When the team QG’s lineup for the second game was finalized, all the audience around the world were stunned. They didn’t know what happened in the BP stage just now, why an ADC suddenly ran to the top lane and played the top laner ? !

But the shock in the hearts of the commentators and the audience was actually relatively slight. At this time, the people who collapsed even more at a loss were the SSG team and the top laner Cuvee!

Although he had already thought of the possibility that Lucian might be on the road when Bobby was selected, but when he was really sure, he was still extremely shocked!

Under normal circumstances, Bobby can indeed withstand pressure on the top lane, but in this round, when facing Lucian, how should he resist? !

Bobby, who has short hands and short legs, let alone replenishing troops, wait a while, I’m afraid he won’t even dare to look at the pawn line – ah!

“Cuvee, hold on to this game, wait for Ambition- to go up and help you catch it.”

Seeing the desperate expression on Cuvee’s face, the coach of the SSG team hurriedly comforted him.

It’s just that he also knows in his heart that if Qian Jue wants to successfully capture Lucian, the difficulty is not ordinary. After all, Lucian’s E skill ruthless pursuit can be used not only for chasing, but also for escaping!

As long as he doesn’t get Qian Jue’s deceleration skill, Bobby won’t be able to touch Lucian even once!

What’s even more uncomfortable is that Lucian’s passive holy gun silver bullet can reduce the CD time of his E skill, which means that as long as Lucian reaches the later stage, the more times he can move in a short period of time!

On the other hand, the heroes of the SSG team…

They’re all idiots competing against each other!

Just when everyone in the SSG team was in a serious mood, the atmosphere in the QG team was quite good.

“It’s quite reasonable for Brother Holy Gun to use Holy Gun Ranger, hahaha.”

Uzi laughed and said, although he knows in his heart that everyone’s eyes will be on Saint Gun in this round, but he also understands that in this way, the pressure on him and Xiao Ming in the bottom lane will be much less, as long as they play normally , can definitely play a laning advantage!

“Okay, let’s finally check your talent rune summoner skills.”

“Brother Holy Gun, you remember to bring the bloodthirsty of the Lord of War.”

Zhang Mingrui emphatically reminded Brother Saint Gun that, after all, the other players are using common heroes, and ordinary reminders are enough.

As for why it is the bloodthirsty of the war lord and not the enthusiasm for war?

Naturally, it’s because this talent is better!

Bloodthirsty of the Lord of War: You can heal yourself when you get a critical strike, and the healing amount is equal to 15% of the damage. In addition, it will also provide you with a 20% attack speed effect, which lasts for four seconds (cooling time is 2 seconds).

That is to say, if Holy Gun superimposes Lucian’s crit effect to a terrifying level, then this talent skill can be continuously triggered to obtain the effects of healing and attack speed!

As for the fervor of war, it allows the hero to obtain higher damage capabilities during combat, but this round is not particularly necessary for Holy Gun.

“Finally, let me briefly talk about the basic tactics of this game, focusing on laning, and at the same time don’t get caught!”

“Scout, although your Ryze has an advantage in beating Snake Girl, the overall advantage may not be very great, so if the opponent is too insignificant and you don’t have a good chance to point towers, you can choose roaming support .”

“As for Brother Holy Gun and the bottom lane, in this round, I will basically hold him to death on the side lane. We will talk about when to push down the first tower.”

“Sofm, keep a good defensive eye position, what else can you do, I don’t ask for it.”

Zhang Mingrui spoke solemnly to everyone, and then, under the urging of the referee, slowly left the competition seat and walked towards the center of the stage.

When he shook hands with the SSG coach again, he no longer had the smile on his face before the start of the first game, and his expression was serious.

Zhang Mingrui just smiled calmly. After all, for them, as long as they can gain an advantage online, they will definitely win this game!

“It’s amazing, it’s really amazing!”

“On the stage of the World Championship finals, the QG team actually pulled out a Lucian top laner that we have never seen before!”

“It’s understandable if you say that the QG team has been preparing trump cards in various positions as a temporary response, such as Sofm’s Zack, the old time man before Scout.”

“But now, Brother Holy Gun has prepared a top laner, Lucian. Isn’t this testing our commentary ability!”

While waiting for the start of the second round, in the commentary booth, the baby was very speechless.

When he was in the BP just now, he was seriously analyzing the possibility of adding gems to Lucian, but who would have thought that the result would turn out like this? !”I’ve already told you that it’s impossible for you to see through Manager Zhang’s BP, otherwise you wouldn’t be a commentator, you could be a coach.”

Miller laughed from the side, and then his expression became serious.

“Let’s take a look at the lineup of the QG team again… It can be seen that the QG team has almost an advantage across the board!”

“Luxian hits Bobby in the top lane, long-handed and short-handed. It should be perfectly suppressed. If it is Jess, Lucian may be taken away by his burst, but Poppy is different. He can only be A’ed all the time. And there’s no way to fight back!”

“In the middle lane, Ryze should also be able to push the line when fighting Snake. After all, as long as Ryze reaches the second level, his ability to push the line will be stronger than Snake.”

“Here in the bottom lane, it seems that Jhin Kanami is no match for the female policewoman and Fanzi Mom, but I am still willing to give absolute trust to Uzi and Xiao Ming’s abilities!”

“So in this round, the QG team’s tactics have already been laid out on the surface, and they want to play a huge advantage in the laning phase!”

“Otherwise, once the SSG team is given a chance to develop as in the previous round, it is tantamount to giving SSG a chance to tie the score.”

Miller solemnly said that he is still full of confidence in the second game.

“Miller is right, but I think QG still needs to be careful about An’s gank in this round.”

“Although the hero Qian Jue’s ability to retain people is not very strong, but if he cooperates with online heroes, if he really wants to retain people, he has a chance to do so. Therefore, if QG does not want to be unable to play in the early game, it should have If you have an advantage, you should always grasp the movements of Qian Jue, the head of An!”

“Especially the top laner Holy Gun needs to be more careful. Once the hero Lucian is at a disadvantage, we also know that he will be eliminated directly because of his short arms.”

“And once Bobby’s development catches up with the flesh, the significance of Lucian will be reduced to almost zero!”

Remember to say it with the same solemnity, and it is indeed a problem that the QG team needs to pay attention to in this round!

And just when the voices of the three commentators fell, the second game between the QG team and the SSG team finally officially entered the Summoner’s Canyon!

After the 15-second time limit expired, ten people from both sides rushed towards the river immediately!

But this time, in the second game, the two teams finally made some small designs in the opening stage.

On the QG side, because Holy Gun and Sofm’s level 1 was strong enough, they directly invaded the red zone of Anzhangmen.

But on the other side, An Zhangmen went directly to the bushes on the lower road, but squatted out of Xiao Ming who might walk in to get a view.

However, no matter how provocative CoreJJ’s fan mother was in front of him, Xiao Ming remained indifferent and didn’t move at all, so head An had to press B to return to the city, and then walked towards his upper half wild area.

“Army attack!”

QG and Nakano, who had been crouching in the grass all the time, didn’t wait for any lost people to come, so they had to retreat. However, before leaving, Sofm directly placed his first eye position in the red BUFF grass.

This scene really surprised the commentators!

“This offensive eye position was inserted by Sofm instead of Holy Gun?”

“In this round, Brother Holy Gun’s tactical status is too high. You must know that eye position is very important to the blind monk!”

At the commentary seat, the baby exclaimed in amazement.

What surprised him even more was that the next moment, the QG Nakano duo had no intention of returning to the blue zone at all!

Saint Gun’s Lucian walked straight up the road, and left his eye on the triangular grass.

At the same time, Sofm’s blind monk bypassed the wild area far away, and finally arrived at the red BUFF camp when the red BUFF just refreshed!

“Sofm red BUFF single open, swipe up!”

“It seems that in this round, Sofm has given up on the middle and bottom lanes, and just wants to ensure the development of the top laner Lucian!”

Miller was also quite amazed. After all, under normal circumstances, all junglers should be from the top lane to the bottom lane!

“QG must have a reason for doing this. Let’s take a closer look.”

I remember saying it with great anticipation, because when they were talking, Lucian of Brother Saint Gun had no intention of hiding, and stood on the top line!

Even before the small soldiers were handed over, they started to move the red pawn line!

“Brother Holy Gun wants to carry out the suppression to the end, and is going to save time in the jungle, and push the line to grab the second!”

Everyone was surprised, because if they guessed correctly, this was the first time in the entire S6 World Championship that the top laner did not help the jungler to start the game!

“Besides, Brother Holy Gun is not afraid of being caught now, because they have set up a defensive eye position at the triangle grass position. As long as the head of An dares to come, he will dare to pull.”

“Then, Sofm will definitely seize this opportunity and directly blow up the wild area of ​​Head An!”

Miller was pleasantly surprised. Although the lineup of the QG team looks very hard, in fact, it seems to be quite good!

As long as everyone in SSG tries to attack any one of the five members of QG, then the other four will definitely get something more or less!

In the game, Cuvee, who was just about to help Qian Jue open the wild, looked at the holy gun brother who went online in advance, and directly pinned a few question marks to him and QG’s blue zone, and could not judge the wild clearing route of the Sofm blind monk at all.

I even saw Brother Saint Gun cleaning upA little pawn stood in front of the pawn line and began to control the line. For a while, his scalp felt numb, and he knew very well in his heart that this round, how hard he must be to fight!

The head of security is going to arrest him at the second level?

Obviously it’s impossible, because it’s good to catch it successfully, but if it fails, the wild area of ​​the head of An will become extremely uncomfortable!

So, while watching Qian Jue, the head of security, go to hit the red buff, Cuvee could only drag his heavy steps and let Bobby walk on the road.

Who would have thought that before Cuvee even made it to the experience zone, he would be slapped in the face by Holy Gun brother Lucian!

Cuvee was originally convinced that Lucian’s top laner might not be that scary, so he decided to go online from Triangle Grass.

But just when he showed his head, Lucian, who was stuck in the pawn line, walked towards him directly, and shot himself!

Cuvee was stunned for a moment. He never expected that this holy gun brother didn’t even mend the knife, and came directly to attack him!

And when he learned the Q skill at level one, he couldn’t hit Lucian with the hammer at all!

So, I didn’t dare to go back to the defense tower directly along the wall of the wild area, so I could only retreat, preparing to go around the grass in the Golem camp.

But just as he was retreating, Brother Holy Gun came up directly. After clicking Bobby twice, he began to retreat.


“This Cuvee, don’t think about it this round.”

Seeing this scene, the baby said in shock.

During the entire S6 World Tournament, when did they see a hero who could suppress the opponent at the first level appear? !

But now, they not only saw it, but also realized that this hero is quite terrifying!

Because Cuvee’s Poppy has not been online yet, so much blood has been lost. If it weren’t for the existence of Dolan’s shield, I’m afraid there would be more lost!

“Brother Holy Gun is also very bad. Even if I can’t make up some soldiers, I don’t want Cuvee to get any experience, let alone small soldiers!”

·· ·Ask for flowers········

Just when Cuvee was in a serious mood, the third wave of soldiers, also the first wave of sports car soldiers, finally arrived and walked towards the battlefield on the road.

Seeing this, Cuvee was overjoyed. He finally had a chance to get experience from the mission.

But at this moment, Lucian of Brother Holy Gun has been upgraded to level two!

Q skill, see through the body with holy light!

The next moment, there was a sound of “shoo”, and the Q skill of Brother Holy Gun landed on Bobby’s body precisely after Q reached the minions, knocking out a certain amount of his HP again!

“Ah Xiba? This is all okay?!”

The damage was dealt out so easily, and Cuvee was stunned again. After all, as a top laner, he never expected that Lucian’s Q skill would be so far and so long!

And just when Cuvee was about to bite the bullet and prepare to move forward, Lucian of the Holy Gun brother did not retreat but advanced. He took the initiative to walk towards Bobby, and took a look at him with the line A on his shoulders, and then quickly pulled out of the attack range of the soldiers.

Although Brother Holy Gun’s Lucian also lost blood, how could this little amount of blood have any effect on Lucian who got Dolan’s sword? !

But what Cuvee never expected was that the bad news he encountered was not the end at all, but the beginning!

But when Cuvee finally decided to go to school to get the first cannon soldier, Holy Gun moved towards Cuvee again, and several holy silver bullets hit Poppy directly, even if he was carrying a soldier, Also throw out the QE skill to deal damage, and then go to slowly recover blood!

“You still want to get a soldier line in front of me, Lucian? You are dreaming!”

“Don’t eat!”

Brother Holy Gun yelled at Cuvee with a smile while making up the knife, once he saw that he had any thoughts of going forward to make up the knife, he would go straight up and point out people with the line of soldiers on his shoulders!


“Is this the power of top laner Lucian?”

“The third wave of soldiers has arrived. Cuvee’s Poppy didn’t even get a single soldier, and at the same time, his blood volume is almost at half health!”

… … … …

Not only the LPL commentary seats, but all the commentary seats in the competition area were really stunned after seeing the top laner. They never thought that such a different top laner could actually play such an effect!

And there seem to be only two ways to improve Cuvee’s situation at this time!

The first one is that Cuvee continues to hang up under the defensive tower, waiting for the line of soldiers that will enter the tower sooner or later.

The second one is to wait for the support of Qian Jue, the head of An, because although the holy gun brother Lucian is enjoying himself at this time, his position is still quite deep.

As long as Sect Leader An comes to catch him, even if it’s Lu Xian’s death, he will be chased because of the long line of troops.

At that time, even if SSG failed to finish killing Brother Holy Gun, at least one flash would be sure to make it easier for the next wave of ganks!

But at this moment, another extremely astonishing act appeared in the Summoner’s Canyon again!

Sofm’s blind monk did not go directly to the upper half of the wild area when the red buff was activated alone, but completely cleared the stone man and F4.

Then he still didn’t go to the upper half of the wild area, but went to the grass in the river, and launched the first wave of gank directly at Brother Crown’s snake girl!

The release of the Q skill is indeed quite accurate, it hits the target directly, and after the QEA goes up, it deals some damage, and then immediatelyMoment W returns to Scout Ryze.

Then, Sofm actually stood still in the middle lane, as if he was disconnected, or he was trying to use Ryze’s experience!

It wasn’t until the first group of river crabs were refreshed that everyone understood what Sofm wanted to do!

He was standing in the middle, wanting to see which of the first group of river crabs would get Qian Jue’s mark!

Go to the river crab!

The next moment, after confirming this matter, Sofm walked directly towards the upper river, and immediately let the head of An shout “Xiba”!

He originally thought that if he was lucky, he could take the mark of the upper river crab after brushing the three groups of wild monsters in the first half of the jungle. If he brushed the bottom lane, he would let it go.

But now, this Sofm is so inappropriate, he didn’t give himself any chance to get the mark in the early stage, and went directly to the river crab for trouble!

The third-level Qian Jue was naturally unable to beat the third-level blind monk, so after glancing at the mark on Shang Hexie’s body with grief and indignation, Head An resolutely walked towards the lower half of the wild area.

And even if he could beat it, he would never dare to go there, because when Sofm was on the move, the Holy Gun brother who was on the road had already pushed the line of troops into the defense tower and made a support movement towards the river!

As far as An Zhangmen is concerned, if this is the second round of the SSG team and they are killed in one fight, they can directly declare GG!

After confirming that Head An left, Brother Shengqiang smiled and returned to the line.

Although he didn’t dare to continue to consume Cuvee Bobby’s blood volume under the defensive tower, but this time, it became a good opportunity for him to consume the blood volume of the defensive tower!

As for Cuvee, he still can only watch helplessly. After all, even if he goes up to E, he will be pulled away by his E skill immediately, and then he will be beaten up again in turn!

So, in such a situation, the doll in the commentary gave a quite vivid description…

Go to jail!

And what’s even more frightening is that when Cuvee was concentrating on repairing the tower knife, he had to deal with the Holy Gun to steal some points.

On the river, Sofm didn’t even go to his own blue zone after hunting the river crabs, but walked directly towards the triangle grass on the top road!

“What is Sofm doing?”

“Level 3 jumps directly over the tower?!”

The next moment, the audience exclaimed, and some people even began to mourn for Cuvee in advance. After all, he doesn’t even have half blood, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like he can survive!

Even if QG and Ueno only have level three!

(Thanks for the 100-point reward and support from the “ignorance” boss!!!)

(Thanks to “Dongfang Mingyue” and “183xxxx7260” for their monthly ticket support!!!) Son.

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