MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 524: 0 Bird Chaofeng

With the cheers of some centaur, the whole trial field was boiling. When the centaur saw that Shao Khan was cheering for the stranger, they no longer bear it, they started shouting, and suddenly it was boiling.

When Muzi released the Ring of Fire Resistance, he had already started the next spell, and he did not back down, as if he already knew the result of the skill.

He raised his staff high, surrounded by an extremely rich red element. At this moment, he was like a fire god, as if a raging flame was burning on his body.


Following Muzi's hundred-character exit, countless red spots appeared above him.


With this word, those spots became countless illusory flame birds.


At this exit, hundreds of flame birds swooped down like meteors.


All the firebirds swarmed on the centaur centaur who fell on the ground and couldn't avoid it.

The eyes of the people who looked at the dense number of injuries were lost, and the blood volume of the centaur was like a blood collapse, suddenly dropped by a third.


The phoenix word exited, the bursting flames suddenly condensed, followed by a haughty cry.

A flaming phoenix condensed above the centaur.

And Muzi sat on the ground as if collapsed, and his blue volume instantly dropped by more than half.

But everyone did not pay attention to him, but looked at the beautiful creature in the sky.

According to legend, the phoenix never landed, and so did this phoenix.

She screamed again, rushing to the sky like lightning, and at the same time a fiery beam of light suddenly fell and enveloped the centaur.


The centaur's body that was about to stand up fell again, and as the beam of light enveloped him, his armor seemed to melt.

"You **** it!" The centaur chief's blood volume has reached half blood, and he is extremely embarrassed, which makes him feel embarrassed.

He only needs to touch the opponent lightly and he can kill the opponent in seconds, but since the start of the battle, he can't even touch the opponent's hair.

The key is that this is in front of so many people, how rampant he was when he played, if he was defeated in this way, what face would he have.

"12 seconds."

The newcomer Muzi stood up again holding the staff, everyone was stunned. The centaur onlookers didn't expect this stranger to be so powerful.

After the centaur fell to the ground, he used such a powerful trick to suppress the commander for several seconds, and he couldn't stand up at all.

The newcomer Muzi took a deep breath and raised his staff again: "Skyfire meteor!"

This is also the most classic spell of the fire system. It contains the dual powers of the earth and fire systems, and it is considered a powerful move. But the mana consumption is equally serious, and this trick will lose mana after using this trick a few times.

The most important thing is that although the trajectory of the meteor is fast, it is easy for the master to judge the position after falling from the air.

It's easy to dodge, so unless you are 100% sure, the general wizard will not release this skill. Otherwise, if you can't defeat your opponent, you will be embarrassed if you lose the blue.

Following the spell of the newcomer Muzi, a fiery red cloud appeared in the air.

Anxiously rotating flame warhammers whizzed down.

"Fuck, it's vicious, your sister is crueler than a meteor." The guardian angel said gleefully. Everyone could see that the flame warhammers were the same as the spell he released for the first time.

It turns out that the hammer can still be rotated horizontally to restrain the charge of the centaur commander, this is even more incredible, rotating directly down from the air.

More importantly, this is not one of your sister, but seven or eight hula la la.

Boom, boom, boom...

The centaur, who had just come back from Shiratori Chaofeng, was smashed to the ground again.

Although it wasn't on himself, it felt so painful.

Hearing the screams of the commander's screams is abnormal, obviously these few times are not light.

"15 seconds."

The newcomer Muzi poured a sip of the blue instantaneous potion, and the amount of blue rose suddenly.

"Skyfire meteor!"


There is no suspense this time, the centaur's health is only a little left.

"18 seconds, end the battle." The rookie Mu Zi slowly walked back to the team.

"You are not ashamed of losing to this kind of warrior." Shao Khan personally stepped forward and helped the charred centaur centaur up: "Go and heal your injuries."

"Thank you Khan." The commander gave Shao Khan a grateful glance, because if Shao Khan, no one would dare to laugh at him about this.

Shaokhan waved his hand, and the two centaur elites took him down to rest.

Shao Khan said: "Warrior, you are very strong. We speak for ourselves. You can choose one of these trophies."

The newcomer Muzi looked at Sister Li. Sister Li nodded and said, "You can choose by yourself."

"Thank you, the vice president." The newcomer Muzi had already seen what he wanted, and directly took a piece of equipment in the enviable eyes of his companions.

This is a flame cloak, which can increase the casting speed and spell effect of the flame hi spell by and it also has a passive, flame wings. Although it can't fly, it can glide from high places.

As people of Xinghuo, they often see Li Yao doing many things they can't do with wings, and they have long been envious. Now there is this clock gliding special effect, and the newcomer Muzi chose this directly.

The other team members naturally became eager to try, hoping that Sister Li would schedule him next.

"Your subordinates are really extraordinary, but this is just the beginning. Don't be happy too early." Shaokhan was contradictory. He hoped that Li Yao and the others would be strong and unstoppable, but he didn't want his men to lose. So ugly.

"Then give it a try, I still have confidence in my team members." Li Yao smiled faintly.

"Okay, come here, bring that monster up." Following Shao Khan's words, a group of centaur came up with a cage.

Then he said: "Look, this is the Dragon Dream Beast that my father took people to catch in the dream. It is said that they have the blood of the green dragon clan. They are very cruel and good at attacking."

"It's just a monster with a thin bloodline of the green dragon. It should be the product of the hybrid between the green dragon dragon and other monsters in the dream. Although it is ferocious, it is not intelligent." Li Yao smiled: "This kind of monster, even his own. It’s not common for all companions to kill, but there are many benefits. Combining the power of dragons and nightmares, your father's horror is the power of this monster absorbed."

Shaokhan's complexion changed. He didn't expect that it was just a monster, Li Yao could judge so many things, some information he knew a little bit more than his father said, and didn't want to take Li Yao more than he knew.

Suddenly he completely put away his contempt, and said, "Brother Liaoyuan is really knowledgeable. You don't need to kill him in this second trial, but you need to be unscathed under his attack and insist on ten minutes to win, how about?"

(To be continued.)

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