My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 667: Surprise

Although Shen Xin said swearingly, Yan Fei couldn't believe what he said before the new book name came out.

The evil way comic itself is already very small, and in addition to the similarities with the theme of "Crime", Yan Fei always has no confidence in this comic.

Everything has to wait until the name comes out, it really doesn't work, I can only have a good talk with Shen Xin.

After learning about Shen Xin's plan, Yan Fei didn't say much, but quietly waited for the new name to come out.

It is not difficult for Shen Xin to draw the name of the short story of "DN", but he has other things to do. One is to sort out the name of "Y's", and at the same time, he also needs to tell Gao Hang and Liu who are on their honeymoon. Rui, let them take some landscape photos at the tourist spots in case they need it.

After dealing with these things, Shen Xin finally had time to focus on the short story of "DN".

This short story is actually the prototype of "DN". Many of the settings of "DN", such as sulfur, such as note, and some rules, are reflected in the comics.

In this short story, there is a prop that the serialized comics do not have, the death eraser.

Write the name of the person in the note, the person will die, but if you erase the person's name with an eraser, as long as the corpse is still there, the deceased can come back to life.

These elements above make up this comic.

This short story has a total of 53 pages. Since the plot of "Y’s" has to be drawn at the same time, the assistant has to be divided into two groups, so the progress of "DN" will also slow down.

It will take two weeks at the earliest for these 53 pages to draw the original manuscript.

Shen Xin is not a newcomer, and the editorial department is very familiar with his painting skills and storytelling, so he can directly submit his name to ComicFuture.

Before Yan Fei left, Shen Xin made an appointment with her. One day later, at noon, he gave her the name of "DN".

So, the night before, Shen Xin began to sit in front of the pen display and draw names.

Taking into account the difference in reading order between District 11 and Huaxia’s comics, there are also some differences in details, such as the layout of the room and furniture-these small places are often the most overlooked-so Shen Xin is drawing , I refer to the name of the original work, but more often I draw the sub-mirror myself. After all, it is easier to draw some easily overlooked details on the name.

In order to draw these names, Shen Xin almost stayed up all night, so that when she got up the next day, she felt a little sluggish.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Fei hurried to the studio, ignoring a drink, and went straight to the second floor.

Shen Xin saw Yan Fei coming over and printed out the painted name.

Yan Fei took the printed name, sat on the sofa, took a deep breath, and stared at the name in her hand.

At this moment, it is impossible to say that it is not nervous.

The template of the lower part of the comic is in her hands, and whether it can be longer or shorter than "Steel Refining" will soon be revealed.

""DeathNote"?" Yan Fei read the first page involuntarily.

Because it is the name, the picture cannot be seen clearly. It looks like a person is squatting on a sphere, and in front of the sphere is a child.


It is really different from the book of prophecy.

Yan Fei quickly flipped through the name, and quickly skipped the outline of the story.

The **** of death dropped one of his notes in the world. A junior high school boy named Wang Jing picked up this note, but because he didn't know the meaning of "Death", he thought it was an ordinary notebook to remember The diary was divided into two notes. As a result, five people passed away twice. This is why he is indeed a note related to Death.

Panicked Wang Jing asked Luke for help. Luke gave him a death eraser. After erasing his name, the dead will come back to life.

So, the next day, five students reappeared in the class. When questioned by two policemen, five people died at the same time.

Wang Jing was panicked, and he didn't do it this time.

Luke told Wang Jing that he had actually lost 2 copies, which meant that the other was picked up by another person.

Wang Jing immediately thought of Liu Pu, a classmate who was bullied by these five people and interrogated like him. Wang Jing found Liu Pu and determined that he used the note, and used an eraser to erase the name on the note, resurrecting the dead, and they also gave the second note to the police. In the end, this note was The fire burned.

Seven years later, Wang Jing, who kept the first note, wrote one and published it in a magazine, named "DN".

Yan Fei read the name in one breath, her brain a little numb.

This short story titled "DN" is the same as "Crimination", both on campus, and it is also an evil comic based on notebooks, but compared with "DN", "Crimination" is still too small.

From beginning to end, "Crime" has only one notebook, and the initiative is not as good as DN. Compared with the language of the future, the obvious control of Reaper can better reflect the characteristics of evil manga.

Yan Fei rubbed her hands and looked at the name in front of her. She couldn't help but read it again.

Seeing such a work, she couldn't help but be moved. This was the first time she saw this kind of brain insight.

"It's great to be your can always come up with a comic beyond readers' imagination...this is the same."

Shen Xin chuckled, thanks to Ohata Ken and Oba Thrush.

"From a short comic, the quality of this name is very high. I don't need to say it, Mr. Shen should be very clear. But, Mr. Shen, there is a question, you should have thought about it?"


"This short story actually doesn't have much content. The reason why it is attractive is the brain hole of DN. Of course, the ending of the comic is also very good, and the protagonist wrote one at the end. If the comic can be serialized, readers will think that it is serialized. The content of this is this one. So, this one has become the link between short comics and serialized comics. Is this possible?"

Shen Xin glanced at Yan Fei, but saw that her eyes were burning, and the excitement in her heart was uncovered.

"Yes." Shen Xin nodded.

After receiving Shen Xin's Yan Fei took a sigh of relief, trying to calm her violently beating heart.

"So, there is still the problem. A good brain can make a short comic very interesting, but it cannot support a serial comic. No matter how good the brain is, the reader will be tired of repeated use. If you can't let it Readers find new things to watch, and the results of serial comics will collapse in the middle and late stages."

Yan Fei served as the editor in charge of "game", and she and Yu Chuan Haruka have experienced these problems. The lack of power in the middle and late stages of "game" is actually due to this reason.

"DN" has a brilliant brain, but serialization and short comics are two different things. In particular, Shen Xin has to take care of "Y’s" and spend less time on "DN".

Therefore, if "DN" wants to catch fire, it must solve this problem.

Yan Fei kept thinking about "DN" and "Punishment" in her mind. Compared with "Punishment", "DN" always felt something more, but she couldn't remember it all the time.

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