My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 177: Topple

After four people got out of the car, they found that the front of the car was really lying on their own. Wenbo's scared face was all white at that time, and hurried over.

But before a few people approached, the person in front of the RV climbed up by himself.

This is a young man who looks between the ages of 25 and 30. He is not thin and fat, and he is pure.

"Brother you are all right." Wenbo saw blood on the ground, trembling. Shaking heart finally recovered a bit.

"It's okay." The young man waved his hand, holding his left arm and standing up barely.

"Don't move," Wenbo said quickly, "I'll show you if it hurts."

"No need to look, it's okay." The young man stood up crookedly, and then kicked the ground a few feet, trying to prove that he was fine.

Seeing that this young man didn't seem to have any big problems, the four people's hanging heart finally let go.

However, the appearance does not seem to be a problem, which does not mean that it is really okay. Some of their medical doctors know that impact always causes internal injuries. Some seem to be okay. Maybe they will go home for a few hours and die suddenly. Already.

That's troublesome.

Fang Ze looked at the distance between the young man and the front of the RV, and found that it was not far away. This meant that the young man was only slightly hit, and it was not serious.

But you still need to check for insurance reasons.

"So brother, I'm sorry, I didn't expect people to suddenly get out on the highway." Wenbo looked at the young man and said, "Otherwise, you get in our car, we will bring you to a hospital for inspection." ? "

"It's all right!" The young man seemed a little angry. He was holding his left arm, which was temporarily immobile, and said, "I'll be fine if it's fine!"

Fang Ze was somewhat inexplicable by the attitude of the young man.

Why do we care about you, your husband is angry.

"Brother, I'm afraid you have local soft tissue or internal organ bleeding." Wenbo still looked at the young man uneasily and said, "You and we go to the town and have an abdominal ultrasound and a ct examination of the skull, OK?"

The more you study medicine, the more you understand the vulnerability of the human body.

Many people think that when they get sick, they will have a reaction in the body. They can see and observe. However, some injuries or illnesses may have different manifestations depending on the constitution of the patient.

Some patients looked good the day before, but died the next day. No instrument inspection is needed, but by observation and judgment, it can't be seen at all.

Take myocardial infarction, for example, some people jam 30 to 40 percent, and 50 to 60 can feel that their body is not right, some people jam 80 to 90 percent, only slightly. Response, but also normal exercise life.

Of course, this does not mean that 90% of the people who are blocked are in good health, and this disease has no effect on him. It's just that the impact is small and slowly accumulates until one day, when it suddenly erupts together, a wave will take you away.

Now all four people are worried about is that this person was hit by an internal injury. In case they left, they returned home, had a meal and slept, and did not wake up the next day.

It is estimated that four people will face the uncle who came over at the game show.

So instead of being frightened in the past few days, it is better to figure it out all at once. If it's really okay, there is evidence that this person wants to poke them afterwards.

But this young man did not intend to be kind to receive Wenbo, but said stiffly, "No need."

"Then what should happen to your body?" Wenbo asked.

"I have health insurance." The young man said these words and decided to leave.

Can this medical insurance cover traffic accidents?

Fang Ze almost believed, but when it came to thinking about the insurance industry, it was all descendants of Dracula. If you can pay less, you will pay less, if you ca n’t, you wo n’t pay. How can you even pay for a car accident? Already.

has a problem.

Fang Ze faintly noticed that something was wrong, directly opened Athena's vision, and strengthened his insight.

"Brother, don't go. I'll give you five hundred dollars. Go to the hospital to check it yourself. If you have any questions, call me." Wenbo saw the young man going to leave, and hurriedly opened it with his mobile phone. After recording, he shouted at the young man.

But I don't know if the four people in Fangze did something good in their last lives. The young man I met today really didn't want Fangze to lose anything, and they just planned to leave.

Just then, Fang Ze saw a wallet on the ground, which should be the young man's, and fell off when he was hit.

So Fang Ze calmly walked over to pick up the wallet, and shouted at the young man, "Brother, your wallet has dropped."

While the young man turned his head, Fang Ze seemed to be checking if there was anything missing in the wallet, opened the wallet and glanced at it.

It ’s a wallet. Actually, this is a card bag. There are many card pockets in it, but there is no card in these card pockets.

The left side of the card case is inside the plastic transparent card bag ~ ~ there is a photo of a middle-aged woman. The plastic card bag is close to the wallet. The photo has been in the card bag for a long time, and it has been tightly attached together, so it is not easy to take it down.

"Is this your wallet?" Fang Ze asked the young man.

"It's mine, not mine. Who else?" The young man said, reaching out, and begging Fangze to give him his wallet, and he quickly left.

As Fangze reached out and handed him his wallet, he pretended to ask, "Who is yours in the wallet? It looks so good."

"My object." The young man answered subconsciously.

But as soon as he said it, he saw Fang Ze lift his wallet away with his fingers, revealing a photo of the woman in her 30s and 40s.

"This is my mother." The young man immediately changed his mouth, and then stretched his hands violently, snatching the wallet from Fang Ze's hand despite the pain just after being hit.

The moment the young man took the wallet and his arm was retracted, Fang Ze flew over and pressed the young man directly under him.

A punch passed and hit the young man's belly. Because this punch was fierce and urgent, and this guy was hit by the car shortly after, the young man immediately lost his resistance.

"What's wrong?" "Fang Ze, what are you doing!"

Fang Ze's three roommates suddenly saw that Fang Ze directly struck the young man who was hit by them, and immediately caught him.

Could it be that Fang Ze, in order to avoid compensation in the future, would like to have a dead body?

Hey, people do n’t even think about compensation, and they do n’t mean anything.

"Don't Fang Zi want to tie him to the hospital?" Rui Geer didn't know where the brain circuit was not right, and suddenly said so.

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