Chapter 636

Chapter 636 things of the hachar =========================================================================

A northwestern expedition arrived at the home of the giants.

As I told Kim Soo-hyun yesterday, Kim Yu-hyun started acting as soon as he arrived at the target area. It officially announced the end of the third region and immediately began construction of the fortress.

As part of that, Kim Yu-hyun first borrowed users’ hands to clean up the giant’s home. In the name of wanting to build the fortress as soon as possible.

But there was no one who believed it straight away. Users suffered from a painful battle and lost a colleague. Victory is not much of a comfort in this situation. If there is only one thing that can soothe the wound, it can be said that compensation is by far the best medicine.

Of course, the unwritten rule is not to touch the compensation earned from the settlement of the site until it is distributed. But it is actually quite a long way off and unlikely that all thousands of people will abide by that principle.

For example, a great achievement like Mölnir can’t be helped, but a jewel the size of a bird’s egg doesn’t show much. To put it bluntly, it’s okay as long as you don’t get caught.

From this point of view, users who organize their current home can be categorized into three main categories:

A user who faithfully reports a result upon discovery.

Users who first look around when they find a performance.

A user who acts individually from the beginning to conceal his or her performance.

Especially in the third case, there are many classes of archers and assassins. Due to the nature of his job, he has a good sense of sight, and he has the ability to discover hidden achievements as well as revealed achievements.

Right now, like a man walking into a remote place alone.

Like the place used by the emperor of the Gijil giants, good performance is often found in the center.

But there was a good reason for a man to go to a remote place. The center is heavily restricted in its attempt to conceal as users flock to it the most in the most.

Rather, it is better to give up good performance and head to a remote place with relatively little fear of exposure.

The man who was so quick to move his feet stopped when he found a place that looked like a camp that was a long way from the center of the site. Of course, it was just a tent where a giant lived, but from the user’s point of view, it was a large space that could be seen as a camp for two to four people.

The man looked carefully around. And after confirming that no one was there, the leather was opened, apparently torn apart.

Soon as I took a step inside, I poked my nose and frowned at the smell of ripe leather.

“Is that the old man’s room? It smells bad.”

The inside of the camp was quite spacious, about 30 meters in diameter. The ceiling is covered with stained leather, and the walls are also covered with stringed leather. The ground was covered with dark leaves. It was like looking at a cave of primitive times.

At first glance, I don’t see much. But as soon as the man looked around at the leather hanging from the rope, his frowning eyes drew a line. On a bone rack sticking out through the leather, something like a shiny necklace hung.

“Oh, I found something expensive.”

The man smiled pleasedly and grabbed the necklace. Cheap decorations of bones were spotted, but the man didn’t care. The thick jewels with the beads were shining red and showing off themselves.

“At least 3,000 gold coins. It’s a good start.”

Soon the man with the necklace in his arms slowly began to wander around the camp.

However, in the next five minutes, the man did not find any results. There were occasional sightings of monster meat and eyeballs that seemed to belong to a mysterious bird, but from the user’s point of view, they were unnecessary.

“I thought you said your first dog was a dog’s paw.”

The man looked around for another five minutes and grumbled in a sour voice. I didn’t expect anything great, but I didn’t feel very good about the fact that I didn’t get any practical equipment. A necklace was not enough to meet the expectations of the man.

Eventually, the man, who gave up looking for more, decided to leave and turned away.

“Come on, shit.”

A pile of fallen leaves that had been scanned earlier caught my eye, and the man chuckled and kicked. It was then when the tip of his toes hit a pile of fallen leaves.


The feeling of something being caught was felt from the tip of my toes.


The man also felt a strange sensation, and his eyes turned wide open.

Soon after, he found a pile of dirt that rose roundly in the fallen leaves that had slightly lifted the man’s gaze. At first glance, the mound, shaped like a grave, was about the size of a plate.

“Is this…?”

Suddenly, Lee Chae passed by the man’s eyes, who had been muttering in a daze.

After a while, the man hurriedly fell on his face, clearing the fallen leaves with his hands and carefully sweeping down the soil.

However, as the crowd suddenly began to pick up one by one from the outside, the man put his hands in the middle of the dirt tomb in a hurry. I groped around in that state and suddenly caught something with my fingertips.

The size of a seed and a hard texture. But I don’t have a clear idea of what it is. No, is it an accurate expression that we don’t even have time to see each other?

“Oh, someone’s already here?”

Suddenly, I heard a voice outside. The man’s actions that followed were very quick. He quickly raised himself by putting the necklace in his arms, and swept the fallen leaves with his feet to cover the soil.

About three seconds later, someone came into the camp, slightly skinned.

“Who’s there…? Oh, was it you?”

Is it the voice of someone you know? The man breathed a sigh of relief. And it was a moment when I turned around with a calm face.


Suddenly, a red glow began to shoot out of the man’s chest.


But there was no time to know what the glow was.


Suddenly, the pain felt near the heart caused the man to scream low.


Meanwhile, at the same time.

“That’s enough.”

In-young, who sat relaxed in a dark space and fancy chair, spoke in a low voice. The tone itself was very low, but it was a voice with a hint of satisfaction.

“Is it seeded?”

At that time, a different voice suddenly popped out of nowhere. It was a voice from In-young, who was in front of the chair.

“Oh, first of all, the forced transplant was successful. Now I’m going to watch it for at least two weeks. Whether we can get a seat or not.”

Inyoung in the chair answered the question. And as I slowly opened my eyes, my red eyes flared up in the dark. The red eyegloss soon stared under the chair.


Belial, one of the Fourteenth Monarchs of the Devil and closest to Satan the Great.

Yes, the two people who are exchanging stories now were Satan, the King of All Demons, and Belial, the Devil.

Satan didn’t immediately stop talking. He took a glass of wine in his right hand for a moment and took one out at the beginning of the year.

Sizzling. Sizzling.

“What’s the status quo?”

Only then did the voice follow.

“I understand we’re all set. Now if I could just open a portal to the lighthouse hell….”

“Ho, already? Quite sincere for Astarot.”

“You’re not the only one who hosted it. Belzebub, Asmodus, Baal….”

“Yes, Belzebub and Asmodius were, but Baal was quite unexpected. Maybe you felt a sense of ascendancy as a brutal destroyer.”

Satan said so and chuckled.

“…and even Satan.”

However, when Belial continued to talk a beat later, Satan stopped laughing. Then he lifted the glass of wine and put on a significant look.

“Don’t you like that I’m in? Answer the truth.”


“Hhh, is that so?”

“I’m sorry.”

Belial immediately tightened his head, but Satan shook his head as if he didn’t care.

“No, it doesn’t matter. Just think positively. It’s not really crossing, it’s just a seed. That would have been useless, too.”


Belial, who said so, took a short breath. However, when I didn’t hear anything, I thought it was an unspoken permission and slowly continued.

“I still feel bad about the prophecy of the world.”


“As you know, the prophecy of the world has never been wrong. I think this plan is to carry out some of the prophecy now…..”

“However, if we stay still, the results will be the same.”

Satan didn’t listen to all Belial and cut it off halfway. Belial crumpled instinctively, but Satan still lifted the glass of wine in a gentle manner.

“I don’t know what you think, but I’m pretty high on this plan. There are four, or five, great devils in the plan. …the great demons, who were always moving individually, joined forces for the first time. I think this alone is definitely meaningful.”

The remarks that followed were constructive to the point that it was not considered Satan. However, Belial’s face was shaded with slight concern. The reason Satan, who emphasized that he was an “independent being” more than anyone else, was because Satan also recognized the seriousness of the current situation. In other words, it was proof of how many demons there were.

“As a matter of fact, I know. That this plan won’t work out.”

Then Belial’s face hardened and Satan’s eyes ripped horizontally. For an instant, a thick glow flashed through both eyes.

“If the Great Jade Emperor is so powerful…And hell is her home ground. No matter how perfectly prepared you are, there will always be variables.”

Belial slowly lifted his head.


“But not being successful doesn’t necessarily mean failure, does it? You can catch the variable. That’s why I snuck in.”

“Lord, lord.”

“Well, I can’t help it if I fail. But then we really have to give up the North Continent.”


“Oh, by the way. Belial, why don’t you join the plan?”

What the hell is this sound? Belial hurriedly lifted his head.

Satan calmly opened his mouth.

“I’ve heard from Astarot that the Grand Duke of Hell is a real sucker. Not to mention God, but to the extent that a decent angel can’t even show his business card. Why don’t you go take a look?”


This time, Belial showed signs of bewildered. Is that facial expression interesting?

“Ha ha. I’m kidding. I’m in the middle of a good mood with a fun plan ahead, so understand.”

Satan burst out laughing lightly.

“Anyway, is that enough? Belial.”

Belial couldn’t answer. Because I couldn’t figure out what to say. I had no idea what Satan really meant.

…No, perhaps the first to doubt the King of All Demons since he came under Satan’s That’s how different Satan’s speech and attitude was today.

“…everything at Satan’s will.”

But in the end, that’s all Belial can answer.

In time, Satan, who inhaled another glass of wine, rose calmly.

“Anyway, keep track of the progress.”

At the beginning of the year, he put it in a glass and left the space.

Soon as Satan’s footsteps faded away, a still silence came into the space. The air current, which had been subtly on edge, also subsided. So Belial was left alone in space, but still ambushed for the chair.


Suddenly, Belial’s mouth opened. As if still talking to Satan.

“…I’m afraid that the plan didn’t stop at failure.”

And a voice filled with vague anxiety continued quietly.

============================ Review of the work ============================


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