MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 290: Helpless


"Where to send it..."

Felt's voice came to an abrupt end with a gunshot, and all the members looked at their chairman in confusion, and all the members who saw Felt were shocked.

I saw a **** bullet hole on Felt's eyebrows, and his life had disappeared.

And more than that, a shield warrior behind Felt was shot through the chest.

The two stood blankly for two seconds before falling down suddenly.

Quiet, ghostly silence, no one knows what the situation is. Some people looked towards the cliff. I only saw three fingers stretched out slowly and said: "I do what I said, the third time."

Now let alone these team members, it is that Robert and Felt are both dumbfounded. They don’t even know how they died. They are more than three hundred yards away. My goodness, there can be three attacks. Distance of a hundred yards.

"Sniper rifle, only a sniper rifle can have such a super long-range attack power." Robert took the bullet that had penetrated into the soil and said.

“I’m not surprised that the sniper rifle has a range of three hundred thomas, but I didn’t expect the Liaoyuan to hide so deep. This time we admit it.” Felt said in the team’s voice, his voice was very calm, as if even The person who hung up three times is not the same as him.

"But." Robert was unwilling.

"I know you are not reconciled, but there is no way. We can only passively be beaten here. We can't get up to these cliffs. It takes half a map to find the way up. Moreover, the terrain on the cliffs is more complicated, ordinary players It's useless to go up, it can only be killed by him." Felt said with a sudden surprise in his heart.

Robert also woke up, and the two said loudly in the team channel at the same time: "No, run, we are within his range."

Li Yao saw the commotion below and said, "It seems that you have discovered it, but it is too late. Let me see you off."

Arrow rain!

scattering! scattering! scattering! scattering! scattering……

Li Yao's attack was originally outrageous. With a sniper rifle, although the rate of fire was slow to one shot per second, the damage and range were already terrifying.

Li Yao's arrow rain fell, and accompanied by a large number of bullets, a lot of crisp cloth armor was instantly lost.

And Li Yao's scattering was even more terrifying. Magic bullets covering the sky and sun shot into the crowd. Although their formation was scattered, with Li Yao's attack, their elite regiment members fell like wheat.

Although the guild of Elna was distraught, Li Yaozhan was too high, and they couldn't attack Li Yao at all.

Not to mention these elite players, even if you are a god, you have great abilities, even if you can't beat others, it's useless.

No matter how unwilling and frustrated they are, the only way now is to escape.

"Don't mess with everyone." Robert's eyes are spitting fire. They are the most elite team in the guild. They actually let people cut wheat and kill them: "Shield warfare, mountain warfare, all melee professions with shields, take them out for me. Shields form a shield wall in units of teams. Healing and long-range output stand tightly behind melee combat, hurry up."

After all, they are of good quality, and they have experienced a lot of wind and waves. They were just a little caught off guard just now, and they were panicked.

Hearing Robert's calm voice now, he suddenly realized that they could only be tortured and killed if they continued like this.

Just as they rushed over quickly, they were quickly organized together in an orderly manner, without any sense of chaos.

"As expected to be a big prince, there really is a set. The Starfire Guild has a long way to go." Li Yao drank a bottle of mana potion and continued to output quickly.

But obviously, the range that Li Yao can attack is very few, all close combats hold high shields, and slowly retreat under the blessing of healing.

Li Yao completely turned into a demon god, with crazy output. When the remaining people withdrew from Li Yao's attack range, a corpse had fallen on the ground.

Only less than half of the elite group members ran out of the attack range.

The eyes of the living players were spitting fire, and Robert was gasping for breath, and he was already trembling with anger.

"It seems that you are very unwilling." Li Yao said, putting away the sniper rifle, and using the jumping ability of his boots to move quickly on top.

"Made, are you going to kill them all?" Robert cursed, and then roared: "Come on, he's not as fast as us up there."

The members of Elna's guild rushed quickly, and Li Yao was naturally not as fast as them in the undulating terrain above, and was quickly pulled away.

Naturally, Li Yao would not chase, he returned to the original place, and then saw a stone pillar two hundred yards high in the middle of the body.

He immediately activated his wings and flew above the stone pillar. At this moment, he was already in the middle of the valley below, and the corpses fell to the ground under him.

From this position, Li Yao could completely overlook the situation below. Li Yao had left the battle and entered a state of stealth.

Li Yao set up the sniper rifle and climbed on the stone waited quietly. After a while, Li Yao found several priests with resurrection skills sneaking along the lower part. The corner of the position came quietly.

"Sure enough, there are people who don't give up and want to save people. Don't think too much."

Li Yao didn't rush to do anything, but quietly waited for them to approach. Just when each of them rescued one person, Li Yao pulled the trigger.


With a gunshot, a priest fell to the ground, and then Li Yao kept firing.

"It's Liaoyuan, he's on the stone pillar." The shaman girl's voice was full of anger, but there was no way at all.

Li Yao was too high, they couldn't attack at all, and they couldn't run. Several healers knew that there was no way out, and started to add blood to the player who had just been rescued.

However, their efforts were in vain. Whether they are full of blood is not useful at all, because as long as they are hit by Li Yao's sniper rifle, there will only be one end, and that is to be killed in seconds.

Soon, the gunfire stopped, several priests had already pounced on the street, and the player who had just been rescued lost a lot of experience again and died.

"President, Liaoyuan is on a commanding height, and we can't save people at all. Should I come back together." Robert didn't know what to do.

Felt was silent for a long time before saying in the team channel: "Don't come back, you will continue to die when you come back."

"That..." Robert's voice was full of difficulty...

Felt took a deep breath and said, "Give up, our cemetery will be resurrected, and go back to the city."

All the members of the team were full of frustration and anger, but they had nothing to do. Under this special terrain, there was nothing to do with Li Yao...

(To be continued.) ()

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