MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 520: Ancient secrets

Although Li Yao and his party were full of doubts, they followed the captain to their town.

It is very prosperous and people come and go. The buildings here are basically made up of huge animal skin tents, and occasionally you can see some wood and animal skin tuberculous houses.

What surprised Li Yao and the others was that the centaur here was just as calm and natural as the captain.

Those adult centaur are busy with their own affairs, either transporting goods, drying animal skins, or practicing bow and arrow skills. The centaur here was very curious about Li Yao and their arrival, but they were just watching curiously and didn't mean to surround them.

Even some small centaur roamed around them mischievously, and those adult centaur just laughed and scolded, saying not to neglect the guests, but they didn't really mean to stop them.

After all, Hitomi is also a child's character. There are many fun gadgets in the game and some odds and ends in her backpack.

Hitomi was not stingy, seeing as a young centaur was surrounded by him, he sent small things like candy, making the journey joyous, and even a young centaur followed them.

Captain Wanli yelled a few words, the little centaur still refused to leave, just bowed his head and followed Tongtong.

Chief Wan Fu said helplessly: "This is a poor child, his parents, alas, let's talk about it inside."

The captain said that the person carrying the spark entered a huge tent.

"Why do I feel weird? If you start your hands soon, can you still do it?" The guardian angel whispered in the team channel.

"No one is allowed to do it, the little horses are so cute, how can they kill them, this is too cruel." Hitomi yelled directly on the team channel.

Although everyone didn't say anything, what they saw and heard along the way was all peaceful and peaceful, and these centaurs are so kind now, and now they are going to kill the warchief, which is really...

"Tongtong don't get excited. Looking at the current situation, it's basically impossible to do it. Don't worry. Let's see what the captain is going to say." Li Yao comforted.

"Well, I believe in Big Brother." Hitomi said and stared at the guardian angel fiercely.

The guardian angel wanted to cry without tears, and said: "I didn't say to fight, I am not wronged."

However, no one paid any attention to him and followed Li Yao into the tent.

After entering, the complexion of all the group members changed. There were a lot of centaur inside, and the shadow dancer said: "My goodness, there is no elite Yinying here, and the worst is the boss of the low-level leader."

The other members of Xinghuo were also scared to pee by this battle. There were at least 20 centaurs present, which means there were more than 20 bosses here at once.

At least eight or nine of these bosses are ten thousand captain-level bosses. Thinking of the horror of the first boss, if Xinghuo felt that there was still a little hope in the past, now there is no hope.

If the fight is really started, it would be impossible for the people of Xinghuo to pass the game a hundred times.

"I hope it's not a fight, or I'll take my own life." The guardian angel prayed silently.

"These are outsiders who can get in, why are they so weak?" A hint of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the centaur headed.

The captain who brought Li Yao and the others in said: "Young Khan, don't underestimate them. The traitor and the high priest died in their hands, and they weren't a projection..."

"The news has been confirmed?" A hint of surprise flashed in Shaokhan's eyes.

Master Wan nodded and said, "I also went to Khan's side specially. Khan said that the soul of the high priest has been ingested into the magic circle, and he is receiving the sacrifice of the evil god. It will not take long to become New monster."

Shao Khan nodded, saluted everyone in Li Yao, and said: "Foreigners from afar, no matter what method you used to get in, since you can come here, you are all deceived."

Li Yao said in surprise: "You were cheated?"

Shao Khan nodded and said, "Yes, do you think that the ancient war tree helped you kill the high priest, thinking that the ancient war tree was right?"

"Isn't it?" Li Yao said in surprise.

"Wrong, of course wrong. Strictly speaking, they are the culprits of our tribe becoming like this." Shaokhan's words can be said to be shocking.

The guild of Xinghuo was immediately stunned. You must know that the ancient tree of war has always helped them and provided them with props. Without those props, they would not even be able to fight the high priest.

"Impossible, those tree people have been thinking of ways to maintain the peace of this forest, and let us clean up the pollution." The cute pupil couldn't help saying.

Shaokhan smiled slightly, did not excuse, but said, "Let me tell you a story."

Shao Khan did not wait for Li Yao and the others to answer, and then continued: "In ancient times, there was a very prosperous centaur tribe named Clefthoof. Under the protection of their ancestors, they lived peacefully and prosperously on a rich land. However, One day they felt the earth trembling, and the world seemed to cry."

"Just when they were hesitating, their ancestors The ancestors told them that the demons are here, these demons are endless, and they want to destroy the world. The ancestors said that they want our race to proliferate. , We must unite with other races to drive off the invaders."

"This tribe has incomparable respect and love for the ancestors, and exhausted the power of the whole clan to follow the ancestors. In the end, we gathered behind the ancestral father, the demigod of nature and the ancestral mother of the wilderness. The battle was extremely fierce. The whole world fell apart."

"In the end, the ancestor's mother was seriously injured and fell asleep. The ancestor's grandfather, Bailu, one of the world's most powerful demigods, was also killed by a powerful demon in order to rescue the ancestor and his descendants."

"The war was won, but this tribe also paid a heavy price. The ancestors were also badly injured, and they returned to the tribe of the Great Khan. Those traitors rebelled against the ancestors, and this tribe fought desperately to rescue the ancestors."

"Although it has been a few years since the heavens and the earth are split, this tribe has lost too much, and has not recovered its vitality at all, and ultimately has not rescued its ancestors. Since then, the centaur tribe has been completely divided, and the Clefthoof tribe has been squeezed out by various centaur tribes. Then, I came to recuperate in a beautiful valley."

"After thousands of years of peacefulness, the tribe became prosperous again, and when everyone thought of returning to the glory of the ancients, the whole world changed."

"In the woods, there were originally many ancient trees. They concealed themselves together with the centaur. Because the father of the centaur ancestors was naturally the deity believed by the ancient trees, they got along very harmoniously."

"Until one day, a group of people lost in the forest."...

ps: I stopped the electricity for a day, and it turned out that I can't come today, I can only go to the hotel at night...

(To be continued.)

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