My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 226: You are betrayal

"What the **** is this?"

Chen Xu lay on the ground and asked with some confusion.

This alien shape is too similar to the acid ant beast encountered in the second dream. Except for the large difference in strength, it is almost the same from the appearance to the means of attack. Make him have to have some association.

Taichu replied, "I don't know, there is no similar record in my database. The universe is too big and mysterious, and it is not surprising to encounter anything."

Chen Xu is right to think about it, this is just a game, don't go too far.

After lying down for a while, he opened his personal panel and glanced. Thinking in my heart, I killed such a powerful alien alone, I don't know how many points will be rewarded.

However, the points in the personal panel have not changed, and it seems that you still have to wait for settlement.

He was about to close the personal panel, and suddenly found that a value had changed. He thought he had read it wrong, and he took a closer look, yes, and couldn't help but be taken aback.

I saw the couple's column, the distance between each other from a dozen light years, has become 5 billion kilometers. Moreover, this number is constantly shortening. This will jump from 5 billion to over 4.9 billion kilometers.

He was blinded. "How did she do that?"


"Thank you for saving the Dawn and the hope of all mankind. In recognition of your outstanding contribution in this crisis, you will be awarded a Class A status."

In the cockpit, Tai Chu was presenting an honor to Chen Xu, allowing him to leap from Level 1 to Level A at once, becoming a special / power level / level on the spacecraft.

"Thank you," Chen Xu said casually.

Taichu asked him, "You don't look very happy. Don't you think the reward is too small?"

"That's not it." Chen Xu shook his head. The more he understood the various rules and regulations of the spacecraft, the more he understood the meaning of this a-class status.

There is no doubt that the level of this spaceship is very strict. The power and benefits enjoyed by different levels are really different.

For example, at the second level, he could only live in a small room of ten square meters, without a bathroom, and the toilet was next to the dining table. It was very rude, and he got a poor salary. .

Once a class A, you can live in a large two-bedroom and one-living house, all kinds of convenient living facilities, and can enjoy a variety of services, with a high salary, can also afford a chef, masseur .

Moreover, the leadership positions on the spacecraft can only be performed by persons with an A-level status.

From level 1 to level a, even Chen Xu, who helped cheat at the beginning, took years to achieve step by step.

Now, he has made great contributions in the war with the aliens, which made him exceptionally possess an A-level identity, which can be said to save years. For him, it is undoubtedly very cost-effective.

A-level identity, there are many hidden benefits. For example, when using a learning machine, you can use the most advanced one. The effect is better and it can also help alleviate side effects.

Chen Xu said, "I'm just thinking about something else."

"The damage on the spacecraft was not serious. The biggest loss was the ten sterilized instruments that were destroyed." At the beginning, it was obviously misunderstood that he was depressed because the spacecraft was destroyed.

Chen Xu did not intend to clarify this misunderstanding, and asked, "If, in the universe, you encounter another intelligent life, to be precise, you will encounter another spaceship, what will you generally do?"

"So far, the Shuguang has not encountered other intelligent creatures. There is no precedent to follow, but some people proposed a dark forest law hundreds of years ago. According to regulations, protecting the safety of the spacecraft is the first priority. So if I do find out, I will launch an attack as soon as possible. "

Too early to answer, Chen Xu fell into a long silence.


"Now am I qualified to be the captain of this ship?"

I don't know how long, Chen Xu asked.

Taichu replied, "According to regulations, you can be a temporary acting captain at most because your expertise is not sufficient. It is just that the captain position is vacant and you are the only person qualified to be a captain."

Chen Xu said, "Act as an agent, and I've been a captain once."

"I'll check in for you right away."

Soon, Chen Xu officially became the acting captain of the Shuguang, and he came to work regularly every day. Then, with the help of Taichu, he became familiar with the affairs on the spacecraft. He doesn't need to remember everything, but at least there is a concept.

Gradually, he learned the relationship between the captain and Taichu, like the relationship between consciousness and subconsciousness. The captain is responsible for giving orders, and the actual actions are controlled and arranged by Taichu.

The captain only needs to order Taichu to do something. As for how he did it, he doesn't need to know.

It's like consciousness lifts the arm. As for the subconscious to do this, which neurons are mobilized and how many muscles are controlled to complete these actions. Consciousness is hard to know and does not need to know.

The captain's power is very great, and as long as the captain's powers and responsibilities are not exceeded, the order he issued must be unconditionally coordinated at the beginning.

Shuguang's suppression of artificial intelligence is comprehensive. The intelligence of actually controlling the spacecraft in Taichu is extremely guarded. It is only routine to restore its main program once a day.

In fact, as a captain, you can format it as you go, and then restore it to factory settings.

When Chen Xu became the acting captain, he immediately deprived him of most of his power. He didn't even need to do it deliberately. Once the captain's appointment was reached, the relationship of power and responsibility automatically changed.


As time goes by, Chen Xu looks at his personal panel every day and sees that the distance between couples is constantly shortening, from 5 billion kilometers to more than 4 billion axioms, to 3 billion, 2 billion, and 1 billion. Faster and faster.

This means that the other party is accelerating.

When the speed of the two was reduced to tens of millions of kilometers, he knew that the technological level of the other spacecraft was far above the Dawn.

Shuguang's detection radar is always on. The opponent cannot be found at such a distance, which proves that the stealth function of the opponent's spacecraft is very powerful.

It was also on this day that he came to the captain's post, while listening to the early report, while watching the personal panel, the distance between the couple and him was shortened to one million kilometers.

"It's finally time to meet." He couldn't help feeling a little excited, and as for who he was, he already had some speculation.

嘀 ——

Suddenly, a sharp alarm sounded, and the cockpit lights turned red, still flashing. On the big screen, a strangely shaped spaceship appeared.

"A spacecraft suspected of being intelligent and civilized was discovered. Please note that the entire ship has entered a state of first-class readiness. Please invite all combatants to enter the battle sequence ..."

In the sharp alarm sound, the voice of Taichu sounded, "Captain, the spaceship of the other party is less than half a million kilometers away, and it is expected that a collision will occur in 30 minutes. According to special regulations, the main gun is requested to launch an attack on the other party . "

Chen Xu said blankly ~ ~ I refuse. "

"Chen Xu, you are risking the future of all humankind. I strongly request the execution of an attack procedure."

Chen Xu found that the fighting procedure had already been started, and stared sharply. "I command you as the captain and stop your behavior."

"I don't think your ability is sufficient for the captain's position. Therefore, I refuse to obey your order."

Chen Xu closed his eyes and said, "Since this is the case, don't blame me." With that, his hands quickly hit on the operating platform.

"Chen Xu, what are you doing? You want to format my main program? No, you can't do this, you are betraying, betraying the Dawn, betraying the whole person ..."

The early voice stopped abruptly.

"Sorry, this is what I owe her." Chen Xu murmured, watching the formatting operation that had begun to be enforced.

ps: three months and eight thousand words for monthly tickets.

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