My Empire

Chapter 545

My Empire Chapter 545


Chapter 545 546 Those silhouettes who are not alone

"No matter how darkness covers the earth, when the sun rises, light will eventually come to the world !" In an open space, an old magician put his hands on his chest and chanted non-stop with his eyes closed.

Standing beside him, another magician does the same. Their movements are uniform, as if their bodies are connected by something.

A few steps away from them, another magician is doing the same thing, singing the same sentence: "I would give my life and burn my soul. To dispel the terrifying darkness and bring light to the world!"

Looking down the four magicians, there are more magicians, the same hands on their chests, the same eyes closed, the same Mouth mutter incantations. Their voices joined together, echoing in the sky.

As the chants continued to accelerate, their sentences became somewhat slurred, and their intonations became more rhythmic. And these standing magicians who looked disordered and in a mess also began to light up silver lines at their feet.

These lines spread through the crowd, butt joints with each other, finally forming a strange symbol of one by one.

As a result, the magic inscriptions carved on the ground one after another were filled with light, and the lines connecting these magicians one after another became extremely dazzling.

At the onset of these changes, the magicians begin to spread their arms, hold them horizontally, open their palms, and lift their chins.

Each of them had wrinkles on their faces, and some even had terrifying age spots.

There are others who appear to be just middle-aged, but their voices are already old. In terms of age, these people who seem not to be old are already old-fashioned in the magical world.

"halamiusa...bugalusatu..." The low incantation echoed on the ground, as if it condensed into substance, tapping the surrounding space, as if to break free.

A huge magical power poured out from these old magicians, like a lit flame, raging in the air, making it difficult to breathe because of the stickiness.

Because of the surging magic power, their silhouettes began to become distorted. As the airflow continued to evaporate and fluctuate, these people seemed to be enveloped by steam, and their bodies also bent with the restlessness of the airflow. out of shape.

Seeing that a huge super magic is being formed, the old man standing in the middle of this super huge magic array finally opened his eyes at this time.

He stared at the beam of light in the distance that also burst out with the energy of the Great Demon, and at the huge beam of light called the Eye of Magic by this world.

"Human magic is not as domineering as Dragon Clan's magic, nor as subtle as Elf Race's magic." The wrinkles on the old man's face bloomed like flowers in the twisted air, and the gray hair Scattered away, dancing with the rising air flow, as dashing as Loose Immortal.

He looked calm and didn't care that the magic in his body was churning with the incantation chanted by the magicians around him, hitting his body.

"But weak humans developed a magic that neither Elf Race nor Dragon Clan did, and improved and developed this magic until today."

" In the past tens of thousands of years, weak humans have relied on this magic to block the pace of the demon invasion..."

"In the past tens of thousands of years, our ancestors used this method -Our own bring peace to this world!"

"Although the magicians have committed many stupid mistakes, this mission the magicians have never forgotten! Whenever evil comes, There will always be magicians who will fight to the end for this world!"

"This is the noble capital of magicians, this is the reason why magicians are called gods, and this is what magicians are truly worth. Proud..."

" old friend, you're wrong...a magician is wrong when he doesn't want to pay for his pride! You're wrong! Thinking of yourself as a god, but unwilling to fulfill the responsibilities of a god, so you are wrong!"

"Chris, little fellow, no matter how much you despise magician, no matter how much you don't know where they come from' How powerful is science and technology... Please open your eyes and see clearly how the magicians of this world use their own methods to protect this world!"

"Look carefully. Go! Chris! Don't thank me... make good use of this short time! Chris... you are our last hope!"

"I will eventually turn to dust and live forever with this world I will finally return to my destiny and light up hope for this world!"

"In the name of Wulong Sadrei... ceremony is completed! The name is sacrifice!" After whispering what he wanted to say After saying those words, Lonsadlai, like everyone else, spread out his arms and released the giant Great Demon power in his body that was no longer under his control.

These magical energies converged with all the surrounding magical energies to form an unprecedented huge energy. With the gaze of Lonzadelai, it slammed into the huge beam of light of the magic eye. .

Weak human beings have been studying for thousands of years and have used the super forbidden spell that can only be used against the eye of magic. The so-called sealing magic, which requires at least ten people to activate, is called The mysterious existence of the Great Sacrifice—in this brief moment erupted with terrifying power.

Vivian's father used the Great Sacrifice, and this time, the Great Sacrifice led by Lonsadlai used a hundred high level magicians! Together, they launched this super magic forbidden spell, and together they launched a seal on this magical eye near Gricken.

The outermost old magicians slowly fell as if their souls had been taken out, and then the inner magicians fell into the magic array.

The magician fell in circles, but the huge magic energy increased little by little. In the last second, Lonzadelai lowered his arms with a smile, and the entire magic array was quiet. down.

The rays of light on the ground were disappeared, and those lines that used to communicate with magical energy were now charred gullies with smoke.

The moment Lonsadlai fell, the huge beam of light from the Eye of Magic in the distance began to dim a little bit in the violent magic shock.

The restless magical energy collided in the beam of light, making the entire eye of magic extremely unstable. This space magic seemed to be disturbed by an unprecedentedly powerful magical energy, and it began to disarray, collapse, and lose control little by little.

Even, the ground near the eye of magic began to crack, and the demons standing on the ground hugged their heads in pain and screamed.

Even the energy emanating from the magical eye made the monsters created by these magical origins uncomfortable.

Not only were the demons around the Magic Eye affected by the unbearable magical energy, but after the huge Magic Eye dimmed, the army of demons that kept pouring out also began to decrease.

At first it was just a reduction in numbers, and then it became less and less of a demon to come out of the beam of light. Finally, the reappearance of the demon begins to be incomplete.

When a demon stretched an arm out of the magic eye, it was the only arm that fell to the ground. Black's blood flowed down the section of his arm, and the palm of his arm was still twitching.

It's almost the same as the backlash after the space magic fails, and the surrounding space appears messy. It's just that this time, space distortion, and the scope for self-healing is much, much larger.

One hundred high level magicians voluntarily sacrificed their lives and used the sacrifice magic to completely interfere with this magical eye near Glickon. Just like hundreds of years ago, it once again fell into an unstable state of slumber, unable to send out countless demons.

Although there will still be some demon dogs, the number has been suppressed within the normal range.

These demons who got through the distorted space by chance, both in quantity and quality, are no longer able to pose a huge threat to this world.

"Your Excellency the Great Archmage..." on the verge of collapse at the Grickenwallan Pass, the human defense line, watching the clear magic attack, the fat female magician had tears in her eyes, chanting the old man's old name.

She has been calling this title since she was sensible. Although this title was replaced by His Excellency Fasheng not long ago, she is still used to calling the old man worthy of her respect.

In the far away Alanhill, in the bright and spacious office, there was a sudden sound. When Luther rushed into Chris's office, what he saw was that Chris was using his arm to sweep off all the memorials on the desk.

Chris has been using glasses for more than five years. Alanhill is the first glass to be produced. Any glass that is put on the market will be shattered and shattered. The priceless items on the Emperor Your Majesty's desk are now scattered on the floor.

The emperor Your Majesty's favorite pen was broken in two, and many of the memorials approved by that pen have changed the fate of this world.

There is also that bland-looking telephone, which at this moment is also being separated and scattered at the door - it is a telephone that can be connected to the nuclear counterattack line if you grab it!

"What's the matter, Your Majesty!" Luther and the guards of the Guards looked at the messy office, and the frost-faced Emperor Your Majesty, asked anxiously.

"Clean up this place!" Chris didn't answer Luther's question, but raised his foot and walked out: "Go to Princess Vivienne!...Also, let Emperor Luna go out. The concubine came to see me!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Luther gave a guard beside him a look, then turned around and followed Chris who walked out the door.

At this time, he vaguely heard the emperor Your Majesty in front of him, and cursed: "old fogey..."

An hour later, Lonsad Lai Fasheng and a The news of the death of more than a hundred Grekan high level magician sacrifices spread throughout Alanhill and throughout the magical continent.

(end of this chapter)

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