My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated

Chapter 55: 1 disgusting face to show you

In the sea of ​​clouds, the husband and wife looked at each other.

The expressions of the two of them were a little strange.

"So the newborn spirits we summoned through the spirit-calling ceremony are really the incarnations of each other's spirits?" Shen Qingxuan muttered to herself.

Luo Jing's spirit summoning ceremony was unbelievably simple.

Almost not long after the spirit summoning ceremony started, Luo Jing quickly sensed the response of the newborn spirit.

Then, he used the technique in "Evil Moon Controlling Spirit" to form a spiritual chain and forcibly dragged out the newborn spirit in the depths of the white world.

After that, Luo Jing opened his eyes and saw the fairy in white who looked like his wife, standing quietly in front of him.

Although Shen Qingxuan's spirit summoning ceremony, the last step of dragging the newborn spirit is beyond imagination.

But Luo Jing's spirit summoning ceremony succeeded more easily.

In less than half an hour, the summoning was successful.

No one will believe this speed.

Most importantly, when Luo Jing succeeded in summoning the spirit, he vaguely felt a connection between him and Shen Qingxuan.

This vague connection reached its peak directly when the two met in a dream and came to this white sea of ​​clouds world.

Luo Jing spread out his hand, revealing a black pill in his hand, and said, "Although it's just a rough guess, but I didn't expect it to be successful..."

Shen Qingxuan, who saw the black pill, was stunned for a moment, then recognized the pill: "Strong knowledge pill?"

Luo Jing nodded and said, "It seems that after we all successfully summoned spirits, the connection between each other's spirits and souls has been strengthened."

"Now I can bring things from reality into dreams."

This strong awareness pill was held by Luo Jing in the palm of his hand before entering the dream state.

After the success of the summoning, he vaguely felt that there was some kind of connection between the husband and wife, and it seemed that the distance between them was getting closer.

Out of the idea of ​​an experiment, he grabbed a strong knowledge pill.

Unexpectedly, I really brought this medicinal pill into my dream.

Luo Jing handed the elixir to Shen Qingxuan, and said, "With this elixir, you don't need to endorse so hard."

Luo Jing had personally experienced the efficacy of the Strong Knowledge Pill.

Although the feeling after the effect of the drug wears off is unpleasant, but during the onset of the effect of the drug, I am really clear-headed and unforgettable.

If I had something like this when I was studying back then... tsk...

Shen Qingxuan took the medicine pill with a strange expression.

"But there's another question," she said hesitantly. "If we called each other's incarnations of spirits, why does your incarnation look so scary?"

"From the perspective of momentum, it is definitely the top demon in the world. I suspect that only the demons in the Taixu realm have such aura..."

Today's Luo Jing is only in the middle stage of Transcending Mortal Realm.

The aura of contempt for all living beings and contempt for all things has nothing to do with Luo Jing in front of him.

After Shen Qingxuan finished speaking, Luo Jing also fell into contemplation.

He recalled the phantom of the gods he summoned. It was indeed his wife's appearance, dressed in white fluttering, like a fairy in the Nine Heavens.

But it seemed that she was colder than the wife in front of her, and her temperament seemed to be more dusty.

Even her face and skin seem to be better than the wife in front of her, almost perfect...


After finishing the synchronization state, Luo Jing opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a deserted and empty wooden house.

Luo Jing thought about it and called softly in his heart.

"Qing Xuan?"

The next moment, the figure of a fairy in white came to him out of thin air.

She was ten feet away from him, maintaining a delicate distance.

Seeing his divine soul incarnation again, Luo Jing compared the wife he saw in the dream and confirmed that he was right.

The phantom he called out was much colder than his real wife, and his aura seemed to be much stronger.

I vaguely feel that this is not the aura that a monk in the transcendence realm should have.

Looking at Shen Qingxuan's phantom, Luo Jing hesitated: "Are you really Qingxuan? Not something else weird?"

The Taixu Wonderland is mysterious and unpredictable. It is said that the destination of every practitioner is the Taixu Wonderland.

Could it be that what he summoned was not the spirit of the newborn, but the projection of an ancient cultivator in the Immortal Realm after his death? The other party disguised as his wife?

And after Luo Jing asked, the fairy in white standing in the wooden house was indifferent and did not respond at all.

After all, the phantom of the divine soul summoned by the Transcendence Realm is just a projection of nothingness, unable to interfere with reality, let alone speak.

But I don't know if it was Luo Jing's illusion. After he asked this sentence, he vaguely saw the fairy in white as if... rolled his eyes?


Are your eyes dazzled?

It stands to reason that the incarnation of the spirit being summoned is just an extension of the cultivator's consciousness, it is impossible to have self-consciousness, and it is even more impossible to roll his eyes.

Luo Jing sensed in his heart, and sensed the link in his soul.

The white-clothed fairy in front of him is indeed connected to his soul, and her aura is exactly the same as Qingxuan's.

The appearance is fake, but how can the aura of the soul be faked?

Everyone's soul is unique.

Luo Jing stood up and walked towards the phantom of the white fairy, wanting to take a close look at the incarnation of his wife's soul.

Because he had previously discovered that the appearance of this divine soul incarnation was vaguely more perfect than that of a real wife.

At the very least, the real Qingxuan only has cultivation in the mid-mortal stage, and there are still some blemishes on her skin. Not every inch of her skin can be fair and smooth.

It is only after the transcendence of the mortal realm is complete and completely transcended, that the flesh and skin of the whole body can be refined to be as beautiful as jade, without the slightest flaw.

But the fairy in front of her was perfect from head to toe, beautiful enough to make all women in the world jealous.

When Luo Jing got up, every time he took a step in the direction, the fairy in white took a step back.

She has always maintained a distance of about ten feet from and did not want to get close to Luo Jing.

This strange reaction made Luo Jing stunned.

"Do you really have self-awareness? Are you hiding from me?"

He looked at the fairy in white in disbelief in disbelief, stunned.

It was said that the incarnation of the divine soul would not have self-awareness?

Why did the wife Huiying that he summoned hide from him?

And the most outrageous thing is, this is his wife, right?

What do you mean by avoiding him?

Luo Jing glared and said, "Where are you holy? What are you trying to do by pretending to be my wife?"

This time, Luo Jing clearly saw that the fairy in white with the ancient sword of Qing Ying rolled her eyes at him, as if she was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Indeed, he rolled his eyes, it wasn't his illusion.

And it doesn't look like it's hostile.

The other party didn't hide the fact that he had self-awareness...

Luo Jing hesitated a little, and decided to try to control the incarnation of the divine soul.

With a thought, he sent an order to the incarnation of the soul.

Raise your right hand...

Luo Jing issued such an order in his heart.

When the order was given, the fairy in white glared at him and raised his right hand reluctantly.

——Can it be controlled?

Luo Jing said in surprise: "It's really strange."

Being able to control it proves that this is indeed the incarnation of his divine soul. But why be self-aware and avoid him?

Luo Jing hesitated and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that this order was too simple, so she was willing to obey?

Then if she was given some difficult orders, would she still listen to it?

Luo Jing swallowed his saliva, stared at the white-clothed fairy in front of him, and gave an order.

Pull up the skirt...

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