My Empire

Chapter 561

My Empire Chapter 561


Chapter 561 562 Rainbow

"Order all the Demon Generals to dispatch! All dispatch! Fly me to the other side's beachhead! Kill me! Kill me!" Seeing that the situation was already one-sided, the general commander of the evil Demon General pulled out the long sword from his waist and issued an order to attack everyone around him.

He now knew that it was unrealistic to sit at the head of the city and wait for the slow-moving Macasillo Floating Void City to reach the human Defensive Array, or approach the coastline.

If he insists on fighting in this way, the last chance to win will be gone.

Therefore, he hysterically pulled out the long sword from his waist, and prepared to lead the high-level demon army to the human defense line and cause enough trouble for the opponent!

This choice also has his selfish calculations in it - he feels that as long as high-level demons destroy those large weapons of war that can threaten Macassillo's Floating Void City, humans should not be afraid .

In fact, in a sense, his idea is indeed correct. As long as the terrifying war machines of mankind are destroyed, the battle strength of mankind is indeed nothing to be afraid of.

An unarmed human might be less of a threat than a wolf. Even the most well-trained warrior has no advantage in the face of a demon dog.

Not to mention, the demons have higher level demon soldiers. The battle strength of these demon soldiers is much stronger than that of demon dogs.

"Sir, now our landing troops have not landed on the other side's coastline in time. Is it appropriate to send elites at this time?" Sombra asked worriedly.

"What do you know? If we don't step up our attack, no matter how many elites we have, we won't have the chance to launch a new round of attack!" The Demon General explained impatiently.

He saw that the demonic battleships under his feet had been sunk a lot, and those battleships that had been messed up had not yet been able to approach the coastline of Alanhill.

What annoyed him even more was that, according to his judgment, those human naval fleets with high speed that surrounded and annihilated his decoy interceptor fleet were already approaching the vicinity.

When those terrifying battleships arrive, there is no way for him to fight this battle at all.

Maybe, the Macassillo Floating Void City in front of me can't even crash into a human city.

After carefully calculating the strength in his hand, the demon commander decided to take the lead in using the elite troops to assault the human defense line, and disrupt the defense deployment of some humans with desperate losses.

After all, in any case, only by disrupting the Human War Section and creating an accident for the other party, will he have the opportunity to jump out of the trap of being closely linked with one another, and use his own rhythm to play the game that is more suitable for his side. fighting.

Of course, his computational ideas are all good, but only God can know how much they can play a role.

On the sea, white trails appeared in the field of vision of the demon fleet. On these demon battleships full of soldiers, the soldiers leaning on the side of the ship widened their eyes and saw those from Underwater demon.

Alanhill has far more conventional submarines than nuclear submarines. Not only are there in the fleet defending the port, but also the independent submarine battallion, which uses wolf pack tactics to strangle the demon sea supply lines.

And the Northern Fleet, because it has only recently recovered, has more submarines than surface ships.

These conventional submarines, which normally cannot keep up with nuclear submarines and can only cruise in the coastal waters in most cases, have just welcomed their long-awaited prey.

Dozens of conventionally powered submarines have been on standby underwater for a long time, and after the demon fleet entered the ambush circle, their attack began.

A submarine launches two torpedoes, and dozens of submarines can launch more than 100 torpedoes to attack at the same time.

Even if there were torpedoes that would attack the same target, these 100 or so torpedoes would be enough to sink more than 70 demonic battleships.

"That, that's a human 'torpedo'!" A demon officer shouted a word that was still relatively unfamiliar to him.

Torpedo, this imported word was created by Alanhill himself. It is exactly the same as tank and kilometer, and has never appeared on this continent.

However, with the expansion of Alanhill, as well as the paraphrase and propaganda before the capitulation of the puppet empire, the demons have also begun to use these new words "created" by Alanhill on a large scale.

When they heard the word "torpedo", the expressions of other people changed dramatically - most demons are not afraid of death, and if they can die for the source of magic, they will feel that they deserve to die. But they didn't want to die in such a vague way. If they died in such a place, wouldn't they die in vain?

If you let them fight each other with weapons, and then die in bloody battle, they won't take it seriously - but let them die without even seeing the enemy's face, will a fool be willing?

"Accelerate! Left full rudder! Avoid! Quick! Avoid!" Someone shouted desperately on the deck, looking at the white track perpendicular to the broadside, just like the battleship where they were. There was an intimate encounter.

"bang!" A huge explosion resounded through the sky, and the huge water column rising from the sea lifted the entire demon battleship up.

Because of the gravity at both ends of the battleship, the battleship broke from the middle, and then because the water surface fell back, the raised part in the middle smashed back into the water again, and a large amount of seawater poured in instantly.

The bow of the ship was holding on to the railing on the side of the ship. The demon officer, who was not thrown away, wanted to straighten up in embarrassment, but found that his sense of balance had been completely lost.

He staggered and stood up holding the ship's railing, and before he could stand firm, he saw another violent explosion from the broken stern.

Just by looking at the light blue light, you can tell that it was the magic power core of the stern that was blown up by the vibration. After an instant, the entire stern of the ship, which had been broken and disjointed, exploded, turning into countless tiny fragments and falling into the turbulent sea nearby.

The demonic officer only saw the explosion because his ears had been deaf. The sound of the torpedo explosion just now made him unable to hear any sound until now, and in his mind there were only thousands of bees circling and diving.

Because a large amount of sea water poured into the broken place, the deck at the front end of the demon battleship also began to tilt. The fixed chain on a huge siege vehicle parked on the deck broke, and the huge vehicle ran over the unconscious demon soldiers and slid towards the center of the broken hull.

Immediately afterwards, with the bodies of hundreds of demon soldiers, this huge siege vehicle fell into the sea, and was instantly disappeared in the whirlpool.

More seawater poured into the insubstantial compartments of the demonic battleship, and the remaining half of the battleship began to tilt more and more as more and more water entered.

The bow of the ship, which is not sharp, is raised high, and the part that was originally underwater is actually exposed to the surface of the water. Those marine creatures attached to the hull have also seen the light of day in this brief moment.

Grasping the railing beside him, seeing a demon soldier screaming and sliding down the deck into the swirling sea water, the demon officer hurriedly pulled his armor.

Heavy armor, which can save one's life under the sword of the enemy, has become a life-threatening shackle at this moment, which has to be said to be a kind of irony.

Seeing the battleship sinking, the broken wooden boards and some tattered sea surface are getting closer and closer to him, the demon officer who has just torn off the arm guard on his arm and has not had time to take off his breastplate , closed his eyes in despair.

The constantly turning, icy and desperate waters asserts the senses. It swallowed him and the railing he was holding, and never surfaced again.

"Should I shout long live the source of magic?" In the tumult, the demon officer with his eyes closed felt the sea water dipping into his nostrils, pressing into his heart and lungs, and thinking wildly with his last consciousness. road.

It's just that there is no answer to his crazy thoughts, and the boundless darkness swallows him up. Along with him, there were also struggling demon soldiers in various poses.

Just as this demon battleship sank, hundreds of demon soldiers with fleshy wings and long swords flew out of Macasillo Floating Void City.

At about the same time, Alanhill's railgun hit Macasillo for the third time, and the entire front of the city collapsed, with the sound of explosions everywhere.

With the desperate collapse of the explosion, Macassillo's height also dropped a little bit. Demons in the city were hiding everywhere, cracks appeared in the streets, and some towering magic towers began to break in the middle.

Like the sunk Vatican, this Floating Void City is beginning to show signs of collapse. Even a huge city several kilometers wide horizontally and vertically cannot be sustained for long under the attack of large-caliber electromagnetic artillery.

Those high-level demons who flew out also saw the appearance of Macasillo being hit behind him. They roared aggressively towards the human-controlled coastline, ready to cause some trouble for their opponents.

At their feet are the demonic battleships that have accelerated to the coastline. These battleships are filled with demonic officers and soldiers who are ready to vent their anger.

On the other side, in front of the human dyke, vine flags were lined up one after another, and Falae rode on the back of his unicorn, squinting at the high-level demon army that came in the distance. .

Then, he slowly raised his arm. Behind him, hundreds of Elf Race archers pulled up longbows with beautifully carved patterns, and those arrows made of expensive wood were placed on a mithril finger, and the arrows flashed all kinds of magic. of light.

Suddenly, Falai's arm slashed forward with force, and countless magic arrows, like a splendid rainbow, flew towards the black cloud above the demon's head.

(end of this chapter)

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