Scout? ! !

Seeing the EDG battleZhang Mingrui’s eyes widened at the team’s reply!

When I took over the QG team a few days ago and was preparing to reorganize, I never thought of buying LPL players in the past. It’s not because they are not strong, but because they are too expensive!

So for the first time, I only wanted to find those players who are not yet famous but not weak from my memory.

Although this method is possible, it is somewhat risky after all.

After all, some players, such as Bin from the SN team in the future, when they first landed in the LPL, they were so talented that they grew up to be a top laner who can play alone!

Of course, Zhang Mingrui is not saying that Xiao Ming and Sofm are not good. On the contrary, he has absolute confidence that they can surprise the entire LPL after their debut.

However, Zhang Mingrui thought about the candidates for the top laner and mid laner position for many days, but he really didn’t think about which players. They can have considerable strength in the rookie period!

But now, with the news from the EDG team, the confusion in Zhang Mingrui’s heart was resolved on the spot!

Scout, currently serving as Pawn’s substitute in the EDG team, is not because of his lack of strength. It’s just that the EDG team is currently unable to see Scout’s super strength when all eyes are full of “Pawn generals”!

“Okay, let’s make an appointment for a time and a place.”

Zhang Mingrui quickly replied to the EDG team.

An hour later, he appeared in a coffee shop on the corner of Lingshi Road.

“Hello, I am the manager of Team QG, Zhang Mingrui.”

Seeing the manager of the EDG team, Zhang Mingrui smiled and said hello. As soon as he was seated, he asked directly.

“So, is the EDG team willing to sell Scout? Or is it willing to exchange with Doinb?”

“Of course, if they were swapped, the worth of player Doinb should be much higher than that of player Scout.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled slightly. Although in a few years, Scout and Doinb will be comparable in strength, but now, in terms of popularity, Scout is obviously far behind.

“No, our EDG actually doesn’t have any demand for Doinb. It’s just that because of General Pawn, Scout has never been able to get a chance to play.”

“So, I want to talk to you, would you like to rent Scout player to Team QG?”

“Although Scout is just a substitute, his strength is not weak. No matter what, he must be stronger than those mid laners in LSPL, right?”

The EDG manager smiled and said in a joking tone, obviously seeing Zhang Mingrui’s recent operations in the transfer market.

Zhang Mingrui nodded. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that the managers of these teams were all good people. However, when he spoke again, his tone carried some resistance.

“It’s true to say that, but since Scout is a substitute, it means he’s not strong enough.”

“And you are also a manager, you must be the same as me, you really believe in your eyes, so if I go to LSPL to pick someone again, the strength of the selected mid laner is definitely not weak in my heart, at least not weaker than Scout!”

Zhang Mingrui threw a loud voice, quietly looked into the eyes of the EDG manager, and waited for his reply.

But he suddenly changed the subject.

“Manager Zhang, let’s put aside the matter of the Scout players. In fact, I came to you this time because there is another person who wants to see you.”

After finishing speaking, another man in a suit and leather shoes came over from a table not far away.

“Hello, Manager Zhang. I’m the manager of LSPL. I just bought a spot and established the NBY team. I like Doinb very much, so I also want to talk to you, whether you are willing to sell Doinb and Aishe Jiayi. ?”

NBY manager?

Seeing this person’s appearance, everyone in Zhang Mingrui was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the wheel of history returned to the right track in a strange posture!

Because you have to know that in the correct history, after the QG team was acquired, the original QG owner and manager added a Doinb to establish the NBY team in LSPL, and then returned to LPL after one season.

And now, even though the QG team has not been acquired, the NBY team is still established!

“Manager Zhang, don’t get me wrong, our NBY is not the same as the NB that just bought SAT.”

Seeing that Zhang Mingrui was in a daze, the manager of NBY thought he had misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained.

“I know I know.”

Only then did Zhang Mingrui come back to his senses, and looked at the two of them again.

“I am naturally willing to sell Doinb. After all, he doesn’t want to stay in QG.”

“But before that, I still want to confirm with EDG about Scout.”

Zhang Mingrui looked at the EDG manager with a smile. It would be best if Scout could come, but the price must not be too high!

“Manager Zhang, you are right. Scout players are indeed not particularly strong, but he is a young player that our EDG is training. It is impossible to sell him directly to you.”

“Well, if you are willing to rent it, then it will be rented to you for free, as long as you pay his salary during the lease.”

“In this way, you also get Scout, and we also give Scout a chance to practice.”

The EDG manager smiled and said, if Manager Zhang is still unwilling to rent it for free, then there is no other way.”I agree, but I would like to add one more.”

Zhang Mingrui was naturally overjoyed to get Scout at almost a free price, but he still added a sentence.

“If Scout wins the summer championship during the QG period, or even the S6 championship.”

“At that time, our QG will be able to unconditionally buy Scout players for 1 million yuan!”

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!!).

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