My Empire

Chapter 560

My Empire Chapter 560


Chapter 560 561 Anticipated enemies

Sometimes opportunities are given by others, and sometimes they are earned by oneself. The evil Demon General who is in charge of commanding this demon army also wants to fight for his chance. He is going to use a catastrophe to completely destroy the human defense line.

This catastrophe is to drop the Macassillo Floating Void City under the feet to the human position.

Buried Ferry City in one go, plus all those damn, nasty dykes around.

He certainly knew that humans had built a dyke on the beach, and now he still felt that his army would be able to slaughter humans by rushing to the shore.

In fact, the Alanhill Grenadiers who were ready for battle in front of the human dyke seemed very bored at this moment.

In addition to being able to see the missiles in the sky, these soldiers yawned and looked at the sea horizon. They waited and waited, but they didn't wait for those damn demon fleets that were supposed to land at this time.

Where are those demon fleets? They are still trying desperately to get closer to the coastline to avoid the flanks of the Alanhill Northern Sea fleet.

"Are they coming?" A young soldier rubbed his eyes and asked vaguely while holding the AK-47 assault rifle in his arms.

Beside him, the veterans who were leaning against the walls of the reinforced concrete trenches were also very boring. They were reading a letter from their hometown in the already bright light.

Hearing the question from his little valet, the veteran closed the letter and said impatiently, "Isn't it good to not let you fight? If you really saw the last war in Ferry City, you I don't want to let those demons land."

"To be honest, I haven't seen those demons yet!" the young soldier complained with some regret: "Are they really ferocious- Looking, it doesn't look much like Ghost Messenger?"

"Not much like Ghost Messenger? That's what high-level demons look like! Low-level demons are even similar to dogs, just bigger. That's all." The veterans have obviously seen the devil, but in fact very few veterans have not seen the devil at all.

Most of the veterans of the 15th Army Group had previously participated in the 9th Army Group's battle against demons, and then a large number of veterans of the various Army Groups going south also retired.

Now these veterans have all been called back to serve as the backbone of the various armies—the 15th Army has expanded by 70,000 people, most of whom are veterans who have fought against demons.

"Don't be afraid! Now our weapons are much more advanced than those of the past." The old soldier saw that the young soldier did not speak, thinking that the other party was afraid, and spoke comforted.

"I'm not afraid... I'm envious of you..." The young soldier looked at the commemorative badge on the veteran's chest and said depressedly: "Now the devil has not even hit the beach, I It's hard to get a badge like yours."

"Don't be discouraged!"

As they were talking, the densely packed Alanhill fighters in the sky started to fight back - at least 100 third-generation fighters of various types were killed in the Floating Void City where the demons were located. Suddenly the engines were noisy and smoke was everywhere. .

Behind them, the railguns are reloading in an orderly manner, just like the Napoleonic era, they are bullying a defenseless enemy, just need to reload and fire You can destroy the opponent!

Finally, under the focal point of ten thousands, a battleship of a demon navy finally approached the coastline. It staggered forward, and smoke billowed from it.

Like a toddler, it stumbled closer to the shoreline and, in the process, leaned a little to the right.

"Not good... the demon's battleship is going to sink!" An Alanhill soldier eager to make a contribution said worriedly.

Now he doesn't even know what he's talking about, or what's going on in his mind - this time he shouldn't be worried about the demon battleship, but he's still worried The opponent cannot get close to the coastline guarded by him.

In fact, there are many soldiers in the same mood as him: they want to see what the demon landing troops look like, but they also hope that the sacred coastline of their homeland will not be invaded by demons.

"Damn it!" A soldier clenched his fists and slammed into the concrete fortification in front of him, making a dull sound.

Because he saw the demon's battleship appearing on the sea level, driving a section of the road forward, and before it was completely close to the coastline, it overturned because of too much water. on the distant sea.

It only exposed a huge bottom of the ship, and the rest of it had been buckled in the sea, and it was about to sink.

After waiting for a long time, this demon battleship still failed to complete its mission, and still failed to send the demon troops to the front of Alanhill's defense line.

The Alanhill soldiers who were waiting in the trenches watched helplessly as the demon battleship sank. They desperately hope that they have been prepared for so long and can fight bravely in this battle against the devil.

But the reality is cruel. After preparing for so long, they could only stay in the icy trenches and listen to the dull explosions in the distance. For a long time, they could not even see the enemy.

"Here comes another one!" A soldier in the distance pointed to the sea level in the distance, excited again, and shouted with anticipation.

His words attracted the attention of a group of grenadiers. They looked at the battleship in the distance, which was worse than the previous one, and there was no disappointment in their eyes.

It was as if they were looking forward to the appearance of the stars, they were still looking forward with hope, looking forward to those demon troops, they could keep improving themselves, cheer up, like a man, rush up and fight them well. A fight!

"Don't make us look down on you!" a young voice shouted to the sea. It was a soldier who just turned 19 this year. He raised his voice and used all his strength to shout a sentence that made everyone laugh.

"Hahaha! Well said!" Some veterans hugged their weapons and followed the recruit to coax said with a smile.

As a result, the entire position was filled with an atmosphere of joy—the kind of tension that had already erupted in the battle, but it was so playful that it was disappeared without a trace.

Different from the devastated situation of the demon fleet on the side, the fighting situation on the human side is very good.

The opponent's battleship is being pursued by the Northern Sea fleet, and two cruisers are rushing towards them in the distance.

As for in the sky, the sky fleet commanded by Vagron is about to enter the War Zone, and the demon troops surrounded by front and rear attacks are really called heaven and earth.

Finally, a demon battleship arrived near the coastline after all the hardships. The broken ship full of holes, one demon after another jumped into the sea.

They waved the weapons in their hands and marched hard in the waist-deep sea water, shouting the slogan of Long Live the Origin of Magic, and rushed to the beachhead of mankind step by step.

Seeing these battered and exhausted soldiers, wearing heavy armor with heavy iron swords in their hands, in Alanhill's heavy machine gun bunker, the shooter looked towards the commander beside him in disbelief: "Is this a demon, or a beggar begging for food?"

The commander had to correct his subordinate's question: "Watch your words! Soldier! Our country's beggars are better dressed than these demons. !"

Walking slowly in the water, these demons were attacked by some anxious Alanhill troops before they could get ashore.

The 12.7mm caliber heavy machine gun bullets shot into the sea water one after another, and one after another small water column swelled up on the tumbling sea.

And in the center of these water columns, a demon fell down clutching his stomach and chest. These fallen demons bleed black blood, dyeing the nearby waters a terrifying black.

Before one demon after another could gain a firm foothold in the sea water, it was beaten into a sieve by dense bullets, fell into the black sea water, and was dragged into the water by the heavy armor. The next few bubbles tumbled in the lap of the waves.

Luckily, they walked to the demon army on the beach, and before they could form a dense phalanx with a large shield, they were also shrouded in the fire net by heavy machine guns.

When these demonic troops finally opened the magical defense barrier and resisted the light-fire attacks, they found that there were not many comrades left standing beside them.

Once upon a time, violent and ferocious demons became the target of being hunted and slaughtered? These demons couldn't stand this kind of battle that even their opponents couldn't touch, and after roaring twice, they began to attack the human positions.

However, they still underestimated the tactical arrangements of human beings. After they took their legs to the distant human position and walked dozens of meters away, they stepped on a pre-laid mine.

It was a minefield where many mines were buried—these demons detonated these mines before they walked a few steps in the minefield—just in an instant, dozens of demon soldiers were miserable. Falling down screaming, lying in the minefield groaning, unable to move a single step.

Before the remaining demons had time to pull these seriously injured companions out of the dangerous area, the bullets flying in the face made them give up the great idea of saving their companions.

The retreating demons left these unfortunate companions in the minefield, leaving them to fend for themselves without even looking at these fallen demons.

However, their ruthless departure didn't give them a chance to escape the sands of death. What awaited them were more intensive strafing, and mortar shells.

The demon that this ship finally landed on the shore still didn't touch the outer positions of Alanhill's beachhead, so the whole army was annihilated.

(end of this chapter)

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