When Peanut was killed for the third time in a row, the ROX team finally didn’t dare to have any thoughts of making mistakes.

Because the game time is just over 10 minutes now, but the head ratio on the field has once again reached a terrifying 5 to 1!

Although everyone in ROX has forgotten that it took a few minutes for the fifth round to die in the previous two rounds, but at the psychological level, it feels that the death in this round is much faster than the first two rounds!

Moreover, the economic backwardness also reached a terrifying 1,500 yuan at this time, that is to say, not only the kills, but also the ROX team is in a state of overall backwardness in terms of last hits!

Little Peanut did take a wind dragon, but what’s the use? If you continue to think about doing things, you may gain something on the surface, but you will definitely send it back with interest soon!

“This Sofm…why does he appear wherever I am?”

“Obviously he was still on the road before.”

Looking at his own black and white screen, looking at the Spider Queen next to the blind monk’s corpse, Little Peanut was stunned and his mind went blank.

Looking at the empty monster camp in the first half of his wild area, and then at the full QG blue zone camp, he realized that in this wave just now, Sofm didn’t even think about continuing to farm the wild after returning home, even if it was a long journey , but also to take his own life!

Thinking of this, Little Peanut shuddered all over. Even if he was revived again, he was still on the spot for two seconds before he came back to his senses.

“From now on, we must fully enter a passive state, otherwise we will be more and more disadvantaged.”

Despite the extreme reluctance in his heart, Peanut still said this to his teammates.

At least, he didn’t dare to take the initiative.

On the commentary stage, the three commentators were in a good mood when they saw that the QG team had an overall advantage at this time.

Prior to this, when they commented on the matches between LPL and LCK teams, which one didn’t they start with full confidence, a little nervous in the early stage, a little worried in the middle stage, dignified in the late stage, and hopeless in the ending?

Not to mention the match between LPL and LCK a few years ago, even when commenting on the match between RNG and EDG and the LCK division this year, this feeling still happens!

But now, when they commented on the QG team’s game, their mood was completely opposite!

Or, to be more precise, she was full of confidence throughout the whole process!

Because in every game of the QG team, from the beginning to the end, there is almost no point of concern!

The only thing that may be worrying is that the LCK teams have started to avoid battles, and if they drag it to the later stage, they may be overthrown.

But this kind of worry will completely disappear after one or two times, because they already know that even if the LCK team has entered a state of avoiding the battle, the QG team can still think of a suitable way to regain their own rhythm!

“If it weren’t for the fact that this game is not completely over, I would like to directly congratulate the QG team for advancing to the final.”On the commentary stage, when the baby saw that the LCK had entered the state of avoiding the battle again, causing the entire Summoner’s Canyon to become a little dull, the baby couldn’t help it, and said something in a joking manner.

“If you’re not afraid of being scolded by the audience, you can say so in advance. Anyway, I don’t dare.”

Miller laughed and said, but the thoughts in his heart are self-evident. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he just doesn’t dare.

640 “Actually, ROX still has a little chance, that is, during team battles, Kuro uses the clockwork to pull out a better big move, and there may be a chance to make a comeback.”

“However, such a chance is really too small, because although ROX is now avoiding battles, QG is also consciously avoiding team battles with ROX.”

“Although QG’s lineup is not incapable of team fighting, they are most powerful in small-scale team battles.”

The smile on the side, on the contrary, has a solemn expression, and she doesn’t want to announce the victory of the game in advance like the baby Miller.

After all, as a former professional player, the smile is quite clear. Only when the victory is won, the players can say that they really won!

In Summoner’s Canyon, after fighting for a few more minutes, everyone in QG found that it was indeed difficult for them to expand their advantage through early fights, so they quickly adopted a tactical change.

When the game time was 15 minutes, the top laner Holy Gun went straight to the bottom lane with a wave of TP. After forcing the ROX duo away, he and Uzi Xiaoming demolished the bottom lane defense tower.

As for Scout’s Jess, he returned to the city after pushing a wave of soldiers in the middle, updated his equipment, and then teleported directly to the top lane, just in time to receive a wave of soldiers sent into the defense tower by Bobby Semb.

As for Uzi and Xiaoming, they also went back to the city and went to the middle lane, leaving the troll of Holy Gun to stay in the bottom lane. In the blink of an eye, they completed this wave of three-way lane change!

At the same time, the equipment of everyone in QG has advanced to a terrifying level!

Here in the top lane, although Holy Gun and Semb have been developing peacefully, when the troll comes out with Greedy Hydra and Cloth Armor Shoes, Bobby is one synthesis cost away from his Sun Flame Cloak.

The equipment gap on the jungler side is the most obvious. Sofm’s spiders have almost made the runic echo jungler and rocket belt, but the little peanut monk has only a fighter jungler and a Red crystal!

The equipment gap in the mid-lane matchup is also obvious. Scout’s Jess, after getting Youmeng, rushed to the black cut for the second one, and Kuro’s clockwork only made the first ghost book.

The matchup in the bottom lane was a bit better. Uzi’s Jhin got a small piece of Youmeng and Curtain Blade, and Pray’s Ashe just took out the first Infinity Blade.

It seems that this equipment gap is not impossible to fight, but that is only for the matchup situation.

But after the QG team suddenly completed a three-lane change, the ROX team didn’t react immediately!

It’s okay in the middle lane, Kuro is used to the opponent unplugging the first tower in the bottom lane and then the middle lane, but in the top lane, Semb is so uncomfortable that he is about to cry!

Originally, it was very difficult to fight against the trolls, but as time passed, the situation gradually improved.

But who knew, at this time, my opponent suddenly changed, from a troll who had to stand up to me if he wanted to hit him, to a Jess who had already appeared with the ghost of the dream and the little wooden hammer!

With the full armor-piercing effect, how could Poppy of Semb withstand the damage of Jess? Just by being bombarded with one shot, the amount of blood dropped quite a lot!

Semb wanted to go home and switch with Clockwork at the first time, but found that Kuro couldn’t leave in the middle lane, and he didn’t dare to leave the top lane. After all, if he left, the defense tower might fall.

In the bottom lane, although the duo of Pray and Gorilla can definitely beat the single troll, due to the pressure in the middle lane, the two can only go to the middle lane to defend the tower.

Little Peanut actually wanted to help out on the road, but in the past full minute, he hadn’t seen the position of the Sofm spider at all, and looked at the dark upper half of the river, so he didn’t dare to act rashly.

And just when Scout’s Jess was about to bring a wave of soldiers into the range of the top defense tower, the troll of the bottom lane Holy Gun also brought a wave of soldiers to threaten the safety of their second bottom tower.

Little Peanut finally decided to act.

He raised his legs and walked towards the top road, but his goal was not to gank Jess, but to help Semb squat back.

After all, if Sofm came to arrest him at this time, Bobby would die more easily.

What’s more, even if Peanut wants to gank now, he and Semb may not be able to kill Scout if Jess flashes, and maybe Scout will counter-kill him!

“Little Peanut is on the way, Scout, be careful, we will attack in the middle.”

At this moment, Sofm, who had set up a defensive eye position for Scout half a minute ago on the triangle grass on the top road, came to the F4 area along the river and said to everyone.

At this time, he was still not seen by any of ROX’s vision, because just now Xiao Ming emptied several ROX eye positions in this area, and at this time he even put a real eye in the F4 grass position, which is completely unimportant. Give ROX any chance of discovering Sofm!

As for ROX, although the troll can be clearly seen aloneAlready leading the line very deep in the bottom lane, but Kuro did not dare to leave the middle tower. He was still worried that if he left, he would be caught by Sofm who didn’t know where he was.

Besides, even if Sofm isn’t there, it might be difficult for Pray and Gorilla to defend the first tower in the middle lane!

At this moment, Gorilla’s accessory eye finally turned better. Knowing that F4 has eyes in the bushes, he didn’t dare to go there to line up his vision, but he seemed to have noticed something, and directly inserted the eye position into F4 camp.


The next moment, the spider that had disappeared for a long time suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone in ROX!

But before Gorilla could react, a white cocoon was thrown out of the partition wall, hitting Nami’s body with precision!

Perfect curtain call!

Uzi, who was already ready, brazenly pressed Jhin’s big move, and shot Nami directly!

On Pray’s side, when he saw Uzi standing still, he hurriedly threw a big move with his backhand, but Xiao Ming directly blocked it for Uzi. At the same time, he also handed over all his skills with a backhand. It is to spread the big move all over the middle, so that the three of ROX can’t move at all!

Pray originally wanted to attack Xiaoming Zyra, but suddenly found that the person who resisted the tower was not Zyra at all, but the spider that had already got on Nami’s body, so he hurriedly wanted to turn around.


But at this moment, Jhin’s second bullet directly hit Ashe, and at the same time as the speed slowed down, Zyra’s big move moved upwards, allowing the three in front of ROX to ascend to heaven together!


The third bullet landed precisely on Nami’s body, causing him to take away Gorilla’s life without even using his ultimate move!

At the same time, Sofm didn’t dare to stay where he was, and hurriedly walked towards the F4 pass.


The fourth bullet hit Pray Ashe again, directly crippling him. Although the subsequent fatal cascade missed, it also made Pray lose the courage to continue fighting.

As for Kuro, after finally landing, he flashed to the ball without saying a word, and then pressed his ultimate move, trying to take the head of the bloody Spider-Man.

But Sofm’s reaction was as quick as ever. The moment the wind-up Q came to him, he flashed and jumped into the F4 camp, once again defeating Kuro’s big move in one fell swoop!

QG.Flandre destroyed the red defense tower.

The situation in the middle lane was a heavy blow to ROX. At this time, there was also bad news from the bottom lane. Kuro had to retreat to the second tower of the middle road, and watched the QG people push down the first tower of the middle road!

As for going on the road, when Sofm was just inserted, Little Peanut was ready to attack Jess, but Scout didn’t hold back at all, and directly used the E skill to accelerate the door to retreat, without giving Little Peanut any chance to kick him!

One after another, the QG team made a lot of money, and the ROX team lost more and more!

“In this round, I feel that even if ROX has been avoiding the battle, it may not be able to delay the late stage.”

On the commentary stage, smiling and laughing.

“QG is now obviously determined not to team up with ROX, and even started to use the split push mode to push ROX’s tower.”

“If ROX wants to attack one of the lanes, it must have an advantage in numbers, but at the same time, the other two lanes of QG will start to push the tower with the line. Even if someone defends 1v1 alone, they will definitely not be able to defend against it. !”

“Especially Scout’s Jess, who is really too strong now. Although he may be weak in the later stage, in this round, it was impossible for ROX to deal with this Jess 30 minutes ago.”

“And the key issue is that in this round, ROX couldn’t last for thirty minutes at all!”

Just as he was analyzing with a smile, Peanut had to return to the city to defend because the four of QG were collectively advancing in the middle, threatening the second tower in the middle of ROX.

And as expected, as soon as Little Peanut left, Scout turned back and led the line again!

When ROX regrouped the three Nakano and ad players in the middle lane, the QG four immediately retreated after grinding a little bit of the HP of the second tower in the middle lane, without being greedy.

But here on the top road, Scout also successfully knocked out the top tower!

QG. Scout destroyed the red defense tower!

In just one minute, ROX lost three towers in a row, plus the first bottom tower. At this time, four defensive towers have been dropped!

The economy has grown to as much as 3,000 yuan in an instant, and at the current point of time, it has only been in the early 19th and less than 20 minutes!

“Is this the tactic Manager Zhang arranged for QG in the third game?”

“Fight in the early stage, push towers in the middle stage!”

“As for the late stage? How can there be a late stage? In the middle stage, I’m afraid that all ROX’s defense towers can be flattened!”

On the commentary stage, watching everyone in QG go home to make up again, Wawa laughed loudly, because if he continues with this game rhythm, no matter what style of game ROX adopts, it is impossible to complete the comeback in the hands of such a strong QG !

“No, ROX decided to fight to the death!”

Just as the baby was laughing, Miller suddenly lost his voice.

Sure enough, seeing the five members of QG go home to make up for it, the ROX team directly made an astonishing decision!

They pushed the central pawn line out and waited until after the resurrectionGorilla, let’s walk towards the Dalongkeng together!

And when the four of ROX just arrived at the Dragon Pit, the game time just reached 20 minutes, and Baron Nash came out of the Dragon Pit!

Gorilla even directly inserted a real eye into the Dragon Pit. Immediately afterwards, Semb, who had just returned to the city, directly TP the eye position, and the five quickly assembled!

On the other hand, the five members of QG have just updated their equipment and walked out of the high ground at this moment!

“This is indeed an opportunity for ROX!”

“If this big dragon is rushed by them, we can really breathe a sigh of relief!”

“And ROX caught this wave very well. The QG five just returned home, and the TP of Jess and Troll hasn’t improved yet. They can’t catch up in a short time!”

In the commentary seat, the three commentators panicked, because they knew very well that QG’s return home was obviously because they wanted to update their equipment and have thoughts about Dalong.

But the ROX team, under such adversity, directly seized this opportunity and decided to give it a go!

And look at the speed at which the five ROX players fight the dragon…

Not particularly fast, but not particularly slow either!

“All members of QG have already realized this, I wonder if they can catch up!”

Miller frowned, and his heart was pounding.

The same is true for all LPL viewers. They never expected that ROX would really grab a chance when QG was so smooth!

And the air in Summoner’s Canyon at this moment is also filled with tension.

Although there is no QG’s vision in the Dalong Pit, ROX’s position just now has told QG what they think!

Brother Holy Gun’s troll took the lead and walked in the front, taking advantage of the acceleration effect of the frozen field to quickly hurry. Sofm’s spider was right behind him, maintaining its spider form.

Scout’s Jess kept switching forms in the middle to obtain the acceleration effect, and did not use the acceleration gate rashly. After all, this skill may have a very critical effect in a while.

Uzi’s speed is not slow either, wearing three-speed shoes and rushing on the road at high speed, only Xiao Ming’s Zyra is the slowest, falling at the end, and I don’t know when he will reach the Dalongkeng!

And just as the five members of QG tried their best to rush forward and were about to arrive at the Blue BUFF camp, ROX finally beat the newborn Baron Nash to half health, and was about to take down the dragon.

And just when the big dragon had only 4000 blood left, Brother Holy Gun and Sofm finally appeared!

The roar of the raging waves!

The next moment, Nami’s last wave of big moves that she didn’t release was finally directly pressed by Gorilla. Immediately afterwards, the torrent of water rushed along the river and towards the pass of the blue zone!

Brother Shengqiang only wanted to go forward, and he didn’t hide, so he was rushed up.

But Sofm moved up quickly, avoiding Nami’s big move, and at the same time came to the top of the river, moving one step closer to the big dragon pit.

Scout and Uzi were also blown up by Nami’s big move, but because Xiao Ming walked through another pass, they were safe.

But the problem is that under such circumstances, the vicinity of Dalongkeng is still a QG two-on-five situation!

At this time, Baron Nash only has 3,000 blood left!

It’s time for trolls!

After landing, Brother Holy Gun yelled again, and rushed towards the dragon pit at high speed. While putting down his real eye, he provided all the vision to his teammates.

A library!

But on ROX’s side, Peanut’s reaction speed was very fast, and he directly kicked out the big move. The target was not the troll right in front of him, but the spider who also came to the troll!

As long as Sofm is not present, Little Peanut has absolute confidence in punishing Dalong!


Sofm immediately flew upside down, but landed quickly, and walked towards the Great Dragon Pit again.

At this time, Baron Nash only has 2000 HP left!

The verdict of the defenders!

With the blind monk no longer growing up, ROX switched to Semb to interfere with the spider’s entry, and even wanted to hammer the spider and the troll away together!

However, just as Bobby’s hammer was halfway through, a pillar of ice shot up from Bobby’s feet!

At such an emergency, Brother Holy Gun directly used the E skill to break Bobby’s big move!

At this time, Baron Nash only has the last 1000 HP left!


Charge bravely!

Semb couldn’t control that much any more, for fear that the big dragon they had managed to hit with residual blood would be snatched by Sofm, and hurriedly flashed out of the dragon pit, trying to head off the spider that had approached again!

But at this moment, Sofm once again erupted with astonishing reaction and hand speed, and flew up into the sky with the E skill, and then fell directly into the Dragon Pit!

(Thanks to “melodyzzz” for the 100-point reminder support!!!)

(Thanks to “melodyzzz”, “I”, “Vi”, “L丨J丨X,” for their support!!!).

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