The purpose of Sofm’s coming to the road is naturally to jump the tower, otherwise would he come to the road to shop when the three groups of wild monsters in the entire blue zone have not been wiped out? !

“Can you push Bobby out of the defense tower?”

As he walked up the road, Sofm asked.

“A little difficult.”

Brother Holy Gun immediately responded that Cuvee is now very uncomfortable being crushed by him, but he has no intention of leaving the defense tower.

After all, no matter how weak Poppy’s health is, with the protection of the defense tower, Brother Holy Gun would not dare to consume the damage of the defense tower alone. Crispy Lucian!

“Okay, then we can only forcefully pass him.”

Sofm said dissatisfied, if he didn’t need to resist the tower, it would be the best, but in order to quickly help Holy Gun to open up the road, Sofm had to do the same!

So, when Sofm’s blind monk finally reached the triangle grass on the road, the wave of soldiers under the defense tower was finally eaten by the defense tower.

Taking a look at the last hits, in the first three waves of 19 minions, Cuvee was so miserable that he only got 9 last hits, which is extremely miserable!

As for Cuvee, although he is in prison now, as long as he does not die, once he reaches level six and his equipment is updated, it may be more difficult for Lucian to consume blood like this again.

Because at that time, Bobby was considered to be fleshy and output, and he had the power to fight.

Of course, the premise is that Cuvee can develop smoothly until then.

Just after the minions under the defensive tower were eaten up, the next wave of minions came online again, standing on the middle line of the top lane slightly closer to the SSG side.

As always, Brother Holy Gun directly asked his own Lucian to stand in the pile of red soldiers. As long as Cuvee dared to approach, he could get a bunch of bullets!

But Cuvee doesn’t plan to catch it without a fight. Although he will never get the supplementary knife, he still wants to eat the experience.

So, just as Cuvee took advantage of Bobby’s passive soap bubble, he asked Bobby to walk forward a little, and walked into the experience area again.

But they didn’t know that just this small step made both Holy Gun and Sofm smile excitedly on their faces.


The next moment, Sofm gave an order.

Immediately afterwards, Liusiqi went around to Sofm outside the wall of the first tower on the top road with his vision stuck, and directly touched W to behind Bobby, only about 500 yards away!

Seeing the sudden appearance of the blind monk, Cuvee was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly prepared to use the E skill to push the blind monk away and retreat at the same time.

It can be said that sooner or later, Sofm has directly handed over the flash to Bobby’s side, and took a picture ofE skill thunderbolt!


Immediately, the deceleration effect of the red buff immediately hung on Bobby.

Relentless pursuit!

In the next moment, Brother Holy Gun, who was already ready, slid behind Bobby with a sliding step. The WQ skill was directly given, and his blood volume was immediately hit to the point of danger!

In this situation, Cuvee naturally didn’t dare to be negligent, and directly handed over the flash and W skills, and retreated towards the defensive tower.

Tian Yinbo!

But at this time, Sofm finally kicked his Q skill directly on Poppy, but did not immediately activate the second stage of Q, because it is very clear that during Poppy’s W skill, if he flies halfway, he will also Bounced off by Poppy!


Cuvee Poppy’s speed immediately increased, but the holy gun brother did not hesitate at all, and also flashed to keep up, and once again hit two rounds with a passive flat A, which made Poppy’s HP drop to one Quite a dangerous situation!

Echo strike!

And just when Bobby’s W skill finally disappeared, Sofm’s second-stage Q was finally kicked out, and he followed Bobby directly back to the defense tower!

Slam the hammer!

Seeing that his blood volume directly entered the silk blood state, Cuvee must not be alive soon, so Cuvee decided to smash the can, pulled a back-up, and threw the Q skill directly at his feet, trying to slow down to the Sofm blind monk.

However, the moment Sofm kicked out the second stage, he began to withdraw from the tower, and at the same time let Holy Gun’s Lucian continue to rush into the defensive tower, preparing to use the last few A’s to take Bobby’s head.

Charge bravely!

And under such circumstances, when the second defensive tower ray hit the blind monk who didn’t have a lot of HP again, Cuvee finally decided to give it a desperate fight!


The lonely and helpless Bobby finally bumped into the blind monk with little blood.

But during the flight, a faster silver bullet directly intercepted Bobby in the air, and then accompanied by a critical strike, took Bobby’s life directly!

QG.Flandre killed SSG.Cuvee!


The game time is 3 minutes and 07 seconds, and the first blood is born!

The first blood of the holy gun brother Lucian!


In the second game, when the QG team got the first-blooded head again early, the audience was shocked. They never expected that this head was taken so quickly and so easily!

It seems that this wave of QG Ueno has handed over two flashes, but judging from the actual effect, the scene is not as thrilling as they imagined!

It seems that Sofm casually went to the top road, handed in flashes casually, and then, casually got the head!

“Is this the most important thing in Manager Zhang’s tactics?!”

“This is too terrifying!”

Brother Holy Gun got a bloody head so early, and the three people in the commentary were stunned.

Especially the baby, looking at the Holy Gun who pushed a wave of soldiers and returned to the city with Sofm, one can already imagine that when he returns to the line again, what will he do to Cuvee’s Poppy? even more inhumane abuse!

Because you have to know that Cuvee, who was on the road again after returning home, was so poor that he couldn’t even afford a piece of cloth armor. He just bought a bottle of reusable potion to increase battery life.

But in the case of Brother Holy Gun’s Lucian backhanding out a handful of extraction, this poor battery life is simply not enough to watch!

“Brother Holy Gun played this round too well.”

“BP targeted Cuvee, and Sofm directly helped him in the game, and now he has taken out the extraction. His development is obviously unstoppable!”

Miller was very envious, because as long as Lucian’s extraction exploded, he could immediately get a huge sum of money, get the equipment he wanted, and then continue to suppress Bobby!

“The only thing we need to worry about is that Brother Holy Gun has not flashed now. If he is gank by Qian Jue, who is in charge of An, it will be more dangerous.”

“Of course, a question that the SSG team also needs to consider is, when Qian Jue comes to the road in a while, can he and Bobby together beat Lucian of Holy Gun!”

I remember laughing, in the case that Bobby was originally a tank, it might not be easy to complete a solo kill again.

But Qian Jue is a crispy skin! As long as Sect Leader An dares to come, as long as Brother Saint Gun is ruthless, he can directly kill Qian Jue with Bobby’s dispensable output, and maybe even get a pair of red and blue buffs!

And while the commentators were analyzing the situation in the game, in the live broadcast room, the LPL audience had already cast their eyes on Manager Zhang Mingrui and Manager Zhang!

“Damn it, Lucian is on the order, how did Manager Zhang come up with this idea?”

“I OB’ed the training records of the entire QG team, and I didn’t see Brother Holy Gun contacting Lucian’s top laner at all. When did he use what account to practice secretly?”

“I love it, I love it. After today’s game, I will also play Lucian as the top laner!”

“The SSG team is also really cooperative. They clearly saw that the holy gun brother used Lucian to hit him, and even used Bobby to resist the pressure. But if it’s Kenan, it won’t be so miserable!”

“Kenan? Didn’t you see Sofm’s determination to catch this wave? Whether it’s Kenan or Rambo, as long as they die once, they’re basically useless, not as good as Bobby!”

“Now that Lucian has taken off, this CuvIt is impossible for ee to stop his advancing speed, unless it is the head of An who catches him! ”

“But the problem is, even if the head of An came to arrest him, he might not be able to kill Lucian!”

While the LPL audience was discussing, inside the SSG team, Cuvee’s expression was terribly solemn.

I knew that this round might be very difficult for me to play, but I never thought that it would be so difficult to play!

He died once in three minutes, and he was just a top laner. How could He De enjoy this kind of treatment before that? !

What made Cuvee feel even more uncomfortable was that shortly after he teleported to the ground, when he was finally about to kill a bloody soldier A, a blue whirlwind directly lit up on the soldier, preventing him from killing him!

In order to keep putting pressure on Cuvee, Brother Holy Gun actually handed in TP as well!

This means that in this round, Brother Holy Gun’s Lucian may not go anywhere, and he will fight himself on the road!

Glancing at the position of Head An, if he was nearby at this time, he might be able to kill him directly, but it’s a pity that he is still fighting crabs in the bottom lane, and it is impossible to teleport directly to the top lane!

So I had no choice but to adjust the angle myself, hoping to push Lucian against the wall the moment he landed.

But Brother Holy Gun had already thought of this possibility. After landing, he pulled his E skill back, allowing Cuvee’s intelligent spellcasting to directly hit the soldier, and he went straight up!

Although he successfully killed the little soldier and got the economy, but the next moment, he was directly hit with a set of skills by Brother Holy Gun, and had to drink the reusable potion immediately to restore blood.

It’s just the only bottle of blood medicine left, and Bobby’s whole blood bar. I don’t know how long I can last under such heavy pressure…

When Holy Gun continued to suppress Cuvee inhumanely, the camera director finally decided to change the angle of view and let the audience see the situation of the other two lines.

In the middle lane, Scout’s Ryze is certainly better than Crown’s Snake Girl in terms of pushing lanes, but that’s just a little bit, and it’s impossible to play such a terrifying suppression effect like the top laner.

On the bottom lane, there is a prominent one that is evenly matched. Once the two sides have the opportunity, they will step forward to make a set and exchange blood volume with each other.

But in general, Uzi and Xiaoming are actually more profitable. One is because Uzi has more CS than Chidi, and it is because Xiaoming’s Nami has recovery ability, but the SSG duo has no recovery ability. of.

As for the junglers, the junglers of both sides don’t have much to do for the time being, they can only farm in the jungle.

Head An wanted to go on the road to try gank, but he accurately captured that the real eye that Saint Gunner carried in the grid disappeared when he went out, so he confirmed that he inserted the real eye into the river grass or triangle grass on the road.

Cuvee wants to take a look at the triangle grass. If the real eye is there, he can get rid of it.

But who would have thought that Brother Holy Gun was so cruel that he didn’t even give Cuvee the chance to use real eyes. Once he saw him walking towards the wild area, he would go after him and go crazy, so Cuvee had to give up his plan to use real eyes.

Then, I had no choice but to pin a signal “There are eyes here” on the triangle grass. After all, if there were no eyes, Brother Holy Gun wouldn’t be so “excited”!

But only people from God’s perspective can see that Holy Gun’s real eyes are actually inserted in the river, and the triangle grass has no real eyes at all!

But soon, the audience was shocked.

Although from their point of view, Brother Holy Gun did this to make Head An misunderstand that Triangle Grass has eyes, and let him walk along the river when ganking, and then be seen.

But when Sofm swiped to the upper half of the field again, and helped Holy Gun to make up a real eye in the triangle grass, and blocked the two possible gank routes to Holy Gun, everyone suddenly discovered that the QG team The protection of Holy Gun brother in this round has reached a rather exaggerated level!

“If Brother Holy Gun still dies under the protection of the two real eyes, it can only show that he was too careless.”

“But looking at it from another angle, as long as Holy Gun doesn’t die, Cuvee’s Bobby will never see his future!”

“Even if he keeps using armor and magic resistance in this game, Bobby’s defensive ability will definitely not be able to keep up with Lucian’s offensive ability, and he will always be in a passive situation!”

“Let me tell you, even if Head An knows that he has real eyes on the top lane, he still has to come and try to gank. Otherwise, if this game goes on, the SSG team won’t be able to deal with Holy Gun’s Lucian at all!”

“The only chance to kill Lucian in seconds is when Saint Gun gets locked down by Crown Brother Snake’s big move, or gets knocked off by Bobby’s E wall…”

“But the problem is that these two operations are extremely difficult, and Brother Holy Gun will definitely pay attention to his position during team battles!”

In the commentary seat, Wawa spoke solemnly and was in ecstasy, because he vaguely felt that the QG team might win this round better than the first round!

Even if the stage here is the finals of the World Championship!

It may be that he really heard what the baby said, or that Head An had the same idea in the first place.

After returning home for the first time, An Zhangmen quickly destroyed the second group of stone men, but instead of going to F4 immediately, he went directly to the triangle grass, and immediately discovered the real eyes in it, forcing Brother Saint Gun to Discharge it while retreating temporarily.

“Look at your crow’s mouth.”Although Sofm’s eyes were not the Holy Gun’s, but Miller gave Wawa a blank look.

“However, this is actually the normal thinking of professional players.”

“Although the appearance of the top laner Lucian did cause huge troubles for the SSG team, especially for Cuvee.”

“If it’s a passerby game, this round may really not care about going on the road. If you want to clear the level, Lucian, you can do whatever you want. I’ll find a way to deal with you during the team battle.”

“But now it’s the World Championship. If you really ignore Lucian and let his development be unmatched, perhaps Lucian can become a player who cuts off everyone except Bobby at this moment!”

Miller chuckled, naturally hoping that such a thing could really happen!

But it is also clear that, as the team with the strongest operational capabilities, SSG must also have an excellent set of methods that can handle all emergencies!

However, in the next few minutes, the audience did not see the SSG team’s counterattack, and the three lines were still fighting on their own.

Without the need for the jungler to participate, the two sides fought in full swing in the middle and bottom lanes, and even exchanged summoner skills frequently. They both took the initiative or were beaten to kill the opponent and gain the advantage in the lane!

Just like that, time passed slowly, and it reached the sixth minute.

“Brother Holy Gun will reach level six soon, I don’t know if there is a chance to kill him in a single wave!”

Seeing that Brother Holy Gun’s last knife was extended to a terrifying level by 55 knives compared to 27 knives, Wa Wa said with great anticipation.

“If SSG has no support, I think the chances are still great.”

“But the problem is that SSG seems to be aware of this, and Zhangmen An and Brother Crown want to move up.”

Miller responded immediately.

At this time, Brother Holy Gun’s soldiers are still pressing very deep, but they have not pressed into the defense tower. If they continue to advance at this time, they are likely to be caught by the SSG Nakano support!

“Brother Holy Gun, they are going to arrest you.”

This situation made Sofm frown. He originally wanted to go to the top lane to counter-squat. If he counter-squats to the middle and wild duo of SSG, then it is almost impossible to win two-on-three on the top lane.

After all, Bobby is about to reach six, and Snake has already reached six. Even if Qian Jue is at level five like himself, he can provide a considerable amount of damage to Brother Holy Gun after a while!

“I see.”

Brother Holy Gun frowned, not very happy. After all, if he retreats now, Cuvee will control a wave of troops instead.

“I took the pawn line in the middle.”

At this moment, Scout’s voice sounded in the middle. Taking advantage of the gap between Brother Crown’s departure, he pushed a wave of troops at full speed, and at the same time retreated to his defense tower, pretending to return to the city, but actually heading towards the upper river direction approaching.

After all, now his Ryze also has a big move at level six. Once the situation on the road is not right, he can immediately start the winding path to support the battlefield!

“Snake Girl is back in the middle lane, we can catch a wave and go up the lane!”

On the SSG team, seeing that Brother Saint Gun was so vigilant, he retreated directly, and the central line was in a hurry, so he had to give up the gank.

But this situation caught everyone’s eyes in QG, because it seemed to be an excellent opportunity for three guarantees and one order!

“Brother Holy Gun!”


After a season of running-in, the team members have already formed a due tacit understanding. Brother Saint Gun immediately returned to the line and began to suppress Cuvee again.

And just when Cuvee was speechless and about to return to the defense tower to hide again, the two of QG Nakano had already reached the grass in the river!

The next moment, Ryze’s big move twisted and turned, and it was opened blatantly!

A huge teleportation halo immediately lit up behind Bobby, as if he wasn’t going to let Cuvee have any idea of ​​escape!

Relentless pursuit!

Sincerely play!

Through the Holy Light!

At the same time, Brother Holy Gun also directly launched another attack on Cuvee, and even after finishing a set of skills, he directly pressed the ultimate move Holy Gun Baptism!

Da da da da da da!

Dozens of silver bullets shot precisely at the poor Bobby.

Even though Cuvee was upgraded to six at this critical moment, the two sent over by Ryze and the blind monk were directly hammered away with a big move…

But in the face of the unavoidable Lucian’s big move, Bobby spent six minutes in jail, and finally ushered in his own death again!

QG.Flandre killed SSG.Cuvee!

The game time is 6 minutes and 28 seconds, Cuvee was killed by Lucian’s bullet again!

Although in this round, the overall number of deaths of the SSG team was far less than that of the previous round,

But the psychological shadow area of ​​the team members is much larger than that of the previous game!

Because this top laner, Lu Xian, already showed some signs of being unstoppable, especially when QG Nakano came to help one after another!

“So in this round, Brother Holy Gun is the big C of the QG team?!”

And when Brother Holy Gun won the kill again, and he couldn’t even assist Sofm and Scout, everyone suddenly realized this quite “serious” problem.

It’s just that when everyone looked at another C Uzi of the QG team, they found that he didn’t seem to notice the situation on the road at all, and he was still playing with Chidi very happily! .

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