Chapter 375

Chapter 375 When winter goes, spring comes. =========================================================================

Before I knew it, the screams that were heard around me began to fade away. It was the moment when he identified the person who grabbed his shoulder because he was nervous.

At that moment, Shin Sang-yong, who was about to struggle hard, stopped moving.


Once again, the voice sounded very familiar. Such familiarity has slightly corrected Shin Sang-yong’s disheveled mind. He blinked once or twice. Then, through a bit of calm vision, Ahn Hyun, who touched his shoulder, was the first to be seen. And next to it stood Lee Yu-jung, who sprayed a bleak look.

“Ah, Ahn Hyun-gun…Yoo-jung… Everyone was alive….”

“Yes, brother! You were alive, too. I’m so relieved. I’m glad….”

Shin Sang-yong’s voice, who barely opened his mouth, was mixed with weak tears. As soon as I saw both of them, I felt like I was getting out like a low tide. Then, the feeling of relief came to the empty seat instead. Feeling as if his legs were about to come loose, he breathed out a thin breath.

“Hey, that’s great. Something big happened now. I desperately need your help.”

“He, he is. It’s a big deal. Oh, I’m not doing this here right now, but I’m gonna have to….”

Shin Sang-yong, who was nodding hurriedly, had no choice but to stop talking. This is because Ahn Hyun, who still grabbed his shoulder, was shaking his head quickly.

“No, brother, that’s not it.”

“Uh, huh? Well, if not….”

Shin Sang-yong returned with a curious look at Ahn’s urgent denial.

“Sole, I lost her. I have to find my brother.”

And as soon as Ahn replied immediately, the relief that he was about to hover over Shin Sang-yong’s body quickly reversed.

“What? Oh, you’re looking for Miss Ansol? What do you mean, all of a sudden?. I mean.”

“It’s literally. I managed to rescue him, but I was swept around by the enemy’s raids and missed Sol for an instant. I’ve been looking for it for a while now…I can’t see where it is.”

Even though it was rambling, Shin could fully understand Ahn’s words. And as soon as he heard it, he had a deep repulsion.

Then at the same time as the unexpected anxiety strikes, the barely calming heart begins to pound again.

In fact, after the “Tidal Wave of Purification,” Ahn Hyun, Lee Yoo-jung and An Sol were able to get together quite dramatically.

Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jung were lucky to meet in the process of gathering their conscious users. In time, a group of people moved in and out of sight, and Ansol was also rescued in the process.

Obviously, I thought it was a good thing up to that far.

Eventually, however, the group collapsed when it faced an enemy crossing the ship, and Ansol’s whereabouts were unknown while he was running away. Since then, Ahn Hyun asked the man who managed to escape from the raid to find his younger brother together, and only the two of them escaped because they refused.

However, Shin Sang-yong, who did not know the situation, felt that Ahn’s words were unreasonable. No, even if I knew, I wouldn’t have thought differently.

In a battlefield where you don’t know when or how to die, Shin Sang-yong has fled so far only to live. However, Ahn does not intend to join forces to get out of the battlefield, but rather wants to move around the inside of the battlefield. It was an unacceptable request for him, as he had his own head in the man’s mouth.


“Hey, help me. You’re gonna help me, right? What?”

The eyes that leaked between Ahn Hyun’s “Pitch of Brave” were covering Shin Sang-yong’s mouth. The gaze contained unfounded trust that it would surely help. He flinched unconsciously. I’m sure I have to say that I can’t do it myself, but I couldn’t say anything when I looked into his eyes.

Suddenly, Shin Sang-yong’s head reminded me of what happened at the former Clan House.

Hehe. Sangyong. Can you help me?’

“What, what? Help me?”‘

Yes! Suhyun asked me to do something. But I don’t know…You’re gonna help me, right?’

‘Ha ha. I see. Of course. I’ll help you.’

Then, over Ahn Hyun’s face, the events of that time overlapped without any reason.

Shin Sang-yong did not know what to do at the moment, so he turned to Lee Yu-jung. She’s been staring at me without saying a word since earlier. The attitude was quite different from usual. The headband I’ve always worn is nowhere, and my eyes are bloodier than ever. Shin Sang-yong finally dropped his head at the sight of Lee Yu-jung, who was full of life.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

Despite the urgent situation, Ahn Hyun’s worried voice continued. However, even that sounded like a reminder to Shin Sang-yong to answer quickly.

It was then.

“You’re hurt.”

It was only then that Lee Yu-jung opened her mouth. At that, Ahn Hyun was surprised and dropped her hand, and soon lowered her gaze along her finger.

“Oh, my. My thighs…!”

“It’s going to be a little hard.”

Lee Yoo-jung, please say something that seems a bit difficult. The word had many implications. Ahn Hyun’s face quickly darkened, perhaps because he felt it. On the contrary, Shin Sang-yong raised his head again, thinking that he could see a way.

“Brother, I’ve been hurt by these wounds so far.Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Well, just a little….”

“Ha… What should I do….”


Ahn gently bit her lips with a long sigh. Looking at him like that, Shin Sang-yong gulped down.

Shin Sang-yong thought.

Now I have a clear excuse. I’m sure the kids will understand if it’s this hurt. No. Rather, let’s escape with the kids using this as an excuse. I’m sure they’ll die if we keep this up. So once you move on to the cause of avoiding your seat, you find Ansol later…Because this is the way for both.

It was only after the process of rationalization that Shin Sang-yong opened his mouth.

“Well, first of all….”

“I’m afraid I’ll have to find Ansol by myself.”

However, just as he was about to continue, Ahn Hyun stopped talking to Shin Sang-yong with a determined face.

“As Sang-yong is now…Wait. What?

“I know. So, Lee Yu-jung. Why don’t you take care of your brother for a second? I’ll find Ansol somehow.”

“Are you crazy? Don’t go overboard.”

“But we can’t just stay like this. We don’t know when we’ll find it.And walk around. If you see him, you’ll find a priest..”

Soon after, Shin Sang-yong stared blankly at the two bickering. At the same time, I was filled with shame. Ahn Hyun is truly thinking of himself, and he felt a strange sense of guilt at the thought of betraying his sincerity.

It was that moment. When time goes by in a situation of melee that is inconclusive.

“Oh, brother!”

At the sudden sound of Ansol’s voice, the three of them were astonished and turned their heads at the same time.

In the direction of the sound, there were a total of four users.

There, standing as if lying, Ansol and a woman were slowly narrowing the distance.



For an instant, a beautiful sword with a clear light split the air like lightning. The end of the sword was soon gently stuck in the man’s neck. How fast it was, his face showed a sense of mercy.

Before long, the man’s eyes slowly turned downward.


And as soon as he saw the sword stuck in his neck, he turned his body down. With him, the woman’s sword was collected, and her long hair flapped once in the air.


After killing the last enemy, the silent silence surrounded him.

Eleven bodies were lying on the floor, including the man who fell last. Soon as the blood from them flowed into a single stem, her lips slowly opened.

“Let’s wait here for a while.”

When the woman’s horse fell, five people, except her and Ansol, immediately lowered themselves. Then, each turn its back in one direction to begin its vigilance. The woman stood in the middle of it and sprinkled her sharp eyes in all directions.


“Focus, and look ahead.”

Ahn turned his back for a moment and talked to the woman, but the reaction to her return was very cold. In addition, he turned his head without income, feeling a vague reluctance to deal with it.

What the hell happened. And it made me wonder how they could come to where they were, but the woman refused to allow any questions. Maybe that’s right. I could hear the explanation of the situation later, and it’s important that I get back alive somehow right now.

However, from the perspective of a real older brother, An-hyun quietly stared at An-sol. She was shivering in the middle with a blank face.

Until a while ago, Ahn Hyun was in quite a difficult situation. A sense of duty to find a lost brother. And at the crossroads of not being able to leave injured Shin Sang-yong, Luck once again helped him.

But the joy of reunion was also brief. Ahn Sol, who burst into tears as soon as he saw them, continued to tremble. It was as if something was really traumatized.

Ahn Hyun thought. I don’t think I’ve lost my mind. At least, he answered, “She saved me,” and memorized a simple treatment spell from Shin Sang-yong. However, it was hard to think that he was normal, so I couldn’t stop worrying about him.

Ahn Hyun sighed. As the woman said, it is important to survive for now.

Since we started moving together, the woman’s ability has been tremendous. They showed the ability to avoid enemies by telling them in advance that they have enemies where they can’t be seen, or to deal with dozens of enemies alone if they are forced to encounter them.

Thinking that it was similar to Kim Soo-hyun, An-hyun grabbed the spear. Since meeting Shin Sang-yong, it has become as quiet as a lie, so there has been a touching feeling of anxiety.

How long has it been?

After a while, a slight sigh came out of the woman standing in the middle. It was a very weak breath, but it sounded clear to everyone. At the same time, the hearts of all the people dropped.

Soon the woman’s lips opened.

“Is there anyone you haven’t met directly with on your way here?”

Everyone is staring at each other at the words. Most of us here have had at least one crisis, so we don’t think there’s anyone like that. But then one person raised his hand gently. He was just for Shin Sang-yong.

“I… I didn’t see him directly.”

“…Which direction are you from?”

“Well, I don’t remember. Every time I feel like an enemy is in front of me, I turn in a hurry….”

After Shin Sang-yong’s words, the woman remained silent again. In no time, there was an indisputable depth on his calm face. Then, he stared at Ansol with a face just in case.

“The priest there. Can you show me the way like before?”

His voice was much softer than when he was talking to Anhyun. But Ansol shook his head, and the woman turned her head with a sad face.

In the end, a user who couldn’t stand it opened his mouth.

“Well, after the sword, you’re not moving again?”

At that, Geomhu stared and shook his head.

“Because I can’t move. They’re enemies everywhere.”

The user’s face turned muddy when asked the post-mortem answer.

“But I don’t see the enemy now…Isn’t that too much?”

“Well, I’m just lucky. No, I don’t know if I should say yes, but…I think I’m stuck in the middle.”


Nam Da-eun looked to the right, as if she didn’t understand at all.

“It’s true that it’s too much. But why you let it go. I don’t know what that means.”

The sword stopped talking for a moment and stared to the left. And then he went on again.

“There’s a much more dangerous sense of life here. I’m sure the enemy is approaching.”


“Anyway, I’m not entirely aware of it. Just think it’s in the eye of a storm that’s never going to go away.”

At the words, some quick-witted users exclaimed, “Ah.” It was not until the word “eye of a storm” that they realized their situation.

Luckily, he survived the first attack, but he didn’t actually survive.

“Well, then, are we surrounded now?”

“It’s not a deliberate siege.”

“Then if this condition is maintained….”

“You’re going to die.”

The postmortem answered clearly. At that moment, Ansol burst into tears quietly.



“My brother…. Soohyun’s brother….Ugh….”

Sad sobbing followed, but no one thought of stopping it. I thought I barely survived, but I was in crisis again and lost my energy.

As a result, the minds of the Commercial Clans were also very mixed. Now they had a user in their head at the same time.

If there was a Clan Lord….


At that time, Nam Da-eun quickly turned her head to the name that sounded through Ansol’s sobbing.

“Oh, yes.”

Shin Sang-yong answered next to him. However, Nam Da-eun still had her eyes fixed on Ansol without seeing him.

“Are you talking about the user, Kim Soo-hyun?”

“If you’re talking about the Commercial Road, yes. It’s our Clan Lord.”

Then Nam Da-eun’s eyes turned round and looked back at Shin Sang-yong.

It was then.


Nam Da Eun has been slowly move to their own side felt the crowd, turned away in a hurry. Staring at the front for a moment, she soon opened her mouth quietly.

“The enemies are coming this way.”

At that, Ansol stopped crying. But the time was already late.

“It seems inevitable.”

============================ Review of the work ============================

To help you understand the situation, I’ll borrow your review for a moment. (I put it in the content, but then I deleted it on purpose because there were too many explanations.)

The current location of Anhyun, Ansol, Shin Sangyong, and Lee Yujeong is the most dangerous location in the battlefield. It’s the furthest away from defense, and it’s the place where enemies flock the most. And most of all, it’s a place where the leaders of the enemy pass by. That’s why the avant-garde unit charged first and safely drilled the road for the enemy’s leaders in the rear guard unit.

In other words, on the right side, the avant-garde unit is going too far, and on the left, the rearward unit is slowly approaching.

You can think of enemies as distributed back and forth. The reason for the distribution is that in response to sporadic events here and there, the enemies were also divided into groups and subdued.

And seven of us were lucky enough to stay in the blind spot for a while.


I won’t join Jo Ara until I finish the next episode.

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