Chen Xu watched the progress bar on the light screen reach 100%, which means that the artificial intelligence that has been with him all the way for more than a month has completely disappeared in this world.

"The reset of the main program is complete. Dear Agent Captain, artificial intelligence will serve you at the beginning." It is still the familiar voice, but the tone of speaking has become sloppy.

Chen Xu ordered, "Revoke the charge status of the main gun and cancel the first-stage combat readiness."

"It has been revoked."

He looked at the main control board, showing that the main gun had entered a dormant state, and the alarm sound in the cockpit stopped. Continued to order, "Open the main hatch and let the other side enter."

Tai Chu said, "The main hatch is opening. It is detected that the opponent is slowing down."

He asked, "How long is it expected to complete the docking?"

"One or two hours."

In order to prevent accidents, Chen Xu kept in the cockpit and watched the spacecraft landing on the light screen to the dawn.

After the main hatch was closed, he saw from the surveillance that the hatch of the spacecraft was opened, and a person wearing a space suit walked down. Through the transparent helmet, she could see her appearance. Who else was Yang Jinxia?

"It really is you."

Chen Xu sighed in her heart. Among the three women, she was the last thing he wanted to encounter in the dream. However, contrary to her wishes, she finally agreed to the confession he issued.

Then again, if she also refused at the time, he would not be able to participate in this special event and lost a great opportunity.

Because of this, his mood is very complicated.

He walked towards the cockpit and said, "Send me over and meet our new friend."

Tai Chu reminded, "You are the acting captain, so you should be careful not to meet the other person in person."

"It's okay, I believe, she's not malicious."

He boarded the No. 0 teleportation cabin and arrived half an hour later near the main cabin door. The space here was very large.

He walked to the gate between the entrance of the main cabin door and the unloading area, and let Taichu open the door. In the rumble of the door, he saw Yang Jinxia, ​​who had taken off his helmet. Next to him was 2003 with the shape of a vacuum cleaner.

"Finally found you." Yang Jinxia was wearing a heavy space suit, her hair was curled up, and looking at him, her eyes glowed with joy.


Chen Xu seemed to be scalded by her eyes and looked away. What she wanted to say, she felt that it was superfluous.

A month ago, the two of them were separated by a dozen light years. He originally thought that by the end of the dream, they would not meet. Unexpectedly, only thirty days later, she came over.

He couldn't imagine how she did it. With him, the distance alone made him intimidated, not even such a thought.

Not only did she think about it, she also made it.

He wanted to ask how she did it, and felt it was inappropriate. I want to say something else and don't know what to say. After all, the relationship between the two was a bit awkward. It is not appropriate to be close, and it is not appropriate to be too distant.

For a moment, mixed feelings.

Yang Jinxia stepped closer, looked at him, a smile on her face broke the silence, "It looks like you're doing well here."

"It's still not as good as you." Chen Xu looked at the spaceship behind her, guessing whether the spaceship had the ability to cross the space and did not know how she got it.

When Yang Jinxia looked at him, he knew he had misunderstood and explained, "Actually, I can cross a distance of more than ten light years, not by this spaceship."

"Oh?" Chen Xu was more curious about her experience, and the robot 2003 that followed her, said, "Let's go in and talk, you follow me."

Yang Jinxia followed the generously, only taking 2003, all other robots remained on the spacecraft. She looked at this huge place and asked, "You are the only one left here?"

Chen Xu said, "Before, now, there are 990 more, and now we are receiving basic education."

"It looks like your experience is bizarre."

"I'm just lucky." Chen Xu thought of the previous period, sighed in his heart, and turned the topic. "What's going on?" He was referring to 2003 that followed.

Yang Jinxia said, "It's always by my side. It's you, how did you get here? When I woke up, I found that you were gone. When I found out that you were more than ten light years away, I thought I was I will never see you in my life. "

Seeing that she didn't mention anything in reality at all, Chen Xu guessed that her subconscious was affected by the dream equipment, entered a dreaming state, and automatically accepted some settings, which was different from her usual.

However, her words surprised him. What she said meant that she was back to the world of the last dream, and then the timeline of the previous dream?

He said vaguely, "I don't know. I will be here when I wake up."

"That's weird." Yang Jinxia frowned deeply, apparently this problem had troubled her for a long time.

During the conversation, Chen Xu had taken her into the transfer cabin. After sitting, he explained, "I am now the acting captain of this spaceship, so I have to go back to the cockpit to stare, so as to avoid any accident."

Yang Jinxia nodded without raising any objections.

After the two people and one robot sat down, the teleportation chamber started to start.

"What happened after that?" Chen Xu continued the topic just now. If she didn't speak, she would feel more embarrassed. Find some topics to talk about, and time would pass faster.

Yang Jinxia briefly explained her own experience.

Chen Xu listened a little, and asked a question from time to time.

In the second dream, he was less than half awake and left many mysteries in his heart. Even if he returned to reality, he had no chance to ask her a good question. Now it is finally possible to solve these mysteries.

Yang Jinxia didn't deliberately render it, and Chen Xu was already shocking. He demolished the world ’s largest base camp for humans to make robots. He was amazed by his courageous power.

If he were, he might not be able to make such a determination. Will always consider what happened after the war, how to survive, how to develop, and so on.

He also focused on asking the origin of the strange beast and the history of the humans on that planet. Combining with the materials seen in the refuge, he was able to solve a mystery.

Next, Yang Jinxia talked about the decisive battle with the strange beast. After passing through the black vortex, he found that it was a wormhole and the other side was a dead planet.

Only then did he realize that she had crossed a distance of more than ten light years in this way.

When he heard Yang Jinxia say that the queen was encountered, he moved his heart and asked, "What does it look like?"

Yang Jinxia commanded, "2003, project the image of that worm."

"Yes, Master." Two lights lit up in 2003, projecting a picture on the teleportation wall.

At first glance, Chen Xu knew that this female worm was the same species as the worm that had come out of the cube he had encountered. Although the size was huge, they looked too similar.

"That is to say, it was this worm that destroyed your spaceship, and then landed on that planet. For some reason, a wormhole appeared to connect the human world. Those beasts that invaded the human world The source is the queen. "

Chen Xu put the whole thing together, and finally solved the background puzzle of the alien beast's invasion of the world. I was quite happy.

"You seem to be particularly concerned about this worm. Is there any reason?" Yang Jinxia suddenly asked a question.

Chen Xu said, "Actually, not long ago, I encountered something similar." So, he would encounter a black cube, which caused a crisis of the spacecraft, put the cube into the spacecraft, and then drilled another one out of the cube. White worm thing, say it again.

After listening, Yang Jinxia thoughtfully, "In this way, the original owner of the spaceship encountered the same crisis, but they didn't survive it. But how did these black cubes appear?"

"Who knows, the universe is so big, there are too many unknowns. In comparison, we are too small." Chen Xu sighed, during this time, he has been thinking about who made the virtual dream device, Why it landed on the earth, why he activated it and so on.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was pointless to struggle with these questions, because he would probably never get the answer, and maybe one day he knew the answer, but he could not bear it.

Just don't think about it.

"After that, how did you kill it?" Yang Jinxia was obviously interested in his experience and asked.

Chen Xu said a little bit about the whole process.

Yang Jinxia said, "You must record the process, can you send me a copy?"

The entire spacecraft was under surveillance in the early days, and his fighting process was no exception ~ ~ He hesitated for a moment, not wanting to refuse such a small request from her, saying, "I will help you build an identity , Passed on to you at that time. "

"Thank you," Yang Jinxia said cheerfully.

"you are welcome."

Yang Jinxia then asked, "What happened later? After you made such contributions, you became the acting captain?"

"Suffice it to say, mainly because there are no one else on the spacecraft. I'm left alone, and I can only be here."

"Is this really the case?" Yang Jinxia asked.

"Huh?" Chen Xu froze for a moment.

"During my time on the spacecraft, I read a lot of information on the spacecraft. Fortunately, there is a universal translator, otherwise I can't read it."

Yang Jinxia talked about irrelevant things. "One of these warnings is that when spaceships of other civilizations are found in the universe, it is best to attack first. This should be the Dark Forest Rule. I guess, you This ship should have similar rules, right? "

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