My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Works well

"Increase gravity to the limit."

Chen Xu was frightened by the alien eyes. He reacted purely instinctively, and his heart remained calm. When he was in the teleportation cabin just now, he thought about how to take advantage of the home field advantage.

The gravity equipment on the spacecraft is one of them.

The voice of Taichu sounded, "The power of the surrounding gravity equipment has been adjusted to the maximum, and the gravity is expected to reach 25g."

Immediately, Chen Xu felt a sink in his body and soon recovered. The armor on his body has automatic adjustment devices that can adapt to various gravity environments.

On the light screen, the abnormal shape that was a few meters high was obviously greatly affected. Several feet and legs bent down a few times and almost stood unstable.

Just now he felt that these aliens seemed very light, but actually had a high density, comparable to metal. This is known from the fact that they can tear apart thick alloy metal walls without effort.

The greater the weight, the more severely affected by gravity.

Chen Xu flashed these thoughts in his mind, but his movement was not slow at all. He turned the energy gun to the second gear, the muzzle extended a round hole that had just been penetrated, and several bursts fired. The aliens are killed, and the next targets are those black eggs.

It took a few seconds to clear up these hidden dangers. The adult / familiar alien was also adjusted. It seemed to find that all the same had been killed. He made a sharp hissing noise and rushed at him. The speed did not seem to be much slower than the small alien.

Chen Xu had already prepared for a knee bend, and the whole person leapt back. But the speed is pitifully slow compared to the alien.

"Turn off gravity." When the man was in midair, he yelled, and then felt light on his body and drifted backwards under the influence of inertia.

On the other side, the alien did not expect that gravity would suddenly disappear, and it should have fallen to the ground, but lost control at this time, and hit one side against the wall. The front paw caught a few times on the wall, and a spark came out.

After such a delay, Chen Xu had rushed into the transfer cabin and said, "Drive."

The cabin door closed quickly, and the transfer cabin started instantly, getting faster and faster. He controlled the armor, grasped the chair tightly, and stood firmly there.

He was relieved, remembering the fighting just now, the scene was not too thrilling, but its degree of danger was second only to the battle between the second dream and the acid ant. The reaction was a little slower and he died. Can't die anymore.

In the face of these aliens, even the alloy walls that are as thick as tens of centimeters are like paper paste, let alone his small body. When touched, it is absolutely dead.

Suddenly, Taichu's voice sounded in his ear, "Chen Xu, it has been following you."

Then, a projection appeared in his helmet. It was the picture of the alien that was constantly running. Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be in the channel of the teleportation cabin.

His eyes flashed and he thought about it.

He didn't worry about it catching up. The top speed of the transport capsule was a few hundred kilometers per hour. If the alien could really catch up, he would die unjustly.

Now, there are two paths before him. One is to hide from the other, and the spaceship is so large that it is easy to stay for another two months.

Another option is to bite yourself while it is dead, and find a way to kill it.

It seems that the most sensible is the first choice, you can avoid risk and have a higher chance of survival. But there is a hidden danger here. God knows if this mob will cause any moth.

Without thinking long, he had a decision, saying, "Slow down and hang it. Then, send me to the edge of the ship."

Too early to respond, "OK."

Soon, he felt that the speed of the teleportation chamber slowed down, and through the projection on the mask, he saw that the alien was still chasing after him.

"Come and see who can live to the end."

At this point, the speed of the teleportation chamber stabilized, and he freed his hands to take down the energy of the energy gun and replace it with a new one. Throughout the process, his heart was calm.

In the last dream, he experienced large and small battles, and he was used to facing danger. Consecutive victories further strengthened his confidence. Although this alien is extremely powerful, it can't make him afraid.

After more than half an hour, the early reminder said, "One minute left to reach the destination, take care."

He held his chair again and said, "If I fail, you give up this part of the spaceship. Also, please let humanity continue."

"This is my mission."

The teleportation capsule started to slow down, and Chen Xu stopped talking and was preparing intently.

When the teleportation cabin stopped, he stepped out of the door and heard the early voice, "Cross this corridor, the innermost hall is the outermost area of ​​the spacecraft."

He rushed over there at the fastest speed, half way, and heard the sound of metal twisting and cracking behind him. Don't look back, the screen has been passed over in the beginning.

The alien was drilled out of the hole in the channel of the teleportation cabin, and stood there, a pair of scarlet eyes stared at his back, but did not catch up, his limbs were gently scraped on the ground, and it seemed to sense danger.

"The smell of this product is very sensitive."

Chen Xu couldn't help sighing, how could such a monster win by ordinary means?

He said, "Close the door behind me."

With a bang, a door closed, isolating the alien eyes.

He lifted his head up and looked a little uneasy. After a few seconds, it seemed that Chen Xu was getting farther and farther. Finally, he couldn't hold it, rushed out, turned into a dark shadow, and tore the door.

At this point, Chen Xu had made a turn, and once again lost his trace and continued to pursue.

Chen Xu noticed that this time it was not a long-distance flying bounce, but a run. Each step spanned a distance of at most a few meters. Obviously, after being overcast once, he learned fine.

It has been less than an hour since it was born, and such a learning ability is really terrifying.

He knew that if it couldn't be done this time, it would definitely not be fooled again in the future. It's harder to get rid of it.

He thought to himself, calculating the distance, and when it was about to turn, he suddenly turned back and fired. The blue energy beam hit his head, hitting his head and almost losing his balance.

He stood still, holding a gun, and started shooting continuously, without giving it a chance to breathe, hitting his body, his claws, and the joints of his feet.

After a few shots, a leg of his body suddenly dropped, and a large amount of black mucus splashed from the wound and fell to the ground, corroding a hole in the floor.

Suddenly, Chen Xu found that it had disappeared. He had missed a few shots. Without hesitation, he turned and ran.

Immediately, the image of the alien came over at the beginning. It fell to the bottom layer and continued to chase him. He lost a leg, and it seemed to have no effect on its movement, and the speed was still amazingly fast.

Chen Xushun turned the energy gun to the maximum power, estimated the distance in his heart, and when he entered the innermost hall, he pressed the energy storage button and aimed the muzzle at the floor under his feet.

On the lower level, the alien suddenly exited the scope of the hall.

For a moment, the picture before him had torn the floor of the corridor, rushed up, and ran towards him at a speed that could not cover his ears.

"be cheated."

A glimmer of pride flashed in Chen Xu's eyes, and a door next to it suddenly opened. Outside, there was a dark universe. There was a huge suction, pulling one person and one beast, and rolling out the hatch.

A steel cable popped out of his waist ~ ~ with the alloy armrest on the edge. Under the huge suction, the steel rope tensed.

A few meters away, the shaped front claws and several foot limbs were constantly scratching the ground, a patch of Mars emerged, but the body could not control the retreat outside the hatch.

He aimed his muzzle at it. "Goodbye."

With a bang, a dazzling blue light flashed, and the upper half of the alien was directly vaporized, and the remaining half was rolled out of space.

The aftermath of the energy beam blasted the ship's wall into a round pit that was more than ten centimeters deep, but failed to penetrate.


The hatch closed again, the suction disappeared, and his body fell to the ground, so he lay there arrogantly, watching the ceiling lights return to normal, and said, "Good cooperation."

The voice of Tai Chu sounded, "This is what I should do."

ps: ask for a monthly ticket.

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