My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 715: Special forces

The words of the grandfather who played cards made some of the people present to be heard. They were not high enough. They just knew that the country had created macroelectronic weapons based on spherical lightning, but they didn't know what another special army meant.

However, everyone saw that some of the top gangsters were well-informed, and if they had planned otherwise, they would stop talking and wait to see how the situation develops next.

The memory here is over, and Wang Cheng also received the above instructions: Just cooperate with the local police to protect the scene and prevent ordinary people from approaching the watercraft.

As for the current network control and other actions, it immediately stopped, and residents nearby were not prohibited from taking photos on the roof of the building.

Wang Weihua thought that the tasks of the relevant departments were easy and outrageous, but after talking back to the old colleagues of the National Security Bureau, he found that the orders received by the National Security Bureau were actually allowed to collude with overseas forces that had been identified Man taking pictures of Water Warcraft.

In short, the state's attitude is the same as Fang Ze's previous attitude.

Treat such a big, immortal, nuclear-bomb-threatening beast as a fierce little dog.

As a result, Wang Cheng almost thought that there was something wrong with his report. What he said was that the emperor had a super fierce monster, but in the above, it was understood that the emperor had a super fierce beast? !!

However, how to see the image of Water Warcraft is not the kind of monster that seems to have no threat when it is sold!

As a person who came out as a confidential unit, Wang Cheng knew that although he had a lot of puzzles. But all curiosity should end here, and the rest is not something he can ask more.

Now his main task is to go to the hospital to see Fang Ze and the girl in Fang Ze's mouth who can check and balance the World of Warcraft.

Shortly after Wang Cheng's departure, a special army also appeared on the small square where Water Warcraft was found.

This unit had no designation, and the police and soldiers who were maintaining order in the small square could not tell where they came from through clothing.

But this makes everyone pay more attention to this mysterious wrong.

In Huaxia, the most powerful troops are often unnamed.

"Tell everyone to leave Water Warcraft at least 500 meters." The army leader is a female who, despite the seriousness of the soldier, looks more like a scholar than a soldier who can enter the battlefield.

"Five hundred meters is too far," said an officer responsible for maintaining order. "The buildings here are crowded. If we leave the 500 meters, someone can use the windows of the surrounding buildings to enter our alert range."

"It doesn't matter," the female officer gestured. "At that time, no one can wake up within 400 meters, and I will leave you 500 meters away because I am afraid of accidentally injuring you."

The words of the female officer surprised the officers of the other troops present.

This is what kind of weapon to use, and dare to say that no one can wake up within 400 meters. Could it be said that the massive monster is to be used to destroy this huge monster?

But if you want to use weapons of mass destruction, a range of just 500 meters is not enough?

At the urging of the female officer, the soldiers responsible for maintaining order at the scene quickly left within five hundred meters of the water warcraft.

At this time, this special force also took out its own special equipment from the military vehicle and began to assemble.

This is a device that looks like a giant player, except that these devices have things like reflective bezels on both sides.

However, no matter how you add equipment, you still can't change these equipments. The sound used by the aunts dancing the square dance is almost the same, that is, bigger.

In fact, this thing is used to play sound.

The soldiers of the special forces assembled a total of four huge sound players. They placed these player houses around the four corners of Water Warcraft to surround them.

Then immediately they had to take out a long bar-shaped thing, similar to a reflector, to fill the gap between the player and the player.

"Equipment commissioning is complete." The soldiers responsible for remotely controlling these equipment have said in succession that the equipment can begin to exert its power.

"All personnel put on protective equipment and conduct the first experimental sonic attack ten minutes later." The female officer ordered.


Voices came from the intercom, and then all soldiers of the special forces wore equipment like earmuffs.

It's just that this earmuff is not soundproof. If you stand next to the soldier wearing the earmuff, you can even hear the music coming from the earmuff.

Ten minutes later, the special equipment placed around the water warcraft began to play a sound like a singing voice, and those baffles also began to operate. The sound played by the playback equipment was completely restrained around the water warcraft as much as possible to prevent sound. Leaked.

Of course, it is unavoidable that people standing outside the equipment can still hear the sound leaking from the inside, but these sounds can only spread to a range of 400 meters at this time. At this time, standing at a position of 500 meters maintains order The police and soldiers cannot hear any sound from these devices.

"What are they doing?" An officer standing outside looked curiously at the members of the special unit busy beside Water Warcraft. To them, the behavior of these peers seems a little stupid.

The ugly earmuffs are equipped with the same audio equipment in the hands of the square dance aunt, which has been enlarged several times, making these people inside look extra funny.

"It looks like some kind of sonic weapon." Another officer stomped a glance, but because it was still raining at this time, they couldn't see the details ~ ~ I'm really scared they are Immediately stood in a row to dance square dances. "The officer just made an innocent joke.

But he didn't finish talking long enough, and another officer next to him immediately struck him with an elbow. "Don't watch, we keep on guard. This thing is more powerful than you and I think."

"How do you say?" Several officers immediately stood up straight again, but although they were staring around to see if there were people or electronic devices trying to get in, the verbal communication did not stop.

Because it was issued above so that they would not stop some people with ulterior motives from shooting here, the officers who stayed here didn't actually have much tension.

"Look at the ground."

"Ground?" Several officers were prompted, and immediately looked at the ground in the small square.

Then they found that toads and other small animals that had jumped out of the grass due to heavy rain, at this time all lay lying on the ground motionless, and did not know whether they were dead or asleep.

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