My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated

Chapter 189: my stupid sister

Although Tie Xuan told Empress Luo Jing of the attack, what he said was very vague, and the details were not disclosed at all.

Therefore, Luo Jing only knew that the queen was attacked, but did not know how it was attacked, and the details of the situation before and after the attack.

This topic can be discussed openly and aboveboard, regardless of those who are prying outside, so Luo Jing asked directly.

After hearing Luo Jing's question, Zhizhen sighed and said, "The little monk doesn't know much about this matter. It happened suddenly, and I only know some scattered rumors."

"Today, when Your Majesty was in the library, suddenly a mysterious magic cultivator made a bold move, overstepping the many defenses and attacking His Majesty."

"Although the guards in the big inner circle helped in time, the demon cultivator at the head was very powerful. The blood sword that he cultivated was unparalleled and could even break the magic weapon of the big inner master. Even His Majesty was killed by the blood sword, and he is still alive and dead. unknown."

"It is said that the blood sword is not only sharp, but also has the strange ability of dirty people's instruments."

"After being slashed by the blood sword, the magic weapons and divine soldiers of several internal guards quickly lost their sharpness and spirituality.

Zhizhen said, looked at Luo Jing, and said, "The little monk guessed that Mr. Minghan may also have died at the hands of this demon."

"Perhaps the murderer who murdered Mr. Mingham was the one who attacked His Majesty."

What Zhizhen said surprised Luo Jing.

"Blood sword that can defile human instruments?"

The magic power secret technique that contaminates the enemy's magic weapon is not that rare in the magic way, and many magic cultivators will take a similar path.

But even the magic weapon of the inner guard can be filthy... this is a bit rare.

After all, the magical weapons of the top masters in the world must also be the top spiritual objects in the world, so how could they be easily tainted by others.

Luo Jing didn't know much, but he also knew how terrifying this level of magic secret art was.

Luo Jing frowned and asked, "Listen to what the Buddha said... Could it be that after the devil attacked His Majesty, he retreated?"

Little Buddha only mentioned the horror of the blood sword, but did not mention the identity of the devil. It is very likely that the government still does not know the origin of the devil.

Facing Luo Jing's question, Zhizhen sighed and nodded, and said, "That's true... That devil's cultivation is extraordinary, and there are four other demons who are also in the Taixu realm."

"They ambush ahead of time, move as fast as the wind, and quickly retreat after a successful blow, and they are still at large."

"Fortunately, Jing Zhaoyin responded quickly and blocked the capital in time."

"The capital is now closed inside and outside, and it is difficult for birds to cross. Those demon cultivators are still trapped in the city. It will be a matter of time to find these five demon cultivators with the power of the Divine Dynasty."

The status quo described by Zhizhen Buddha left Luo Jing speechless.

What is an extrajudicial madman... This is an extrajudicial madman!

After attacking and killing the queen in public, she was able to escape far away after being successful, and she has not been caught so far.

Not many people may believe this kind of appalling thing, but it just happened.

Luo Jing thought for a while, suddenly realized something strange, and was surprised.

"You said just now...the queen is still alive and dead?"

Luo Jing asked in astonishment: "Didn't she wake up already, and immediately ordered me to be sent to the capital to be beheaded? Why is my life and death now unknown?"

Could it be that the information held by Ye Xingsi is not in sync with the news of Brahma Pure Land?

But seeing Zen Master Zhizhen folded his hands together, he sighed: "Your Majesty did wake up for a short while under the treatment of the God-Medicine King, and issued several decrees."

"One of the intentions is to take Lu Jushi to the capital to let her see with her own eyes."

"But not long after waking up, the blood demon poison in His Majesty's body attacked again, and she fell into a coma again."

"According to what the little monk knows, the life and death of Her Majesty the Queen is indeed unknown. Even the king of the pharmacist is not sure whether he can survive this test."

"After all, the Queen is already old and has already passed the age limit of two hundred years. She has been relying on various life-sustaining elixir to forcibly prolong her life."

"Now I am suffering from the poison of the mysterious Gorefiend, my body can't support it, and there is a possibility of collapse at any time..."

I don't know if it was Luo Jing's delusion, but he always felt that when this little Buddha said this, his tone was slightly...happy?

Or is it... schadenfreude?

Luo Jing looked at the little Buddha in front of him in astonishment, wondering why this monk suddenly gloated.

Is the death of the queen funny to you?

This little monk of the Brahma Pure Land will not have any grudges with the Queen, will he?

Luo Jing looked up, but saw Zhizhen with a smile on his face, his hands folded and his face peaceful, as if a Buddha had come into the world.

But facing Luo Jing's gaze, the Buddha in the moon-white robe blinked, and even squeezed his right eye playfully at Luo Jing.

Luo Jing was stunned for a moment.

Also understand.

Holy crap... this is not Jizhen!

Now sitting in front of him, it turned out to be his cheap sister Lu Li!

After realizing this, Luo Jing looked at the white-clothed Buddha in front of him and felt extremely strange.

Is this cheap sister so courageous? How dare you sneak into Ye Xing Si under the guise of Zhizhen's identity under the eyes of the three major gods?

Although I know that the demon mask of your Demon Sect is unparalleled in the world, your heart is too big...

Or are the descendants of the Heavenly Demon Sect with such big hearts?

Back then, Yingsha 3000 Li Wushang incarnated as a demon, Yan Song, and ravaged the Central Plains, but now Lu Li incarnates as a young Buddha of Zhizhen, and walks into the Yexing Si Yamen with integrity...

If this is accidentally exposed and discovered by the three gods, their brothers and sisters will be wiped out!

And even the little Buddha in the Brahma Pure Land will be implicated...

That monk was also big-hearted, so he dared to let Lu Li come in by pretending to be his identity.

Looking at the "little Buddha" in front of him, although Luo Jing admitted that Lu Li was well disguised.

Whether it was her behavior or her manners, Lu Li imitated it exactly the same, and outsiders couldn't tell the difference between her and Zhizhen.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lu Li deliberately sold a small flaw just now, even Luo Jing would still be kept in the dark.

Luo Jing sighed silently.

"Zhizhen Buddha... ah..."

This kind of tired has a kind of powerlessness to see the reckless sister doing stupid things.

Luo Jing looked at Lu Li, who was wearing smart leather, and said, "So now the Queen's life and death are at stake, and it's uncertain whether she can pass this test?"

After discovering Lu Li's real body, Luo Jing didn't even know what to say for a while.

It was only at this moment that he understood why the little monk came in and did not start the enchantment to isolate eavesdropping as usual.

Turns out it won't!

So is there a master eavesdropping outside the yard now?

Luo Jing thought about it and asked, "If the Queen dies, will it affect my current situation?"

This question is quite important.

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