My Empire

Chapter 546

My Empire Chapter 546


Chapter 546 547 Flanking

"Vivian..." Jessica caressed the girl's back, softly comforting the already Vivian of weeping bitter tears.

Chris sat irritably beside the bed, his face gloomy as if he was going to eat people. He just felt the huge fluctuation of magic power and felt the fall of Longsa Delai.

Because of the blessing of the magic array, because the huge energy is clearer than the general Great Archmage or the death of the magic saint, Chris felt that the magic power belonging to Longsa Delai finally dissipated, which made He was in a very bad mood.

It may be that they are both human beings, they have met each other again, and they are more familiar with each other. It may also be the reason why Chris has a deeper understanding of magic. In short, he felt it, and felt the fact that Lonsadre was dead.

So, he immediately thought of his wife, Vivienne, who had always liked to nag.

Alanhill's Imperial Family has not many members. It has only recently expanded to 4 members, three concubines plus an emperor, and even the shabby one does not even have a crown prince.

However, just in this room, the four Alanhill Imperial Family standing, everyone knows that they control the future of this continent, and no one dares to despise them who are holding the human scepter.

"Jessica..." Vivian couldn't help but buried her head in Jessica's chest with tears.

"The plane will be ready in 40 minutes...Chris...take care of Vivienne, I'll take care of the Western Front." Cape Luna stood beside Chris, whispering in line Comforting words of her character.

As a Her Highness the Princess who can escape marriage, she won't hold Vivian and cry like Jessica, what she will do is clench her fists and suppress her anger in the heart , vented on the corpse of the enemy.

In the past, this Higgs Princess could only worry about the country and the people, and in the face of a powerful enemy, she could only suppress her dissatisfaction and anger in her heart.

Now, she has the power of the Alanhill Empire, which allows her to achieve what she wants, so she doesn't need to hold back.

"After arriving on the Western Front, you don't need to give them face. If there are still people who crowd out the Alanhill Expeditionary Force, then bury them all." Chris coldly said: "Take all the new god puppets with you. "

"The people who are worthy of respect and worth our face are dead...the rest are all people who don't matter." Chris extended the hand and clenched the cape. Luna's soft cat: "Be safe and protect yourself."

"I will." Luna nodded, then extended the hand and touched Vivian's hair : "Don't worry, Vivian, I will kill all the demons in Greken."

"wu wu wu..." Vivian was still crying, Lonza Dele's departure was a huge blow to her.

Vivienne's father left early, mother has been dead for many years because she was a mortal, and the one who has been taking care of her growing up is actually Lonsadlai.

This elder who looks like a grandfather and a parent has always been Vivian's closest person. The bits and pieces of the past kept appearing in Vivian's mind, making her tears flow uncontrollably.

After saying this, Cape Luna turned around and walked to the door, pushed open the door of Vivian's bedroom, and then she saw Luther waiting outside the door There are Dez and the others.

"Your Majesty is in a bad mood...but you can go in." Luna nodded slightly to Luther and Dez, and walked away with her long legs. She was swift and decisive, her long tied hair swaying from side to side with her steps.

Luther walked into Vivian's bedroom along the door opened by Cape Luna, stood behind Chris, and bent close to Chris' ear: "Your Majesty... The news that the satellite has just transmitted, the activity of Greken's Magic Eye has decreased, and it has been suppressed."

"Got it." Chris looked at Vivian, who was in pain, and responded with a cold face After one sentence, don't speak anymore.

Luther gritted his teeth and continued to report: "The dinner to welcome the members of the Imperial Family of the Palak are going to attend as you want to cancel?"

"Let Dez go instead of me..." Chris sighed softly and replied: "No need to cancel."

"And..." Luther gritted his teeth and continued. .

"Pick the important ones." Chris was a little impatient and interrupted Luther directly.

"The eulogy about Lonsa de la Fa Saint has been written. Would you like to see Your Majesty?" Luther considered it for a while, and filtered out all the important but outdated news. just said in a low voice.

"Have the Imperial Palace flag lowered in half..." Chris recalled the way he mourned in his previous life, and ordered, "Add to the eulogy, Emperor Alanhill's deep condolences."

"I retire." Luther took a step back, then stood up slightly, then stepped back to the door, turned around and pushed open the door, and retreated outside.

"Your Majesty said that you would take his place at the banquet in the evening. In addition, the eulogy is at the discretion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but the Imperial Palace will fly the flag at half-staff, and the eulogy should add the sentence 'Emperor Alanhill mournfully mourns Lonsadrefa.

" Saint'." After closing the door, Luther looked towards Dez and said, "He is in a very bad mood, Princess Vivian has been crying, but the situation on the Western Front seems to have turned the corner."

"Mr. Lonsadre will not be sacrificed in vain, we will definitely avenge this revenge!" Dez's face was also not good-looking, and he turned and left after leaving such a sentence.


At the same time, on the rough seas of the Northern Sea, on the huge human battleships, all the main guns are pointing in the same direction, heaven shaking, earth shattering The sound of the cannon was echoing in the distance.

"bang! "Suddenly, the 406mm main gun on the flagship Fearless of Alanhill spit out a dazzling fireball. On the sea on the side of the battleship, the huge shock wave blew layers of ripples. Then spread.

In order to save missiles, Alanhill still builds a large number of artillery battleships, including nuclear-powered battleships and ordinary-powered artillery cruisers.

These battleships are all classic designs, each battleship has powerful artillery, which can attack the enemy's fleet continuously and uninterruptedly.

Compared to guided-missile destroyers and guided-missile cruisers, these battleships have more sustained combat capability, but their shortcomings are still obvious.

Because the missile ship can attack the opponent at a relatively safe distance, the battleship can only constantly wander on the edge of danger.

However, Alanhill's battleship relies on its thick armor and the protection of the magic defense barrier, and is not afraid of the devil's magic gun, and dares to approach the attack, so the results are more remarkable.

In addition, as the caliber of Alanhill's artillery gradually increases, the radar detection accuracy is increasing day by day, and the hit rate of artillery battles at a distance of about 20 kilometers is astonishing, while the magic guns on the demon battleship can only hit 10 at most. Kilometers or so, so the artillery battle is still full of advantages for Alanhill.

"General! The domestic telegram I just received!" An officer came over and handed a telegram to General Laurence when the battle was in full swing. He stood at attention and saluted, and said, "The news about Greken..."

Laurens didn't know what to do when a piece of news about Greken was sent from China at this time. The importance of a large-scale naval battle is self-evident, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is related to the safety of the entire Alanhill.

He took the telegram. At this time, the battleship Victory in the distance launched a salvo of artillery fire with The earth shook and the mountain quivered. The huge firelight could still be seen clearly even in the daytime. Clearly, this also means that at least several more demonic battleships will sink into the icy seabed.

"Lonsadre is dead..." Handing the telegram back to the officer beside him, Laurens frowned slightly: "In exchange, the situation on the Western Front has improved slightly... It seems that Not all magicians are bastards."

He sighed, then looked towards the artillery cruiser Blood Orchid, which was firing in the distance: "So, as long as we win here , the demon's counterattack this time is half a failure!"

Having said this, he narrowed his eyes, turned his head suddenly, and ordered to the adjutant behind him: "Give it to Wagron. The marshal sent a telegram, requesting his sky fleet to speed up and cut to the side and rear of the demon fleet!"

"Yes! General!" A row of tracer bullets was fired, and the dense rain of bullets instantly smashed a demon bat trying to approach the fleet into a sieve.

In the endless sea, Vagron, who also received the telegram, held the telegram paper into a ball with a powerful hand. Sitting in the command position, he suddenly stood up and ordered loudly as if venting: "Keep firing! Don't wait for my order! Free to attack! Sink all these bastards!"

"Marshal !" An officer came over with a new telegram, stood at attention and saluted: "A telegram from General Laurens... He asked us to turn to the side of the demon fleet and attack."

"Call back and tell him that I will turn around immediately and help him annihilate all the demon battleships!" Vagron squeezed the paper ball in his hand tighter: "Use the electromagnetic gun to attack those large targets on the radar from a long distance! Sink all the demonic Floating Void City forts! Don't let one go!"

Just as he gave the order, a demonic Floating Void City fort dozens of kilometers away exploded in thick smoke Disintegrating, its shattered stones fell into the sea, stirring up a huge column of water one after another.

In these water columns, some demon battleships hit by stones are slowly sinking, while the remaining battleships are all turning to lose one's head out of fear, avoiding the The area where the Floating Void City Fort fell.

(end of this chapter)

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