My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 178: Misleading (2 in 1)

"Bind your big head ghost," said Fang Ze, looking at the three roommates standing beside him, "come up and help me hold him."

Although the three did not know why Fang Ze suddenly attacked this person, but after four years together, they still knew that Fang Ze had no mental problems, and most of the time was quite reliable.

So the three men came directly to help Fang Ze hold on to the young man who was struggling.

With the help of a roommate, Fang Ze's hands were temporarily freed. He pulled out his shoe laces and tied the young man's hands and feet with medical buckles.

"I just found out now that we usually carry the rabbits for experiments to tie the rope, and it's no different from tying people." Rui Geer looked at Fang Ze's skilled movement and said.

This thing was originally not tied to animals. Fang Ze said as he touched a young man.

A box of jewellery. After opening the jewellery box, it was found that the various jewellery was either gold or diamond-studded, and all looked very expensive.

Keep touching.

A stack of cash banknotes is a serial number and should be taken fresh.

Touch again, no more.

After all, this young man is not Tinkerbell, and he can hold so many things in his pocket.

"Thief." At this time, a few talents of Ruigeer reacted, and this man was a thief.

"It's estimated that I didn't run," Fang Ze looked at the young man and said, "how else could we hit him and not even have to pay compensation?"

"Call the police?" Zhu Longlong looked at Fang Ze and asked.

"Sure, you still want to eat black." Fang Ze held the jewelry box and cash, facing the glass of the driver's seat of the car, so that the car's driving recorder can capture himself, and then put both things in On the ground.

Zhu Longlong already took the mobile phone at this time and started to call the police. Fang Ze commanded Wenbo and said, "Go to the car and make a copy of the driving recorder. Then you will store a copy in your mobile phone and give it to the police."

"Well," Wenbo said, heading for the driver's seat.

"Please let me go," the young man wailed and said, "If you give me to the police, I will be dead."

"Brother." Fang Ze looked at the young man, squatted down and said, "Although the number of thefts is a bit large, it can't be sentenced for a few years. But if you are armed with a knife, it is another matter."

"Even if it is a robbery with a knife, it will not be sentenced to death." Rui Geer said.

"Then if he killed someone."

"Oh." Rui Geer heard Fang Ze's words, looking at the young man's eyes a little more scared, and then holding the man's hand more hard.

"I, I didn't kill anyone, he died!" The young man shouted. "I was wronged."

"Really dead ?!" Rui Geer looked at the young man and said, "It wasn't you who killed you, or did someone hit your knife?"

"I don't have a knife," said the young man. "I didn't kill anyone either. Someone designed to frame me."

"Strange." Fang Ze was curious about the young man now. It didn't look very brave either, and he didn't carry a knife when he was caught.

Not like a man who would rob and kill someone.

Also, you should know that Fang Ze has been driving Athena's eyes from now until now.

According to Athena's judgment, the man did not lie.

Then there are only two cases.

Either this young man is telling the truth, or this young man is a specially trained agent who can hide Athena's vision.

Fang Ze felt that his field of affairs was not as good as Conan's death field. When visiting a park, he could encounter professional killers flying helicopters to shoot shooting games.

So this man should be telling the truth, he thought he was framed.

So Fanze motioned to Rui Geer to turn the man over and stared at him.

"You talk about it in detail." Fang Ze asked while looking at the man.

"You, what do you ask this for?" The young man seemed a little distrustful of Fang Ze.

"Do you know that a group of drug lords broke into a department store in downtown Haiping not long ago?"

"Know," the young man replied immediately. "Is it you who did it? It's impossible. Although no one has made a photo of who did it, I heard it was a woman."

"Not a woman, but a female detective." Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and found out the photo of her holding a certificate of honor that was taken at home for Harriet Quinn, and showed the young man, "Did you see this? That's the female detective, and I'm his assistant. You tell me something now, can I help you see what's going on? "

"This girl is pretty good." Wenbo, who had copied the driving recorder, came over, saw the picture of Harriet Quinn, and asked, "Is there a boyfriend?"

"Yes, and it belongs to the category you can't afford to mess with." Fang Ze answered Wenbo's words directly.

"That's it." Wenbo knew that Fang Ze said he couldn't afford to mess up, meaning that the four brothers in the dormitory could not bother others.

The young man saw the picture of Harriet Quinn, and although he still had some doubts about what Fang Ze said, now he can only die as a live horse doctor.

So he told the story.

This young man is called Liu Quan, and he doesn't have any serious work on weekdays. He only knows that he is idle.

He has an uncle named Liu Neng, and his family is in good condition, and he opened a farm. These past few days I really ca n’t see my nephew, and he said that he would invest some money and let him open a shop in the town.

So today, Liu Neng went to his uncle's house to discuss it with his uncle, and took the startup funds from his uncle.

But it was half raining, so Liu Neng hid for a while, and went to the uncle's house when the rain stopped.

The Liu Neng's house is a three-story small western-style building with a yard. The yard's door is usually not locked. After all, it can be put in if you want to turn it.

But when Liu Neng went in, he found that the door of Xiaoyanglou was unlocked, but he didn't care, and then went in and met him.

He told him that Liu Neng was watching TV in the bedroom on the third floor and he went in.

"What then?" Fang Ze asked.

"After I went in, I found that my uncle had fallen to the ground, and there was a mouth on his forehead, as if he had been slashed with a blunt knife, and his neck was still full of blood." The young man said in horror, "I was shaking in the past After a while, my uncle found that he didn't react at all, and I probed his nostril again, it was out of breath! "

"Why didn't you call the police then?" Fang Ze asked.

"I want to call the police," Liu Neng said. "But before I took out the phone, I came in and saw my uncle fell to the ground."

"Did you immediately yell that you killed your uncle and then screamed to call the police?" Zhu Longlong asked with a pout.

He had finished calling the police at the moment, but there was still some distance from the town, so the police would not be able to arrive until ten minutes later.

"How do you know." Liu Quan asked Zhu Longlong looking at him.

"Isn't it all like this in TV shows?" Zhu Longlong said for granted, "Is your tadpole still very special, which is especially bad for you, and then resolutely opposes your uncle to lend you money to open a shop."

"No." Liu Quan said as Zhu Longlong did not follow the routine. "I am very kind to me, and she has no son, and treats me as my son on weekdays, otherwise I would not be so idle without work. For years. "

Zhu Longlong was stunned by Liu Quan's words at once, and he could not say a word.

This kind of **** TV series has never been played in this way.

"You said." Wenbo looked at Liu Quan and said, "There are two people in the family. You, you, you are the one who kills you or you kill. Now you say that you did not kill you, and you say it is impossible Wouldn't it have been killed by thunder to kill your uncle? "

After listening to Wen Bo's words, Liu Quan did not refute anything.

Indeed, there are two people in the house, and there must be a killer.

"In other words, how did you get this box of jewelry and this cash?" Fang Ze looked at Liu Quan and asked.

"I gave it to me for escape." Liu Quan said, "I didn't speak yet, I thought I killed my uncle, and didn't listen to my explanation, I just gave me a card and a box of jewelry Let me throw away the card after I took the money, and then I took the money and brought my jewelry, and smuggled out of the country before things were discovered. "

This sentence of Liu Quan has also passed the judgment of Athena's Vision, and there is no problem, which means that Liu Quan is telling the truth.

"Then what happened to your wallet?" Fang Ze pointed to the wallet he had found to be flawed before. "This is your uncle's original wallet. There is no card in it. What do you do with the wallet?"

When Fang Ze asked this question, Liu Quan's face suddenly embarrassed a little bit more red, but he immediately reflected over and said to Fang Ze.

"My wallet was given to me by me, saying it was a luxury product, and it was expensive. When I was on the road, if I had no money, I took it out."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, after all, an important reason why luxury goods are expensive is to protect prices.

How much you buy, the price is not that bad when you sell it, and the flagship store also has a special place to identify whether it is authentic.

Therefore, many people who smuggle will smuggle some luxury goods together without eye-catching, and they can change their living money at a critical time.

However, after Athena's judgment, Liu Quan's sentence was the only false word in all his narratives.

Fang Ze touched his chin and looked at Liu Quan with a kind of watching eyes until he saw that Liu Quan was a bit shaggy and avoided Fang Ze's eyes.

Fang Ze opened his mind and reasoned.

It looks like he has guessed something incredible, but it is not easy to reveal it, so he didn't say it.

"Fang Zi, what do you do now?" Zhu Longlong looked at Fang Ze and asked, "Are we going to press him to his uncle's house and see what is going on?"

"Yes, three Zhuge Liang, one stinky leathersmith. Let's have four medical students, and one forensic doctor. Maybe it will be one night. Become famous at night, become an Internet celebrity. There will be no internship at that time. Make money. "

Wenbo was stuck in his waist, naively.

"You think too much," Fang Ze poured Wenbo with cold water, said, "Quantitative changes sometimes do not necessarily cause qualitative changes."

"Professional knowledge is different. Even if we come with ten people, we won't be able to meet a forensic doctor." Fang Ze stood up and said to the other three, "Wait for the police. TV shows and life are different, don't think of having Sao operation, maybe we have to put ourselves in. "

"No, didn't you say that you would help me?" Liu Quan said struggling and looking at Fang Ze.

"Rest assured, I will help you. When the police arrive, I will tell my judges. If it is convenient, I will trust the relationship to protect you, so that they do not rush to close the case and investigate the matter clearly."

Fang Ze patted Liu Quan's back and motioned him not to struggle. "I would do much better than going directly to your uncle's house to find the truth. What's more, killing someone can't be sentenced to death."

"At best, it's a death sentence." Wenbo thought for a moment. "The death sentence will be shorter than life imprisonment, and it will be more than two decades."

"So there is something wrong with our law ~ ~ Some big brothers who have made such serious mistakes have been sentenced to a suspended death sentence, but they are not as serious as indefinitely." Rui Geer said.

"Wake up, two French blind." Fang Ze said, "Our country changed this set of rules in one or five years. Since August 29th of that year, all those who committed the first crime ( The crime of corruption), who was sentenced to reprieve, was suspended for two years and was sentenced to life, imprisonment, parole and parole. Regarding your life, you will be confined to your life, no matter who you are, as long as it is not the central government that specifically issues you an amnesty So you have to stay inside. "

"Well, is it so powerful?" Rui Ge really didn't know this.

While the couple were talking, an old-looking police officer came over, and it looked like the police in the town were here.

Several people accounted for Fang Ze, waiting for the police car to stop by the road, and then two men, one woman and three policemen came down from the police car.

The two male policemen are both adults in their 30s and 40s. After all, the policemen in the town are generally not very young, except for the police.

The policewoman was surprisingly young, looking only about twenty years old, and very energetic and energetic.

After the three policemen stopped, they came towards Fangze's side.

"This policewoman looks pretty." Wenbo quietly pounded Ze's waist and said.

"Do you believe it or not I will let her in my arms in five minutes." Fang Ze said.

"How about cheating ghosts, do you think you're such a windy, flirty, handsome figure?"

"Gamble." Fang Ze said, "If I can do it, when I drive, I will only drive for an hour and I will change you. If I can't, I will change my car immediately until I enter Jinling City Area."

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