MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 523: Weak and strong

A very realistic problem, except that there is only one class in the team, or the limited equipment of a certain class, otherwise, even if you can use the equipment, then this awesome equipment may not be your own.

Although they are members of the core group, they get a lot of points and have a high percentage, but there are too many perverts who have a lot of points to spend.

This kind of equipment without the nightmare mark is also the most sought-after item at this stage. If it weren't for this kind of copy, it would not be easy to get it.

The rookie Muzi walked slowly to the trial field, and the centaur suddenly cheered.

Of course, they were cheering for their warriors, naturally it could not be for Muzi.

Centaur advocates tradition and is good at fighting, which is an indispensable item for these duels. It's just that they are all their own people, and they all know the roots.

There is no suspense about winning or losing, and there is less passion. Now that strangers are involved, they are naturally in high spirits.

"I really don't understand why Shao Khan chose you. It's just a small elite." Qian Fu said coldly: "I won't feel any sense of accomplishment after winning. I give Ni a 150-yard buffer zone. , You said to start, let’s start again, lest we lose and deny it."

"Let's start then, I only have thirty seconds." The rookie Muzi clenched the staff in his hand.

"It seems that you have no confidence in yourself, do you want me to let you for thirty seconds?" said the centaur commander.

The newcomer Muzi stretched out three fingers and said shookly: "It will knock you down in 30 seconds."

"You are looking for death." The centaur Qianfu was furious, you know, he is much higher than the opponent's rank.

Regardless of what the centaur commander said, he rushed to the rookie Muzi directly from a distance of more than a hundred yards.

The speed of the centaur is not even comparable to the tauren who is good at running, let alone the rookie Muzi.

A distance of one hundred and fifty yards is nothing to a centaur.

Muzi didn't speak, the staff in his hand had already begun to shine brightly.

"Take it to death, kid." The centaur centaur stared at the rookie Muzi with his long eyes, and the weapon in his hand was also raised. Muzi's crispy skin, the headquarters could not stop him from an attack.

Muzi didn't mean to evade. A large amount of fire elements condensed on him, gradually forming a huge warhammer.

As he continued to cast the spell, the flame became a huge, crimson flame warhammer.

And the centaur's thousand-foot distance is getting closer and closer. When the distance between the two sides is less than 40 yards, everyone is not Muzi squeezed a sweat, this distance, as long as there are two more seconds, Muzi will be Spike. If his spell can't stop the commander, he will still be killed in seconds.

But at this moment, Muzi suddenly moved, his staff waved, and the huge flame warhammer spun out like a windmill.

The speed of the centaur is really too fast, it is basically impossible to avoid this spell, of course, the commander does not want to avoid it.

In his opinion, a small elite refining **** that doesn't even have a star is not counted as his attack can't stop him at all.

"Dead." A killing intent flashed in the eyes of the centaur commander.


When Muzi was still twenty yards away, his body and the flame hammer slammed together.

The commander completely underestimated the power of Muzi's flame warhammer. The newcomer Muzi's professional characteristic is to control and change the form of elements, but changing different forms is not just a change in form.

After the change, the new form will have new features and functions, but the same will also undergo unpredictable changes due to the transformation. Both good and bad require a lot of experimentation and judgment.

This profession is also a master who is a **** when playing, and it is ever-changing. But novice players are just a pit.

With his professional output, Muzi absolutely ranks among the best in the Spark team except for Li Yao. It can be seen that his control of this profession, if there is no way to stop the centaur, how could he stand still.

The flame warhammer slammed into the commander's weapon, and the huge power stopped the centaur's charge abruptly. At the same time, a large amount of flame burst, and the body of the centaur commander was already burning with flames.

He has entered a state of being burned, and everyone saw that his blood volume was dropping at a rate of five to six hundred per second.

His blood volume is close to 200,000, and he naturally doesn't care about this blood volume: "Sure enough, it's a bit of a way, but it's useless to me."

The centaur commander said that he rushed to the rookie Muzi again, but when he was repelled, the rookie Muzi looked for another spell.

Dragon's Breath Technique!

It's just that the dragon's breath technique of others will transform the head of a fire dragon on the caster's head, and then spray fire breath.

But the newcomer Muzi's dragon breath technique was completely transformed into a small dragon, which had flown over the centaur.

He was just about to charge, and a breath of dragon’s breath has enveloped him. The dragon’s breath technique is not only a breath, but also carries dragon power, which has the effect of In the world of ancient gods, the dragon has been Standing at the top of the food chain, facing the coercion of dragons, few creatures can compete.

An image of fear suddenly appeared on the centaur's head.

"Five seconds."

After the newcomer Muzi finished speaking, everyone exclaimed and flashed.

Why did they exclaimed, because the newcomer Muzi's flash was not far away from the feared centaur, but closer. In the eyes of the centaur, this guy is simply looking for death.

After all, in their view, the rookie Muzi is just an elite without stars, and as a three-star Yinying, the commander who is about to break through to the leader level is feared. He is feared for two seconds at most. He will step forward now, and half of the time. When the centennial commander wakes up, the rookie Muzi will be killed instantly.

The centaur centaur turned around in fear, and the rookie Muzi came directly not far away. When the centaur turned sideways to target him, his staff suddenly hit the ground.

Resist the ring of fire!

A strong flame shock wave spread out.


The ring of fire hit the centaur fiercely, and the centaur's body was immediately impacted, and then fell to the ground.

"Pretty." Even among the centaur, there were people cheering Muzi.

You know, if there are too many grade differences, the control effect will definitely decrease.

However, the newcomer Muzi directly activated the fear, and when the opponent was afraid, he connected a control again, so that when he was controlled, his strength and resistance to abnormal conditions would be minimized.

Only at this time can the resistance to the ring of fire play an extraordinary role. If the fear is over, it will at most stop the Centaur.

But when used in conjunction, it is the result now.

"Seven seconds!" The rookie Muzi said and waved his staff again...

(To be continued.)

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