My Empire

Chapter 192

My Empire Chapter 192


Chapter 192 192 Alan Bloody Battle

"Dang bang, bang bang..." The tank's tracks rolled in the mud, and an armored The M4 tank with the enchanted inscription moved forward and parked next to another M4 tank with a different number.

In the rain, the icy barrels of these M4 tanks pointed in the direction of the position, and they were ordered to fortify the defenses here, providing close fire support for the entire infantry regiment with their artillery and machine guns.

With a gunshot, the battle began abruptly. One after another, the demon dogs rushed out of the rain-woven curtains and approached the position where the Alanhill Grenadiers were stationed.

"Bah!" A gunshot rang out, and the soldier who had been ready for a long time pulled the trigger in the face of the oncoming demon dog. A bullet pierced through the body and pierced through the demon dog's head. The demon dog's body rolled forward with the help of inertia, and it took a long time to stop.

Then, another demon dog jumped out from behind the demon dog's corpse, with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and continued to rush towards the position where Alanhill was stationed.

"tú tú! tú tú!" The machine gun positions on both flanks began to fire, smashing the demon dogs close to the front into sieves. However, more demon dogs crossed the corpses of the same kind in front, and pressed forward close to the human position.

"Tú tú!" Above the M4 tank, the course machine gun and the coaxial machine gun on the turret began to roar, and countless tracer bullets drew straight lines on the position. In just an instant, the demon dog approaching the position was smashed into pieces.

In the long-established canopy, a neat row of mortars is ready. The artillerymen had already put the cannonball into the muzzle, and just waited for an order to release their palms holding the cannonball.

The commander of the battalion artillery also did not let his men wait, and quickly shouted the password to fire. A row of mortars made a muffled sound, and more than a dozen shells drew a beautiful arc in the sky and fell into the attacking army of demon dogs.

The battle was fierce at first, and countless demon dogs were beaten to pieces, the blood of black was mixed in the rain and flowed everywhere, and it converged into a stream on the dry land, along the texture of the land. spread out.

Farther away, a group of artillerymen were shaking the crank handles, and the barrels of a 105mm howitzer next to each other were raised in the rain.

The loader pushed a shell into the barrel and closed the breech. The gunner pulled the cord, and the firing pin ignited the primer, sending the shell out.

"bang!" A gun shot out a puff of white smoke, and the recoil caused the hydraulic reset device to be compressed to the bottom, and then slowly returned to its original position.

The breech block was unscrewed, a hot cartridge case fell to the ground, rain hit it, and a light white smoke was splashed.

Another brand-new shell was loaded into the barrel, and the breech was closed again—in the increasing rain, the drenched artillerymen held on to their battle.

One after another large-caliber artillery shells fell among the demon dogs, causing a storm with rain and mud. Countless demon dogs were hit by shrapnel, and some demon dogs were thrown into the air by the explosion, breaking apart and splashing in all directions.

Just as Alanhill's flame hair was wielding their power, among the group of demon dogs, an array of demons began to rise next to each other. A row of Fireball Technique hit Alanhill's position, and many soldiers were knocked to the ground by the Fireball Technique in the rain.

Because it's magic, these Fireball Techniques didn't weaken in the rain. They hit the ground and raised a muddy water. Many soldiers were injured, but the casualties were still relatively few.

Unless the unfortunate direct hits, such Fireball Technique basically can't kill people. The attack magic power of the double-headed demon dog is actually not strong, and the deterrent power is greater than the actual killing effect.

With these magical attacks, Alanhill's defense system began to be disrupted, and some gaps began to appear in the position. Many wounded soldiers could no longer fight, which weakened the defensive firepower of the front line a lot. .

Immediately afterwards, as some four-legged orangutans entered the attack range, these giant beasts holding stones began to exert their catapult-like power. They threw away huge boulders to their advantage.

A huge stone fell from the sky and smashed directly on the position where the Alanhill soldiers were stationed.

More stones began to attack the human positions, and as the human positions were continuously impacted, more demon dogs approached the human trenches.

In the rain, countless soldiers threw grenades, blasting the demon dogs near the trenches into sieves. They kept firing to meet, so that these demons who were already very close could not get close to them.

However, because there was no air force bombing, countless demons still exerted their numerical advantage. They are like rain, constantly scouring human positions.

"Where's the Rocket Force? They've been transferred?" Holding the phone, a regiment commander frowned questioned the artillery headquarters that supported him at the rear, and shouted angrily: "The enemy is attacking my position! They are about to burst into our trenches!"

"Let the sappers arrange explosives in the trenches! Prepare to detonate!" Carrying a pistol, the chief of staff commanded as soon as he entered the room: "The 1st Battalion's position If they can't keep it, they may not even have time to retreat! Let the tank troops cover it! How much can be withdrawn!"

"That's the only way! Order the 1st Battalion to retreat! It's too late! It's too late!" The regimental commander hung up the phone, and gnashing teeth complained: "The day before yesterday, in order to attack, they transferred the rocket unit to the direction of Larmo... Damn it."

"Don't We have complained, we have to think about it, if we lose another line of defense, we will be the front line here." The chief of staff packed up his own things in the headquarters, turned back and said to the head of the regiment: "Pack up! If it doesn't work, change to 3. Go to the ruins behind the camp."

The commander threw the pencil on the map and flew into a rage out of humiliation: "It's alright now, I'm the first to be attacked by the devil, The commander who has lost his position!”

“If you are not moving, you are probably the first commander of the army to die in action!” The staff officer picked up the rolled up map, Stuffed it into the box and signaled the regiment's guards to carry it away.

In the distance of this headquarters, the demon dogs rushed into the human position in the rain, they bit the breathing Alanhill grenadier, and then were beaten by the surrounding grenadiers. The sieve was paralyzed in the trenches.

"Attach the bayonet!" With a hysterical cry, all the Alanhill Grenadiers thrust their long thorns into the front of their rifles. They bravely took up their weapons and faced monsters ten times stronger than them.

"bang!" A grenadier who had been bitten in the demon's mouth pulled the grenade on his chest, and the monster perish bit himself together. In this explosion, Alanhill's soldiers As he opened fire, he evacuated his position.

The rest of the people had no chance to retreat. They rushed up to meet the rare beast. With their thin bodies and bright bayonets, they greeted the savage-looking aliens.

"Long live Alanhill!" A young soldier mounted his machine gun on a rare beast's corpse, pouring fire on the surrounding rare beast. The demons around him had surrounded him, his sub-shooter kicked over the empty ammo box with his foot, and emptied his last magazine with his rifle.

The demons swarmed the lines of the Alanhill soldiers, trampling the corpses of the Alanhill Grenadiers beneath their feet.

They continued to move forward, and as they climbed over the trenches, they were knocked to the ground by tracer rounds fired from the second-line positions.

The battle is still going on brutally. On the ground in the Defensive Array, the sound of human gunfire is becoming more and more sparse, and the shouting is becoming smaller and smaller.

The battalion commander of the first battalion sorted out his uniform, then looked towards the battalion staff officer who was firing a machine gun outside the door, with an apologetic smile on his face.

He looked down at a wounded man who was covered in blood and was snatched from the mouth of the rare beast, and apologized softly: "I'm sorry, you can't go, you can only be with me, the **** guy. , died here together."

The wounded man who had lost half of his body showed a calm expression, opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't stop the blood from gushing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Needless to're all Alanhill's bravest soldiers! I'm proud to be your commander." The battalion commander showed a relieved smile, one-knee kneels was here beside the wounded.

Outside the door, the battalion staff officer, who was out of ammunition and food, had already drawn out his pistol, and the battalion commander, at this time, put his hand on the detonator beside the wounded.

The next second, the battalion staff outside the door was bitten on the shoulder by the demon dog and flew out. And the battalion commander pressed the T-switch of the detonator at almost the same moment. At the moment of pressing, his shouts drifted out and echoed in the trenches full of demon dogs: "If there is a next life, we are still together, fighting for Alanhill!"

Powered up lights Blinking, wires connected to explosives in the trenches. The explosion began to overwhelm the headquarters, then spread out to the sides, following the direction of the trenches.

The huge explosion formed a wall, drowning all the demons on the side of the wall. With the wet mud raised by the explosion, less than 200 soldiers who retreated from the first line of defense returned to the second line of Defensive Array under the cover of tanks.

They watched the Defensive Array they were stationed in with tears in their eyes and drowned in an explosion.

It seems like a long day in this brief moment has just begun. ►

Today, Heavenly Dragon will be updated, yes, that's right... I will update it when the free time is limited. Long Ling is an idiot who remembers the time limit and speaks big words... Everyone enthusiastically throws tickets to Long Lingba... Ask for a monthly pass, a recommendation ticket, a collection, a reward, a subscription...

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(end of this chapter)

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