My Empire

Chapter 191

My Empire Chapter 191


Chapter 191 Tanks in the ruins of 191

"bang!" In the ruins of an abandoned small village on the outskirts of Alan, an M4 The tank was shooting at the enemy in the distance. Only the gunner's scope could accurately see the picture. The shell pierced through a demon's chest at once, piercing the opponent through a hole.

The huge force ripped apart the demon's flesh, and the armor-piercing bullet took away most of the internal organs, leaving a hole the size of a basin in the opponent's chest. If it weren't for the fact that the opponent's flesh was too strong, it was possible that this shell would have directly smashed the opponent into two pieces.

Because of the angle, after the cannonball pierced the demon's chest, it also hit another demon dog behind the demon. As a result, the remaining powerful kinetic energy shot the poor demon. The dog was torn in two, and the blood spattered and flew farther away.

"Hit the target! The next shell!" The gunner loudly ordered the loader to continue loading a shell, because the speed of the shells was too fast, and their attack at this distance was as if It's like hitting a target. As long as the other party dares to approach, they will attack again to let the other party retreat.

The loader opposite him did not hesitate at all. After hearing his gunner's order, he immediately pulled out an armor-piercing bullet from his side and stuffed it into the barrel.

The gunner who controlled the artillery didn't hesitate, just pressed the fire switch and fired a new shell.

This time he did some fine-tuning, so the cannonball moved to another place and hit another roaring demon in the distance, this time the cannonball didn't hit the demon's drive, it was lucky to hit it all at once Fly the devil's head.

The demon with only one neck sprayed out a large amount of black blood, and then the headless body swayed down and became food for several demon dogs around. These demon dogs even disregarded the danger of being hit by the shells, so they surrounded and devoured the bodies of their companions.

Ryan was half exposed outside the tank, watching the demons in the distance with a telescope. When there is no attack order, these demons will not take the initiative to try to attack, because they have paid too much and too much in front of the human defense line.

According to incomplete statistics, not counting the damage caused by the two atomic bombs to the demons, the demons have already lost more than 50,000 soldiers of various kinds just in the fortified battle against human positions.

Although such losses have occurred before, it is estimated that they have never encountered a situation where they lost 50,000 troops, but they have not even conquered a stronghold.

If you count the tens of thousands of demons wiped out by the atomic bomb, they have lost almost 100,000 troops after Alanhill joined the war, but lost Alan and Brenno, and Ra next to the rift. Ermo.

"bang!" The M4 tank that Ryan was in fired again, the shells still did not deviate, and directly hit a demon dog that was eating. The demon dogs were all overturned to the ground, and then more demon dogs gathered and gnawed at the bodies of their companions who were not completely dead.

"pa ta." A small raindrop fell on the armored steel plate of the tank, right in front of Ryan. Ryan felt something, put down the telescope in his hand, and saw the water marks on the armored steel plate in front of him.

He lifts the head, looks up at the sky, and sees layers of dark clouds in the sky, as well as sporadic rain that is falling.

"It's going to rain." He muttered in the intercom. Following his murmur, more raindrops fell, hitting the icy barrel of the M4 tank and the armored steel plate engraved with magical inscriptions on the tank.

These demons are really cold-blooded to a certain degree of life. They don't care about their own lives or their companions. When the enemy is in the vicinity, they will attack and devour each other unscrupulously. , just like a group of germs that only multiply.

Perhaps, this world is really sick, and this kind of virus-like terrifying thing will appear. Ryan buckled the raincoat hood above his head, took up the telescope and continued to observe the demon in front of him.

Then, he saw the demons stop grabbing food, and began to approach him in groups of three or four.

"They noticed us... The weather is very bad, there is no air support, back up, let's get out of here!" Ryan pressed the intercom and ordered his driver. Then he shouted to the ruined wall in the distance: "Retreat! Let's get out of here! Go back to the back of the defense line!" of three or four ran out. They passed the reversing tanks and looked back from time to time to the demon dogs that were approaching rapidly.

This kind of front-running harassment is a common occurrence. Everyone is used to this style of play. From time to time, they cross the line of defense, form a combat team, sneak attack the nearby demons, and then quickly retreat back. own line of defense.

The Alanhill troops with rich combat experience are much smarter and smarter than the demon grassroots. They can judge the situation according to the battlefield situation, and retreat after a cautiously, so the loss is much smaller than that of the devil.

It is precisely because of such tactics that the losses of the demon troops are getting heavier and heavier. They no longer dare to assemble heavy troops on the front line, so they often collapse under the sudden attack of human beings, and lose some actual control. Area.

Then, under the cover of the air force, the human beings will turn the captured place into a fortress and a terrifying defensive zone that the devil cannot pass through - this kind of tactic allows the devil in just 20 days. Over time, a large area of control was lost.

Especially on their left flank, which Alanhill is in charge of. In less than 40 days from Alanhill's counterattack to today, they have approached Barrasso for 87 kilometers.

Whether it's a four-legged orangutan, a demon dog, or even a magical double-headed demon dog, no matter what kind of troops the demons send, they can't break through the Alanhill line of defense with sufficient ammunition.

In their opinion, attacking the defenses of the Eternal Empire seems to have a better chance of winning. Although the Eternal Empire now has some reinforcements from Alanhill, but overall, the Magic Empire's defense line is easier to break through.

In the rain, more and more demons gathered next to the corpses of demons that had been eaten to a pile of flesh and blood. They finally waited for the rain, the chance that those pesky Alanhill airmen couldn't get out.

More than a hundred demon dogs rushed past the corpses of their companions, then more four-legged orangutans, and countless double-headed demon dogs. The rain beats on these rare beast finely broken scales, making a crackle.

"Roar!" With a loud roar, a humanoid demon with fleshy wings appeared behind the battlefield, and beside him, countless demon dogs were crossing the ridge. This is their long-awaited opportunity, and this is the clarion call they have been waiting for.

"bang!" A demon dog stepped on a warning mine that the grenadiers had just planted, and a huge explosion blew away all the demons around the demon dog. They were smashed into sieves by shrapnel, and then more demon dogs passed over these dead demons and continued to move forward frantically.

The demons, who had been honest for dozens of days, finally regained their true nature in this heavy rain, and they rushed forward frantically, ignoring everything else.

"I'm the Lane Crew! I'm the Lane Crew! We're being chased by demon dogs! Too many to count! They're crossing Ruin 7! Repeat! A lot of demons are crossing Ruin 7! "Pressing on the intercom, Ryan loudly reminded the line of defense behind him to pay attention to the movement of the demon.

In the rain, there was only a screeching noise from his Wireless Electronics. He slapped the tank armor on the side with his fist angrily, then lifted the hatch to let the rain fall into the tank.

In the dense rain, Ryan exposed half of his body and looked towards the foggy ruins in the distance. The silhouette of the demon dog became blurred in the thick rain and fog, and the M4 tank retreated with all his strength. , without any intention of stopping at all.

"I'm the Lane Crew! I'm the Lane Crew! We're being chased by demon dogs! Too many to count! They're crossing Ruin 7! Repeat! A lot of demons are crossing Ruin 7! "He squeezed the communicator and tried again to contact the Defensive Array behind in the rain.

Then, the answer to him was still a hissing noise of interfering electric current. He snorted helplessly, and then ordered: "Turn the turret! Don't aim, the grenade fires! Keep hitting!"

Following his order, the turret of the M4 tank began to spin. In the rain, the thick and long barrel pointed to the ruins of the village in the distance.

Then, the loader put a high-explosive projectile into the barrel of the gun in a consistent manner, closing the breech: "Loaded!"

The gunner pressed to fire The switch, a shell was shot into the distance. In the thick fog, a huge explosion sounded, the fire was fatally discernible, and a cloud of black smoke evaporated, which was quickly covered by the rain and fog.

"bang!" The tank was still moving forward, and the second shell was fired quickly. As they got farther and farther from the village, the explosion and the fire became more and more becomes no longer clear.

The tank ran over a section of the trench, passed the grenadiers who were squatting in the trench to take shelter from the rain, and then the scouts who retreated with the tank shouted to remind their comrades: "The enemy. Attack! Enemy attack! The devil is attacking! The devil is attacking!"

In the rain, rifles leaned against sandbags, and machine guns were set up behind the built gaps. Everyone pulled the bolt and put the grenade yard in the dirt in front of them.

A sudden shout echoed into the distance in the rain: "Prepare to fight!""

The manuscript has been saved for a few days, and it is clear that the Heavenly Dragon spirit has erupted, and everyone can vote at that time. Subscription support.

(end of this chapter)

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