MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 420: Cheating boss

This team is very good, and although the SS level of this wave is not low, the data shows that there are also 20 levels, but it is not strong at all.

Although the attack is not low, a tank with top equipment cannot be dropped in seconds.

This wave SS looks like a sea giant, but what makes Sister Li strange is that this is actually very slow.

The giant's movements seem to be slow, in fact a little bit awkward, but this one still seems to be unsuitable for walking, and even falls during battle.

In addition, Bo SS did not use the skills of the sea giant, and the blood volume steadily declined with the cooperation of the team, and the Xiaoyao team sacrificed very few players, forty people, only six fell.

The people in Xiaoyao Studio are very excited, no matter what this wave SS is, it is also a high-level wave SS anyway.

Now those guilds that are trying to gain fame usually have someone specifically looking for low-level waves that have not been announced, and then kill them and make them famous.

Few guilds like this high-level leader are uncomfortable to find. After all, this is not a copy, and they are all at level 20. Few guilds risk killing the leader.

If it wasn't for the high prices offered by the black boss that they couldn't refuse, Xiaoyao Studio would not be willing to provoke such a guy. They were even prepared to lose their grade.

But what I didn’t expect was that everything went very smoothly, only a few people died.

When the blood volume of this wave reached 30%, there was no big move, which made them overjoyed.

If this wave of SS is successfully won, then Xiaoyao Studio will be able to kill the existence of high-level wave SS besides starting a prairie fire. At that time, it will not attract many customers.

The only thing that makes Xiaoyao's studio annoying now is that there are two spectators standing not far away.

If it were two ordinary players, they would have nothing to worry about, but this was a prairie fire.

His technology has been recognized as strong. Such guys have been challenging the players' nerves since the beginning of the game. They often act in unconstrained ways without any rules.

Who knows if he will have any moths when he is dying, just like the last time at Fatherlin College.

Li Yao didn't know where he got a dragon eagle and swaggered through the market. They attacked the dragon eagle, but the dragon eagle taught them how to behave with a spell.

This miserable experience can be called a lesson of blood, so the lower the blood volume of Boss, the more they are on guard.

Even some of the guardian teams of the Xiaoyao Guild had already arrived near Li Yao. As long as Li Yao dared to move, they would launch an attack, and many thieves lurked closer to Li Yao.

It's just that Li Yao has been standing in place, watching them play ss with gusto, and even took out a bunch of food, eating with Erlang's legs and talking about it, as if watching a movie, which made many Xiaoyao studio players Very upset. But Brother Xiaoyao ordered them not to act rashly, and they could only stare.

"This wave of SS is not right. The blood volume and armor are very high, and they have no skills. Isn't it too weak?" Sister Li saw some doorways after watching for a long time.

"You can see it too, hehe." Li Yao said while drinking some wine.

"You just sell it, but this is a first kill anyway, you really don't grab it?" Sister Li asked.

"Don't rob, how can I be such an upright and kind person who would do shameless things like chartering and robbing SS." Li Yao didn't chat privately this time, and deliberately said out loud.

Although Li Yao didn't speak to them, his voice was so loud that even players who played ss in the distance could hear him. No matter how much he said, he meant something to blame.

Bitch, this was the first word that came to their minds, but it also relieved Brother Xiaoyao. As long as Li Yao didn't grab the wave and say a few cool words, he would bark as a dog.

Finally, in the expectations of the players of Xiaoyao Studio, the HP of Sea Giant finally became 0%.

Finally, he uttered a miserable cry and died.

All the people in Xiaoyao Studio showed ecstatic expressions on their faces, cheering loudly, and then they all looked at the light curtain at the corner of their eyes, waiting for the colorful light curtain to be swept.

Even the second brother Xiaoyao was too excited, and his heart was even more excited about brewing lines, how can I praise the brothers after the announcement.

Sister Li became nervous too, looking at the light curtain, only Li Yao still eats heartlessly.

However, as time passed by, the colorful light curtain never appeared.

"What about the announcement, why is there no announcement yet?"

"Is there a bug in the system, what's the matter?"

Xiaoyao Studio could be calm for a minute at first, but a minute later. Brother Xiaoyao said with a strong smile: "The system says there are no bugs, and the data is all normal."

"Impossible. I checked all the announcement records. There is no record of anyone killing this wave of SS at all. It is definitely the first kill."

"His uncle, how could this be the case."

"If you make a mistake, don't admit it. Let's complain."

The people in Xiaoyao Studio were too frustrated, and their anticipation and excitement were slowly turned into nothingness.

"Okay, we won, hurry up to save people, and then touch the corpse, 20-level wave ss, it must drop good things." Although the second brother Xiaoyao was also aggrieved, but now there is no way.

The players of Xiaoyao Studio suddenly fainted. In their opinion, the equipment is not comparable to the world announcement of the first kill of the senior leader.

Brother Xiaoyao looked at Li Yao suspiciously, and Li Yao even toasted him to congratulate him. Brother Xiaoyao responded with a smile that was uglier than crying and walked to the corpse to touch the corpse.

However, in just a moment, the complexion of the second brother Xiaoyao changed.

"Second brother, what's wrong?" a player asked.

Brother Xiaoyao stretched out his hands with a blue quality pearl necklace and three gold coins. Three gold coins are not a small but if you count them, these things are not worth theirs. The level of personal loss.


Brother Xiaoyao’s face had turned red and he put away the money, while the shining blue pearl necklace was taken by the black boss. After saying something, he went back and punched the remaining money, and then smiled to Li Yao. Nodded and used Hearthstone, obviously in a hurry to do the task.

"How is it possible, this is a twentieth wave SS."

Many people didn't believe it, they opened Boss's body one after another, and everyone pushed Boss's body away together, but the bottom was still empty.

Everyone is dumbfounded, what is the situation. Then they searched it again and again, but there was still nothing.

Li Yao walked to the second brother Xiaoyao and said, "It's a pity, why didn't you find anything, but the second brother can collect the corpses of the sea giants who are capable of intermediate mining, and it is estimated that there will be one or two gold coins in the account."

Brother Xiaoyao smiled bitterly and said: "Here are all combatants, the master collector has not come, forget it, no more."

"This is a gold coin, Xiaoyao Studio is really rich and powerful." Li Yao complimented.

"Brother, if you know how to mine, you can collect it. We don't want it." Brother Xiaoyao is no longer in the mood to deal with Li Yao. He is in a bad mood now, and he is afraid that he can't help but give orders to expand.

"This is not good, after all, it's the wave you killed, how can I collect it." Li Yao looked very excited, but embarrassed.

"It's okay, even if the brother collects, it is also the brother of the collection of Jinshan Yinshan. We gave up this wave of ss corpse." Brother Xiaoyao said impatiently.

"Well, since the brothers are kind to the sparrows, I can't shirk it, so I will collect them." Li Yao said slowly towards the wave...

(To be continued.)

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