“This……””The SSG team, or rather, Cuvee has been blown through…”

At the commentary seat, when Doll saw that Cuvee had died twice in just six minutes, a compassionate expression appeared on his face.

You know, this kind of expression often appears when the strong sympathize with the weak!

“I figured it out. Team QG’s tactic in this round is to keep the top lane. They want to make Brother Holy Gun’s advantage infinite and at the same time ensure that he doesn’t die in the early stage.”

Miller laughed loudly. The SSG team tried to gank Holy Gun but failed, and was killed by the QG team’s backhand jumping over the tower. This kind of one-in-one-out battle is really quite good for QG!

“That’s right, especially Sofm, Brother Holy Gun’s protection is really in place.”

“In six minutes, except for two waves of wild monsters in the second half of the wild area, he spent almost all of the rest of the time in the upper half of the area, just worried about something happening to Holy Gun.”

“If I were Cuvee, I might think that Sofm is actually the exclusive support recruited by Brother Holy Gun!”

I remember laughing and being very excited.

After all, before this, Sofm always liked to help the middle lane first, let Scout grow up, and then roam with Scout in the bottom lane to play four packs and two. The top lane, Holy Gun, basically doesn’t care.

But in this round, everything has changed!

Not only did Sofm not go to the middle lane, but he didn’t even look at the bottom lane. He devoted himself to becoming the nanny of Brother Holy Gun, protecting his safety!

“Next, let’s see how the SSG team responds. If I were a member of the SSG team, I might have to call for 20 shots, because not only can this Saint Gunner not handle it, but his development is getting better and better!”

“It’s not that they didn’t try to target Brother Holy Gun in this wave just now, but not only did they fail to target, they were also killed by QG to kill Cuvee’s head…”

“If there are a few more waves, not only Cuvee, but also Head An and Brother Crown’s Nakano will be blown through!”

Although Miller’s tone was solemn, his expression was always smiling, and the more the SSG team couldn’t do anything with Holy Gun, the happier he was!

Then, everyone discovered an even more astonishing situation!

When Scout returned to the middle lane to make up the line, and Holy Gun and Sofm went home to update their equipment, Sofm, who had already made a green jungle knife, found a red crystal in the second piece!

“What does this red crystal of Sofm mean?”

“Could it be that Sofm is preparing to produce flesh in this round? But the problem is, the blind monk seems to be able to produce flesh, right?”

Wawa was rather puzzled. Although they had seen the blind monk with Riyan’s wild knife, all the advantages of the blind monk were only one kick in team battles, and the effect of 21 would continue to decline!

“Shouldn’t it be meat production, right? Because if Sofm wants to produce meat in this round, it feels like whether it’s an excavator or Zack, it’s better than the blind monk.”

Miller murmured and analyzed, and suddenly his eyes lit up, showing shock again.

“Sofm, he probably wants to be an eye stone, right?!”

A thought that shouldn’t have appeared in his mind suddenly appeared, and Miller said in a daze.

Soon, Miller’s guess was confirmed again.

Because after Sofm went out, he continued to follow Brother Holy Gun and walked towards the upper half of the wild area. He first called Brother Holy Gun to invade the red zone of the head of the wave with him, and then when he left, he directly shot a few eyes. Stay in the SSG red zone!

Coupled with the real eye that Brother Holy Gun planted in the grass in the river before, and has not been discovered until now, the entire SSG upper half wild area is almost lit by the QG team!

Once the SSG team wants to gank Holy Gun, there is no need for them to go to the triangular grass on the top road. Maybe ten seconds earlier, Holy Gun will find out and think about the follow-up sooner. preventive solution!

“Oh my god, if I were Brother Holy Gun, I’d be moved to tears in this round.”

“Investing so many eye positions is for the smooth development of oneself, and the person who makes the eyes is still a blind monk!”

“Sofm’s blind monk is really a role model for my generation. When I play blind monk, let alone protect the ward, I am reluctant to do the offensive ward. I just wait for the gank to touch the eye W or run for my life!”

Seeing this scene, the LPL audience once again exclaimed in admiration.

But Sofm didn’t invest all of his eye slots in Brother Holy Gun. He still had a fake eye on his body. After all, if the blind monk didn’t even have a single eye slot, it would really be useless.

“Look for an opportunity to get off the road.”

When Holy Gun’s Lucian appeared on the road again, and the first piece of equipment, the Essence Scythe, was almost ready to take shape, the atmosphere in the SSG team was tense.

Because at this time, Cuvee’s Bobby only had a poor pair of cloth armor shoes. Even if Mr. An found a chance for Holy Gun, it would be impossible to kill him!

Therefore, if you want to complete the restriction on Lucian, you can only take the route of saving the country with a curve!

That is to help the other two roads, so that Brother Crown or Chidi will also become fat, so that they will have a chance to compete with Lucian in the middle and late stages of the game!

So after thinking of this, Head An’s movements are still frequently approaching the bottom lane.

At the same time, in order to successfully kill Uzi and Xiaoming, Chidi and CoreJJ also startedStarted more frequent and fierce consumption!

And at 8 minutes and 50 seconds of the game time, when Qian Jue, the head of An, was about to arrive in the bottom lane, the two also caught a wave of good opportunities, hitting Xiao Ming’s Nami until only 200 blood remained state!

“The other side may be approaching us!”

Escorting Xiao Ming quickly retreated to the defense tower, and when he found Chidi and CoreJJ moving forward, Uzi frowned, feeling bad.

Although at this time Scout has pushed the line of troops under the middle tower and started to move towards the bottom lane, Qian Jue, head of An, has been wandering around for a long time before, and this wave will definitely come to snatch them!


Sofm’s blind monk also walked towards the triangular grass immediately after beating the stone man, and did not go around to gank Chidi and CoreJJ, because Xiao Ming’s blood volume is indeed a bit weak, and the opposite duo has a lot of blood volume, Even if you pass by yourself, you may not be able to succeed.

On the contrary, because of my reckless gank, Qian Jue, who must be nearby, will squat back. In that case, the advantage of the previous few minutes will be sent back directly!

Sure enough, when Sofm was standing in the triangular grass, on the river, Qian Jue, head of security, took his bow and arrow and walked slowly behind the duo.

Suddenly thought of something, gave up going online, and prepared to walk towards the triangle grass.


But at this moment, the F4 real effect on his body suddenly activated, making Zhangmen An instantly understand that there is QG’s eye position in the triangle grass!

Tian Yinbo!

Although Sofm currently only has two pieces of equipment, the green jungle knife and the eye stone, when he saw that Zhangmen An gave up his face to explore the grass and was about to retreat, Sofm kicked it up!


The Q skill hit instantly, without hesitation, the second-stage Q immediately followed, and flew to Qian Jue’s side!

The SSG duo immediately prepared to support, but in the distance, Xiao Ming’s Nami didn’t want Sofm to be attacked, so she directly pressed the big move and rolled towards the red side, intending to use the big move to roll up all three of SSG!

But Head An’s position is quite good. Although he has been stuck by Sofm, he still walks unhurriedly. At the same time, he avoided Nami’s big move, and even avoided a subsequent call from Uzi Send W skills!

Even though Nami flew the SSG duo with her big move, making them temporarily unable to support Anzhangmen, but once it landed, CoreJJ’s Fan Mom might still be able to give him the E skill shield and allow him to escape successfully!

So Sofm didn’t think too much, and immediately pressed the ultimate move!

A library!


In order to prevent An Zhangmen from handing over Flash, Sofm directly kicked Qian Jue to the river channel position with Flash R.

Because of that place, Ryze from Scout has already rushed over!

But because the R flash made Sofm’s position a little dangerous, Chidi and CoreJJ’s attacks came in an instant, and immediately hit Sofm’s blood volume to a precarious state!

The target is locked!

Even at this moment, looking at the bloody blind monk, Chidi directly pressed the policewoman’s big move to let the bullet fly, not worried that someone would help him block the gun, after all, at this moment, no matter it is Scout or Uzi, they are far away from him. Sofm is thousands of miles away!

At the same time, when Chidi’s big move was read, Scout had already launched the final attack on Qian Jue, the head of security!

Rune Imprisonment!


Apart from anything else, the WQ skill was thrown directly at Qian Jue, who also had low blood volume, and with the two skills hitting, his blood volume was also in jeopardy!

The spirit of sheep lives!

But in the next moment, there was a “crash”, and a huge golden hexagram formation suddenly appeared out of nowhere at Qianjue’s feet. Immediately afterwards, even if Scout threw the E skill on Qianjue, he couldn’t get rid of him with residual blood. Take it away!

On the contrary, taking advantage of the invincible effect of the big move, the head of An stood in the circle and began to output Sofm outside the circle!

There is only a thin line between the inner circle and the outer circle, but the situation is as frightening as heaven and hell!

But just when the policewoman’s ult bullet finally flew out, Sofm also gritted his teeth, and directly inserted the last eye position on his body into Qian Jue’s ult formation, and then directly W flew in!


The policewoman’s big move did hit the blind monk, but it didn’t kill Sofm at all!

At this time, the big move that head An originally used to protect his own life has become Sofm’s shelter!

“Sofm is so fast and responsive!”

In the commentary, the three of them exclaimed in unison, but they knew in their hearts that this wave of team battles was not over yet, and for QG, the situation was actually not particularly good!

Because just as the bottom laners were fighting, Brother Crown’s Snake Girl was about to arrive on the battlefield!


The next moment, Qian Jue’s second-stage effect of his ultimate move fell again, and he directly gave himself and the blind monk a sip, and they all took a small step back from the edge of life and death.

But at this moment, Scout and Sofm didn’t dare to continue to export Qian Jue, because Snake Girl and the duo had already covered them.

Perfect curtain call!

At this moment, when the four of SSG were chasing after them, Uzi in the distance immediately activated Jhin’s big move, and the range of the big move directly covered all four of SSG!


The first shot was aimed directly at the head of An, and it was a precise hit!

But at the same time, Chidi and CoreJJ also felt that they had lost all their positions.Sofm who moves the skill will continue to give the output!

Tian Yinbo!

Knowing that he was bound to die, Sofm stopped running around and kicked Qian Jue, head of security, directly!

Echo strike!

The next moment, he flew away directly, leaving the encirclement of the SSG three. At the same time, he was accompanied by Uzi’s second bullet!


But, before the blind monk kicked Qian Jue,

Brother Crown’s Snake threw out the WQ skill directly on Sofm’s flight path, instantly taking away the last trace of his blood.

But at the same time, Qian Jue, the head of An, who received the second shot from Uzi, also died!

SSG. Crown killed QG. Sofm!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Ambition!

The game time was 9 minutes and 15 seconds, and the Summoner’s Canyon broke out again, and the junglers of both sides completed a one-for-one exchange!

But the team battle is still not over!

Because Uzi still has two bullets that haven’t been fired!


In the third shot, the bullet hit CoreJJ’s fan mother with low health again, which surprised him and Chidi, and hurriedly retreated.


In the fourth shot, Uzi hit again, but this time, the person hit was not CoreJJ, but Chidi who blocked the shot for him.

I thought this wave of team battles would come to an end here.

After seeing Chidi’s policewoman being slowed down, Scout, who had already evacuated to a safe position, suddenly sneered, and directly pressed his own big move, zigzagging!

And the teleportation range of his big move is right in front of the SSG duo!


Seeing this, the two were even more shocked. CoreJJ hurriedly handed over the group acceleration skills, allowing himself and Chidi to accelerate and run towards the direction under the defense tower!

And just after the two left the range of Ryze’s ultimate move, Scout finally completed his apparition and came behind them!


Rune Imprisonment!

There is no need for any fancy operations at all, just roll your face on the keyboard, and instantly freeze Chidi’s policewoman in place.

Fatal Brilliance!

This time, when Chidi couldn’t move, Uzi’s second W skill also hit accurately, making Chidi even more difficult!



Magic surges!


Immediately afterwards, when Chidi’s blood volume had been knocked out a lot, finally, without even pressing the flash, his head was also confessed under his own defense tower!

QG.Scout killed SSG.Ruler!

Although CoreJJ survived, the C ruler became a supporting scapegoat!

On Brother Crown’s side, when he saw that one more teammate had died, he looked at Scout, who was quite in the front, and gritted his teeth with hatred, and continued to chase Scout, trying to take his head away.

And if the QG duo comes to protect them, he is also very confident that he can use Flash R to stop them all, and then get a wave of triple kills!


It’s just that when Brother Crown was full of thoughts, Scout didn’t have any chance to go back to his own defense tower, so he started sprinting and rushed towards the SSG’s defense tower!

Seeing this situation, CoreJJ was startled. He thought that Scout thought he would die, so he wanted to replace himself before he died, so he hurriedly dodged and retreated, and at the same time continued to retreat towards the second tower.

But who knows, when CoreJJ retreated halfway and Brother Crown also chased under the defense tower, the two suddenly found that Scout had no intention of chasing people at all. He just turned around and entered after carrying the defense tower a few times SSG’s blue zone, then, fled!


Seeing Scout slipping away so easily, the audience was a little at a loss.

Because from their point of view, if CoreJJ is braver, go up to W and fix Ryze, regardless of whether he is dead or not, the crown brother and snake girl can keep up with the output and take away Ryze’s head!

But in the end, no one in 650 would have thought that CoreJJ would be so cowardly. Just because Scout started sprinting, he frightened his own flash, and lost any idea of ​​continuing to fight Ryze!


“After this wave, SSG is blowing up again!”

At the commentary seat, I remember being quite shocked.

In their view, it was a bit reckless to directly kick this wave of Sofm at the beginning, after all, all the teammates are not in good condition.

But who knew, at the end of the team battle, the SSG team was once again beaten by QG in a wave of one for two!

Although both Anzhangmen and Chidi were killed for the first time, for their team lineup, one death in battle meant that the pace of development was directly interrupted!

Not to mention this wave of team battles, Uzi and Xiao Ming didn’t hand in their skills as a summoner. On the other hand, in the SSG duo, Chidi’s healing and CorejJ’s Weakness Flash were all used up!

This means that the next SSG duo will completely lose the capital to fight and will become completely passive!

As for Head An, although his one death in battle didn’t seem to have much impact, but with the cooldown of the first-level ultimate move as high as 3 seconds, he also dared not do anything out of line again in the next three minutes!

What made it even worse for the SSG team was that at this moment, on the road, the bad news came again!

QG.Flandre destroyed the first defensive tower!

Less than 10 minutes into the game, Cuvee Bobby’s first-blood tower was pushed down by Lucian!

And when the camera shot of the director was immediately on the road, he suddenly discovered that poor Cuvee had already retreated to a relatively safe distance, for fear that he would be single-handedly killed by Holy Gun again!

“In the second round, QG won the game. There shouldn’t be any problem, right?”

The game time is 10 minutes, the head-to-head ratio on the field is 4 to 1, and the economic gap is 1600 yuan. Although it seems to be “worse” than most of the previous games of the QG team, only the audience who have watched the game content in the first ten minutes can understand. will understand…

This round, the rhythm of the SSG team’s round, is so suffocating!

Not to mention a comeback, they can’t even find their own rhythm, and it’s even more difficult to do things!

“If the QG team doesn’t give away their heads, I don’t think there is any problem.”

Miller smiled softly. Even if Lucian of Holy Gun is not so fat, the team battle just now gave Uzi and Scout a huge lead, which can ensure that they will continue to find the next round in the next game. Opportunity to expand advantage!

But the problem is that at this time, the QG team, which has already pushed Yitaping off the top road, seems not satisfied with such a step-by-step development!

The next moment, when Brother Holy Gun returned home and took out the Essence Seizing Scythe and Speed ​​Shoes, he went out again and teleported directly to the bottom lane!

But it’s not on the line, but on the eye position that Xiao Ming inserted in the grass on the bottom road before!


After the blue whirlwind ended, Lucian appeared directly in the bottom lane, but he didn’t walk out of the grass immediately.

Immediately, all the audience fought a cold war for the SSG duo.

Because what Brother Saint Gun wants to do next is already on the horizon!

He wants to squat, wants to instantly kill Chidi or CoreJJ!

(Thank you “Big Huyou” for your 300-point reward and support!!!)

(Thanks to “Μουαρ?σει?” and “Xia Xiaozhu” for their support!!!)

(Thanks to “150xxxx3827”, “132xxxx9065”, “xxxx0915”, Qingqingcao, Fat Toutuo, and “Wang Chang” for their monthly support!!!).

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