My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 292: I don’t understand "Gossip"

"You have started to collect the plot now, right?" Wang Wenhong looked at Shen Xin solemnly.

"You can tell?" Shen Xin stopped the g-pen and raised his head in surprise.

"I'm not a fool." Wang Wenhong was a little helpless, "Moreover, I already know that Zuo Wei disappeared in the end. If I can't even guess these things, I don't have to be in the editing circle. The plot of these words is a bit low and small. The results of the book are not very good. I hope that this episode will pass quickly."

"Don't be too happy, I expect the whole comic will be over with two more climaxes."

Shen Xin recalled the whole story of "The Soul of the Game", and there were at most two climaxes. Among them was the game between Zuowei and Taya Yukiyo, thus comprehending the "hand of the gods"; the other climax was the "Beidou Cup".

When Wang Wenhong heard this, his expression was slightly shocked.

"Do you think the progress is too fast?"

"Haha, of course not. This is all a hundred words, and there is a climax. Listen to what you mean, there should be two hundred words to end, right?" Wang Wenhong smiled.

"Two hundred words? It's probably impossible to draw. But it won't be over in a short time." Shen Xin stretched out.

"Are there any ideas for the next one?" Wang Wenhong asked curiously.

"Hey, what do you think? This one is not over yet. Besides, after it's finished, I may take a break for a while." Shen Xin stretched out, "It's been two years and I haven't closed the issue yet, so I need to refresh my body. By the way, you may also collect materials."

Old Fujian... Teacher, I have ‘collected’ the ‘material’ several times to draw a "Hunter", and I should rest for a few months on my own.

Kubo takes the person too, it seems that after the end of "Reaper", he will have to rest for a year or two.

Therefore, it is natural for the cartoonist to take a proper rest after drawing a comic.

He certainly admires those authors who can keep breaking new books, but the author's body is also very important.

In the event of an accident or even sudden death in the creative process, the reader's loss will definitely be even greater.

This is not alarmist talk. On the earth, whether it is an online writer or a cartoonist, some people die suddenly due to overwork.

Although it was a mistake of the **** of death to cross over by oneself, but in the long run, the body will not be much better.

"That's it..." Wang Wenhong nodded, and then thought, "I guess the editor-in-chief won't let you rest for too long."

"Hey, I'm not a perpetual motion machine...I'll talk about it then, anyway, there is more than a year left?" Shen Xin said with a yawn.

More than a year?

Wang Wenhong was taken aback, and it seemed that "The Soul of the Game" would also end at the end of next year or the beginning of the next year.

"Recently, online readers also have some opinions on Xiaoguang. This should also be the source of the drop in votes."

Do they have opinions on Xiaoguang? Haha, do I still have opinions on Xiaoguang?

When Zuowei left, he didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Xiaoguang. It is estimated that this is Zuowei's permanent regret.

Shen Xin sighed.

Wang Wenhong thought that Shen Xin was concerned about the results, so he comforted: "The Soul of Chess can do this very well. By the way, I recently chatted with Shiqi Xie, guess what?"

"do not know."

Xie Shiqi came and went in a hurry after the fire in "The Soul of Chess", and rarely had extra time to stay in the studio.

"The source of students for the'Xie Chengbo Daochang' has doubled compared to before."

"Really?" Shen Xin asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true! In addition, she is now acting as a commentator for Hongchuan TV Station, so she is very busy."

"Really? She is expected to be busier in the future. Xiaoguang enters the professional chess world, and many details have to be calibrated."

Before, Xie Shiqi only needed to proofread each word once, but now it is even more troublesome and needs to be proofread again.

Coupled with the fixed stage match, Shen Xin changed a lot of plots, and then there are plots to be changed, so Xie Shiqi's future work will be heavier.

"By the way, there is also the comic festival..."

Shen Xin waved his hand, "The comic festival will spare me, right? Readers recognize comics, only comics have the value of existence. Trophies are more icing on the cake, rather than giving charcoal in the snow."

"You are really rare, and you don't care about the'best feature story' that much." Wang Wenhong complained, "When you competed for the'newcomer award,' you didn't have this attitude."

"At that time, the'Newcomer Award' was needed to gain fame. But now, hehe...Let's put it this way, if "The Legend of the Dragon King" does not get the "Best Feature" until the end, will the status of "The Legend of the Dragon King" decline?"

"No." Wang Wenhong said without thinking.

"That's fine." Shen Xin grinned, "So, don't take these things too seriously."

Wang Wenhong grinned, he wanted to relax, but the magazine would not think so.


Sawei finally got the qualification to fight Taya Yukiyo, but considering the gap between Taya Yukiyo and Hikaru, he had to post 15 meshes upside down.

After Xiaoguang proposed this condition, there was no suspense about the outcome of this game.

Outsiders watch the excitement and insiders watch the doorway.

The editor-in-chief of the Go magazine believed that Hikaru was in chaos after Hikaru throws a loss, but Taya Ryo, Ogata Seiji, and Kuwanamoto Inbo felt that the game was not that simple.

This remark made the popularity of "Gossori" rise again, but readers still feel that it is not Yukihiro and Sawei's strength should be between the two, they should have a fairer duel, not like In this way, over and over again, calculate the 15-point gap over and over again.

This is not Go!

"Damn it, is it really that hard for Zuowei to wave it once?"

"To be cool, don't even think about it? The comics make it very clear that Xiaoguang is only a 13-year-old child. If he has won against Shi Xingyang, how do other people think of him?"

"Yes! Xiao Liang is so powerful, can't he win the chess king? Moreover, the chess king should not be Shi Xingyang's opponent. If Xiaoguang wins Shi Xingyang, then the plot is probably collapsed."

"With the experience at the beginning of the article, Xiaoguang also realizes that you can't be too ostentatious. Low-key is the kingly way."

"What are you thinking about? What does this have to do with being unhappy? Do you really want to?" Soul of the chess" has been drawn for more than a hundred words now, but Zuo Wei has not yet used his full strength. Would you like to see Zuowei like this? Do you think Zuowei will be happy?"

"I don't want to... But what can I do? Teacher Shen is the author."

"That's right, unless Teacher Shen is willing, otherwise, no one can help—"

"Impossible. We are just readers, and Teacher Shen is the cartoonist. You have considered these contents, Teacher Shen has already considered them."

"Play p. Shen Zheng is just a manga painter, and he doesn't understand "Gossip" at all!"

"Upstairs nb, she said that, Teacher Shen!"

"Isn't what I said is wrong? I have watched "Soul of the Game" four times and memorized every detail. Teacher Shen may not be better than me!

Others were dumb, and they seemed to make some sense.


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