MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 289: Kill again

? Many people think it’s okay to be killed once, but there is always a time to die.

But the important thing is that they saw that number, 1/3.

What does this mean? It means that Liaoyuan will kill a second and third time.

You know, for the first time, there are elements of luck and luck, so if you are not prepared for it, you can still talk about the past when you were killed.

But the second and third time is not so easy, for ordinary players, maybe nothing.

But all the people Li Yao wanted to kill were the president of the Grand Guild.

What kind of concept is this, it is closely guarded by the players of the elite team, it is hard to get into the sky if you want to kill again. Especially, in the video, Li Yaoming is a person.

Although his Grim Reaper 4000 is powerful, but he can't greet well-prepared players to attack by fire. Many people think that Li Yao is already at his limit. It is impossible to kill a second time.

Now players and the guilds are paying attention to this matter, either it is the video of Li Yao killing Felt, or the video of Guild Alna killing Li Yao.

However, few people think that Li Yao can still kill Felt under heavy guard.

At the same time, below the cliff, Felt also received news from the forum. After being resurrected, he looked up at Li Yao calmly and said: "Liaoyuan, you are really arrogant. It is your fluke to let you kill once. , He even dared to say that he would kill me three times."

Li Yao shook his finger and said faintly: "This is not arrogance, but tells a fact. You just don't dare and don't want to admit it. Of course, you can run away. Maybe you can live for a while, but eventually The result will not change."

"Joke." Felt laughed loudly: "Killing me once is really how good you are. It was our carelessness just now. Now that hundreds of brothers protect me, how can you kill me?"

"You will see, death will be your final destination." Li Yao said, pulling the longbow again, love is accumulating power: "Are you ready, here comes the second time."

"Hahaha, I'm right here, let you kill." Felt sneered.

Hundreds of Elna Guild players laughed at the same time. As long as Li Yao dared to come down, they would immediately knock Li Yao off.

Even if there is a Reaper 4000, what can happen, still can't change the ending. Hundreds of people gathered fire, and the Reaper 4000 couldn't hold it.

"Then I will come and die." Li Yao jumped again as he did for the first time.

The player below immediately began to chant the spell, ready to bomb Li Yao to pieces at any time.

Li Yao's body whizzed down, and when he was still seventy yards away, he suddenly released his fingers.

The charged arrow shot out suddenly!

"I said, you can't kill me." Felt rolled away from the original place.

"Kill!" Numerous spells shot in the direction of Li Yao.

"Time remains." Li Yao's body dropped rapidly. When the spells reached a place not far below his feet, Li Yao's body disappeared.



Li Yao returned to the moment when he shot the charged arrow, he quickly adjusted the angle, and Felt rolled over, not standing up straight.

The yellow charged arrow had been shot over and poured into his chest in his startled gaze.


Felt's body was nailed to the ground again by a steel arrow.

When Li Yao shot the arrow, a pair of wings appeared behind him, and suddenly flew up. The spell below could not touch Li Yao, and Li Yao and Ben had no intention of going down, and stood on the cliff again.

Li Yao extended **** towards the bottom, and said lightly: "The second time."

The players below stared at Felt's body in a daze. Li Yao didn't know, but they knew very well that they used scrolls such as stamina and armor, and were blessed by a bunch of bu, and their attributes skyrocketed.

But even so, still can't stop the opponent's arrow. And it was released in full view of the hundreds of them.

They were shocked first, and then full of humiliation.

Under their protection, the chairman was still killed. You know, they just laughed at Li Yao for being overpowered.

However, the spells of their hundreds of people didn't even touch the opponent's hair. In this case, it was really suffocated. It will be more embarrassing and embarrassing. Everyone's eyes on Li Yao are about to breathe fire, and their faces are burning.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you resurrect your president? Why, do you want to lie down?" Li Yao mocked.

Li Yao also passed this video to Qin Fengyi and said, "Second paragraph."

Qin Fengyi took a look at it and it was fine, and it was directly passed to the bottom of the post.

Hunt Felt 2/3.

This post really exploded this time. No one thought that Li Yao could really kill a second time, but what he never expected was that Li Yao did it. He killed Felt the second time, and it was still so fast. In the case of, the front and back follow the book within five minutes.

What many people admire is that the second time such a strict situation can still kill a guild leader.

At this moment, many people are already skeptical. Countless idle players are madly arguing against Li Yao, and those big guilds that have enemies with Li Yao pray for Li Yao’s This is simply terrifying. If you really let him three kills, then Felt will lose face.

More importantly, Felt is still riding a tiger now, he can't run, otherwise he will be really shameless.

Felt, who was resurrected, took a deep breath, did not let his anger show, but said: "Liaoyuan, I am here, there is a kind of you now kill me a third time."

Li Yao laughed loudly: "You are very clever. You know that I have turned into a flying dragon and a CD with wings, so I deliberately agitated me, thinking that I have no ability to kill you right now."

"I'm just watching a person blow through the cowhide and say to kill me three times, but still talk about it and delay everyone's time." Felt's face was full of mockery and disdain.

Li Yao sighed and said, "It's really hard for you to be the president of a big guild. You are already so angry, and you still want to suppress your subordinates from seeing it. Obviously you hate me to the bone and want me to go down and die, but I also have to pretend to be a dog with a cliché."

"Don't talk about those useless. Do you dare to kill me now, or I will go offline, let your three promises go to hell." Felt sneered, not taking the words of Li Yao.

"Kill, naturally kill, I just ask, are you ready? If you are ready, I will start, don't hang up for a while, blame me for not admitting the attack or something." Li Yao smiled Said.

"We are enemies. It is a life-and-death relationship. It is not an exaggeration to kill me by any means. Don't delay, come." Felt said in the team voice: "Everyone prepares, give me a second , This time he will have no luck."

"This is what you said, then you go to death." Li Yao smiled...

(To be continued.)

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