MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 521: Choice

Everyone was fascinated by it. Although they didn't say it, they all knew clearly that what Shao Khan said was definitely about their tribe.

Seeing Shao Khan stopped, Tong Tong urged, "What happened behind?"

Shao Khan said: "That group of people disappeared. This was impossible in the past. You must know that those ancient trees have a very close relationship with this tribe, and they are the masters of this forest. We are The clansmen of the team went to the ancient tree to deliver the goods."

"We sent people to search, but found nothing. Those old trees said they didn’t know, and people in the tribe didn’t think about it. Later, as time passed, more and more members of the tribe disappeared, which finally aroused Khan’s suspicion. So he sent someone to follow the people in the forest."

"As a result, they discovered the terrible truth. It turned out that these people were all imprisoned by ancient trees, and in the author's very terrible experiment. They were contaminated." Shaokhan said pollution, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"How is this possible? It's obviously that your centaur is contaminated." Tongtong said in a puzzled way.

"This is their purpose of arresting those tribesmen. They want to capture the entire Clefthoof tribe, and while contaminating them, extract the blood power from our bodies." Shaokhan said.

Li Yao frowned and said: "It's not that we don't believe you, but that the ancient tree helped us since we came in."

Shaokhan sneered: "Helping you, you are really naive, he is clearly using you."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows, and said, "Sho Khan, don't scribble around. If you let us come here, there must be something. Dan first, you have to convince us, otherwise..."

The captain said: "Foreign friends, we have the purest blood of our ancestors. We love peace and advocate natural balance. Needless to say, you can feel this. Although we are demigod in contact with nature, The deity outside contains powerful natural forces. It is that he has been protecting us so that we will not be swallowed by the nightmare."

"That tree man gave us a lot of good things," Hitomi added.

"Presumably you exchanged the nightmare crystal nucleus," said the captain.

"That's right." Dumb Hitomi answered.

The young patriarch said: "Then I would like to ask, what does the nightmare nucleus do, as an ancient tree that needs natural power, why does he collect these nuclei with powerful corrosion and evil power?"

"Then tell me what you are watching." Hitomi paused and said.

Shao Khan said: "Naturally it is to replenish strength."

"But the ancient tree of war showed us the image of your chief, saying that he has been corroded." Sister Li said.

Shao Khan showed a trace of sadness and said, "Please call Khan, not the chief, thank you. Yes, my father was corroded, but he was not passively corroded, but he tried to use the power of nightmare. The result has now changed, become, we are incompetent..."

Seeing the sadness in Shao Khan's eyes was not a disguise at all. Everyone looked at each other. The old tree and this Shao Khan, as well as what they saw and heard, made them confused and didn't know who to believe.

"Boss, what should we do now, which side should we trust?" the newcomer Muzi said in the team voice.

Li Yao frowned and said: "This matter is confusing, and it is difficult for me to judge."

Seeing that Li Yao and the others were still hesitant, the captain became anxious, and then said: "It's easy to know if you have been deceived. You can quit the forest and try. If you can go out, I You can take this head anytime."

Li Yao nodded and said, "Then try it, Shadow Dance, you go and see."

"Okay." Ying Wu nodded wildly, and rushed towards the place where she came from.

Everyone came out of the town, and the centaur tribe didn't stop them, but the ten thousand captain followed far away, obviously waiting for news.

After half an hour, Shadow Dancer said madly: "Boss, the barrier-breaking scroll doesn't work at all."

"Have you found the ancient tree?" Li Yao asked.

Shadow Dance Kuang said: "I found it. I said I wanted to get supplies. As a result, the ancient tree said that the barrier had been closed, and it would not be possible to open it in a short time, unless we can kill the warchief inside."

"You're talking about it, you're talking about going out to get a very important thing, it's about whether you can defeat the warchief." Li Yao said.

After a while, Shadow Dancer said: "It's strange, it was an old tree just now, but now it's an ordinary tree. The old tree disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"Come back." Li Yao said.

Soon, Shadow Dance came back madly, and Master Wan said: "It took us a lot of effort to realize that those ancient trees were polluted and controlled in the dream. Their purpose is to extract our blood power. It's just that there are demigods here. The statue of, gathers powerful forces to support the tribe’s magic circle. And the nightmare **** can’t descend himself yet, so..."

"So you guess it’s the Although they can’t enter your town, you can’t stay in the town forever, so your people are getting fewer and fewer, and then you fight the high priest to rebel , Khan himself tried to use the power of the nightmare to deceive the **** of dreams, creating the illusion of controlling your entire tribe." Li Yao said calmly.

"You are half right. The Khan selected many warriors who voluntarily sacrificed for the tribe. The high priest was one of them. We contended with the ancient trees. As a result, the high priest had an accident and was almost completely lost, but he was still using The last tribe of the Guardians of the Will, of course, Khan said that he could not hold on for long. The changes in the circle a few days ago completely lost the high priest. Our Khan is now at stake."

Master Wan showed a sad look: "Yesterday, the Khan passed the position of Khan to Young Khan, saying that he could no longer control it, trapped himself in the central altar, saying that his plan failed, let We killed him, used his bloodline power to activate the statue, and at the same time used the corroded soul to activate the nightmare altar, and let the power of the idol destroy the nightmare altar, but, just..."

"It's just that you can't do it," Li Yao said.

"Yes, one is the great chief who sacrificed ourselves for us, and the other is the ancestor idol that we have worshipped for thousands of years. If we do according to the instructions of the Khan, then we...More importantly, the idol I suppressed our blood. I can't touch it at all..." Chief Wan said, "Please, help us. In any case, if you are willing to help, you will be the most honorable guest of our tribe in the future."

Now that the people of Xinghuo understand, their purpose is very obvious, that is to kill the khan corroded by the power of the nightmare, and then activate the power of the idol, thereby defeating the conspiracy of the **** of nightmare...

(To be continued.)

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