My Italian

Chapter 462: dark war

Remember [New] for a second,! There was always something wrong with Italy in 1901, because this year has always felt particularly troublesome, such as now.

"We're asking for an eight-hour day, we're asking for a pay rise!"

"We are against dismissal without cause and we ask for insurance."

A mighty marching strike team, led by several trade union leaders, emerged from one end of the street, shouting slogans and marching towards the city government.

The mighty queue was very long, attracting the attention of many people, and many pedestrians looked sideways at the mighty parade in front of them.

"Sheriff, are we just watching?"

On the side of the street, a young policeman looked at the parade, and looked at his officers and colleagues smoking and chatting in disbelief, as if he didn't care about the mighty parade at all.

"Tver, what do you think we should do?"

The sheriff with a cigarette in his mouth looked at the new rookie calmly, while the other policemen were watching the show, which made the young policeman feel a little bad, but at this time, he could not be. .

"Well, Tver, you go and question the demonstrators, whether their marches have been authorized by the government. If not, you can order them to disband immediately, or you will arrest people, how are you satisfied?"

At this time, even inexperienced people know that this is just a joke. Things must not be done like this. Besides, the number of people in the parade is so emotional.

Well, the blood in young Tver's heart cooled quickly, and he knew he had asked a silly question.

"This... this... this..."

The sheriff glanced at the bewildered rookie in front of him, and he was probably full of what the police academy taught him.

The new police officers assigned by my team are so stupid, they have been here for almost a month, and they have not changed.

At this time, a kind colleague helped him out of the siege. "Sheriff, don't make fun of him. Tver has no experience in coming here. I believe it will get better in the future."

"If you don't have experience, you don't know how to talk less and read more, and come up with bad ideas. You work so hard, and you end up being deducted for more than half of the benefits."

The sheriff's face-to-face reprimand made the little policeman Tver dare not raise his head at all, for fear that he would make his boss unhappy again.

And after scolding the unsightly new constable, the sheriff felt much better. After seeing that the parade had passed by, he brought it to the crowd. "Okay, now let's keep up. As long as there are illegal acts, we will immediately arrest them. Parades are okay, but crimes are absolutely not allowed."

Under the leadership of the sheriff, the eight or nine policemen immediately stepped forward to follow the tail of the parade, ready to arrest criminals at any time.

As for the little Tver police officer, he could only follow at the end of the team.

At this moment, a big hand clapped on his shoulder, and he turned his head to see that it was Officer Yadav. This officer is the oldest in their team and will retire in a few years. Perhaps it is also for this reason, so He prefers to help people, and Tver has the best relationship with him at the moment.

"Don't worry too much about Tver, Sheriff, it's just a bad mood. In fact, everyone is in a bad mood. These **** government **** dare to deprive us frontline police of the welfare. Their behavior angers the big guys. , so everyone wants to put some pressure on the government, does Tver understand?"


Facing the words of the old man Yadav, the young man Tver nodded again and again.

On the side of the city government, which was cursed by all the police officers, there were people holding wine glasses and leisurely watching the crowd of demonstrators outside the window.

"Is the number of protesters getting smaller? I don't think there are even 10,000 people. How can this number be considered a protest? The trade unions are still not capable enough, and they have simply failed to live up to my expectations."

It would be surprising for anyone familiar to see their beloved mayor say these words. You must know that in Brescia, everyone recognizes Mayor Carlos very much. This mayor has made great contributions to the development of Brescia. It's just that what he said now, if someone heard it, it would cause an uproar.

Unfortunately, no one actually heard it.

"Mayor Carlo, are you not afraid of any trouble when you see the demonstrators flocking to the city government?"

The voice of the visitor made Carlo show a hint of ridicule. "If that's the case, then it's your problem. I've opened the door for you, and it's really disappointing to see this move."

After speaking, the mayor of Carlo looked at the person who came.

"Okay Mayor Carlos, we are people on the same boat. This may be a little mistake, so there is some deviation in the number of parades. You can rest assured that the work in the future will not be like this."

It's good not to mention this, but when Carlos mentions it, his heart bursts into anger. "You are too embarrassed to mention that your plans, I don't think anything can be achieved at all. I don't know why I was obsessed with my mind at the time, so I listened to your words and actually joined in with you."

"Your Excellency Mayor, don't be angry, we did not do a good job in this matter, but there is no need to be so angry."

Perhaps it was because the pressure on him was relieved after venting, and Carlos' attitude was much better now. "Now that I have fulfilled my promise, it's up to you."

In the face of Carlo's words, the person who came had a straight face. "Rest assured, the actions on your side are the signals, and then you can see everyone's actions."

From the content of the conversation between the two, it is obvious that this is a conspiracy that has a wide range. The reason is that the government's move to change the region into a province has violated the interests of too many people.

Regions have their own legislative powers and financial autonomy, which existed at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and Rome's desire to take power will definitely attract the dissatisfaction of many rentiers.

And these dissatisfaction will lead to the connection of many people. In order to protect their rights, what about wise As long as they prevent them from continuing to enjoy this benefit, that is the target that needs to be dealt with.

Of course, these people have been in the local area for so many years, and of course they know that this kind of direct opposition is not easy to do, so they think more about roundabout tactics. First, because they also know that their own strength is not enough, if they use too fierce and tough methods, they will not be Rome's opponents at all.

If nothing else, as long as the police officers they can control, if they dare to say that they want to lead them to independence, at least half of them have to run away. At this time, Italy has been developing for so many years after reunification, and the reunification of the country has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At this time, independence will only be a dead end.

Since hard is not enough, it can only be soft.

To say that they are good at using soft knives, because they are all veterans of government affairs and know how the government works. If you only need to make a little trouble at key points, then many things will become very difficult to do. After all, it is easy to destroy and difficult to build. Not to mention these old fritters who are proficient in government affairs, just need a little means to make things go the other way.

Therefore, these veterans want to do something for the monarchs and ministers of Rome to take a good look at, and the idea of ​​​​changing a district into a province is not a good idea.

without much power,

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