My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 714: 2 hole cards of the country

There is a famous saying that if life is what's wrong with you, if you can't resist, then try to enjoy it.

But Wang Cheng now feels that he can't resist and can't enjoy it. After all, something is wrong. The first person to be unlucky is him.

Originally, he thought that the task of catching up with Fangze and the Demonstration Administration was an easy and easy way to make good achievements.

But it didn't take long for Fang Ze's to start pitting him.

It was still a small matter at the beginning, but it can still be solved after a short time.

But what are these special things now? !!

A tall monster, even if he has a great ability, there is no way to immediately transport this monster from the emperor.

Moreover, Fang Ze also said, this is an ancient monster in other worlds, immortal, once it wakes up, then prepare to take the emperor as the battlefield.

"Hey, hey! Wang Cheng, you are still here!" Fang Ze's voice came from the phone. ..

"I'm here!" Wang Cheng took a deep breath and patted his own face, telling himself that the real superior should have Tarzan in front of him without change. Although he is not yet known as a superior. But he has been working in this direction.

So Wang Cheng picked up the phone and continued talking with Fang Ze.

"Well, there are a lot of people on my side now. It's confusing, so you quickly send someone to help me maintain order at the scene. And there's another person on my side. She has the ability to restrain this Water Warcraft, but she's unconscious If you do n’t wake up, you do n’t know what happened. By the way, you can arrange a hospital for me to check on this person.

Sell ​​linen. How can you say that you have restrained this monster?

When Wang Cheng heard Fang Ze saying this, he immediately felt that this matter had a turn for the better.

So while reporting the matter to him, he sent someone to the place where Fang Ze talked about.

Over time, more and more people came to this small square.

Although it was raining heavily at this time, some people couldn't stop the heart of death. So some people drove to the neighborhood one after another, not only want to take pictures, but also want to touch the water Warcraft up close, want to see whether the water Warcraft is alive or dead.

Had it not been for Fangze to use the original force to overturn a car that came over, I am afraid that Water Warcraft would become a scenic spot for others to take pictures.

Fortunately, Wang Cheng's speed was not slow. Police cars and military vehicles quickly drove over. While preventing others from approaching the watercraft, the other side sent someone to take Zhao Linger away.

"Let's do it." A female soldier took Zhao Linger from her arms, and two other soldiers began to ask about her identity.

Fang Ze knew that under normal circumstances, I was afraid that he would be taken away and could not communicate with the outside world for some time. For the sake of helping his brother and sister, Fang Ze stopped the soldiers who wanted to take away the hours, minutes, and seconds, and then cast the red and faithful mantra on the hours, minutes, and seconds, and let them go.

"This is not in line with the rules." An officer looked at the departing hours, minutes, and seconds, hesitating whether he wanted to do so, but fortunately, people from the relevant departments came quickly to take over the matter, Any decision was executed perfectly.

Just ten minutes later, Fang Ze and the female soldier holding Zhao Linger took a car bound for the hospital and headed towards the hospital.

At this time, there were more and more discussions on the topic of giant monsters appearing on the Internet, and the prohibition alone could not ban them.

At a high-level meeting of the Imperial Capital, several big brothers finished listening to Wang Chengfa's past reports on the monster incident in the Imperial Capital. None of the top big brothers seemed too panic and anxious.

"At present, the army has taken over the order at the scene. The most recent question is whether to disperse the people in all residential buildings within a few kilometers of Water Warcraft, so as to prevent Water Warcraft from waking up and posing a threat to the safety of the surrounding people. There were major casualties. "A younger cadre stood by and offered advice to several gangsters.

"Don't worry about scaring yourself first." The top man sitting in the middle held a steaming cup in his hands and looked like an old cadre who was called to chat by others after work.

"Emperor has a population of tens of millions. Stability and security are the basis for tens of millions of people to stay in this place. If we mess up ourselves and make the emperor as if it is about to be destroyed by monsters, then the emperor The order will soon be destroyed, and once a large number of people start to flee, that will cause more damage to the emperor than a monster that has not yet woken up. "

"But if this Water World of Warcraft is really like the people in the Demon Administration Bureau, immortal and respawn immediately when encountering water, then in the capital, we really have a hard time getting it done." Another boss said. .

"If you can wake up, this monster must have been awake long ago. Of course there is a reason why you can't wake up now. Maybe it has been severely damaged. Maybe it is difficult to adapt to the environment of the earth because of a time crossing. It is all possible. So do n’t rush into an emergency response before our son, this monster, wakes up. ”

"But if this monster really wakes up and starts to destroy, then we may be a little too late to react."

"Of course I know." The top man holding the cup said slowly, "But now the situation is, once this monster is awake, the people within a few kilometers around will be removed regardless of whether to withdraw ~ www ~ The monsters are doing the same damage to the emperor. "

"So I can only bet this monster can't wake up for a while?" Another big brother asked. "Or bet that before this monster is awakened, the half-human half-snake girl who can seal the monster said that the monster management bureau will wake up?"

"The country never puts its destiny on the tradition of others." Another look tired and very old, but spoke word by word, like a savvy grandpa who just got off the poker table and often played cards in the park. "The reason why we dare to sit here securely is necessarily dependent."

"Has the macro electronic weapon been successfully developed?" Another person immediately heard the words of the big brother and asked happily.

"It's a bit rudimentary at the moment, but it can be used. Although water warcraft is immortal, the characteristics of macroelectronic weapons that can achieve their targets in a quantum form may be able to restrain this feature of water warcraft. Moreover, we don't have only spherical lightning This weapon can be used. "The big man, who is also one of the top Chinese big brothers, slowly said," Before the report's arrival, another special army of ours has already rushed to the place where Water Warcraft is located. , Testing whether our new weapon can work on this huge monster. "

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