearly.

‘At a low speed. I don’t think I’ll ever get caught.’

Watching Im Han-na drop the streets in a flash, I was relieved inside.

Then he turned his back to the next target.


When I opened my eyes after being hit by the tsunami, the battlefield was turned upside down.

Flap, flap!

“Sa, save me!”

The magic sound. The sound of asking for help.

Shush, shush, shush!


Arrow sound. Screaming again.

The vision was blurry without glasses, but the sounds in the ears indirectly informed the surrounding situation. Shin Sang-yong’s face was distorted as he grasped the complicated head.

I still don’t know the details. No, is it an accurate expression that I didn’t have time to look into it?

The woman’s tearful scream, which was heard earlier before she got back up, kept ringing. At that moment, I thought I’d be in trouble if I touched something I didn’t know, so I jumped up, enduring the intense pain from my thighs. And I just looked forward and ran.

Shin Sang-yong, only ran and ran.

“Huck, huck, huck, huck!”

How long did he run like that? How did it turn out?

My heart thumped loudly, and suddenly I felt a weak dizziness in my head. It looks like it’s been running for a long time, but the battlefield doesn’t seem to end.

Shin Sang-yong was in despair. I could feel the tremors all over my body. Seeing tears running down his cheeks, he must have sobbed without realizing it. It wasn’t just him. Thighs are as hot as they are in front of the stove, and sweat-like things flow down. However, it was high in temperature and mildly viscous to be considered sweat.

While running continuously, Shin was unable to overcome the pain that eventually soared and lowered his eyes. Then his right thigh, covered with blood, caught his eye.


At that moment, something squishy hit my running foot and fell forward.


The thrown body soon slid forward, and the face was scratched hard on the ground.

I felt a sting in Shin Sang-yong’s face, but it was for a while.

“───! ───!”

With the sudden and increasingly narrow shouting, Shin Sang-yong jumped up like a lie. His thighs hurt so much that he couldn’t keep his body in check, but one of the tenets that he just had to run was to raise him up.

But is it too late?

Just as he was about to run, Shin Sang-yong could feel a rough touch on his shoulder. He turned his head reflexively, with the fear of a sudden death.

And at that moment.

“Oh, my! Sangyong!” Whoops! Whoops!

I could see Anhyun in front of me.

Behind him, long red hair was flying in the air.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I’m Ro Yu Jin.

It’s a chapter for Shin Sang-yong that I personally really wanted to write.

The war is coming to an end soon.

Originally, Kim Soo-hyun was going to save the scene once more, along with other users except for the main character. (I thought it would be possible to capture the scene at Kim Soo-hyun’s point of time when he is focusing only on rescuing.)

However, for a quick development, we will skip that part and hold a reunion with Kim Soo-hyun as soon as Shin Sang-yong’s part is over. In other words, Jeong Ha-yeon will be the last to be detailed about the rescue, and it will be briefly mentioned later. I’ll try to control that part as much as I can.

The sub-title of this chapter is ‘When Winter Goes, Spring Comes.

The last episode will feature a composition similar to “Long Take” in the movie, which contains moments from Shin Sang-yong’s point of view.

At the end of this chapter, the war will probably end in the next chapter.

I hope it answers your questions.

And… I’m sorry I’m always late these days.

Friday is the last day I come back from school.

I can’t guarantee it at midnight, but I’ll never puncture the series even if it’s uploaded a little later.

Thank you. _(__)_

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