Chapter 637

Chapter 637 Make peace with Vivien. =========================================================================

“I’m sick and tired of the Steel Mountains. So let’s get out of here.”

The day after arriving at the home of giants. My brother paged me as soon as the morning came and said something out of the blue. I stared at my brother, trying to look as if I didn’t understand as much as I could.

“…Why are you looking at me like that?”

“No, I was wondering what you were talking about. Are you suggesting we get out of here right now?”

Then, my brother smiled blandly and shook his head slowly.

“That’s not what I meant. In order to do that, we didn’t even build the fort in the first place.”

“Then what?”

“Isn’t it over soon anyway? You said that. If we can target the giants’ home, the Iron Mountains are almost over.”


I certainly did say so. Now, if you march for three days, you can escape the Steel Mountains, and there is Atlanta about four days from now. In other words, it takes about seven days from here to Atlanta.

“I understand what you’re saying.How?

I understood what my brother said. But literally, how?’was the problem. Brother, I told you, so you know it, but other users don’t know that the Steel Mountains are about to end. However, it is not possible to operate a reconnaissance unit for up to three days.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already thought of a way.”

But my brother smiled and said in a confident voice. I tilted my head for a moment, but when I saw my brother tapping his shoulder, I realized one thing.

Come to think of it, there’s no chorong.’

When I saw him, I wondered why he was so quiet today.

“So you’re going to use Chorong?”

“Lee Yong. I just asked him to get some fresh air for a couple of days.”

You’ve already sent it.

Anyway, one of the baby hairs works really well. However, there is still a problem even if it works out as my brother thinks. Since the eastern, southern and northern parts have completed their attacks once, it was time for the eastern part to step up again. But if you look at the way he’s done it, will the East be able to take it easy?No, wait a minute.

The Steel Mountains are over now, aren’t they?’

Only then did I know what my brother was thinking.

“Hey, don’t tell me…”

“Hu-hoo. You just watch it. I’ll take care of the rest.”

My brother said in a meaningful voice, maybe he read my expression. Then, he even thumped his heart as if to believe in himself. Technically speaking, I’m a member of the Southern Expeditionary Force, so I have no substance to interfere in this matter. Besides that, I thought it would be better to leave at this point.

“Well, I got it.”

“Yes, yes. Oh, Soohyun.”

I was about to turn around thinking that there was nothing more to talk about, but my brother called me as if he had forgotten something.


“Oh, nothing else, I was wondering if you’d heard from Eastantel Low Road.

Huh? Did I get Han Soyoung’s call?

Was there?

I’ve thought it over, but I don’t remember receiving it since I left the Southern Fortress.

“No, I don’t.”

“Really? That’s weird..”


“I got a couple of calls yesterday. So I asked the shadow queen to deliver it to you, didn’t you hear it?”

I’ve been contacted twice, but Ko Yeon-ju intercepted me in the middle…It smells like something.

“Try to find out.”

Finally, I came out of my brother’s tent with the last words. I wanted to go to Ko Yeon-joo right away, but I had a place to go first.

Although his brother or Baek Hangyeol was able to recover quickly, Ansol was still unconscious. In a way, as I was responsible for it, I was visiting him twice a day to check the recovery trend.

It wasn’t that difficult to find a casualty center as I’ve already been in and out several times. But just as I was about to go inside, I had no choice but to stop walking. Because there was a passenger who came before me.

As I peeked inside, I saw Ansol lying on the bed as if he were dead, and two men and women showing signs of anxiety from left and right. It was Lim Han-na and Ahn Hyun. Ahn Hyun is looking at Ahn Sol with his head slightly bent and affectionate eyes. …I don’t think I’m in the mood for something.


“He’s sighing like he’s running away.”

“I’m just… I’m in a hurry.”

“…It’s gonna be okay. Don’t worry too much, okay?”

Im Han-na soothes her, but An-hyun shakes her head.

“I still can’t believe it, actually believe it. I can’t believe I’m in such a coma..”


“I’m afraid I’ll be up in a minute..”

“…I think so. I’m sure you will, so go rest now. I’ll be watching Sol.”

An-hyun stared at An-sol for a long time without moving. Eventually, however, he nodded and slowly raised himself up. Soon, I saw Ahn Hyun, who was going to the other side, and I took a step in.

“You’re here?”

Im Han-na then bent slightly and touched the cot and said. I think you’ve known it since you came here earlier. I moved to the opposite side of Im Hanna, where Anhyun was standing.

“Just come in. It’s all right.”

“I don’t think it’s the right atmosphere. Anyway, how’s Ansol?”

Only then did Lim Han-na, who looked at me, smiled kindly and shrugged. Does that mean there’s no improvement yet?

When I checked with my third eye, I found out that it was.

“Are you dreaming? Your face looks so comfortable.”

Im Han-na was stroking Ansol’s hair with a gentle face reminiscent of her mother.

“Come to think of it, Shin Jae-ryong and Im Han-na have been helping the injured management center.’

I suddenly felt grateful. There have been a lot of things I haven’t been paying attention to lately, but Clan members have been taking care of themselves. He is said to be doing not only the casualty management office but also the guard duty.

In fact, the Clan members took it as if it were natural, although they didn’t have to do it as they came here to help. No, I said I’d do it myself. As such, the current user’s idea of a “why are they here?”It was not, it was, indeed, a macho. It was a part of why Northwestern users greet me so much that it is burdensome to see me.

Of course, I’m grateful to Ansol. If you didn’t hit me then, the one who lied on the bed would be older than Ahn Sol.


While I was so lost in thought, I suddenly heard Im Han-na’s voice.


“Isn’t it pretty to see Sol sleeping? You’re like an angel.”

Im Han-na was looking at Ahn Sol, who breathed out colorful breaths, with a face that she was not sure what to do not know what to do.(In fact, Lim Han-na’s upper body bent, so her chest was heavily tilted down, but she decided to let it go.)

I stared silently at Ansol. If you look closely, I think Im Han-na is right when she is sleeping. A comfortable face that doesn’t look a bit worried, a tight lip, and a fluttering nose..


I rubbed my eyes reflexively. But when he looked at it again, Ansol was definitely flaring his nose. Slightly open, crumpled, and crumpled. It’s like smelling something.

It was then.


Ansol, who had a slight salivation, suddenly launched into action. He was lying straight in the direction of looking at the ceiling and slowly turned his head toward me. Like a laser detector. Then, he moved his head and got the width and nose on my right thigh. Then, “Uh-huh.” A subtle groan.

‘What, what is it? When I checked earlier, it was definitely a coma.’

“So, Sol? Sol! Have you come to your senses?”

Im Han-na shouted in an urgent voice, but An-sol showed no reaction.

But the moment I took a step back.


Ansol immediately frowned and whined. However, when he put his thigh on the nose of the road, he soon relaxed his facial expression.

“…is he in a coma?”

I asked in a ridiculous mood, but Im Han-na didn’t answer. He just responded with a bitter smile as if he couldn’t stop him.

What a wonderful kid.


After the settlement of the giants, the construction of the fortress began in earnest. At the same time, a short break was found in the Northwest expedition. Since the construction of the fortress is a resident’s job, the users have nothing to do.

But I didn’t have enough time to rest as my brother did my brother. The general commander was the busiest position even after the attack.

My brother did not waste time and contacted me that the attack was over immediately. Then it’s natural that the East should step up in order.

As expected, however, the East did not move the expedition smoothly. “Isn’t the time too short?” or “I doubt the march distance,” he tackled, which is almost a nitpicking. It seems that the North-West expedition’s unexpected attack was annoying, and the users who participated in the attack probably felt that the East’s attitude went too far. Even I seriously considered destroying the East when I heard that.

But my brother didn’t. He waited silently despite the angry cries of countless users, and suddenly made additional announcements and contacts starting with Chorong’s return two days later.

“As a result of checking with Chorong, it was confirmed that there was a point where the steel mountain range ended within four days.’

If the Eastern opinion is so, we will march for a few more days.’

Like this.

In fact, my brother’s announcement also made no sense. The crossing of the Steel Mountains or the discovery of a new continent will result in 100 percent achievement, which is directly related to compensation. That’s why all expeditions should be assigned the same, and I meant I’d monopolize it by myself.

But no one has spoken ill of his brother. This is because everyone knew implicitly what his brother was aiming for and made such remarks.

In other words, since this happened, the Eastern expedition had no choice but to change its position by saying, “I will go.” You can’t give up your achievement just because you have pride.

Did the old saying that if I stay still, I’ll go halfway? The battle, which lasted for about three days, ended with a complete victory for his brother. The East has become a laughing stock in the world at the same time that it shows its shamefulness. If I had stayed still like the South, I would have gone halfway.

Anyway, the East started first and joined the South, and then the Southeast came together.

Of course, it wasn’t without problems here either. No, it’s a matter of east, west, south.

It is good to come here to be granted achievements, but the reality was that since the fortress was built, the minimum number of defense personnel should be left.

But with success ahead of us, which user would want to stay? In the end, it was inevitably a dilemma..

‘It’s none of my business.’

As I thought, at least I didn’t have to care about ‘remaining’. The missionary had already come from the southern fortress, and Han So-young had no business to ask him to come back on this issue. It’s not worth mentioning in the first place because it belongs to a North-West expedition.

In the midst of a subtle battle of wits ahead of the success of the attack, only our mechanical team could wait comfortably.

But I feel like I forgot something important..’

============================ Review of the work ============================

Oh, my readers, I’m going crazy. We’ve got a problem.

To tell you more about it, I think my mother read the 634th episode.

Let me tell you what happened. I wrote it down in the countryside. I should have turned off the word and shut down the Ultrabook, but I left it there. Then it went to sleep, but I misunderstood that I had ended it. I haven’t turned it on since then.

I lent it to my mother today because she said she needed it, but she told me in a few hours. The word was on. I thought my heart was going to drop. You said you didn’t see it, but you said you minimized it. Then why did you tell me a few hours later? There’s a flame god…Oh, I’m dying of anxiety. ㅜ.ㅠ

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