MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 378: Big harvest

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Li Yao used the puppets to slowly push open the huge gate. Although it was just a gap, it was enough for them to pass through. 〔network((

Li Yao didn't hesitate. He walked directly to a small control room behind the door, saying it was small. It was for the Titans, and it was already a hall for Li Yao.

"Sure enough, it's just the periphery of the dungeon. There is nothing very good at all." Li Yao frowned slightly, and he turned around and nothing was too important.

Moreover, the machinery and console are in the stone wall, and it is impossible to damage it.

"That's not right. If it's not a very important place, why use twin doors."

Li Yao obtained some information, but Li Yao understands the information and the text, but it is now recognized by the system, and the actual meaning is not too great.

"You all scatter and search to see if you can find any hidden doors or something. This place is not so simple. I will remove the chips here."

After Li Yao finished speaking, he began to cut a section of the wall. Other things were unnecessary and could not be taken away, but the chip must be taken away.

Although this is just a twin gate chip, there will always be some other information in it, but it requires special equipment to interpret the information inside.

Gnomes are more experienced in this area, but goblins don't pay much attention to chips. In fact, the most important thing for goblins is money, and engineering is just their means of making a living or making money.

Goblins once got a kind of weird crystal that can unlock their wisdom, but as the crystal is depleted, their wisdom is slowly declining. Most of the engineering techniques are based on their ancestors, and even many techniques they have already Lost.

Li Yao said that he should find the secret door, but it was actually a short-lived thing. The thieves are the real masters of the mechanism. On the contrary, the hunters are a little bit worse.

"Sure enough, there is a secret door." When Li Yao took the chip, he also found the secret door in a flash, which was a staircase leading to the underground.

Li Yao drove the puppet down, and suddenly smiled when he saw the situation inside.

There are a lot of materials in it. These materials are nothing to people like Miller, but they are a small fortune for themselves.

However, the player's backpack of these materials is limited.

Li Yao has mechanical space and Reaper 4 naturally does not have these problems. Li Yao directly put away some metal, and a few players who followed were jealous, but no one dared to collect what could be collected.

Reaper 4's gun was at them. Although Li Yao didn't say anything, they were all smart people. Although they were annoyed in their hearts, they dared not show it.

Although there is no detailed calculation, Li Yao estimates that the various materials of these engineering can be worth hundreds of gold coins, which is a windfall.

In the end, Li Yao came to a workbench and even dismantled the workbench. This is a good thing for the mechanical dwarf. Li Yao would naturally not miss it. The value of the workbench and the supporting instruments cannot be estimated by gold coins.

Finally, Li Yao swept away the valuable things here.

"Well, except for the box under my feet, any of you can take away the other things." Li Yao said and began to take out the lock.

Several players are about to cry, take your sister, take the remaining pile of broken copper and rotten iron, not to mention the value of money, just let them take it, they can’t take it away, you have to be genuine and divide us A few pieces of Mithril are fine too.

"Come on, I don't want anything, it's pure practice of unlocking skills." In a flash, Li Yao had broken several hands and suggested.

"Next time the task of opening the box will be handed over to you. You have a good chance. There are not many opportunities for this kind of practice to open advanced boxes." Li Yao looked like you took a big advantage.

In a flash, he rolled his eyes and was unable to complain, and opened the lock with peace of mind. This lock is relatively advanced, and it took a quarter of an hour to open the box in a flash.

"If it wasn't for the proficiency of unlocking, the ghost would care about you."

With the short-lived words, everyone looked at the box that opened with the click, and suddenly a bright light flickered, and the reflected room was bright.

The box was full of gems and gold coins of various colors. When did several players see this kind of battle, their saliva flowed down.

Li Yao waved his hand and put the gold coins into his purse. In fact, there were not many gold coins, only about 300.

Only dozens of gems and a drawing were left in the box.

Li Yao looked at it, and it turned out to be the construction drawing of the Twin Gates, and he immediately accepted the drawings cheerfully. As a result, the warehouses in the guild's premises were too safe.

Then, in the murderous eyes of several players, the gems were put away, and then a few of the smallest gems with the lowest value were found.

"I am the most particular person. You will get what you pay for what you give. You have no credit or hard work. Everyone has a gem. Miss Epiphany helped me open the lock and found this place. There are only two."

A few people hurriedly put away the gems, for fear that Li Yao would regret it. Although the value of these gems is low, that is what Li Yao thinks. In fact, they are all high-end gems at this stage. They can sell at least two or three gold coins, which is a huge sum of money for look The short-lived gaze was a little bit envious, one more jewel was a few gold coins, she just opened a lock.

After experiencing these things, they have also given themselves a clear position, if there is no nptptbsp; they think about it, the harvest is not small, the gains in the task are all extra earned. As long as Li Yao is satisfied, the next time the spoils are distributed, Li Yao will be able to make them a small fortune.

So he was more attentive to Li Yao.

"Master, the cider I bought hasn't been drunk yet. Are you thirsty? Or have a bottle?" Guangminghua had to give Li Yao a bottle of cider with an open cap with a smile on his face.

"Master, are you hungry? My cooking is already intermediate. Barbecue is also a must." Zhan Tianya was not far behind.

"It's a good calculation, don't let us hug each other." The temptation of a gem is too big, although she understands Li Yao's plan, she can't refuse the temptation of the gem.

"No, let's continue on our way. It is estimated that there will be monsters blocking the way. It's up to you." Li Yao almost laughed. A little money can make these masters listen to their orders, which is really cost-effective.

Of course, if you let others know that he is also a player, and get something worth no less than one thousand gold, each person will give them two or three gold, and it is estimated that he will fight him until he is old.

"Master, don't worry, wrap it on us. Monsters or other trivial things, so you can recharge your energy and prepare to unlock the next level. Let us fight and kill."

What Zhan Tianya said was awe-inspiring, but the actual situation is that if np participates in killing monsters, it basically doesn't explode.

"That's fine, let's go." Li Yaoqiang said with a serious smile, now he looks like a peerless expert...

(To be continued.) 8

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