MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 379: Level 2

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"What are you still doing, come on. (? ([Net" Li Yao said with a smile.

A few people in Zhan Tianya smiled bitterly, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up to die.

Standing in front of everyone was a caveman who had passed twenty.

Cavemen are also a special race in the world of ancient gods. They do not appear on the surface world. They have always lived in various mines, underground ruins and caves, and many even live in unexplored underground worlds. .

The only thing that makes people wonder is that no one can truly detect their source.

Many archaeological adventurers speculate that the cavemen are actually the same race as the dwarves, but they have undergone unpredictable mutations.

This argument is recognized by many archaeological explorers of the ancient gods, who believe that their passive talent is almost the same as that of the dwarves.

There is also a saying that some people say that cavemen are a branch of human beings, and their ancestors escaped into the underground world when they fled.

But this view is hardly valid, because in the ancient gods world, there are such creatures in the underground of each big six, and the history of mankind is only a few thousand years.

No matter how you argue, one thing can be recognized, that is, cavemen are very powerful.

This is why they do not have a professional system and their wisdom is not high.

Some mutant cavemen were conquered by goblins to become mounts, for example, Li Yao encountered the monster like the orangutan, which was actually a variant of cavemen.

There are several silver eagles in front of them now, and they have become particularly tall and fierce because of the mutation.

Although they are elite players, facing these few silver heroes and a bunch of elites, the five high-end players suddenly wilted.

There is not enough space here for them to flip and move, and when they are impacted by the cavemen, Zhan Tianya simply can't hold it.

"Master, you are so powerful, so you can do it too, otherwise we can't deal with it either." The little hand said coldly and pitifully.

"Oh, all right." Li Yao controlled the puppet and jumped directly into the pile of monsters, and then moved the whirlwind.

He was already big, and the whirlwind waved it was really full of flesh and blood, and with great strength, the bunch of cavemen who were gathering together to barbecue were suddenly beaten to pieces.

Zhan Tianya also directly charged out, and the battle began immediately.

With the addition of Li Yao, the cold attack of the small hand was also very sharp, and it was obvious that the combat effectiveness had soared by more than one level.

The other players were full of envy, thinking in their hearts that they would go back to learn engineering and get a puppet to play with in the future.

Fortunately, Li Yao directly took the lead, and no matter how strange it was, he rushed over directly, so the team's speed would be fast, I don't know how much.

Li Yao didn't care about the experience of these monsters.

"Master, there is another level ahead, but several people are fighting."

After the crowd traveled for more than two hours, they said in a flash.

"Finally found another one." Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief. He needs to end this operation within two days, otherwise there will be many flaws.

"Simply talk about the situation." Zhan Tianya said quickly.

A flash in the pan said: "This time is very strange. It is a five-sided battle. Two teams belong to our camp and three belong to the dark camp. However, it seems that each team has not united with others. This is a real melee. A master also fought."

"Master, what do you think?" Xiaoshou asked coldly.

"It's hard to say, one possibility is that they all know what is behind this door, and this thing is very important or valuable, so valuable that even the same clan can't tolerate it. Or they have received some spiritual magic influence." Li Yao frowned.

"Then what do we do now." Guangminghua asked: "It's better if we don't go there and wait for them to finish the fight and take advantage of it."

"Master knows what is so important." Xiaoshou asked coldly and curiously.

"Naturally, I don't know." Li Yao jumped off the puppet, put away the key, and said, "You are here. Don't act rashly. I'll take a look."

"Master..." Zhan Tianya was taken aback. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Li Yao's figure fade, obviously entering a sneaky form, and then they couldn't see Li Yao's figure.

The four people looked at each other, Xindao, your sister, isn't the master a mechanical hunter, how could a thief sneak. Even if you are np, you can't be so buggy.

"What's the matter with you?" There was a flash of doubt as he was exploring ahead.

"What's the matter? The master is a mechanical hunter, and less than two ranks, I saw him sneak to the front to see the situation of the melee." Zhan Tianya smiled bitterly.

"That's it." The short-lived tone was very flat.

Xiaoshou said coldly and puzzledly: "Why isn't my sister surprised at all?"

"What's so surprising about this," said in a flash.

"Hunter, hunter who can sneak, have you ever seen such a hunter?" Guangminghua emphasized.

"You forgot a person, he is a player, what's weird about sneaking, eh?" Pan Hua's expression changed.

"Yes, players at low levels can learn to sneak not to mention np," Guangminghua suddenly.

The others didn't have any doubts, but a doubt arose in a flash.

Miller told them that Li Yao basically had no combat effectiveness.

However, what they saw was a high-level master who had profound engineering knowledge and was able to master puppets proficiently.

This obviously didn't match Miller's intelligence, and she also began to wonder, the reason for the scorch was that the Dark Ranger could be invisible, so what did this np rely on?

Li Yao didn't know, because of his stealth, he had doubts in a flash.

But even if she knew Li Yao didn't care, the initiative was entirely in her own hands, and even if she was really melancholy, this became her handle.

Li Yao had already reached the corner. During the period, Li Yao used sonar arrows to detect three alert thieves, and they were all avoided by him. At the same time, he began to admire the fact that she was also safe and sound, which was obviously extraordinary means.

Before the level, it was true that several teams of players were fighting each other. Now it has reached the most intense stage. The five teams have been fighting together, and players continue to fall.

On the other side of the level, five goblins or gnomes are also fighting. They are either controlling their own puppets or riding their own monsters, and the battle is dim.

"There is nothing wrong with the portal, but why are they fighting in five directions?" Li Yao was puzzled, because he obviously found that these people were a little abnormal.

Therefore, Li Yao judged that these people were not because of the temptation in the level, but because of spiritual control or influence. Li Yao did not come out hastily, but carefully looked for the source of the chaos...

ps: Time is running out. I don’t know if we can come out before midnight in Chapter 5. Even if we can’t come out at twelve o'clock, there must be another chapter after twelve o'clock.

(To be continued.) 8

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