People were standing in the middle of the road, and the bad news came down the road.

When Kuro heard the news that Scout had completed the kill in the bottom lane, he was in a bad mood and his face was extremely gloomy.

However, Kuro didn’t get depressed, and immediately started to push the line. At the same time, he glanced at Scout’s action route from the jungle to the middle lane, and began to call out to Little Peanut who was nearby.

Little Peanut’s idea coincides with Kuro’s. After Scout teleports to the bottom lane and gets the head, it is absolutely impossible to go home immediately. After all, the pawn line has been pushed into the tower by Kuro. If he directly abandons the pawn line, what he will lose is A lot of.

Therefore, if he wanted to return to the middle lane, he had to go around the wild area. If he could squat down to him with Kuro, even if he and Clockwork didn’t have level 6, he should be able to kill Jess!

So, under the cover of the fog of war, the blind monk and Clockwork slowly touched the grass outside the red BUFF wall, then squatted down quietly, waiting for the arrival of Scout Jess.

“The middle road is gone, be careful.”

At the same time, Sofm, who had cleared the first half of Peanut’s wild area and returned home, immediately noticed the information, reminded Scout, and at the same time pinned a signal on the two bushes of the red BUFF, after all, there was no vision in the wild area. , he didn’t know where someone might be.


Scout nodded, then pressed the S key, temporarily stopped moving, and after switching to the cannon mode, he fired a second round of EQ directly at the grass outside the red BUFF wall.


The next moment, the cannon blasted out, directly hitting the two enemy troops in the grass!

“Scout’s consciousness is really good!”

On the commentary stage, Baby originally thought that Scout was going to be ambushed by ROX, but who knows, with no vision, he used an EQ to accurately detect the position of the opponent’s middle field!

“Although our feelings here may not be particularly strong, in the game, the tension between the players on both sides fighting wits and courage must be very strong.”

“If this wave of ROX Nakano really managed to squat down to Jess, then the disadvantage of clockwork should be completely recovered!”

Miller said happily from the side.

However, as Jess switched forms, used the acceleration effect to avoid Peanut’s Q skill, and went around the F4 grass to the middle again, what happened next made them nervous again.

Because Little Peanut and Kuro didn’t intend to chase Scout right away, but instead went all the way down and touched the bottom road!

At the same time, because of the large amount of blood consumed in the duel just now, Xiao Ming’s Zyra has returned to the city ahead of time. Make up!

“No, Little Peanut’s target is actually Uzi!”

Seeing this scene, she smiled and was startled, and cried out aloud.

If Uzi was stolen by Peanut because he failed to return home in time, then the pressure of the ROX bot lane duo will not only disappear instantly, but Peanut, who died once before, will also be re-found because of the head. Back to the rhythm!

“I don’t know if Uzi realizes…he realizes it!”

While smiling and worrying, seeing that Uzi had already read the message back to the city, he suddenly canceled it, and hurriedly retreated in the direction of the autistic bushes. Obviously, he had already sensed the approach of the ROX Nakano two!

And at this moment, when QG’s vision of the bottom road disappeared, Peanut and Kuro finally touched the position of the three-legged grass.

Also aware that Uzi might start to retreat earlier, after taking two steps forward, Peanut immediately touched his eyes W into the bushes of the stone man.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the grass, he happened to see Uzi who was cowering and walking close to the wall of the lower lane!

Command! Protect!

Command! noise!

Kuro behind him immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and quickly put the doll on the blind monk, giving him a speed-up effect.

Tian Yinbo!

The next moment, a precise Q skill shot towards Uzi quickly, the speed was so fast that it was impossible to twist away by moving!


Forced to dodge, Uzi could only dodge Peanut’s deadly Q skill.

But even though he escaped from the dead, Uzi, who survived temporarily, did not think about continuing to retreat. He even turned a QA round at this time and hit the blind monk, and then continued to retreat to distance himself. It’s like venting your anger.

Seeing that he had no chance to continue to catch up with Uzi, Peanut prepared to retreat.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Uzi turned his head again, and directly shot the W skill Fatal Brilliance at the blind monk!

Phew… Boom!

The ballistic speed of Deadly Huacai was actually not particularly fast, but it still accurately shot at the blind monk. Coupled with the passive Q skill that was just activated, it immediately stunned the blind monk on the spot!

However, when Little Peanut thought it was Uzi’s random venting and he could leave safely after the dizziness ended, a pure white cocoon suddenly appeared in the direction of the stone man’s camp, and went directly toIt hit me on myself!

After returning home, Sofm, who had been rushing towards the bottom road, finally arrived at the battlefield at this moment!

At the same time, when the vertigo state was about to end, he kept up with the spider’s control chain again!

Raging spider!


First, the spider in human form threw out two skills, then immediately turned into a spider form, and once again handed over the QW skill to the blind monk, instantly hitting Peanut’s blood volume to the point of danger!

Although Kuro’s clockwork has already arrived, and he threw his Q skill at the bottom of the spider’s feet, which also knocked out a trace of his blood volume, but it is impossible to save Peanut without his ultimate move!

Although Little Peanut’s desire to survive was very strong, but without flashing, even if he used punishment to punish the stone man, he recovered a little blood volume, and successfully delayed until his second touch eye W to recover.

But as the Sofm went up to the sky and then fell down again, this bloody blind monk still couldn’t escape the spider’s lair after all!

QG.Sofm killed ROX.Peanut!

The game time was 5 minutes and 30 seconds, and the QG team won the third head, and among them, the blind monk of Little Peanut contributed twice!

“Two, hehe.” ”

“There are still six short distances from Super Ghost!”

After taking Peanut’s head again, Sofm chuckled, regardless of Kuro’s continued harassment, turned back to the stone, and re-entered the wild state.

At the same time, despite the cheers at the scene, the three people on the commentary stage didn’t know what to say for a while!

“Little Peanut…was squatted by Sofm again.”

“The first wave was in ROX’s jungle area, and the second wave was in QG’s jungle area.”

“It seems that Sofm installed a positioning radar on Peanut’s body. Sofm knows where he goes!”

The doll said in amazement.

“Exaggerated, exaggerated. There is no positioning radar. It’s just that there is too much information exposed on ROX.”

“In this wave just now, Sofm just happened to go home, and after the little peanut Kuro failed to squat, he didn’t return to the line immediately, but continued to trouble Uzi.”

“In the end, Uzi backhanded him, and Sofm who just arrived was connected to the control chain… I can only say that Little Peanut’s luck is a little bit bad.”

Miller said with a smile, although he said “luck”, he was quite clear in his heart that in the game, this kind of gank and anti-squat did not have any luck at all, and it was all the result of the wits and courage of the players on both sides!

“Little Peanut has exploded and died twice in a row. I don’t think there will be too much noise in this round.”

On the side, said with a smile, his face was full of a calm smile, after all, in his heart, it was only a matter of time before QG won the third game!

Back in the game, the days of the ROX team are indeed very difficult.

In the middle lane, Scout didn’t pay attention to the situation in the bottom lane just now, and kept pushing the lane, so that when Kuro came back, the middle tower had already worn out a considerable amount of HP.

What made Kuro even more uncomfortable was that even though her defense tower was very close, she didn’t dare to walk over it directly. If she really walked over, the one who greeted him would probably be a shot in the head by Scout Jess!

I had no choice but to go around the wild area to go to the back of the defense tower, but when I still appeared in the pass, I was shot by Scout, and I wanted to cry without tears.

Here on the road, the director was finally willing to give two top single shots.

I saw that the troll of Brother Holy Gun went straight into the middle grass after pushing the line, but he was not in a hurry to go home. After seeing Semb pushed the line and returned to the city successfully, he appeared again and sent this wave of soldiers to the city. Enter the defense tower and return to the city.

In this way, if Semb doesn’t teleport to the line, he will lose a wave of soldiers.

If teleportation goes online, although the pawn line will not lose, but when the next wave of battles that may occur in the bot lane begins, Semb will not be able to support the bot lane immediately, and will be sent out by a TP shot by Brother Holy Gun.

Here in the jungle, after Sofm brushed up all the way, he didn’t destroy the blue BUFF, but went home directly, and then rushed towards the bottom lane.

At the same time, Uzi and Xiao Ming, who were back online, once again started a fierce confrontation with the ROX duo after their full state. Because of the superiority in equipment, Uzi pressed the line of troops to the horizontal line above the river.

It seems that the position of this pawn line is a bit awkward, but in fact, the two have already prepared many anti-gank eye positions nearby, and at this time, Sofm’s spider came to the bottom lane quietly, and then dived Into the lower road grass.


Seeing that Sofm was in place, Xiao Ming finally inserted the last real eye in the grass in front of him. After confirming that there was no ROX vision here, Sofm stepped forward with confidence.

Then, Uzi and Xiao Ming started to defend, but the ROX duo didn’t notice it!

So, just when Gorilla relied on his full HP and was about to cooperate with Pray to push back a wave of pawns, another cocoon burst out of the grass and hit his body directly, and then, Uzi And Xiao Ming, connected to the control chain…

“Oh, Gorilla didn’t flash!”

“Although ROX has no vision at all in this wave, if Gorilla hadn’t been tricked into flashing by Scout in the previous wave, he actually had a chance to flash in this wave.Escape now. ”

“It’s a pity that he didn’t dodge, so he can only stand and wait for death!”

QG.Uzi killed ROX.Gorilla!

Just as the baby was sighing for Gorilla, his head was also successfully taken by Uzi!

The game time was 7 minutes and 50 seconds, and the QG team won the fourth head of the ROX team.

In this regard, the three commentators seem to be familiar with it.

But for the majority of LPL audiences, at this moment, they are going crazy!

“No way? This is the No. 1 seed of the LCK? Why was he beaten so helplessly by QG?!”

“It’s been three rounds, it’s been three full rounds, and the rhythm in the early stage is exactly the same, so it’s all blown through!”

“In the first round, Sofm took the initiative to attack. In the second round, Peanut took the initiative to attack but was counter-squatted. In this round, Peanut was solo-killed by Sofm in the wild!”

“Three games, three different openings, but all with the same result!”

“So ROX hasn’t realized it yet. Is it absolutely impossible for them to win against QG in the early stage?”

“Now that you’ve figured it out, why do you still have to fight in the early stage and not develop obscenely?”

“It’s boring, it’s really going to be three to zero. Who would have thought that the last hope of the LCK would be the third seed SSG instead!”

The LPL audience laughed loudly. Although they were not very optimistic about QG before the game, when they really saw that QG was about to defeat ROX with a nearly crushing posture and approached the finals, their attitude towards QG team was very different. Earth-shaking changes took place on the spot!

But the problem is that the ROX team has actually stabilized, but it can’t be stabilized at all!

Moreover, if they have the opportunity to squat down like just now, they must take it, otherwise they will give up the chance to come back!

It’s just that what they didn’t expect was that even if they found an opportunity, they would not be able to catch it. Instead, QG would frantically find their own flaws and hit them one after another!

Under such circumstances, this round, LCK-style operation, seems to have come earlier than the previous two rounds.

When ROX’s upper, middle and lower lanes fell into a disadvantage across the board, Peanut could only hope that he could grow steadily in the wild for a while.

But this matter was not allowed by Sofm. After gaining a huge lead, he began to frequently invade ROX’s first half of the jungle to counter the blind monk’s wild monsters.

So under such circumstances, Little Peanut could only be forced to be helpless, and kept wandering down the road, trying to find some minor opportunities.

Not to mention, he really found it once!

When Xiao Ming’s Zyra was looking at the river again, the blind monk who hadn’t seen Peanut had entered the Xiaolong Pit, and then touched the W to the triangle grass. An R flash kicked him in front of Pray, asking him to take At the same time as Zyra’s head was reached, it could be regarded as making up for some scenes for the ROX team.

Then, taking advantage of Sofm’s superior skills, they took down the first wind dragon together with their teammates.

But the problem is that such “¨. Stop loss” is far from being ignored by ROX!

Zyra is just a support. No matter how many times she dies, it will not affect the normal development of QG 3C. At the same time, the wind dragon, an elemental dragon, can only increase the movement speed a little. Here, he has absolutely no chance to accept it!

The ROX team’s road to comeback can be said to be a long way to go.

But the QG team doesn’t intend to give them a chance to search up and down!

“Depend on!”

“Does this little Peanut think he can do it, and dare to flirt with Xiao Ming?”

“See how I deal with him next!”

Sofm, who was going against the wild on the road, snorted coldly. Although overall, the development of everyone in QG was not affected in any way, after all, they were only supported once and died.

But in Sofm’s mind, even if the assistant is killed in battle, that’s not acceptable!

Xiao Ming must be avenged!

So, after defeating Peanut in the first half of the field again, Sofm went back to the city again, and after getting a few small pieces of the magic shoes and the Runeng Echo jungle knife, he rushed towards the bottom half of the field again without stopping.

If you guessed correctly, the ROX Nakano duo who just defeated Xiaolong may not necessarily leave. One is because their second half of the jungle has been refreshed, and the other is that Kuro’s clockwork has reached level 6. Even if Peanut doesn’t have a big move, he can still Keep him safe against the jungle in Sofm’s jungle.

After all, QG’s Nakano are two “no big moves” heroes, whether it’s Spider or Jess!

So, thinking that he was strong enough, Peanut walked into Sofm’s wild area aggressively alone, and started to play F4.

At the same time, Kuro’s clockwork stood quietly on the river, pretending that he was not there, but would give the blind monk E skill protection and ultimate support at any time!

“The blind monk is on your F4.”

At the same time, Scout naturally sensed this information, and while he was making up for damage in the middle, he approached the lower river. At the same time, he placed his eye position into the F4 camp through the partition wall. As expected, he saw Peanut who was playing F4.


Sofm gritted his teeth tightly, taking advantage of the faster running speed of the spider form, and quickly rushed to the F4 grass.

Immediately afterwards, he didn’t care about anything, and bit at Little Peanut’s blind monk, and successfully punished Big Bird at the same time!

“He was fooled! (Wang Hao Zhao)”

AlthoughHe failed to catch Big Bird, but Little Peanut was still ecstatic and shouted at Kuro!

The next moment, Kuro immediately took a step forward, and while applying the E skill to the blind monk, he pressed his ultimate move!

Command! Shockwave!


The next moment, the explosion sounded loudly. As long as the spider could be blown up, Sofm would definitely die!

However, what stunned everyone was that Sofm seemed to have guessed the presence of the clockwork, just when the big move of the clockwork quietly appeared from the blind monk, Sofm brazenly pressed the E skill coil in the spider form, While letting myself take off in place, I just avoided the damage and control effect of the clockwork big move!

“Roar, roar, roar, roar!”

Immediately, the entire audience, the entire LPL, and the audience all over the world went crazy!

“Can this big move be avoided?”

“Is this a pre-judgment or a bombshell?!”

“What kind of hand speed is Sofm? It’s too scary!”

“How long is the reading time of the clockwork big move? Is there a second? Sofm has avoided it!?”

Everyone was shocked, because in their view, Kuro’s inevitable big move is impossible to be avoided, after all, Little Peanut and Sofm were hugging each other cheek to cheek just now!

But in the end, Sofm dodged this big move abruptly!

So much so that not only did he not die, but he got a chance to fight back!

The door of acceleration!

Electricity surges!

The next moment, the sideways Scout finally arrived, and a precise EQ shot hit the blind monk directly.

Then, regardless of the Kuro clockwork on the river, directly with Sofm, they used the most vicious methods of all of them at Peanut!

A few seconds later, even Little Peanut handed over Moyan W and Blink.

But they still couldn’t escape the pursuit of QG and Nakano, and died on the river again!

QG.Scout killed ROX.Peanut!

This time, Sofm gave Scout the head that he had instinctively accepted, which once again accelerated the arrival of Jess’s strong period.

As for making Peanut a super ghost…it doesn’t matter, after all, Sofm just wants Peanut to be a super ghost, not himself a super god!

(Thanks to “150xxxx0100”, “131xxxx6671”, “Diandian loves to eat candied haws” for their monthly support!!!).

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