My Italian

Chapter 463: amazing

Remember [New] for a second,! The large-scale demonstrations in Brescia seemed to be a signal, followed by illegal assemblies, sit-in petitions, disturbances, petitions and other large-scale gatherings of people in various cities in Italy.

In addition, local people generally report that the public security has deteriorated, and the government's inaction is rapidly increasing. Faced with this situation, the Romans are not blind, and of course they know what caused it.

As the main promoters of this conversion of districts into provinces, the King and Prime Minister are of course aware of the difficulty this time. It can be said that this time, it is much more difficult to promote the transformation of the district into a province than the previous seizure of military power and the change of the prime minister.

The reason is very simple, because this is the recovery of rights from the local government, which will naturally lead to unanimous opposition from the local interest level. These objections may not be as loud as the military or the top government, but their deterrent power is much higher than the former two. Because they are the cornerstone of the Italian government and the foundation of the power structure.

Think about it, Rome issued a decree, and although the local government approved it on the surface, but its execution was greatly reduced, then only God knows how effective this decree will be.

And this kind of soft nail method is not too simple for those old bureaucrats who are familiar with the operation of the government.

With the current situation in Italy, it is clear that these old bureaucrats are using soft nails. Faced with this situation, the prime minister, one of the promoters, had to convene a cabinet meeting to discuss ways to deal with it. After all, it is not easy at all to crack such soft nails.

"Everyone, everyone has seen the current situation in the place. What do you think about it?"

Antonio sat on the chairman's seat and opened his mouth to say what the meeting was going to discuss, and the ministers present were looking around a little, because it was not easy to answer at this time.

"Otherwise, we will push back the time of changing the district to save a little bit, and give others a little buffer time."

It was Home Secretary Edras who spoke, because local slack affects the operation of various government departments, of which the Ministry of Home Affairs has the greatest impact. In addition, the Ministry of the Interior has the most authority over local governments, so this time, the neglect of government by various local governments has made Edras, who used to be in power and has the most responsibility today, sit on a tight leash.

And as soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted objections, and the Minister of Finance Teyera retorted. "How can this work? If the time to announce the change of the district to a province is postponed, isn't this fueling the arrogance of the local forces? I think it should be accelerated. Only with a strict attitude can the local officials know that Rome's decision cannot be tolerated. Doubt."

To say which department in the province is the most supportive for changing districts, it is the Ministry of Finance. Taking away the control of local finance is simply a **** profit for the Ministry of Finance, so it is also the department that supports this policy the most.

And Tejera's words made Edras immediately furious and slammed the table. "What you will do will only intensify the contradiction and make the local and the central confrontation. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

As the Minister of the Interior, Edras is usually very dignified, but the sudden slap on the table shocked the other ministers.

But at this time, Prime Minister Antonio knocked on the table and said. "As far as the matter is concerned, pay attention."

A prime minister came forward and made everyone else quiet down, even the two who were angry stopped.

Antonio felt that it was a mistake to hold a meeting for this matter, but since it has been opened, it must be made clear.

"Here I need to remind that the policy of changing a district to a province will not be delayed or advanced. This matter must be implemented. Even if the local government does not understand it, it needs to be implemented. I don't want to hear it. Your Home Office must strictly enforce this."

In the face of the Prime Minister's roll call, Edras, the Home Secretary, can only say anything but agree.

However, the Prime Minister's actions made other ministers understand, and then others also raised some opinions, but no one touched the most fundamental solution to the neglect of government.

"These old foxes."

After the meeting, Antonio couldn't help but curse when he returned to his office. Of course, he also knew the plans of these people, because it is extremely difficult to solve these old fritters who are neglectful, because there must be sufficient reasons to deal with them, otherwise it will be a mess.

As for the use of military means or other means, don't even think about it, not even the king. Because Italy is a country under the rule of law, if you want to deal with a person, you must use the law. If the other party does not break the law, even the king has no right to deal with him.

Of course, this is the rule on the surface, and who knows what it looks like in private, but at least everyone must abide by it on the surface. If anyone is exposed, then sorry, the law must punish those who violate the rules.

And here is the problem. There are not a few bureaucrats who are idle in their administration. It is as difficult to change the blood of the official system as it is to use the aircraft carrier as the core in the era of dreadnoughts, which is extremely difficult.

But without waiting for Antonio to sigh, he suddenly heard the phone ringing. He looked carefully at the red phone on the desk, which was a dedicated line for connecting to the palace.

"Hello, I'm Antonio... ok, tell Your Majesty I'll be there in a moment."

After putting down the phone in his hand, Antonio opened the door and said to the secretary beside him. "Prepare the car, I'm going to the palace."

When Antonio arrived at the palace, he saw a man come out from the palace gate and get into an ordinary black carriage. .

Antonio moved inwardly and said to the secretary beside him. "Lores, find out who this person is."

"Good Prime Minister."

Then Antonio entered the palace and met the king who had summoned him this time in his office.

"Prime Minister, what do you think of this local protest?"

Before he could say hello, King Carlo spoke first.

In the face of this problem thrown by the king, Antonio didn't want to hide it, and said directly. "This matter is not easy to handle, because there are too many local officials involved. If there is a big fight, it will cause local chaos. But if it is not promoted now, it will not work, which will lead to the decline of Roman authority."

The Prime Minister is worthy of being a Prime Minister. He can see at a glance the biggest problem in converting a district into a Of course, once this kind of thing starts, it cannot be stopped, because there is no way out.

"So what do you think will be resolved next?"

Facing Carlo's question, Antonio thought for a while. "Although the struggle in this place may seem like a headache, as long as we make up our minds, the local resistance will be swept away in four to five years."

The method mentioned by the Prime Minister is to spend time slowly with local forces, and use the power of the central government to gradually replace those opposition parties.

Carlo also admitted that this method is not bad, but the only dissatisfaction is that this time span is too long, which will affect Italy's economic development and all aspects of society.

"This speed is too slow, not very good."

Seeing that the king rejected his suggestion, Antonio was not discouraged, because he also knew that this method had too many shortcomings and was not suitable. But this is not impossible, so I took it out and tried it.

As if seeing through the Prime Minister's heart, Carlo immediately said. "Actually, I have a solution, and that is to invite Cruz, the leader of the National Socialist Party, to join the cabinet and serve as interior secretary."


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