After dealing with the matters of the three contestants, Zhang Mingrui returned to his computer again, and took a deep breath.

Although the training room was very quiet, he knew in his heart that the battle about the “QG team reorganization” had just begun!

While drinking water tactically to suppress the shock, he landed in the transfer market, and immediately after, he saw several news of requests for trades!

“The NB team wants to buy the jungler Swift!”

“Team NB wants to buy top laner V!”

“The NB team wants to buy the bottom laner TcT!”

The three messages in a row all came from the NB team, and there were also messages from them.

“Manager Zhang, I asked why you ignored me these few days. It turns out that you have been muttering more and more. I really don’t understand your operation!”

“Why don’t you sell these three contestants to me first, and thenThen use my money to buy other famous players. ”

The NB team actually bought the quota? !

Seeing these news, Zhang Mingrui reacted instantly. With the reorganization of the QG team, the wheel of history finally moved on a different track.

“It turned out that I bought a place in the SAT team.”

“However, his buying people like this is still similar to buying QG.”

After searching for news on the Internet, I finally understood the reason of the incident, and felt a little emotional.

Because in this way, it is actually equivalent to the QG team taking the place of the SAT team.

But it doesn’t matter to Zhang Mingrui. Anyway, this SAT team would not have left too many traces in the history of LPL.

Thinking of this, I took a look at the price offered by Team NB.

Swift, 5 million!

Aishe Jiayi, 2 million!

V, 1 million!

“Huo, I’m really willing to bid.”

The total amount of 8 million really made Zhang Mingrui a little excited. After all, in 2016, the transfer fees of top professional players were not as ridiculous as the transfer fees of tens of millions in the future. 5 million is already a very high price now. .

According to the historical trajectory, these three people should indeed join the NB team, but Zhang Mingrui did not immediately agree, because these three people may be able to create greater value in his hands!

“Xiao Ming is the most suitable support for Uzi. This is beyond doubt. There is no need to find a substitute for him.”

“Sofm, as a jungler, will definitely amaze the entire LPL at the beginning, but as the league progresses, when other teams start to study Sofm, although his effect will not become worse, it will certainly not be better.”

“So, if you can exchange Swift for a veteran jungler and bring Sofm with you, it might be a good choice.”

Zhang Mingrui muttered, continuing to check the news in the transfer market.

Soon, I saw the information that the RNG team wanted to buy Aishe Jiayi, but the bid turned out to be 1 yuan.

“Manager Zhang, sell uzi to us and let him return to the royal family! With him, we can attack S6!”

The drunken man doesn’t care about the wine, he cares about the puppies!

It’s just that uzi is absolutely not for sale with Zhang Mingrui, at least for the next season. How could he agree to RNG’s request?

So, instead of rejecting it immediately, they also sent a transaction application to RNG.

“Top laner V applied to exchange for RYL top laner Letme!”

“Jungler Swift applied for an exchange with jungler Mlxg!”

“Mid laner Doinb is applying to exchange mid laner Xiaohu!”

It’s just that after these applications were sent, RNG rejected them almost instantly.

“Manager Zhang, what are you doing? I just want a uzi. Are you trying to dismantle our RNG championship lineup? How is that possible?!”

Zhang Mingrui was naturally not surprised to receive such a reply, and replied with a light smile.

“Then how about changing V for your second team, Letme?”

Zhang Mingrui is also a drunkard who doesn’t care about drinking, he only cares about Letme, the top laner of the second team!

Although at this time he is not the “Letme that all beings are equal”, but in Zhang Mingrui’s opinion, he is at least much stronger than V.

“Not for sale, Letme is our top laner for the next generation of RNG, what will we use after selling it to you?”

But it was rejected by RNG.

So, without further ado, Zhang Mingrui rejected the request to buy Aishe Jiayi, and stopped talking to RNG.

But this back and forth gave Zhang Mingrui a new way of thinking.

“It seems that I don’t have to look for these potential stocks, I can also look for those who are already famous!”

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui’s eyes brightened, and he continued to operate in the transfer market.

Top laner V, the players who requested to exchange include WE. , EDG.Koro1, Snake.Flandre, IG.Zz1tai, IM.AmaingJ.

The jungler Swift, the players who requested to be exchanged include WE.Condi, EDG.Clearlove, and IG.Kid.

For mid laner Doinb, the players who requested to be exchanged include WE.Xiye, EDG.Scout, LGD.Well1less, and IG.Rookie.

Basically, these three players have changed all the well-known upper and middle field players in other clubs!

As for whether it will be successful? Zhang Mingrui himself also thinks that the chances are not high, and he is just trying his luck. If he meets a club that decides to make a trade with two heads, then he will make a lot of money!

“The WE team rejected your trade request.”

“The IG team rejected your trade request.”

“The LGD team rejected your trade request.”

In less than five minutes, Zhang Mingrui received several rejection messages.

But to Zhang Mingrui’s surprise, there was a piece of good news mixed in with this information!

It’s from the EDG team!

“General Pawn will definitely not sell, but we can talk about the Scout deal.”

(Thanks to the “Don’t Disturb Me Down” boss for his reward and monthly ticket support!!!)

(Continue to ask for the support of flowers and evaluation votes from everyone!!!).

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