My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 293: style

After painting a few words about the game between Sawei and Taya Yukiyo, Shen Xin finally had time to adjust the plot to make it more compact.

At the same time, because of this transitional plot, the ranking of "Gossip" on the small book continued to decline, and finally hovered between third and fifth.

Shen Xin didn't care either, anyway, the goal had been achieved, and then his mood improved a lot.

Xi Muhan came back from summer vacation and brought two pamphlets to Shen Xin.

Shen Xin glanced at the title of the book, "Guotu·Cloud Kingdom".

"Do you still write such romance novels?" Shen Xin turned two pages casually.

"This is not a romance novel!" Xi Muhan retorted, widening his eyes.

"Isn't it?" Shen Xin was a little surprised, he thought it would be like a novel written by "The Three Goddesses of Yunhuang".

"Of course not, you will know when you open it." Xi Muhan said with his cheeks bulging.

Shen Xin put down the pen, wiped off the ink from his hand, and roughly turned a few pages. It suddenly appeared that this light novel was not the same as what he thought, and was more inclined to... how to say it?

There are myths, national disputes, and strategies... After reading the previous part, Shen Xin feels that the style is somewhat like Ono’s "Twelve Kingdoms", but the depth is not enough.

This is not to say that Xi Muhan's knowledge reserves are not enough.

In fact, as long as the writing is ok, the outline is fine, and other aspects are more sophisticated in the collection of materials and materials.

Xi Muhan studied in the History Department of Yanjing University. It is convenient to find materials and materials. Therefore, the setting and background of the story are fine. What she lacks is experience.

After all, she is just a 19-year-old girl. Where can she experience so much?

However, writing in this way is also beneficial, because the content of the novel is not too deep, so the reader's audience is relatively wide, and the sales of the booklets are naturally good.

"This novel... You also wrote it?"

"Well, it's really a bit difficult, but if you have classmates, you can ask them if you don't understand." Xi Muhan explained.

Shen Xin nodded slightly, and turned to the illustration inside, which was in the style of 6 lemons.

Although Liu Ning has been his assistant for a few years, her painting style is not at all like him, and her painting style is more refined than it was two years ago.

A few years ago, she was very good at drawing girls and young boys. Now the storyboard has improved and her drawing skills have also increased a lot.

The content of the illustrations and novels fits very well.

"Six Ning still has time to draw illustrations for you?" Shen Xin smiled bitterly.

"No. Now her comics have been serialized, and the grades are pretty good, so she didn't draw much. These are all drawn by her before — Brother Xin, can you see that the illustrations are drawn by Six Ning?"

"Of course. Just like a novel, everyone has a different style. Some people like to use long sentences, some people like to use short sentences, and there is a range of commonly used words. It is easy to distinguish between people who are familiar with the author. It’s the author’s work. The same goes for paintings."

However, the author's style is more obvious in physical novels, while online novels are much weaker.

The main reason is that online novels are not so particular about writing, as long as there are no major problems. Moreover, due to time constraints, Internet authors cannot modify the novel repeatedly, and at most they can correct typos and language problems.

And those physical writers who have high requirements for their works are careful to modify the punctuation.

"Yes. Not to mention the author, but the translators, the translated works have their own style." Xi Muhan nodded, "By the way, Brother Xin, I have something to ask you."

"Huh?" Shen Xin pulled out a can of coffee from the drawer, opened it, and took a sip.

Xi Muhan glared at Shen Xin, and after a long while, he said, "Brother Xin, if you really don't have time, please ask an aunt to sweep the floor, cook, and make coffee... you are not good for your health."

"Uh..." Shen Xin rubbed his head, he really couldn't refute Xi Muhan.

"If you don't have time, I will help you find it. You must be experienced."

"How do you judge that she is experienced?" Shen Xin puzzled.

"Look at age...aunts over fifty years old should have no problem doing these things."

"..." Shen Xin rolled his eyes, "I should find a big sister?"

Xi Muhan frowned slightly, her eyes a little cold when she looked at Shen Xin.

"Ahem, is this the question you want to ask?" Shen Xin quickly took a sip of coffee and changed the subject by the way.

"Of course not." Xi Muhan took a deep breath, "Will Zuo Wei leave? The online discussion is quite lively."

"Why are you interested in this question?" Shen Xin asked puzzledly.

"My roommate is very interested in this." Xi Muhan explained, "I said Zuo Wei will disappear, she insists on saying no."

"Can't tell, spoiler." Shen Xin shook his head.

As long as you relax a little, the news will definitely spread to the Internet.

Although someone on the Internet has speculated, as long as he does not admit it, everything is just speculation and will not affect the performance of "Gossip" too much.

Xi Muhan pouted, "Can't you even tell me?"

"Can you tell me the continuation of your novel?" Shen Xin asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Xi Muhan nodded Shen Xin was a little speechless, but Xi Muhan's words made him unable to answer. After thinking about it, I finally chose to refuse.

Xi Muhan told him that he would not tell others about the follow-up of the novel, but he told Xi Muhan that Xiaohan was going to tell his roommate.

As long as there is a second person who knows, everyone on the Internet will know.

When Xi Muhan saw Shen Xin shaking his head and bulging his cheeks, his face was full of depression.

She didn't insist anymore. Seeing that Shen Xin didn't say anything, she didn't insist on asking.

After Xi Muhan's holiday, the rhythm of the studio has been much faster.

Hygiene is basically done by the assistant and Shen Xin, while Xi Muhan is in charge of cooking and other chores.

As for Xi Muhan's proposal on part-time workers, Shen Xin also thought about it for a long time, but finally gave up.

It's not about money, but about the safety of the artwork.

For ordinary people, sketches may be no different from ordinary manuscript paper, but for cartoonists, the importance of these sketches is self-evident.

In particular, he has experienced the loss of his drawings, and it is even more impossible to let this happen again.

It would be great if Wang Wenhong could cook...

Shen Xin raised his head and thought silently.

Of course, he also knows that this idea is almost impossible to realize.

In this relatively relaxed atmosphere, the plot of "Hire of the Game" became tense again.

In the preliminary league, Xiaoguang will play against Xiaoliang for the first time after becoming a professional chess player, but other players have already started to play, Xiaoliang is still late.

At this moment, someone suddenly came over and told him in a low voice that Shi Liang would not be back.

"Why?" Xiaoguang asked in surprise.

"Because... Shi Tianyuan fainted suddenly and was taken to the hospital by an ambulance."


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