MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 419: Happy 2 brother

Fang Qi was obviously chatting privately, but he soon hung up. Seeing his face is obviously not so good, you know that Xiaoyao Wugui is really going to decide.

"Captain, I'm leaving too, and I will mail the equipment and things to you later." The female priest gritted her teeth.

Fang Qi was stunned, and the others were also shocked: "You are..."

"I'm going to find Wugui." The female pastor said and moved the hearthstone.

"You really like this lunatic." Fang Qi lowered his head sullenly. Although he had known the result for a long time, he felt uncomfortable when he saw the female priest speak it out.

Female pastors are their old friends. He also likes female pastors, and he blatantly pursues female pastors, but female pastors have always refused, instead, they have a soft spot for the unrepentant and unrepentant.

The female priest didn't say anything, and went straight back to the city, and the others were also full of melancholy.

The atmosphere of the original rattling sword became embarrassing. After all, there was hatred between the two sides. As a result, this atmosphere, how can they fight?

"Our elder brother said, you can come and go freely, but I hope you don't disrupt our wave ss, otherwise today even if our Xiaoyao studio is all hanging here, we will fight you to the end." Fang Qi said coldly.

Li Yao dismissed his threats.

Walked directly to the place where Xiaoyao's studio hit the wave, Fang Qi's expression changed, and they followed Li Yao and the others.

Li Yao originally wanted to grab their ss, he didn't feel embarrassed, even if the Xiaoyao studio refused to let it open, he just killed it.

But seeing the situation in front of him, Li Yao gave up his plan and they were indeed making orders.

And the boss is still the black tyrant who bought Li Yao's equipment, the one who is particularly powerful in the family.

Li Yao is this kind of person. If you don't know or have hatred, you are in charge, but the other party is still his client, and the other party is a well-known local tyrant with rich wealth, it is really not bad for money.

Now hiring Xiaoyao Studio is obviously to complete an important task. If you steal Bo SS, you will inevitably endeavor with the opponent.

Although Li Yao is not afraid of each other, it is not a wise choice to provoke such a local tyrant.

In the last life, Li Yao remembered that there was a guild who didn’t know how to provoke this black tyrant, and it was the guild’s fault.

How could the local tyrant be angry, and some people wanted the deputy leader to apologize, but the guild was very tough, thinking that the local tyrant can take him even if he has money.

As a result, the guild was very arrogant, not only did not apologize, but also ranted that the local tyrants were old men with some bad money.

The local tyrants were directly angry and spent money to form dozens of garbage guilds, harassing the guild continuously every day.

At that time, because the guild’s location was fixed, and the monks could not run away from the temple, dozens of trash guilds specially collected trash and players with poor character.

These people come from the three religions and nine classes, and they use any nasty methods. Anyway, they change their guilds and play with them every day.

The local tyrants are not bad for money. After more than two months of tossing, the guild was overwhelmed and many players withdrew from the guild.

This medium-sized guild was also forced to disband. In fact, they were not afraid of trade union wars.

However, while fighting and suffering personal insults, coupled with many nasty methods, ordinary stubborn games are played for pastime and entertainment. Two days a day is fine, but for more than two months, who can stand it?

The guild leader regretted it and asked someone to find a relationship for peace talks, but the local tyrant had long forgotten about it and ignored them at the same time. In the end, the local tyrant spent a lot of money and the guild was finished.

If Xinghuo is dealt with in this way, although Xinghuo will not dissolve, it will be annoying. Therefore, Li Yao did not rush into action.

And he knows this wave ss too well, this product has nothing good at all, and it is still a mission wave ss. Li Yao doesn't have much interest.

"Brother Liaoyuan, you really have fate, you are here for the task or level up." A human male wearing a robe of fire law walked up to Li Yao and said.

"Upgrade." Li Yao said casually: "Are you?"

Of course Li Yao knew Brother Xiaoyao, but this was the first time he met in this life.

"Second brother Xiaoyao is me. Brothers’ level of upgrade is a must-see for the ancient gods. I don’t know how many people want to spy on one or two. I don’t know if it’s convenient or inconvenient to talk about one or two methods. The price is a good negotiation. I must let the brothers. Satisfaction is." Brother Xiaoyao's continuous smile, as if Li Yao and them have no grievances, but very close friends.

"Second brother joked, I don't have any strategy, but luck, fluke, fluke." Li Yao also said with a smile.

"This is Sister Li who is in charge of Spark. I didn't expect Sister Li to be so overwhelmed. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause a sensation." Brother Xiaoyao smiled and said, "I admire Sister Li's methods. It's not that you joined Xinghuo, I will definitely move my brother to let you steer the studio."

Sister Li did not answer his words, but said: "Second brother is very wise, for fear that we will make The second brother Xiaoyao is not embarrassed at all when his purpose is revealed. She said frankly: "Sister Li is Smart people, knowing the current situation, if we are uncomfortable together, we can only show others the joke. Moreover, the fighting power of the Liaoyuan Brothers had to make us terrified. Now we don't want to have any conflict with Xinghuo. The two see how this is. In addition to the boss's task item, this wave of SS drop can be picked at will. "

"This is not necessary." Li Yao smiled.

"Well, what are Brother Liaoyuan laughing at?" Brother Xiaoyao couldn't figure it out.

"Nothing, you are busy with you, let's just take a look, you don't have to be so nervous, if you want to do it, I would have done it a long time ago, and I will talk nonsense with you?" Li Yao said solemnly.

"Okay, let me do it myself." Brother Xiaoyao was also confused, and he didn't know what the situation was. The always arrogant and domineering Liaoyuan was so easy to talk, he always felt that Li Yao smiled strangely, and something was wrong. But I don't know what's wrong.

It's just that he couldn't get the essentials at all for a while, but Li Yao would burn a lot of incense if he didn't make trouble. This local boss is very generous, and Xiaoyao Studio still wants to recruit customers like the owner.

And it's really not the time to fight with Xinghuo.

"Is there any problem? Why did you laugh so treacherously just now?" Sister Li and other people in Xiaoyao's studio walked away, asking suspiciously.

Li Yao gave a light cough and said, "Is there, no?"

"Really. Let's talk about it, they can't hear it in private chat anyway." Sister Li asked curiously.

Li Yao shook his head and said, "Just look at it. This wave is a bit special. Just watch it as a scene, but maybe they have smart people. Anyway, wait."

Sister Li had no choice but to watch Xiaoyao Studio playing SS...

(To be continued.) 8

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